31 research outputs found

    Effects of Annona muricate Extract on Short Chain Fatty Acid Level of Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    Annona muricata leaves contains phytochemical substances, such as alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides, ellagic acid, triterpenoids, β- sitosterol. Polyphenols are considered to be potential in providing health benefits via modulation the gut microecology. Alteration of the gut microbiota composition can be achieved by consuming of flavonol-rich foods that exerting prebiotic-like effects. Short chain fatty acids (SCFA) that are produced from highly fermentable fibers is considered to be protective against colon cancer. Subjects were assigned consecutively into two group: ethanolic extract of A. muricata, and maltose as placebo. Ssupplementation was conducted for 8 weeks in a capsule. SCFA level assessment was conducted at baseline and the end of the study period. Gas liquid chromatography was used to determine concentration of butyrate. Fiber intake was measured using food record.  Concentrations of fecal butyrate levelwas not significantly different between Fraction of A. muricata water extract that is soluble in ethanol (FAMSE) and placebo (p=0.854). Level of others SCFA were also not significantly different. The low fiberintakeisconsistent with the finding on fecal butyrate concentration, as shown by no significant increase in both groups. There is no statistically significant effect of supplementation with ethanol-soluble fraction of A muricata leaves water extract on fecal SCFA level of colo rectal cancer (CRC) patients, andin line with fiber intake below recommended daily allowance throughout the study period. Keywords: phytochemical substances, fiber intake, gut microbiota Abstrak Daun sirsak (Annona muricata) mengandung senyawa fitokimia seperti alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid, saponin, antraquinon, cardiac glycosides, ellagic acid, triterpenoid, dan β-sitosterol. Polifenol memiliki potensi yang baik dalam kesehatan dengan cara memodulasi mikro-ekologi usus. Komposisi microbiota usus dapat berubah  dengan cara mengkonsumsi makanan yang banyak mengandung flavonol yang memberikan efek seperti prebiotik. Asam lemak rantai pendek yang dihasilkan dari fermentasi tinggi serat dapat mencegah terjadinya kanker kolon. Subyek penelitian dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara berurutan, yaitu ekstrak etanol Annonamuricata dan maltosa sebagai plasebo. Pemberian suplemen dilakukan selama 8 minggu dalam bentuk kapsul. Pengukuran kadar asam lemak rantai pendek dilakukan pada awal dan akhir masa studi ini. Pengukuran kadar asam butirat dilakukan dengan kromatografi gas. Asupan serat diukur berdasarkan catatan makanan. Konsentrasi kadar asam butirat pada feses tidak berbeda signifikan dengan fraksi ekstrak air Annona muricata yang larut di dalam etanol dan plasebo (p=0.854). Kadar dari asam lemak rantai pendek lainnya juga tidak berbeda nyata. Asupan serat yang rendah sejalan dengan pengukuran kadar asam butirat di feses yang menunjukkan tidak ada peningkatan secara signifikan pada kedua kelompok. Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan suplementasi dengan fraksi larut etanol ekstrak air daun Annona muricata pada konsentrasi asam lemak rantai pendek feses dari pasien kanker kolon dan hal itu sejalan dengan asupan serat dibawah rekomendasi harian yang dilakukan selama masa studi ini. Kata kunci:  fitokimia, asupan serat, microbiota saluran cern


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    The aim of this study were  to identify the in-vitro tolerance of pro-biotic bacteria to acid and bile salt condition; and  to prove a hypothesis that the supplementation of oxygenated water has a positive effect on the body weight of rat and on viability of pro-biotic bacteria.  The first study was carried out at PAU Laboratory of Bogor Agricultural University, while the second study was conducted at Department of Community Nutrition of Bogor Agricultural University and Microbiology Laboratory of Indonesia Institute of Technology. Forty five rats aged 6 weeks were divided into three groups, i.e., control group without probiotic (a0), Lactobacillus casei Shirota (a1), and Lactobacillus IS-7257 (a2).  Each group (consisting of 5 rats each) has three different treatments, namely, control without oxygenated water (b0), 50 ppm oxygenated water (b2), and 80 ppm oxygenated water (b2). Oxygenated water was administered to the rats twice a day in the morning (3.25 ml) and afternoon (3.00 ml). Observation was carried out on the body  weight of the rats, fecal lactic acid bacteria, coliform, and anaerob bacteria by plate counting, for 4 periods, i.e, prior to the treatment (C0), after three-day treatment (C1), after seven-day treatment (C2), and on the 10th day treatment or three days after washed out period. The results indicated that probiotic bacteria are resistant to acid and bile acid condition. Oxygen concentration in water has a significant positive influence on the body weight of rats towards viability of probiotic bacteria (p-level < 0.05).  The supplementation of  oxygenated water 50 ppm significantly increase the population of viable fecal lactic acid bacteria in L. casei Shirota and Lactobacillus IS-7257 groups after 3 and 7 days of treatment.  Lactobacillus IS-7257 gave better response than L. casei Shirota. The supplementation of oxygenated water 80 ppm significantly reduces the fecal coliform in-vivo in both L. casei Shirota and Lactobacillus IS-7257 groups (p-level < 0.05)

    Safety of Annona muricata Extract Supplementation for Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    oai:ojs.ina-jghe.com:article/597Background: People have used Annona muricata leaves traditionally as tea drinks. Traditional use of A. muricata leaves is as an infusion which is closed to water extract. The potential health benefit of A. muricata tea leaves that is traditionally used for maintaining health which lately is being used by cancer patients. Therefore it is urgent to verify the safety of A. muricata leaves extract.  Method: A randomized double blind placebo controlled trial was conducted on 30 colorectal cancer out patients who had undergone primary tumor resection. Twenty eight subjects completed the study, divided into two groups, namely ethanol-soluble fraction of A. muricata leaves water extract (ESFAM) (n = 14), and placebo (n = 14) for 8 weeks. Peripheral blood samples were withdrawn from subjects by venipuncture at baseline and at the end of the study period.Results: The effect on bone marrow can be considered to be safe.  The measure in indices of organs function, i.e liver and kidney also showed similar results and within normal range after supplementation. The dose given to the subjects is safe and highly tolerable, as shown by very few (6.7%) of patients complained intolerable adverse effects.  Conclusion: This study indicates the safety of  ESFAM  supplementation.

    Safety of Annona Muricata Extract Supplementation for Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    Background: People have used Annona muricata leaves traditionally as tea drinks. Traditional use of A. muricata leaves is as an infusion which is closed to water extract. The potential health benefit of A. muricata tea leaves that is traditionally used for maintaining health which lately is being used by cancer patients. Therefore it is urgent to verify the safety of A. muricata leaves extract. Method: A randomized double blind placebo controlled trial was conducted on 30 colorectal cancer out patients who had undergone primary tumor resection. Twenty eight subjects completed the study, divided into two groups, namely ethanol-soluble fraction of A. muricata leaves water extract (ESFAM) (n = 14), and placebo (n = 14) for 8 weeks. Peripheral blood samples were withdrawn from subjects by venipuncture at baseline and at the end of the study period.Results: The effect on bone marrow can be considered to be safe. The measure in indices of organs function, i.e liver and kidney also showed similar results and within normal range after supplementation. The dose given to the subjects is safe and highly tolerable, as shown by very few (6.7%) of patients complained intolerable adverse effects. Conclusion: This study indicates the safety of ESFAM supplementation

    Gut microbiota profile of Indonesian stunted children and children with normal nutritional status

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    The gut microbiota has been shown to play a role in energy metabolism of the host. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota may predispose to obesity on the one hand, and stunting on the other. The aim of the study was to study the difference in gut microbiota composition of stunted Indonesian children and children of normal nutritional status between 3 and 5 years. Fecal samples and anthropometric measurements, in addition to economic and hygiene status were collected from 78 stunted children and 53 children with normal nutritional status in two regions in Banten and West Java provinces: Pandeglang and Sumedang, respectively. The gut microbiota composition was determined by sequencing amplicons of the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. The composition was correlated to nutritional status and anthropometric parameters. Macronutrient intake was on average lower in stunted children, while energy-loss in the form of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA) appeared to be higher in stunted children. In stunted children, at the phylum level the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes (44.4%) was significantly lower than in normal children (51.3%; p-value 2.55*10−4), while Firmicutes was significantly higher (45.7% vs. 39.8%; p-value 5.89*10−4). At the genus level, overall Prevotella 9 was the most abundant genus (average of 27%), and it was significantly lower in stunted children than in normal children (23.5% vs. 30.5%, respectively; q-value 0.059). Thirteen other genera were significantly different between stunted and normal children (q-value < 0.1), some of which were at low relative abundance and present in only a few children. Prevotella 9 positively correlated with height (in line with its higher relative abundance in normal children) and weight. In conclusion, Prevotella 9, which was the most abundant genus in the children, was significantly lower in stunted children. The abundance of Prevotella has been correlated with dietary fibre intake, which was lower in these stunted children. Since fibres are fermented by the gut microbiota into SCFA, and these SCFA are a source of energy for the host, increasing the proportion of Prevotella in stunted children may be of benefit. Whether this would prevent the occurrence of stunting or even has the potential to revert it, remains to be seen in follow up research

    Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 supplementation increases faecal sIgA and immune response in children younger than two years

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    The immature intestinal immune system in young children develops as it comes into contact with dietary and microbial antigens in the gut. Intestinal microbiota plays a significant role in host defence mechanisms as shown by inflammatory responses towards potential pathogens. We investigated the probiotic function of Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 of ‘dadih’ origin in modulating immune response in young children. We aimed to assess its effect on their immune response by assessing transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) responses and faecal secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) titre in a randomised, double-blinded placebocontrolled trial in 12-24-month-old children (n=38). We used four treatment groups for a 90-day supplementation period: placebo (n=11), probiotic (n=9), zinc (n=8) and probiotic and zinc (n=10). Faecal sIgA, plasma TGF-β1 and TNF-α titre were evaluated using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay standard technique. Statistical analysis divided the results (pre/post treatment) into high (>1) and low (<1) ratios. The results showed that faecal sIgA titre increased in all treatment groups compared with the control (placebo) and significantly increased in the probiotic group (P=0.05). In addition, the TGF-β1 ratio in the zinc group was significantly higher (P=0.05) than that in the placebo group. We observed a significant positive correlation between TGF-β1/TNF-α and faecal sIgA (r=0.27, P=0.04). Post hoc test results revealed that zinc supplementation has a significant effect on body-weight gain. Taken together, probiotic L. plantarum IS-10506 supplementation stimulates TGF-β1, which in turn increases the production of sIgA, in line with the significant correlation between TGF-β1/TNF-α and faecal sIgA. Keywords: probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum, sIgA, TGF-β1, TNF-α, young childre

    Differential glucose bioaccessibility from native and modified taro-starches in the absence or presence of beet juice

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    The speed of starch-digestion defines peak blood-glucose concentrations. Slow digestion is beneficial for diabetic individuals. To investigate the effects on blood-glucose it is important to be able to predict the amount of digestible starch. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the digestibility of different starches in a validated in-vitro model of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Digestion was performed in the TNO dynamic, computer-controlled in-vitro model of the upper GI-tract (TIM-1). Release of glucose was measured over time. Products tested were taro-flour, native-, and modified taro-starch. The latter two were also tested with beet-juice adsorbed. These were compared to wheat-flour and a glucose-solution. Modified taro-starch showed a similar glucose-bioaccessibility as wheat-flour (81–83%), while the other products tested had a lower bioaccessibility (60–75%). Adsorption of beet-juice affected digestibility of the modified tarostarch, but not the native-starch. Taro-based products can be used to lower plasma glucose concentrations in diabetic individuals

    Effect of Different Functional Food Supplements on the Gut Microbiota of Prediabetic Indonesian Individuals during Weight Loss

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    The gut microbiota has been shown in recent years to be involved in the development and severity of type 2 diabetes (T2D). The aim of the present study was to test the effect of a 2- week functional food intervention on the gut microbiota composition in prediabetic individuals. A randomized double-blind, cross-over trial was conducted on prediabetic subjects. Fifteen volunteers were provided products made of: (i) 50% taro flour + 50% wheat flour; (ii) these products and the probiotic L. plantarum IS-10506; or (iii) these products with beetroot adsorbed for a period of 2 weeks with 2 weeks wash-out in between. Stool and blood samples were taken at each baseline and after each of the interventions. The gut microbiota composition was evaluated by sequencing the V3–V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene and anthropometric measures were recorded. The total weight loss over the entire period ranged from 0.5 to 11 kg. The next-generation sequencing showed a highly personalized microbiota composition. In the principal coordinate analyses, the samples of each individual clustered closer together than the samples of each treatment. For six individuals, the samples clustered closely together, indicating a stable microbiota. For nine individuals, the microbiota was less resilient and, depending on the intervention, the beta-diversity transiently differed greatly only to return to the composition close to the baseline during the wash-out. The statistical analyses showed that 202 of the total 304 taxa were significantly different between the participants. Only Butyricimonas could be correlated with taro ingestion. The results of the study show that the highly variable interindividual variation observed in the gut microbiota of the participants clouded any gut microbiota modulation that might be present due to the functional food interventions. Keywords: taro; probiotic; L. plantarum IS-10506; beetroot; gut microbiota; prediabete