62 research outputs found

    Grima: A Distinct Emotion Concept?

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    People experience an unpleasant sensation when hearing a scratch on a board or plate. The present research focuses on this aversive experience known in Spanish as 'grima' with no equivalent term in English and German. We hypothesized that this aversive experience constitutes a distinctive, separate emotional concept. In Study 1, we found that the affective meaning of 'grima' was closer to disgust than to other emotion concepts. Thus, in Study 2 we explored the features of grima and compared them with disgust. As grima was reported to be predominantly elicited by certain auditory stimuli and associated with a distinctive physiological pattern, Study 3 used direct measures of physiological arousal to test the assumption of a distinctive pattern of physiological responses elicited by auditory stimuli of grima and disgust, and found different effects on heart rate but not on skin conductance. In Study 4, we hypothesized that only participants with an implementation intention geared toward down-regulating grima would be able to successfully weaken the grima- but not disgust- experience. Importantly, this effect was specific as it held true for the grima-eliciting sounds only, but did not affect disgust-related sounds. Finally, Study 5 found that English and German speakers lack a single accessible linguistic label for the pattern of aversive reactions termed by Spanish speaking individuals as 'grima', whereas the elicitors of other emotions were accessible and accurately identified by German, English, as well as Spanish speakers.publishe

    El síndrome psicológico : ¿herramienta analítica o psicologización de la realidad social?

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    En los últimos años el concepto de síndrome ha ido adquiriendo una enorme importancia, tanto en la psicología como en la psicopatología. En este artículo describiremos no sólo la proliferación de su uso sino también el porqué de su creciente aceptación. Asimismo, pro-cederemos a describir diferentes tipos de síndromes antes de señalar diversos aspectos crí-ticos del uso actual del término, en sintonía con una creciente psicologización de los pro-blemas sociales. Finalmente, mostraremos la forma como se ha instalado en las explicacio-nes de sentido común de los diversos problemas a los que intenta dar respuesta haciendo uso de los procesos de anclaje y objetivación descritos en la teoría de las representaciones sociales de Serge Moscovici.The concept of syndrome has experienced an enormous importance in both psychology and psychopathology in the last years. In this article we will not only describe how its use has increased, but also why it is increasingly accepted. Moreover, different types of syndromes will be described, as well as critical aspects of the current use of the term will be high-lighted. Finally, we will show how the syndromes are been used to give common sense ex-planations of different problems by resorting to the processes of anchoring and objectify-ing described by Sergei Moscovici in his theory of social representations

    Efecto del ejercicio físico en la productividad laboral y el bienestar

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    This study analyses a systematic physical activity programme carried out over one year. The study was conducted with 92 employees working in a consultancy company. A total of 53 employees agreed to participate in the programme, while the remaining 39 formed the control group. The aim of the study was to improve the participants' overall physical condition as a way to enhance cardiovascular resistance, strength and flexibility. The results obtained showed an improvement in the participants' physical condition. Once the efficacy of the physical training programme was demonstrated, the influence of the intervention on other parameters was examined. The programme participants showed higher levels of well-being and satisfaction with life and work as well as lower levels of perceived stress and better job performance evaluations than the participants in the control group. The implications of the findings are discussed

    Effects of physical exercise on job productivity and well-being

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    This study analyses a systematic physical activity programme carried out over one year. The study was conducted with 92 employees working in a consultancy company. A total of 53 employees agreed to participate in the programme, while the remaining 39 formed the control group. The aim of the study was to improve the participants’ overall physical condition as a way to enhance cardiovascular resistance, strength and flexibility. The results obtained showed an improvement in the participants’ physical condition. Once the efficacy of the physical training programme was demonstrated, the influence of the intervention on other parameters was examined. The programme participants showed higher levels of well-being and satisfaction with life and work as well as lower levels of perceived stress and better job performance evaluations than the participants in the control group. The implications of the findings are discussedEl presente estudio analiza el efecto de un programa sistematizado de ejercicio físico con una duración de un año sobre la productividad y satisfacción laboral, el bienestar y la percepción de estrés. Participaron 92 trabajadores de una empresa de consultoría, 53 en el programa y 39 como grupo control. El programa estaba basado en la mejora global de la condición física, con tareas enfocadas al incremento de la resistencia cardiovascular, la fuerza y la flexibilidad. Los resultados muestran que la intervención mejoró la condición física de los empleados. Comprobada la eficacia del programa, los resultados mostraron la influencia de la intervención sobre las dimensiones estudiadas: los participantes en el programa manifestaron mayores niveles de bienestar y satisfacción el trabajo, menor grado de estrés percibido y obtuvieron una valoración de su rendimiento laboral más elevada que los participantes en el grupo control. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultadosO presente estudo analisa o efeito de um programa sistematizado de exercício físico com a duração de um ano sobre a produtividade e satisfação laboral, o bem-estar e a percepção de stresse. Participaram 92 trabalhadores de uma empresa de consultoria, 53 inseridos no programa e 39 no grupo de controlo. O programa baseou-se na melhoria global da condição física, com tarefas focadas no aumento da resistência cardiovascular, da força e da flexibilidade. Os resultados mostram que a intervenção melhorou a condição física dos funcionários. Comprovada a eficácia do programa, os resultados mostraram a influência da intervenção sobre as dimensões estudadas: os participantes no programa manifestaram maiores níveis de bem-estar e satisfação no trabalho, menor grau de stresse percebido e obtiveram uma avaliação mais elevada do seu rendimento laboral comparativamente com os participantes do grupo de controlo. São discutidas as implicações dos resultado

    Análisis de las causas de abandono de estudiantes del programa de mentoría

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    Estudiar de las causas del abandono de los telémacos del programa de mentoría de la UCM a través de la realización de distintos grupos de discusión y cuestionarios de preguntas abiertas. Se propondrán acciones para reducir el abandono

    Downregulation of Anger by Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions (MCII)

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    As anger can lead to aggressive behavior aiming at intentionally hurting somebody, the prevention of its destructive consequences with effective emotion regulation strategies is crucial. Two studies tested the idea that mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) interventions would be effective in down-regulating anger. In Study 1, participants who adopted the self-regulation strategy of MCII showed significantly less anger-related negative affect after the anger induction than participants in a control condition, with positive affect staying unaffected. Results from a second study with a control condition plus three self-regulation conditions – a reappraisal, a MCII, and a reappraisal + MCII condition – suggest that participants using MCII were effective in down-regulating anger, irrespective of whether it was supplemented by reappraisal or not. The present research contributes to emotion regulation research by introducing MCII as an effective strategy that can be tailored to satisfy individual emotion regulation demands, such as dealing with experienced anger

    Innovando en la Gestión académica: La incorporación de protocolos y herramientas digitales en los Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología

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    Proyecto de Innovación en la Gestión Académica que tiene como objetivos principales incorporar protocolos y herramientas para la mejora en la Calidad de la gestión académica de los Grados. Principalmente aplicables a la coordinación docente de los Grados, la organización académica de los Trabajos Fin de Grado, la difusión e información de los estudios de Grado, el mantenimiento de la información web de los Grados, el reconocimiento de Créditos, y, la acogida, tutela y asesoramiento de los estudiantes de los Grados