143 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico e implantação de ferramentas de gestão de medicamentos na unidade de abastecimento farmacêutico do complexo Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná

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    Orientador : Laís Carolini TheisTrabalho de conclusão de curso (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão da SaúdeInclui referênciasResumo : Este projeto técnico analisou qualitativamente as ferramentas de gestão utilizadas no abastecimento farmacêutico de um hospital federal, por meio da observação dos processos e aplicação de um questionário aos funcionários envolvidos. Além disso, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico das técnicas de gestão e logística aplicada à cadeia de suprimentos, e identificaram-se os métodos de planejamento de estoques que mais se adequam ao perfil da instituição. As falhas encontradas na cadeia de abastecimento foram discutidas, e suas causas evidenciadas. Por fim, foram apresentadas sugestões de melhorias para a gestão do abastecimento de medicamentos

    Bestimmung der Bestrahlungstemperatur im Bestrahlungsprogramm Rheinsberg II

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    Im Bestrahlungsprogramm Rheinsberg II wurden zur Temperaturbestimmung Temperaturmonitoren aus Diamantpulver verwendet. Das Verfahren nutzt den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die bestrahlungsbedingte Änderung der Gitterkonstanten des Diamantgitters und ist in einer russischen Prüfvorschrift standardisiert. Zur Ermittlung der Temperatur wurde die Gitterkonstante mit einem Röntgen-Diffraktometer nach Bestrahlung und anschließenden Ausheilglühungen in isochronenTemperaturstufen von 50 - 100 K bestimmt. Der Unstetigkeitspunkt auf dem linearisierten Temperaturverlauf der Gitterkonstanten liefert einen Wert für die Bestrahlungstemperatur, der gemäß der Prüfvorschrift neutronenflussabhängig zu korrigieren ist. Es werden starke Messwertstreuungen festgestellt, die die Genauigkeit der Bestimmung des Unstetigkeitspunktes erheblich beeinträchtigen. Darüber hinaus treten systematische Fehler auf. Insgesamt ist die Temperaturbestimmung mit Diamantpulver im Bestrah-lungsprogramm Rheinsberg II als nicht zufriedenstellend einzuschätzen. Der wahrscheinlichste Wert liegt im Bereich von 255 - 265 °C und somit nahe dem Wert, der aus den thermischen Randbedingungen der Experimente abgeschätzt werden kann

    Yersinia pestis DNA from Skeletal Remains from the 6(th) Century AD Reveals Insights into Justinianic Plague.

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    Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of the disease plague, has been implicated in three historical pandemics. These include the third pandemic of the 19(th) and 20(th) centuries, during which plague was spread around the world, and the second pandemic of the 14(th)-17(th) centuries, which included the infamous epidemic known as the Black Death. Previous studies have confirmed that Y. pestis caused these two more recent pandemics. However, a highly spirited debate still continues as to whether Y. pestis caused the so-called Justinianic Plague of the 6(th)-8(th) centuries AD. By analyzing ancient DNA in two independent ancient DNA laboratories, we confirmed unambiguously the presence of Y. pestis DNA in human skeletal remains from an Early Medieval cemetery. In addition, we narrowed the phylogenetic position of the responsible strain down to major branch 0 on the Y. pestis phylogeny, specifically between nodes N03 and N05. Our findings confirm that Y. pestis was responsible for the Justinianic Plague, which should end the controversy regarding the etiology of this pandemic. The first genotype of a Y. pestis strain that caused the Late Antique plague provides important information about the history of the plague bacillus and suggests that the first pandemic also originated in Asia, similar to the other two plague pandemics

    Videoprojekt 'Mein geheimes Porto": Anwendung eines Modells für handlungsorientiertes Lernen im universitären Kontext Anette

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    DE: 2017 wurde Porto zum dritten Mal in der Online-Abstimmung European BestDestinations zum beliebtesten Reiseziel Europas gewählt. Vor diesem Hintergrundwurden im Studienjahr 2016/2017 alle Studierenden der germanistischen Studiengängeder Universität Porto zur Teilnahme an einem Videoprojekt eingeladen. Ziel des Projektsbestand darin, versteckte Winkel ihrer Universitätsstadt zu entdecken und diese auspersönlicher Sicht jenseits des touristischen Mainstreams in selbstproduziertenKurzvideos in deutscher Sprache zu präsentieren.Das Projekt sollte den Studierenden die Möglichkeit bieten, einerseitsfremdsprachliche und mediale Kompetenzen gesamtheitlich und ziel- undhandlungsorientiert anzuwenden, sich andererseits darin eigeninitiativ und konstruktiveinzubringen. Durch die subjektive inhaltliche Relevanz, die Möglichkeit der medialenPartizipation - durch Online-Veröffentlichung der Projektergebnisse - und nicht zuletztdurch die Aussicht auf eine Prämierung wurde eine hohe Resonanz angestrebt, was sichdann auch in der Teilnehmer*innenzahl widerspiegelte.Vor dem Hintergrund einer kommunikativen Fremdsprachendidaktik möchten wir mitdiesem Artikel aufzeigen, inwiefern durch eine handlungs- und aufgabenorientierteVorgehensweise im universitären Fremdsprachenunterricht ein Beitrag zur Förderung selbstverantwortlicher Lernprozesse und fremdsprachlichen Handelns durch einenkonstruktiven, kreativen und produktiven Umgang mit digitalen Ressourcen in einemauthentischen Szenario geleistet werden kann.In 2017, Porto was voted Europe's most popular tourist destination for the third timein the European Best Destinations online poll. Against this background, in the academicyear 2016/2017, all students of German Studies at the University of Porto were invitedto participate in a video project. The aim of the project was to discover hidden corners oftheir university city and to present them from a personal point of view beyond the touristmainstream through self-produced short videos in German.The project was intended to offer students the opportunity to apply foreign-languageand media-related competences in a holistic, goal-oriented and action-oriented manner.In addition, students were invited to take the initiative, making an individual andconstructive contribution. Due to the subjective content relevance, the possibility ofmedia participation - by publishing the project results online - and not least by theprospect of an award, a high level of response was sought. This was reflected in theconsiderable number of participants.Within a framework of communicative approaches to foreign language teaching, wewould like to use this article to show to what extent a contribution to the promotion ofself-reliant learning processes and foreign-language tasks through a constructive,creative and productive use of digital resources in an authentic scenario is achieved,through an action-oriented and task-oriented approach in university language teaching

    The 60 pc Environment of FRB 20180916B

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    Fast Radio Burst FRB 20180916B in its host galaxy SDSS J015800.28+654253.0 at 149 Mpc is by far the closest-known FRB with a robust host galaxy association. The source also exhibits a 16.35-day period in its bursting. Here we present optical and infrared imaging as well as integral field spectroscopy observations of FRB 20180916B with the WFC3 camera on the Hubble Space Telescope and the MEGARA spectrograph on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias. The 60-90 milliarcsecond (mas) resolution of the Hubble imaging, along with the previous 2.3-mas localization of FRB 20180916B, allow us to probe its environment with a 30-60 pc resolution. We constrain any point-like star-formation or HII region at the location of FRB 20180916B to have an Hα\alpha luminosity LHα1037ergs1L_\mathrm{H\alpha} \lesssim 10^{37}\,\mathrm{erg\,s^{-1}} and, correspondingly, constrain the local star-formation rate to be 104Myr1\lesssim10^{-4}\,\mathrm{M_\odot\,yr^{-1}}. The constraint on Hα\alpha suggests that possible stellar companions to FRB 20180916B should be of a cooler, less massive spectral type than O6V. FRB 20180916B is 250 pc away (in projected distance) from the brightest pixel of the nearest young stellar clump, which is 380\sim380\,pc in size (full-width at half maximum). With the typical projected velocities of pulsars, magnetars, or neutron stars in binaries (60-750 km s1^{-1}), FRB 20180916B would need 800 kyr to 7 Myr to traverse the observed distance from its presumed birth site. This timescale is inconsistent with the active ages of magnetars (10\lesssim10 kyr). Rather, the inferred age and observed separation are compatible with the ages of high-mass X-ray binaries and gamma-ray binaries, and their separations from the nearest OB associations.Comment: Updated version: Updated Figure 2. 16 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Published in ApJ Letters. Comments welcom

    Dynamik als Leitprinzip zur Revitalisierung des Leipziger Auensystems

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    10 Thesen zur Revitalisierung der Leipziger Aue, eine Vision, ein konkreter Maßnahmenkatalog mit Karte zu Dynamisierungsoptionen und ein Ausblick mit Realisierungsvorschläge

    Proposed host galaxies of repeating fast radio burst sources detected by CHIME/FRB

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    We present a search for host galaxy associations for the third set of repeating fast radio burst (FRB) sources discovered by the CHIME/FRB Collaboration. Using the ~1 arcmin CHIME/FRB baseband localizations and probabilistic methods. We identify potential host galaxies of two FRBs, 20200223B and 20190110C at redshifts of 0.06024(2) and 0.12244(6), respectively. We also discuss the properties of a third marginal candidate host galaxy association for FRB 20191106C with a host redshift of 0.10775(1). The three putative host galaxies are all relatively massive, fall on the standard mass-metallicity relationship for nearby galaxies, and show evidence of ongoing star formation. They also all show signatures of being in a transitional regime, falling in the "green valley" which is between the bulk of star-forming and quiescent galaxies. The plausible host galaxies identified by our analysis are consistent with the overall population of repeating and non-repeating FRB hosts while increasing the fraction of massive and bright galaxies. Coupled with these previous host associations, we identify a possible excess of FRB repeaters whose host galaxies have M_u - M_r colors redder than the bulk of star-forming galaxies. Additional precise localizations are required to confirm this trend.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to AAS journal

    An Injection System for the CHIME/FRB Experiment

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    Dedicated surveys searching for Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are subject to selection effects which bias the observed population of events. Software injection systems are one method of correcting for these biases by injecting a mock population of synthetic FRBs directly into the realtime search pipeline. The injected population may then be used to map intrinsic burst properties onto an expected signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), so long as telescope characteristics such as the beam model and calibration factors are properly accounted for. This paper presents an injection system developed for the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst project (CHIME/FRB). The system was tested to ensure high detection efficiency, and the pulse calibration method was verified. Using an injection population of ~85,000 synthetic FRBs, we found that the correlation between fluence and SNR for injected FRBs was consistent with that of CHIME/FRB detections in the first CHIME/FRB catalog. We also noted that the sensitivity of the telescope varied strongly as a function of the broadened burst width, but not as a function of the dispersion measure. We conclude that some of the machine-learning based Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) mitigation methods used by CHIME/FRB can be re-trained using injection data to increase sensitivity to wide events, and that planned upgrades to the presented injection system will allow for determining a more accurate CHIME/FRB selection function in the near future.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to A