10 research outputs found

    Self-Assembly of Bottlebrush Block Copolymers in Selective Solvent: Micellar Structures

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    Block copolymers comprising chemically different bottlebrush blocks can self-assemble in selective solvents giving rise to micellar-like solution nanostructures. The self-consistent field theoretical approach is used for predicting relation between architectural parameters of both bottlebrush blocks (polymerization degrees of the main and side chains, density of grafting of the side chains to the backbone) and structural properties of micelles as well as critical micelle concentration (CMC). As predicted by the theory, replacement of linear blocks by bottlebrush ones with the same degrees of polymerization results in a decrease in the micellar core size (in aggregation number) and extension of the corona, whereas the CMC increases. These theoretical findings are in good agreement with results of computer simulations

    Dendron and Hyperbranched Polymer Brushes in Good and Poor Solvents

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    We present a theory of conformational transition triggered by inferior solvent strength in brushes formed by dendritically branched macromolecules tethered to planar, concave, or convex cylindrical and spherical surfaces. In the regime of linear elasticity for brush-forming dendrons, an analytical strong stretching self-consistent field (SS-SCF) approach provides brush conformational properties as a function of solvent strength. A boxlike model is applied to describe the collapse transition in brushes formed by macromolecules with arbitrary treelike topology, including hyperbranched polymers. We demonstrate that an increase in the degree of branching, that is, an increase in the number of generations or/and functionality of branching points in tethered macromolecules, makes the swelling-to-collapse transition less sharp. A decrease in surface curvature has a similar effect. The numerical Scheutjens-Fleer self-consistent field approach is used to analyze the collapse transition in dendron brushes in the nonlinear stretching regime. It is demonstrated that inferior solvent strength suppresses stratification that is exhibited under good solvent conditions by densely grafted dendron brushes

    Theory of Y- and Comb-Shaped Polymer Brushes : The Parabolic Potential Framework

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    The parabolic approximation for self-consistent molecular potential is widely used for theoretical analysis of conformational and thermodynamic properties of polymer brushes formed by linear or branched macromolecules. The architecture-dependent parameter of the potential (topological coefficient) can be calculated for arbitrary branched polymer architecture from the condition of elastic stress balance in all the branching points. However, the calculation routine for the topological coefficient does not allow unambiguously identifying the range of applicability and the accuracy of the parabolic approximation. Here the limits of applicability of parabolic approximation are explored by means of numerical self-consistent field method for brushes formed by Y-shaped and comb-like polymers. It is demonstrated that violation of the potential parabolic shape can be evidenced by appearance of multimodal distribution of the end monomer unit in the longest elastic path of the macromolecule. The asymmetry of branching of Y-shaped polymers does not disturb the parabolic shape of the potential as long as the degree of polymerization of the root segment remains sufficiently large. The same applies to comb-shape polymers with sufficiently long main chain and large number of branching points. For short comb-like polymers multiple modes in the distribution of the end monomer unit of the main chain are observed and related to deviation from the parabolic shape of the potentia

    Non-linear elasticity effects and stratification in brushes of branched polyelectrolytes

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    Brushes formed by arm-tethered starlike polyelectrolytes may exhibit internal segregation into weakly and strongly extended populations (stratified two-layer structure) when strong ionic intermolecular repulsions induce stretching of the tethers up to the limit of their extensibility. We propose an approximate Poisson-Boltzmann theory for analysis of the structure of the stratified brush and compare it with results of numerical self-consistent field modeling. Both analytical and numerical models point to the formation of a narrow cloud of counterions (internal double electrical layer) localized inside a stratified brush at the boundary between the layers.</p