30,277 research outputs found

    Structure and Stability of Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Region12192 Based on Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling

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    We analyze a three-dimensional (3D) magnetic structure and its stability in large solar active region(AR) 12192, using the 3D coronal magnetic field constructed under a nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) approximation. In particular, we focus on the magnetic structure that produced an X3.1-class flare which is one of the X-class flares observed in AR 12192. According to our analysis, the AR contains multiple-flux-tube system, {\it e.g.}, a large flux tube, both of whose footpoints are anchored to the large bipole field, under which other tubes exist close to a polarity inversion line (PIL). These various flux tubes of different sizes and shapes coexist there. In particular, the later are embedded along the PIL, which produces a favorable shape for the tether-cutting reconnection and is related to the X-class solar flare. We further found that most of magnetic twists are not released even after the flare, which is consistent with the fact that no observational evidence for major eruptions was found. On the other hand, the upper part of the flux tube is beyond a critical decay index, essential for the excitation of torus instability before the flare, even though no coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were observed. We discuss the stability of the complicated flux tube system and suggest the reason for the existence of the stable flux tube. In addition, we further point out a possibility for tracing the shape of flare ribbons, on the basis of a detailed structural analysis of the NLFFF before a flare.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Neutrino emission from BL Lac objects: the role of radiatively inefficient accretion flows

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    The origin of the astrophysical high-energy neutrinos discovered by IceCube is currently a major mystery. The recent detection of IceCube-170922A, a \sim300 TeV neutrino potentially correlated with the flaring γ\gamma-ray source TXS 0506+056, directs attention toward BL Lac objects (BL Lacs), the subclass of blazars with weak emission lines. While high-energy neutrinos can be produced via photohadronic interactions between protons accelerated in their jets and ambient low-energy photons, the density of the latter in such objects had generally been thought to be too low for efficient neutrino emission. Here we consider the role of radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAFs), which can plausibly exist in the nuclei of BL Lacs, as the source of target photons for neutrino production. Based on simple model prescriptions for the spectra of RIAFs at different accretion rates, we find that they can be sufficienly intense to allow appreciable neutrino emission for the class of low-synchrotron-peak BL Lacs such as TXS 0506+056. In constrast, for high-synchrotron-peak BL Lacs including Mkn 421 and Mkn 501, the contribution of RIAFs is subdominant and their neutrino production efficiency can remain low, consistent with their non-detection by IceCube to date.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRAS as Lette

    Giant Intrinsic Spin and Orbital Hall Effects in Sr2MO4 (M=Ru,Rh,Mo)

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    We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (SHC) and the d-orbital Hall conductivity (OHC) in metallic d-electron systems, by focusing on the t_{2g}-orbital tight-binding model for Sr2MO4 (M=Ru,Rh,Mo). The conductivities obtained are one or two orders of magnitude larger than predicted values for p-type semiconductors with 5% hole doping. The origin of these giant Hall effects is the ``effective Aharonov-Bohm phase'' that is induced by the d-atomic angular momentum in connection with the spin-orbit interaction and the inter-orbital hopping integrals. The huge SHC and OHC generated by this mechanism are expected to be ubiquitous in multiorbital transition metal complexes, which pens the possibility of realizing spintronics as well as orbitronics devices.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Suzaku Detection of Thermal X-Ray Emission Associated with the Western Radio Lobe of Fornax A

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    We present the results of X-ray mapping observations of the western radio lobe of the Fornax A galaxy, using the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) onboard the Suzaku satellite with a total exposure time of 327 ks. The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature and spatial extent of the diffuse thermal emission around the lobe by exploiting the low and stable background of the XIS. The diffuse thermal emission had been consistently reported in all previous studies of this region, but its physical nature and relation to the radio lobe had not been examined in detail. Using the data set covering the entire western lobe and the central galaxy NGC 1316, as well as comparison sets in the vicinity, we find convincingly the presence of thermal plasma emission with a temperature of ~1 keV in excess of conceivable background and contaminating emission (cosmic X-ray background, Galactic halo, intra-cluster gas of Fornax, interstellar gas of NGC 1316, and the ensemble of point-like sources). Its surface brightness is consistent with having a spherical distribution peaking at the center of the western lobe with a projected radius of ~12 arcmin. If the volume filling factor of the thermal gas is assumed to be unity, its estimated total mass amounts to ~10^{10} M_sun, which would be ~10^{2} times that of the central black hole and comparable to that of the current gas mass of the host galaxy. Its energy density is comparable to or larger than those in the magnetic field and non-thermal electrons responsible for the observed radio and X-ray emission.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Star Formation Rate from Dust Infrared Emission

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    We examine what types of galaxies the conversion formula from dust infrared (IR) luminosity into the star formation rate (SFR) derived by Kennicutt (1998) is applicable to. The ratio of the observed IR luminosity, LIRL_{\rm IR}, to the intrinsic bolometric luminosity of the newly (\la 10 Myr) formed stars, LSFL_{\rm SF}, of a galaxy can be determined by a mean dust opacity in the interstellar medium and the activity of the current star formation. We find that these parameters area being 0.5LIR/LSF2.00.5 \le L_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm SF} \le 2.0 is very large, and many nearby normal and active star-forming galaxies really fall in this area. It results from offsetting two effects of a small dust opacity and a large cirrus contribution of normal galaxies relative to starburst galaxies on the conversion of the stellar emission into the dust IR emission. In conclusion, the SFR determined from the IR luminosity under the assumption of LIR=LSFL_{\rm IR}=L_{\rm SF} like Kennicutt (1998) is reliable within a factor of 2 for all galaxies except for dust rich but quiescent galaxies and extremely dust poor galaxies.Comment: Accepted by ApJL: 6 pages (emulateapj5), 2 figures (one is an extra figure not appeared in ApJL

    An x-ray detector using PIN photodiodes for the axion helioscope

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    An x-ray detector for a solar axion search was developed. The detector is operated at 60K in a cryostat of a superconducting magnet. Special care was paid to microphonic noise immunity and mechanical structure against thermal contraction. The detector consists of an array of PIN photodiodes and tailor made preamplifiers. The size of each PIN photodiode is $11\times 11\times 0.5\ {\rm mm^3}$ and 16 pieces are used for the detector. The detector consists of two parts, the front-end part being operated at a temperature of 60K and the main part in room temperature. Under these circumstances, the detector achieved 1.0 keV resolution in FWHM, 2.5 keV threshold and 6\times 10^{-5} counts sec^{-1} keV^{-1} cm^{-2} background level.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    Pattern-recalling processes in quantum Hopfield networks far from saturation

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    As a mathematical model of associative memories, the Hopfield model was now well-established and a lot of studies to reveal the pattern-recalling process have been done from various different approaches. As well-known, a single neuron is itself an uncertain, noisy unit with a finite unnegligible error in the input-output relation. To model the situation artificially, a kind of 'heat bath' that surrounds neurons is introduced. The heat bath, which is a source of noise, is specified by the 'temperature'. Several studies concerning the pattern-recalling processes of the Hopfield model governed by the Glauber-dynamics at finite temperature were already reported. However, we might extend the 'thermal noise' to the quantum-mechanical variant. In this paper, in terms of the stochastic process of quantum-mechanical Markov chain Monte Carlo method (the quantum MCMC), we analytically derive macroscopically deterministic equations of order parameters such as 'overlap' in a quantum-mechanical variant of the Hopfield neural networks (let us call "quantum Hopfield model" or "quantum Hopfield networks"). For the case in which non-extensive number pp of patterns are embedded via asymmetric Hebbian connections, namely, p/N0p/N \to 0 for the number of neuron NN \to \infty ('far from saturation'), we evaluate the recalling processes for one of the built-in patterns under the influence of quantum-mechanical noise.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, using jpconf.cls, Proc. of Statphys-Kolkata VI