19 research outputs found

    Tindak Tutur Ekspresif dalam Film Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung Sutradara Tya Subiakto Satrio

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    Film Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung dengan sutradara Tya Subiakto Satrio merupakan film berisi percintaan, kesedihan, dan kesetiaan sehingga sangatlah menarik dan bisa dijadikan sebagai contoh dalam pembelajaran novel di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan tindak tutur ekspresif dalam film Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data berupa tahap deskrpsi, klasifikasi, analisis, interpretasi data, evaluasi, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur ekspresif dalam film Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung terdiri atas tindak tutur ekspresif berupa: a) memuji dalam konteks: memuji kecantikan dan ketampanan yang dimiliki petutur, dan terkesan dengan pakain dan wewangian yang petutur kenakan; b) mengucapkan terima kasih dengan ciri: mengucapkan terima kasih karena perbuatan baik yang sudah dilakukan petutur, mengucapkan terima kasih atas kenikmatan yang Allah berikan, dan mengucapkan terima kasih karena merasa merepotkan; c) mengucapkan maaf dengan ciri: karena telah mengecewakan petutur, karena tidak menepati janji, mengucapkan maaf atas perlakuan kasar dan tidak menyenangkan, serta berbuat kesalahan; d) kebahagiaan dengan ciri: situasi yang membuat nyaman, bersyukur atas apa yang dimiliki, tersenyum indah, saling menyukai, dan orang tua yang dikaruniai anak; serta e) mengeluh dalam konteks: perasaan sedih karena ditinggal menikah, perasaan sakit karena dilarang menikah, dan dikecewakan, diberi cobaan atau halangan dan rintangan. Dengan demikian, tindak tutur ekspresif dalam film Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung terdiri atas tindak tutur ekspresif dalam bentuk memuji, ucapan terima kasih, ucapan permohonan maaf, kebahagiaan, dan tindakan mengeluh. Kata kunci: tindak tutur, tindak tutur ekspresif, film &nbsp

    Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Hamil Primigravida terhadap Perubahan Fisiologis Tubuh yang Terjadi Selama Masa Kehamilan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru

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    Almost all of the primigravidae\u27s mothers (the first time for mother pregnancy) felt uncomfortable because of fisiological and anatomical changing which occured for their body, like hormonal changing, shaped of the body, even psicological emosional condition. Aim of this study is to know knowledge grade and attitude of primigravidae\u27s mothers for fisiological changing which occured during pregnancy. This study was used descriptive quantitative design with cross sectional approachment. This study has been done in Puskesmas Rejosari Region in Pekanbaru. Samples for this study was 50 persons with total sampling interpretation technique. Result for this study showed the knowledge grade of primigravidae\u27s mothers for fisiological changing with good categorized was 27 (54%) respondents, mid categorized was 18 (36%) respondents and bad categorized was 5 (10%) respondents. Meanwhile for results for attitude of primigravidae\u27s mothers for fisiological changing had positive categorized was 39 (78%) respondents, neutral was 11 (22%) respondents and negative was 0 (0%) respondents. From this study showed that the knowledge grade of primigravidae\u27s mothers about fisiological changing in Puskesmas Rejosari region at Pekanbaru was good that was 27 (54%) and primigravidae\u27s mothers about fisiological changing was positive that was 39 (78%)

    The analysis of road traffic fatality pattern for Selangor, Malaysia case study

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    Road traffic fatality is a burden towards low- and middle-income countries including Malaysia. Seeing that Selangor has the highest number of road traffic fatalities in Malaysia for the year 2019, therefore the state is selected as a case study. The aim of the article is 1) to understand the road traffic crash pattern and road traffic fatality pattern in Selangor 2) to determine the ability of 16 road traffic features in classifying road traffic fatality occurrence. The preliminary data screening shows that road traffic crash patterns and road traffic fatality patterns in Selangor have many similarities. However, both of them also have few dissimilarities such as crash time of occurrence, day of occurrence, number of vehicles involved in a crash, and type of vehicle first hit for the crash. Supervised machine learning algorithm in Orange data mining software was considered in this analysis. The analysed algorithms among others are neural network, random forest, decision tree, logistic regression, naĂŻve Bayes, and support vector machine. Neural network was seen as the best algorithm to classify road traffic fatality occurrence with 97.0% classification accuracy outperform other algorithms. The result of the article can be used by the relevant traffic stakeholders to execute safety intervention in a more focused manner in Selangor to reduce the number of road traffic fatalities

    Penerapan Syari'at Islam Pada Sistem Multi Level Marketing Syari'ah Herba Penawar Al Wahida (Hpa) Studi Kasus Di Pekanbaru

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    Herba's firm Al Wahida's Bidder (HPA) are corporate one move at doctor sell areas an herbs by uses Multi's sell system Marketing Syariah's Levels . There is aim even of research to know how Multi's system Marketing Syariah Herba's level Al Wahida's Bidder (HPA), any kind resistor factor in Multi's performing Marketing Syariah Herba's Level Al Wahida's Bidder (HPA), and how economic analysis Islamicing to Multi's system Marketing Syariah Herba's Level Al Wahida's Bidder (HPA). This observational location gets address at Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 168 Pekanbaru Pekanbaru Telp (0761) 24108. There is method even data collecting that is utilized in this research is interview, observation, bibliographical research, documentation. Technics data analysis utilizes kualitatif's descriptive analytic-method, meanwhile technics inscriptive data which is deductively, inductive, descriptive analytic. Population in observational it is branch member HPA Pekanbaru that total 100 person.  Of that amount researcher takes sample as big as 30 %. Methodics sample take which is Random is sampling.  Observational finding at the site declares for that Multi's system Marketing Syariah Herba's Level Al Wahida's Bidder (HPA) are may, since doesn't contain element ghoror  or fraud, according to syari'at islam, and kosher warrantee product. But upon currently so a lot of MLM'S system amends and one takes after MLM as system of PYRAMID, MONEY IS GAME, so society is hard to differentiate it. On eventually member HPA there are many that passive deep going that MLM'S network. Corporate party also still reducing in give good grasp to member about MLM Syari ' ah, and its reducing HPA'S product socialization to society is added again at the price it what do come under precious at product appeal a sort another makes consumers tend to choose cheaper product despite of kehalalan and its quality is still at hesitates


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    Gayam Hamlet is well-known as a coconut producer in Kulon Progo Regency, which has high-quality coconut varieties. Based on the resources in Gayam Hamlet, there are 10-15 coconut trees in the yard of the residents' houses, but they have not been used appropriately. With the formation of MSMEs that focus on processing coconut products into Virgin Coconut Oil (VCCO) products, coconuts in Gayam Hamlet can be put to good use. These MSMEs directly provide training to residents on how to process coconut, packaging, and marketing good products. The residents of Gayam Hamlet are very enthusiastic about MSMEs that focus on coconut production or VCCO because this MSME in Gayam Hamlet can help improve people's lives, open up new jobs, and make VCCO a superior product from Kulon Progo Regency

    Implementasi Algoritma Template Matching Dalam Mendeteksi Keaslian Foto Pada Media Sosial

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    €” Kemajuan teknologi berkaitan erat dengan efisiensi manusia dalam melakukan pekerjaannya, salah satunya adalah fotografi. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi dalam fotografi khususnya dalam teknologi pengeditan foto sehingga banyak sekali ditemukan foto-foto yang telah diedit (dipalsukan) dengan tujuan baik ataupun buruk. Perkembangan teknologi editing foto ini banyak sekali disalahgunakan oleh pihak tertentu sehingga menimbulkan kerugian khususnya pemilik foto tersebut. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat suatu sistem yang dapat mengenali foto asli atau palsu melalui sebuah aplikasi pengenalan foto, sistem pengenalan foto ini menggunakan metode template matching. Pengambilan data di ambil dari media sosial, dari 5 data (foto) citra uji yang di ambil dari media sosial menghasilkan pendeteksian foto asli sebanyak 2 foto (40%) dan foto tidak asli sebanyak 3 foto (60%). Paramater/tolak ukur yang menunjukkan keaslian foto pada penelitian ini adalah tidak adanya Perubahan pada foto yang diuji dengan foto pembanding (asli) dari segi dimensi, ukuran foto, latar belakang foto, pewarnaan dan pencahayaan. Satu titik pixel saja dimodifikasi maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa foto tersebut tidak asli lagi. Aplikasi yang dibangun ini memiliki kelemahan yaitu belum bisa menganalisa keaslian foto tanpa adanya pembanding foto yang asli, sehingga user hanya bisa mendeteksi keaslian foto jika tersedia foto pembandingnya. Keywords—Foto,Template matchin