424 research outputs found

    Living the Transition. A Bottom-up Perspective on Rwanda’s Political Transition

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    Political transitions are dominantly analyzed top-down and focus on a narrow range of political processes and institutions. Critical rethinkings of the ‘transition paradigm’ entail that structural factors, such as historical legacies and ethnic make-up, determine the trajectory of political transitions. In this paper we intend to complement top-down approaches by offering a bottom-up perspective revealing what it means to live through a transition in the ordinary perception. We use the Rwandan transition as case-study. An analysis of over 400 life histories of ordinary Rwandan peasants and their subjective ranking exercises over time on a ‘ladder of life’ portrays the trajectory of the Rwandan transition as perceived from below. The ethnicity of the respondents functions as pivot to shed light on the structural factor underlying the Rwandan transition: the Hutu-Tutsi bi-polarity.

    “Does the Truth Pass Across the Fire without Burning?” : Transitional Justice and its Discontents in Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts

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    The modernized tradition of the Gacaca courts has become the key mechanism to deal with the past in Rwanda. Due to the design of the Gacaca tribunals, truth telling is the cornerstone of the transitional justice framework. Nevertheless, popular narratives and survey results reveal a problematic quest for the truth. Based on 18 months of fieldwork in rural Rwandan villages, we demonstrate that the state-sanctioned speaking of the truth goes against establised social practices. Our exploration of the truth problem further brings into focus the socio-political environment mediated by a culture of deceit and dominated by a war victor as the context of the truth; the confession and denunciation policy as the source of the truth; the decentralized and ‘traditional’ setting as the locus of the truth. A concluding section sketches the contours of the truth and questions the possible consequences of the truth.

    Do we understand life after genocide? Centre and periphery in the knowledge construction in/on Rwanda

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    A reflection on the existing “constructs of knowledge” on Rwanda reveals that these are rife with contradictory assertions and images. We therefore map “the frontier of knowledge construction”, the centre(s) of society where not only policy is made, but where knowledge is actively construed, managed and controlled. We identify a discrepancy between “image” and “reality” in/on post-genocide Rwanda. We do so to be able to address the fundamental question: “do we really understand life after genocide?” We argue that crucial variables remain un- or under-explored due to an at times active interference in the scientific construction of knowledge; an overall cultivation of the aesthetics of progress and a culturally specific communication code. We analyze the “mise-en-scùne” (stage-setting) of Rwanda and argue for greater attention to the “mise-en-sens” (meaning-giving and overall direction). We stress the need to carry out a adopt a bottom-up perspective in order to capture the voices of ordinary people.

    The potential use of black soldier fly larvae residue as a fertilizer

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    In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the primary constraint of agriculture productivity has consistently been ascribed to soil fertility. A common approach to improve soil fertility is the use of fertilizers, both organic and inorganic. Though recently interest is increasing in the use of newer alternatives like biostimulants. Biostimulants are found to contribute to plant growth as well as to plant health. There are different forms of biostimulants, such as phytohormones, humic substances amongst others, and it can be applied from different sources, for example vermicompost. For similar reasons to the earthworms in the vermicomposting process, the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) received growing attention. The larvae of the BSF can convert organic waste into valuable products. The larvae themselves can be used as feed for pigs, poultry and fish, or can be further processed to obtain biodiesel, chitin and/or essential fatty acids. The residue of the bioconversion process has the potential to be used as a fertilizer. However, previous literature showed mixed results regarding the effect on the plant and on the characteristics of the residue. This study confirmed the assumption that the quality of the residues depend on the substrate fed to the Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL). Furthermore, the study compared the physico-chemical characteristics of the BSFL residues with other fertilizers, a commercial inorganic fertilizer, a commercial organic fertilizer, chicken manure and vermicompost. Based on the NPK content, the BSFL residues could not replace the commercial inorganic fertilizer. However, based on other physico-chemical characteristics, like the pH, EC or OM content, the BSFL residues can have an advantage over the inorganic fertilizer. Compared to the other organic fertilizers, the BSFL residues of the study have remarkably higher OM content. Though regarding the other characteristics, the data found for the BSFL residues are not remarkably higher nor remarkably lower than of the other organic fertilizers. Besides the characteristics of a fertilizer, several other factors determine the use of it. Socio-economic characteristics, like the cost of a fertilizer, the availability, and the lack of knowledge regarding a fertilizer, but also specific household characteristics, such as household size and composition, education level, gender, and ownership of livestock and/or poultry, can either constrain or promote the use of a certain fertilizer. Moreover, all these factors are interlinked. As for each fertilizer, BSFL residue has its’ own advantages and disadvantages. A SWOTanalysis combining the bio-physical and socio-economic factors regarding BSFL residues as a fertilizer is included in the study. Even though there is a major potential to use BSFL residues as a fertilizer, further research should be done. Further research should be done to the characteristics, in particular to the presence of biostimulants in the residues. Furthermore, the effect of the residues on soil fertility should be determined in the mid and long-term


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    Since the 50's, the altering between urban area and political power is at the origin of a major dysfunction of agglomerations (spillovers...). In reaction, many States have implemented a political and administrative reconfiguration of territories, lying upon historical heritage and specific legal techniques. This (re)structuring necessitates a definition of functional areas as a frame for the resolution of urban problems (planning, urbanism, networks...). The organization and the management of urban transport networks are symptomatic of the difficulties met by urban areas. Because of its repercussions on urban life and development (mobility, economic and social dimensions) and the problems it must deal with, the urban transport has been put into the hands of new metropolitan structures : the nature of institutional forms, regulation and control instruments will depend, however, on endogenous metropolitan factors or the specific national context. Transport has become one of the principal preoccupations of public powers. So, with the growing interest in urban sustainability, with the economic metropolisation, it appears to be the central pivot of metropolitan politics. On the basis of a comparison between the metropolitan areas of Lille and Montreal, our study means to determine : - to what extent the progressive structuring of an urban area facilitates the setting of metropolitan politics; - which organisms (intermunicipal arrangements) or organizations (governance) concur to a better administration of the metropolis (services and politics); - Which politics of urban transport were developed by public powers, in which frame they were elaborated and what were their results or their impact on the city itself.Depuis les annĂ©es 1950, le dĂ©calage observĂ© entre aire urbaine et pouvoir politique est Ă  la source d'un dysfonctionnement majeur des agglomĂ©rations (effets de dĂ©bordement...). En rĂ©action, de nombreux Etats engagent une reconfiguration politico-administrative des territoires reposant sur des hĂ©ritages historiques et des techniques juridiques spĂ©cifiques. Cette (re)structuration impose l'Ă©chelle des territoires fonctionnels comme cadre de rĂ©solution des problĂšmes urbains (amĂ©nagement, urbanisme, rĂ©seaux...). L'organisation et l'exploitation des rĂ©seaux de transport collectif urbain sont symptomatiques des difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es par les agglomĂ©rations. Du fait de son importance (mobilitĂ©, dimensions Ă©conomique et sociale), et de ses difficultĂ©s, le transport urbain est confiĂ© aux nouvelles structures mĂ©tropolitaines : toutefois, les formes institutionnelles et les instruments de rĂ©gulation et de contrĂŽle mis en place vont dĂ©pendre de facteurs endogĂšnes aux agglomĂ©rations ou de contextes nationaux spĂ©cifiques. Le transport devient l'une des principales prĂ©occupations des pouvoirs publics. Puis, avec l'intĂ©rĂȘt croissant portĂ© Ă  la durabilitĂ© urbaine, avec la mĂ©tropolisation Ă©conomique, il apparaĂźt comme le pivot central des politiques mĂ©tropolitaines. Sur la base d'une comparaison entre les aires mĂ©tropolitaines de Lille et de MontrĂ©al, notre Ă©tude se propose de dĂ©terminer : - dans quelle mesure la (re)structuration progressive d'une agglomĂ©ration favorise la mise en place de politiques mĂ©tropolitaines, notamment en matiĂšre de transports collectifs ; - quels organismes (intercommunalitĂ©s) ou organisations (gouvernance) concourent Ă  une meilleure gestion de la mĂ©tropole (services et politiques) ; - quelles politiques de transport collectif ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es par les pouvoirs publics, dans quels cadres elles se sont inscrites et quels en ont Ă©tĂ© les rĂ©sultats, ou l'influence sur la ville elle-mĂȘme

    Faire connaßtre Liszt en son temps : Alfred et Marie Jaëll, « passeurs » oubliés

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    La carriĂšre des pianistes Alfred et Marie JaĂ«ll a Ă©tĂ© largement influencĂ©e par Franz Liszt dont ils ont Ă©tĂ© les disciples d’une maniĂšre ou d’une autre. Mais Liszt leur est aussi redevable. Le virtuose Alfred JaĂ«ll (1832-1882) a mis les Ɠuvres de Liszt trĂšs tĂŽt Ă  son rĂ©pertoire, dĂšs les annĂ©es 1855 et a contribuĂ© de plus Ă  diffuser sa musique par le biais des « paraphrases » qu’il composait. Marie JaĂ«ll-Trautmann (1846-1925), son Ă©pouse, s’imposera toute sa vie comme interprĂšte incontestĂ©e de Liszt. Le cycle de six concerts qu’elle consacre en 1892 Ă  Paris aux Ɠuvres pour piano connues de Liszt marque son temps. L’étude des relations entre Liszt et Marie JaĂ«ll Ă©claire la personnalitĂ© de cette derniĂšre en tant que virtuose et compositrice et aussi en tant qu’initiatrice d’une nouvelle mĂ©thode pianistique basĂ©e sur une approche scientifique.The career of these two pianists has been widely influenced by Franz Liszt, their –somehow or other– master. But Franz Liszt was also indebted to them. A. JaĂ«ll (1832-1882), a piano virtuoso added Liszt’s works as early as 1855 to his repertoire and contriuted to the composer’s popularity with his “paraphrases”. His wife, Marie JaĂ«ll-Trautmann (1846-1925) was to be a lifelong undisputed interpreter of Liszt’s works. The series of 6 piano performances of Liszt’s most famous compositions in 1892 was to be a musical event. The study of the relations between Liszt and M. JaĂ«ll shed new light on her personality as a virtuoso and a composer, but also as the inventor of a new teaching method based on a strictly scientific approach.Die Pianisten Alfred und Marie JaĂ«ll sind Franz Liszts SchĂŒler, und er ist es auch, dem sie ihren Ruf verdanken. Aber die Beziehung war nicht einseitig. Auch Liszt schuldet ihnen Dank. Der Virtuose Alfred JaĂ«ll (1832 - 1882) hat Lists Werke schon sehr frĂŒh, seit 1855, in sein Repertoire aufgenommen. DarĂŒber hinaus waren es „Paraphrasen” eigener Komposition, die geholfen haben, Liszts Musik bekannt zu machen. Marie JaĂ«ll-Trautmann (1846 - 1925), seine Gemahlin, war zeit ihres Lebens die unbestrittene Interpretin von Liszt. Der Zyklus von 6 Konzerten, den sie 1892 in Paris den Werken von Liszt widmete, war das musikalische Ereignis, das die damalige Zeit geprĂ€gt hat. Die Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen Liszt und Marie JaĂ«ll bringt Licht in die Persönlichkeit letzterer als Virtuosin und auch Komponistin aber auch als Erfinderin einer neuer Methode des Pianounterrichts die auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen aufbaut

    V comme VARIANTE

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    « Forme ou solution lĂ©gĂšrement diffĂ©rente mais voisine » : telle est la dĂ©finition du terme « variante » selon le Petit Robert. Un manuscrit de Franz Liszt conservĂ© par la BNU dans les archives de Marie JaĂ«ll (1846-1925), pianiste, compositrice et pĂ©dagogue d’origine alsacienne, va nous donner l’occasion d’explorer ce mot banal Ă  premiĂšre vue. Ce manuscrit est une partition constituĂ©e de plusieurs feuilles de papier Ă  musique. Sur la premiĂšre page, en travers de la feuille prise dans le sens..

    Pratiques de vote et pensées politiques des électeurs durant les élections de 2010 au Burundi

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    Il existe un consensus scientifique concernant le fait que les processus Ă©lectoraux peuvent faciliter la dĂ©mocratisation mais peuvent Ă©galement ĂȘtre la source d’instabilitĂ© ou encore amener un rĂ©gime autoritaire. GĂ©nĂ©ralement, ces processus sont analysĂ©s en mettant l'accent sur les acteurs et les institutions politiques macros. Cet article prĂ©sente toutefois une analyse par le bas du processus Ă©lectoral de 2010 au Burundi par le biais de l’analyse des resultats d’un sondage reprĂ©sentatif de l'Ă©lectorat burundais. Les resultats rĂ©vĂšlent l’existence de deux tendances rĂ©gionales sur le plan de la "mobilisation politique". En plus, quatre grands "groupes d’électeurs" peuvent ĂȘtre distinguĂ©s au sein du territoire burundais. Bien que la motivation "gĂ©nĂ©rique", c'est-Ă -dire l'exercice des droits civiques grĂące Ă  des Ă©lections, soit trĂšs rĂ©pandue dans l'ensemble de ces groupes d’électeurs et les diverses regions du pays identifiĂ©es, les resultats rĂ©vĂšlent qu'une partie importante de l’électorat est dĂ©sintĂ©ressĂ©e ou alors caractĂ©risĂ©e par des comportements et des pensĂ©es populistes ou clientĂ©listes. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent Ă©galement l’existence d’un fossĂ© entre la perception des preoccupations de la classe politique et les aspirations de la population ordinaire. SituĂ©es dans le contexte de vingt annĂ©es de transition politique au Burundi, ces pratiques "pragmatiques" et "populistes" et les modes de pensĂ©e politique observĂ©s au niveau local durant le processus Ă©lectoral de 2010 rĂ©vĂšlent le danger d’une instrumentalisation de ces tendances par des "forces" antidĂ©mocratiques et/ou violentes. En second lieu, se pose Ă©galement la question de savoir comment dĂ©mocratiser en substance la transition politique du Burundi, donc aussi dans les pratiques et les pensĂ©es populaires locales.
