25 research outputs found

    A propósito de 1808: el clero arequipeño y el liberalismo español

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    El artículo constituye una presentación del liberalismo que se difundió entre el clero arequipeño. Centra su atención en dos notables fundadores de la república peruana: Francisco Javier de Luna Pizarro y Mariano José de Arce, vinculando su actuación pública con los procesos políticos e ideológicos desencadenados por la coyuntura de 1808, en España y el Perú. Sostiene que para ambos, el liberalismo fue primero una oportunidad de reforma, y luego, un instrumento político para evitar la anarquía, ya producida la independencia

    Congreso académico internacional Toribio de Mogrovejo

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    Correlation of the Thanetian-Ilerdian turnover of larger foraminifera and the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: confirming evidence from the Campo area (Pyrenees, Spain)

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    It has long been known that a major larger foraminifera turnover (LFT) occurred at the boundary between the Thanetian and Ilerdian stages, but its possible correlation with the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) was unsuspected until the work of Baceta (1996), and has been controversial ever since. After summarizing the history of this controversy, we present information from three new sections that conclusively resolve the issue, all of them placed less than 2 km to the east of the classical Campo section in the southern Pyrenees. In these three sections, an up to 7 meter-thick intercalation of continental deposits rich in pedogenic carbonate nodules is sandwiched between uppermost Thanetian and lowermost Ilerdian shallow marine carbonates. The d13C composition of 42 pedogenic nodules collected from two of these sections (San Martín and La Cinglera) ranges between –11.4 and -14.3‰ and averages –12.9‰, values that conclusively represent the PETM and for the first time are recorded in sections where the LFT is clearly represented. Further, a high-resolution lithological correlation between Campo and the three new sections across the P-E interval unquestionably demonstrates that the lowermost marine beds with autochthonous specimens of Alveolina vredenburgi (a tell-tale of the LFT) are laterally interfingered –and are therefore coeval- with the nodule-bearing PETM continental deposits. On the basis of the new evidence, the temporal coincidence of the PETM and the LFT can no longer be doubted

    Redefinition of the Ilerdian Stage (early Eocene)

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    The Ilerdian Stage was created by Hottinger and Schaub in 1960 to accommodate a significant phase in the evolution of larger foraminifera not recorded in the northern European basins, and has since been adopted by most researchers working on shallow marine early Paleogene deposits of the Tethys domain. One of the defining criteria of the stage is a major turnover of larger foraminifera, marked by the FO’s of Alveolina vredenburgi (formerly A. cucumiformis) and Nummulites fraasi. There is now conclusive evidence that this turnover was coeval with the onset of the Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) and, consequently, with the Paleocene-Eocene (P-E) boundary, a temporal correspondence that reinforces the usefulness of the Ilerdian as a chronostratigraphic subdivision of the early Eocene in a regional context. However, in addition to the paleontological criteria, the definition of the Ilerdian was also based on the designation of two reference sections in the southern Pyrenees: Tremp (stratotype) and Campo (parastratotype). In both sections, the base of the stage was placed at the lowest marine bed containing A. vredenburgi specimens. Using the CIE as a correlation tool we demonstrate that these two marine beds occur at different chronological levels, being older in Campo than in Tremp. Further, we show that both beds are in turn younger than the lowest strata with Ilerdian larger foraminifera at the deep-water Ermua section in the Basque Basin (western Pyrenees). Since the age of stage boundaries must be the same everywhere, the choice of these stratotype sections was misleading, since in practice it resulted in the Ilerdian being used as a facies term rather than as a chronostratigraphic unit. To eliminate that conflict, and yet be respectful with established tradition, we propose to redefine the Ilerdian Stage following a procedure similar to the one used by the International Commission on Stratigraphy to establish global chronostratigraphic standards, namely: by using a “silver spike” to be placed in the Tremp section at the base of the Claret Conglomerate, a widespread lithological unit that in the Tremp Graus Basin coincides with the onset of the CIE. The redefined regional Ilerdian Stage becomes thus directly correlatable to the lower part of the global Ypresian Stage, as currently defined by the International Commission on Stratigraphy

    El Obispo Goyeneche ante la iniciación de la República. Aportación a la historia de las relaciones Iglesia-Estado, Perú 1825-1841.

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    In this paper to present the results of the diagnostic for the proposed curriculum of the career of Knowledge Management (KM) as a distance learning program, focused to the collective construction through metodology of the focus groups

    Congreso académico internacional Toribio de Mogrovejo

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    Grammars Across Time Analyzed (GATA): a dataset of 52 languages

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    Abstract Grammars Across Time Analyzed (GATA) is a resource capturing two snapshots of the grammatical structure of a diverse range of languages separated in time, aimed at furthering research on historical linguistics, language evolution, and cultural change. GATA comprises grammatical information on 52 diverse languages across all continents, featuring morphological, syntactic, and phonological information based on published grammars of the same language at two different time points. Here we introduce the coding scheme and design features of GATA, and we describe some salient patterns related to language change and the coverage of grammatical descriptions over time