2,544 research outputs found

    Coulomb blockade of non-local electron transport in metallic conductors

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    We consider a metallic wire coupled to two metallic electrodes via two junctions placed nearby. A bias voltage applied to one of such junctions alters the electron distribution function in the wire in the vicinity of another junction thus modifying both its noise and the Coulomb blockade correction to its conductance. We evaluate such interaction corrections to both local and non-local conductances demonstrating non-trivial Coulomb anomalies in the system under consideration. Experiments on non-local electron transport with Coulomb effects can be conveniently used to test inelastic electron relaxation in metallic conductors at low temperatures.Comment: Published version. 11 pages, 4 figures. New references added, discussion and introduction are extended, appendices adde

    Tunneling into Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Coulomb Blockade and Fano Resonance

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    Tunneling spectroscopy measurements of single tunnel junctions formed between multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and a normal metal are reported. Intrinsic Coulomb interactions in the MWNTs give rise to a strong zero-bias suppression of a tunneling density of states (TDOS) that can be fitted numerically to the environmental quantum-fluctuation (EQF) theory. An asymmetric conductance anomaly near zero bias is found at low temperatures and interpreted as Fano resonance in the strong tunneling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent phonon dynamics at the martensitic phase transition of Ni_2MnGa

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    We use time-resolved optical reflectivity to study the laser stimulated dynamics in the magnetic shape memory alloy Ni_2MnGa. We observe two coherent optical phonons, at 1.2 THz in the martensite phase and at 0.7 THz in the pre-martensite phase, which we interpret as a zone-folded acoustic phonon and a heavily damped amplitudon respectively. In the martensite phase the martensitic phase transition can be induced by a fs laser pulse on a timescale of a few ps.Comment: 3 figure

    Low noise buffer amplifiers and buffered phase comparators for precise time and frequency measurement and distribution

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    Extremely low noise, high performance, wideband buffer amplifiers and buffered phase comparators were developed. These buffer amplifiers are designed to distribute reference frequencies from 30 KHz to 45 MHz from a hydrogen maser without degrading the hydrogen maser's performance. The buffered phase comparators are designed to intercompare the phase of state of the art hydrogen masers without adding any significant measurement system noise. These devices have a 27 femtosecond phase stability floor and are stable to better than one picosecond for long periods of time. Their temperature coefficient is less than one picosecond per degree C, and they have shown virtually no voltage coefficients

    A new non-perturbative approach to Quantum Brownian Motion

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    Starting from the Caldeira-Leggett (CL) model, we derive the equation describing the Quantum Brownian motion, which has been originally proposed by Dekker purely from phenomenological basis containing extra anomalous diffusion terms. Explicit analytical expressions for the temperature dependence of the diffusion constants are derived. At high temperatures, additional momentum diffusion terms are suppressed and classical Langivin equation can be recovered and at the same time positivity of the density matrix(DM) is satisfied. At low temperatures, the diffusion constants have a finite positive value, however, below a certain critical temperature, the Master Equation(ME) does not satisfy the positivity condition as proposed by Dekker.Comment: 5 page

    Weak localization in a system with a barrier: Dephasing and weak Coulomb blockade

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    We non-perturbatively analyze the effect of electron-electron interactions on weak localization (WL) in relatively short metallic conductors with a tunnel barrier. We demonstrate that the main effect of interactions is electron dephasing which persists down to T=0 and yields suppression of WL correction to conductance below its non-interacting value. Our results may account for recent observations of low temperature saturation of the electron decoherence time in quantum dots.Comment: published version, 10 page

    Rf-induced transport of Cooper pairs in superconducting single electron transistors in a dissipative environment

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    We investigate low-temperature and low-voltage-bias charge transport in a superconducting Al single electron transistor in a dissipating environment, realized as on-chip high-ohmic Cr microstrips. In our samples with relatively large charging energy values Ec > EJ, where EJ is the energy of the Josephson coupling, two transport mechanisms were found to be dominating, both based on discrete tunneling of individual Cooper pairs: Depending on the gate voltage Vg, either sequential tunneling of pairs via the transistor island (in the open state of the transistor around the points Qg = CgVg = e mod(2e), where Cg is the gate capacitance) or their cotunneling through the transistor (for Qg away of these points) was found to prevail in the net current. As the open states of our transistors had been found to be unstable with respect to quasiparticle poisoning, high-frequency gate cycling (at f ~ 1 MHz) was applied to study the sequential tunneling mechanism. A simple model based on the master equation was found to be in a good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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