81 research outputs found
The composite dataset of the present-day Infralittoral Prograding Wedges (IPWs) in the inner continental shelf of the Campania region (Central-Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea)
This article reports on the dataset gathered following the census of 83 present-day Infralittoral Prograding Wedges (IPWs), surveyed on the inner continental shelf of the Central-Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea. The purpose of the census was to explore their bathymetric range and assess the observational laws governing this variability. The ensued dataset (Campania Region IPW Dataset, CRID) includes geographic, topographic and morpho-bathymetric indices, descriptive of each IPW and more, the exposure of each IPW to wave forcing (Geographical fetch, Effective fetch and extreme significant wave height, HS). In this work, histograms contribute to describe all the variables and highlight the dominant features of each IPW. Location maps univocally links the geographic position of each IPW to the appropriate attribute record in the dataset. Further, thematic maps illustrate eight wave fields obtained by offshore-to-nearshore transformation by as many sea states scenarios with 200-year return period. Such wave fields are used as sources for significant wave height representing wave conditions over each IPW.
This dataset could be implemented with new measures at a broader scale, by following analogue procedures for measurements, to enlarge the observational scale on IPWs and improve the numerical models which might eventually derive by the analysis of this dataset
Simultaneous biochemical and physiological responses of the roots and leaves of pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae) to mild salt stress
Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae) is a bulbous geophyte growing on coastal sands. In this study, we investigated changes in concentrations of metabolites in the root and leaf tissue of P. maritimum in response to mild salt stress. Changes in concentrations of osmolytes, glutathione, sodium, mineral nutrients, enzymes, and other compounds in the leaves and roots were measured at 0, 3, and 10 days during a 10‐day exposure to two levels of mild salt stress, 50 mM NaCl or 100 mM NaCl in sandy soil from where the plants were collected in dunes near Cuma, Italy. Sodium accumulated in the roots, and relatively little was translocated to the leaves. At both concentrations of NaCl, higher values of the concentrations of oxidized glutathione disulfide (GSSG), compared to reduced glutathione (GSH), in roots and leaves were associated with salt tolerance. The concentration of proline increased more in the leaves than in the roots, and glycine betaine increased in both roots and leaves. Differences in the accumulation of organic osmolytes and electron donors synthesized in both leaves and roots demonstrate that osmoregulatory and electrical responses occur in these organs of P. maritimum under mild salt stress
Integrated stratigraphic reconstruction for the last 80 kyr in a deep sector of the Sardinia Channel (Western Mediterranean)
A quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera, coupled with petrophysical and paleomagnetic measurements and 14C AMS calibrations, was carried out on a deep core recovered in the Sardinia Channel (Western Mediterranean Sea), during the CIESM Sub2 survey, providing an integrated stratigraphic time-framework over the last 80 kyr. Significant changes in the quantitative distribution of planktonic foraminifera allowed the identification of several eco-bioevents useful to accurately mark the boundaries of the eco-biozones widely recognised in the Western Mediterranean records and used for large scale correlations. Namely, 10 eco-biozones were identified based on the relative abundance of selected climate sensitive planktonic foraminiferal species. Sixteen codified eco-bioevents were correlated with the Alboran Sea planktonic foraminiferal data and four climatic global events (Sapropel S1, Younger Dryas, Greenland Isotope Interstadial 1, Greenland Isotope Stadial 2, Heinrich event H1-H6) were recognized. The eco-bioevents together with the 14C AMS calibrations allowed us to define an accurate age model, spanning between 2 and 83 kyr. The reliability of the age model was confirmed by comparing the colour reflectance (550 nm%) data of the studied record with the astronomically tuned record from the Ionian sea (ODP-Site 964). A mean sedimentation rate of about 7 cm/kyr included three turbidite event beds that were chronologically constrained within the relative low stand and lowering sea level phases of the MIS 4 and 3. The deep-sea sedimentary record includes a distinct tephra occurring at the base of the core which dates 78 ka cal. BP. The paleomagnetic data provide a well-defined record of the characteristic remanent magnetization that may be used to reconstruct the geomagnetic paleosecular variation for the Mediterranean back to 83 kyr
Mixed-Species Plantation Effects on Soil Biological and Chemical Quality and Tree Growth of a Former Agricultural Land
Tree planting on abandoned agricultural land could both restore the soil quality and increase the productivity of economically valuable woody species. Here, we assess the impact of mixed-species tree plantations on soil quality at a site in Central Italy where tree intercropping systems were established 20 years ago on a former agricultural land. These intercropping systems include two species of economic interest, Populus alba and Juglans regia, and one of three different nurse trees, i.e., Alnus cordata, Elaeagnus umbellata, both of which are N-fixing species, and Corylus avellana. We measured tree growth and compared how soil organic matter, soil extracellular enzymes, and nematodes of different feeding groups varied among the intercropping systems and relative to a conventional agricultural field. Our results indicate that tree plantation led to an increase in soil carbon and nitrogen, and enhanced enzyme activities, compared with the agricultural land. The proportion of nematode feeding groups was heterogeneous, but predators were absent from the agricultural soil. Multivariate analysis of soil properties, enzymatic activity, nematodes, and tree growth point to the importance of the presence N-fixing species, as the presence of A. cordata was linked to higher soil quality, and E. umbellata to growth of the associated valuable woody species. Our findings indicate that intercropping tree species provide a tool for both restoring fertility and improving soil quality
Integrated stratigraphic reconstruction for the last 80 kyr in a deep sector of the Sardinia Channel (Western Mediterranean)
A quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera, coupled with petrophysical and paleomagnetic measurements and 14C AMS calibrations, was carried out on a deep core recovered in the Sardinia Channel (Western Mediterranean Sea), during the CIESM Sub2 survey, providing an integrated stratigraphic time-framework over the last 80 kyr. Significant changes in the quantitative distribution of planktonic foraminifera allowed the identification of several eco-bioevents useful to accurately mark the boundaries of the eco-biozones
widely recognised in the Western Mediterranean records and used for large scale correlations. Namely, 10 eco-biozones were identified based on the relative abundance of selected climate sensitive planktonic foraminiferal species. Sixteen codified eco-bioevents were correlated with the Alboran Sea planktonic foraminiferal data and four climatic global events (Sapropel S1, Younger Dryas, Greenland Isotope Interstadial 1, Greenland Isotope Stadial 2, Heinrich event H1-H6) were recognized. The eco-bioevents together with the 14C AMS calibrations concurred to define an accurate age model, spanning between 2 and 83 kyr cal. BP. The reliability of the age model was confirmed by comparing the colour reflectance (550 nm%) data of the studied record with the astronomically tuned one of the Ionian sea (ODP-Site 964). A mean sedimentation rate of about 7 cm/kyr was evaluated including three turbidite event beds that were chronologically constrained within the relative low stand and lowering sea level phases of the MIS 4 and MIS 3. The deep sea sedimentary record includes a distinct tephra occurring at the base of the core which dates 79 ka. The paleomagnetic data provide a well-defined record of the characteristic remanent magnetization that may be used to reconstruct the geomagnetic paleosecular variation for the Mediterranean back to 83 kyr cal. BP
Rapporto tecnino C/O Sonos2007: 5 - 30 Giugno 2007
Nel giugno 2007 si è svolta la Campagna Oceanografica "Sonos2007" a bordo della N/O Thetis. La campagna ha visto la collaborazione di due sezioni dell'IAMC (Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero - CNR), quella di Oristano e quella di Napoli nell'ambito del progetto Sigla (Sistema Integrato per monitoraggio e Gestione di Laguna e Ambiente) per la caratterizzazione litologica dei fondali nell'area di Oristano, nella Penisola del Sinis e dell'Isola di Mal di Ventre in una profondità compresa tra i 10 e i 60 metri. Come strumentazione acustica per acquisizione morfobatimetrica è stato utilizzato il Multibeam Seabat 8111, installato a chiglia della nave; mentre sono state effettuate campionature dirette con benna Van Veen per la caratterizzazione del fondale
Geohazard features of the Northern Sardinia
The maps of the geohazard-related features of the North Sardinia continental margin produced by the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts) are here presented. The maps were created on the base of morphobathymetric data obtained by with multibeam echo sounders. ThreCoNISMa, DSCG Universit & agrave; degli studi di Cagliari, Cittadella Universitaria Monserrato - S.P. Monserrato-Sestu, Monserrato (CA), Italye wide canyon systems, Castelsardo to the west, Lavezzi and Caprera to the east, originate from the continental shelf between the islands of Sardinia and Corsica and run toward the Sardinia Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively. The canyons feature very wide and articulated heads, meandered sections of the main axis. The continental shelfhosts several coastal lithotomies, genetically related to late Quaternary sea-level oscillation and coastline migration. Furthermore, in the Bonifacio Strait, several bedform fields testify to the present-day activity of strong bottom currents. The main geohazard potential from the North Sardinia is related to the retreating of Castelsardo canyon heads, in offshore of Castelsardo and Asinara, which cuts the continental shelf reaching a few kilometers from the coast
Discriminating between Seasonal and Chemical Variation in Extracellular Enzyme Activities within Two Italian Beech Forests by Means of Multilevel Models
Enzymes play a key-role in organic matter dynamics and strong scientific attention has been given to them lately, especially to their response to climate and substrate chemical composition. Accordingly, in this study, we investigated the effects of chemical composition and seasons on extracellular enzyme activities (laccase, peroxidase, cellulase, chitinase, acid phosphomonoesterase, and dehydrogenase) by means of multilevel models within two Italian mountain beech forests. We used chemical variables as the fixed part in the model, season as random variation and layers (decomposition continuum for leaf litter and 0–5, 5–15, 15–30, and 30–40 cm for soil) as nested factors within the two forests. Our results showed that seasonal changes explained a higher amount of variance in enzyme activities compared to substrate chemistry in leaf litter, whereas chemical variation had a stronger impact on soil. Moreover, the effect of seasonality and chemistry was in general larger than the differences between forest sites, soils, and litter layers
Geohazard features of the Tyrrhenian Calabria
This paper accompanies the Maps of Geohazard features of the Cilento and the Calabro-Tyrrhenian continental margin in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). The main geohazard-related features were derived from extensive seafloor mapping through the collection of high-resolution multibeam data acquired during several oceanographic cruises. They encompass many fluids seepage features, fault scarps, landslides scars, gullies, channels, and canyons. Hazards related to coastal landslides and shelf-indenting canyons are very high in these sectors (especially in southern Calabria) due to active seismicity coupled with rapid uplift, high sedimentation rates and narrow or totally absent continental shelf, thus promoting a direct connection between steep slopes and coastal areas. In this setting, mass-wasting features can directly impact coastal or submarine infrastructures or indirectly create local tsunami waves, as observed in historical times. Moreover, this physiographic setting of the margin facilitates the transfer of marine litter toward deep-sea areas
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