10 research outputs found

    Confidential enquiry into maternal deaths in the Netherlands, 2006-2018

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    Introduction To calculate the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for 2006-2018 in the Netherlands and compare this with 1993-2005, and to describe women's characteristics, causes of death and improvable factors. Material and Methods We performed a nationwide, cohort study of all maternal deaths between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2018 reported to the Audit Committee Maternal Mortality and Morbidity. Main outcome measures were the national MMR and causes of death. Results Overall MMR was 6.2 per 100 000 live births, a decrease from 12.1 in 1993-2005 (risk ratio [RR] 0.5). Women with a non-western ethnic background had an increased MMR compared with Dutch women (MMR 6.5 vs. 5.0, RR 1.3). The MMR was increased among women with a background from Surinam/Dutch Antilles (MMR 14.7, RR 2.9). Half of all women had an uncomplicated medical history (79/161, 49.1%). Of 171 pregnancy-related deaths within 1 year postpartum, 102 (60%) had a direct and 69 (40%) an indirect cause of death. Leading causes within 42 days postpartum were cardiac disease (n = 21, 14.9%), hypertensive disorders (n = 20, 14.2%) and thrombosis (n = 19, 13.5%). Up to 1 year postpartum, the most common cause of death was cardiac disease (n = 32, 18.7%). Improvable care factors were identified in 76 (47.5%) of all deaths. Conclusions Maternal mortality halved in 2006-2018 compared with 1993-2005. Cardiac disease became the main cause. In almost half of all deaths, improvable factors were identified and women with a background from Surinam/Dutch Antilles had a threefold increased risk of death compared with Dutch women without a background of migration

    Spontaneous Haemoperitoneum in Pregnancy: Nationwide Surveillance and Delphi Audit System

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the incidence, diagnostic management strategies and clinical outcomes of women with spontaneous haemoperitoneum in pregnancy (SHiP) and reassess the definition of SHiP. DESIGN: A population-based cohort study using the Netherlands Obstetric Surveillance System (NethOSS). SETTING: Nationwide, the Netherlands. POPULATION: All pregnant women between April 2016 and April 2018. METHODS: This is a case study of SHiP using the monthly registry reports of NethOSS. Complete anonymised case files were obtained. A newly introduced online Delphi audit system (DAS) was used to evaluate each case, to make recommendations on improving the management of SHiP and to propose a new definition of SHiP. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence and outcomes, lessons learned about clinical management and the critical appraisal of the current definition of SHiP. RESULTS: In total, 24 cases were reported. After a Delphi procedure, 14 cases were classified as SHiP. The nationwide incidence was 4.9 per 100 000 births. Endometriosis and conceiving after artificial reproductive techniques were identified as risk factors. No maternal and three perinatal deaths occurred. Based on the DAS, adequate imaging of free intra-abdominal fluid, and identifying and treating women with signs of hypovolemic shock could improve the early detection and management of SHiP. A revised definition of SHiP was proposed, excluding the need for surgical or radiological intervention. CONCLUSIONS: SHiP is a rare and easily misdiagnosed condition that is associated with high perinatal mortality. To improve care, better awareness among healthcare workers is needed. The DAS is a sufficient tool to audit maternal morbidity and mortality

    Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals]

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    DoelOnderzoeken (a) frequentie van het gebruik van patiëntgecontroleerde toediening van remifentanil (remifentanil-PCA) durante partu in Nederland; (b) wat motieven zijn om remifentanil-PCA al dan niet aan te bieden; (c) voor welke vrouwen remifentanil-PCA beschikbaar is; en (d) welke maternale monitoring wordt toegepast.OpzetBeschrijvend vragenlijstonderzoek.MethodeAlle 81 Nederlandse ziekenhuizen met een verlosafdeling ontvingen een vragenlijst over de volgende onderwerpen: (a) beschikbare methoden voor farmacologische pijnbehandeling; (b) motieven van gynaecologen om remifentanil-PCA wel of niet aan te bieden; (c) de doelgroep voor remifentanil-PCA; (d) maternale monitoring; en (e) Perined-gegevens uit 2016. Wij vroegen de ziekenhuisapothekers naar aantallen ampullen remifentanil die zij in de periode 2016-2017 geleverd hadden.ResultatenDe vragenlijst werd door 81 gynaecologen (100%) ingevuld. In 59 (73%) van de 81 ziekenhuizen was remifentanil-PCA beschikbaar. In deze ziekenhuizen werd remifentanil-PCA bij gemiddeld 23% van de partussen toegepast (uitersten: 16-56%). In 34 (58%) van deze 59 ziekenhuizen was remifentanil-PCA voor alle vrouwen beschikbaar en in 25 (42%) voor een selecte groep. De meest genoemde motieven om remifentanil-PCA beschikbaar te stellen waren ‘de wenselijkheid van een alternatief voor epidurale analgesie’ en ‘op verzoek van zwangeren’, respectievelijk 55 keer (93%) en 46 keer (78%). In ziekenhuizen waar remifentanil-PCA niet beschikbaar was, waren ‘betere pijnbehandeling door epidurale analgesie’, ‘het risico op ernstige maternale bijwerkingen’ en ‘onvoldoende mogelijkheden voor observatie op verloskamers’ de belangrijkste motieven voor dit beleid.ConclusieEr is aanzienlijke variatie in de toepassing van remifentanil-PCA durante partu in Nederland. Remifentanil-PCA is in het merendeel van de ziekenhuizen beschikbaar voor alle vrouwen. De belangrijkste motieven van gynaecologen zijn ‘de wenselijkheid van een alternatief voor epidurale analgesie’ en ‘op verzoek van zwangeren’

    Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice variation in the application of remifentanil during labour: an overview of its application in Dutch hospitals]

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    Objective: To survey (a) the frequency of the use of patient-controlled analgesic remifentanil-PCA during labour in the Netherlands; (b) considerations by obstetricians whether or not to offer remifentanil-PCA; (c) target population for remifentanil-PCA and (d) the application of maternal monitoring.Design: Descriptive survey.Method: A questionnaire was sent to all 81 Dutch hospitals with a labour ward. The following subjects were covered: (a) available methods for pharmacological pain relief; (b) considerations by obstetricians whether or not to offer remifentanil-PCA; (c) target population for remifentanil-PCA; (d) maternal monitoring and (e) the hospital's birth data for the year 2016. The hospital pharmacist was asked for the number of remifentanil dispensed in 2016-2017.Results: The questionnaire was completed by 81 obstetricians (100% response rate). Remifentanil-PCA was available in 59 out of 81 (73%) of the hospitals with a mean use of 23% of the births (range 16-56%) in those units. In 34 (58%) of these hospitals, remifentanil-PCA is available for all women, and in 25 (42%) it was for a selected group of women. Most frequently mentioned considerations for offering remifentanil-PCA were 'a need for an alternative for epidural analgesia' and 'at the request of pregnant women' reported a respective 55 (93%) and 46 (78%) times. In hospitals where remifentanil-PCA was not offered, the following motives were given for this policy: 'epidural analgesia is the most effective method of pain relief during labour'; 'risk of serious maternal complications'; and 'sufficient monitoring during labour not feasible in delivery rooms'.Conclusion: A large variation between Dutch hospitals exists in the application of remifentanil-PCA during labour. In the majority of the hospitals, remifentanil-PCA is available for all women. The most common motives mentioned by obstetricians for its use are 'a need for an alternative for epidural analgesia' and 'at the request of pregnant women'

    Six uneventful pregnancy outcomes in an extended vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome family

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    Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (vEDS) is caused by heterozygous mutations in COL3A1 and is characterized by fragile vasculature and hollow organs, with a high risk of catastrophic events at a young age. During pregnancy and delivery, maternal mortality rates up until 25% have been reported. However, recent pedigree analysis reported a substantial lower pregnancy-related mortality rate of 4.9%. Here, we describe an extended vEDS family with multiple uneventful pregnancy outcomes. In the proband, a 37-year-old woman, DNA-analysis because of an asymptomatic iliac artery dissection revealed a pathogenic mutation in COL3A1 (c.980G>A; p. Gly327Asp). She had had three uneventful vaginal deliveries. At the time of diagnosis, her 33-year-old niece was 25 weeks pregnant. She had had one uneventful vaginal delivery. Targeted DNA-analysis revealed that she was carrier of the COL3A1 mutation. Ultrasound detected an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta with likely a dissection. An uneventful elective cesarean section was performed at a gestational age of 37 weeks. The 40-year-old sister of our proband had had one uneventful vaginal delivery and an active pregnancy wish. Cascade DNA-screening showed her to carry the COL3A1 mutation. Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) of her aorta revealed a type B dissection with the most proximal entry tear just below the superior mesenteric artery. Pregnancy was therefore discouraged. This familial case illustrates the complexity and challenges of reproductive decision-making in a potentially lethal condition as vEDS, and highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, it suggests that previous pregnancy-related risks of vEDS may be overestimated. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Six uneventful pregnancy outcomes in an extended vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome family

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    Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (vEDS) is caused by heterozygous mutations in COL3A1 and is characterized by fragile vasculature and hollow organs, with a high risk of catastrophic events at a young age. During pregnancy and delivery, maternal mortality rates up until 25% have been reported. However, recent pedigree analysis reported a substantial lower pregnancy-related mortality rate of 4.9%. Here, we describe an extended vEDS family with multiple uneventful pregnancy outcomes. In the proband, a 37-year-old woman, DNA-analysis because of an asymptomatic iliac artery dissection revealed a pathogenic mutation in COL3A1 (c.980G>A; p. Gly327Asp). She had had three uneventful vaginal deliveries. At the time of diagnosis, her 33-year-old niece was 25 weeks pregnant. She had had one uneventful vaginal delivery. Targeted DNA-analysis revealed that she was carrier of the COL3A1 mutation. Ultrasound detected an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta with likely a dissection. An uneventful elective cesarean section was performed at a gestational age of 37 weeks. The 40-year-old sister of our proband had had one uneventful vaginal delivery and an active pregnancy wish. Cascade DNA-screening showed her to carry the COL3A1 mutation. Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) of her aorta revealed a type B dissection with the most proximal entry tear just below the superior mesenteric artery. Pregnancy was therefore discouraged. This familial case illustrates the complexity and challenges of reproductive decision-making in a potentially lethal condition as vEDS, and highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, it suggests that previous pregnancy-related risks of vEDS may be overestimated

    Spontaneous Haemoperitoneum in Pregnancy: Nationwide Surveillance and Delphi Audit System

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    Objective: To evaluate the incidence, diagnostic management strategies and clinical outcomes of women with spontaneous haemoperitoneum in pregnancy (SHiP) and reassess the definition of SHiP. Design: A population-based cohort study using the Netherlands Obstetric Surveillance System (NethOSS). Setting: Nationwide, the Netherlands. Population: All pregnant women between April 2016 and April 2018. Methods: This is a case study of SHiP using the monthly registry reports of NethOSS. Complete anonymised case files were obtained. A newly introduced online Delphi audit system (DAS) was used to evaluate each case, to make recommendations on improving the management of SHiP and to propose a new definition of SHiP. Main outcome measures: Incidence and outcomes, lessons learned about clinical management and the critical appraisal of the current definition of SHiP. Results: In total, 24 cases were reported. After a Delphi procedure, 14 cases were classified as SHiP. The nationwide incidence was 4.9 per 100 000 births. Endometriosis and conceiving after artificial reproductive techniques were identified as risk factors. No maternal and three perinatal deaths occurred. Based on the DAS, adequate imaging of free intra-abdominal fluid, and identifying and treating women with signs of hypovolemic shock could improve the early detection and management of SHiP. A revised definition of SHiP was proposed, excluding the need for surgical or radiological intervention. Conclusions: SHiP is a rare and easily misdiagnosed condition that is associated with high perinatal mortality. To improve care, better awareness among healthcare workers is needed. The DAS is a sufficient tool to audit maternal morbidity and mortality

    Defining definitions: a Delphi study to develop a core outcome set for conditions of severe maternal morbidity

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    Objective: Develop a core outcome set of international consensus definitions for severe maternal morbidities. Design: Electronic Delphi study. Setting: International. Population: Eight expert panels. Methods: All 13 high-income countries represented in the International Network of Obstetric Surveillance Systems (INOSS) nominated five experts per condition of morbidity, who submitted possible definitions. From these suggestions, a steering committee distilled critical components: eclampsia: 23, amniotic fluid embolism: 15, pregnancy-related hysterectomy: 11, severe primary postpartum haemorrhage: 19, uterine rupture: 20, abnormally invasive placentation: 12, spontaneous haemoperitoneum in pregnancy: 16, and cardiac arrest in pregnancy: 10. These components were assessed by the expert panel using a 5-point Likert scale, following which a framework for an encompassing definition was constructed. Possible definitions were evaluated in rounds until a rate of agreement of more than 70% was reached. Expert commentaries were used in each round to improve definitions. Main outcome measures: Definitions with a rate of agreement of more than 70%. Results: The invitation to participate in one or more of eight Delphi processes was accepted by 103 experts from 13 high-income countries. Consensus definitions were developed for all of the conditions. Conclusion: Consensus definitions for eight morbidity conditions were successfully developed using the Delphi process. These should be used in national registrations and international studies, and should be taken up by the Core Outcomes in Women's and Newborn Health initiative. Tweetable abstract: Consensus definitions for eight morbidity conditions were successfully developed using the Delphi process.</p

    Management practices for postdural puncture headache in obstetrics: a prospective, international, cohort study

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    © 2020 British Journal of AnaesthesiaBackground: Accidental dural puncture is an uncommon complication of epidural analgesia and can cause postdural puncture headache (PDPH). We aimed to describe management practices and outcomes after PDPH treated by epidural blood patch (EBP) or no EBP. Methods: Following ethics committee approval, patients who developed PDPH after accidental dural puncture were recruited from participating countries and divided into two groups, those receiving EBP or no EBP. Data registered included patient and procedure characteristics, headache symptoms and intensity, management practices, and complications. Follow-up was at 3 months. Results: A total of 1001 patients from 24 countries were included, of which 647 (64.6%) received an EBP and 354 (35.4%) did not receive an EBP (no-EBP). Higher initial headache intensity was associated with greater use of EBP, odds ratio 1.29 (95% confidence interval 1.19–1.41) per pain intensity unit increase. Headache intensity declined sharply at 4 h after EBP and 127 (19.3%) patients received a second EBP. On average, no or mild headache (numeric rating score≤3) was observed 7 days after diagnosis. Intracranial bleeding was diagnosed in three patients (0.46%), and backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in the EBP group. Conclusions: Management practices vary between countries, but EBP was more often used in patients with greater initial headache intensity. EBP reduced headache intensity quickly, but about 20% of patients needed a second EBP. After 7 days, most patients had no or mild headache. Backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in patients receiving an EBP

    Management practices for postdural puncture headache in obstetrics : a prospective, international, cohort study

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    Background: Accidental dural puncture is an uncommon complication of epidural analgesia and can cause postdural puncture headache (PDPH). We aimed to describe management practices and outcomes after PDPH treated by epidural blood patch (EBP) or no EBP. Methods: Following ethics committee approval, patients who developed PDPH after accidental dural puncture were recruited from participating countries and divided into two groups, those receiving EBP or no EBP. Data registered included patient and procedure characteristics, headache symptoms and intensity, management practices, and complications. Follow-up was at 3 months. Results: A total of 1001 patients from 24 countries were included, of which 647 (64.6%) received an EBP and 354 (35.4%) did not receive an EBP (no-EBP). Higher initial headache intensity was associated with greater use of EBP, odds ratio 1.29 (95% confidence interval 1.19-1.41) per pain intensity unit increase. Headache intensity declined sharply at 4 h after EBP and 127 (19.3%) patients received a second EBP. On average, no or mild headache (numeric rating score <= 3) was observed 7 days after diagnosis. Intracranial bleeding was diagnosed in three patients (0.46%), and backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in the EBP group. Conclusions: Management practices vary between countries, but EBP was more often used in patients with greater initial headache intensity. EBP reduced headache intensity quickly, but about 20% of patients needed a second EBP. After 7 days, most patients had no or mild headache. Backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in patients receiving an EBP