76 research outputs found

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    IRT Dapure Indah adalah salah satu industri rumah tangga yang bergerak dibidang penjualan pangsit mi. Bahan baku mi basah yang dijual berasal dari suatu industri pembuatan mi komersial di kota Surabaya. Oleh karena itu IRT ini menjual pangsit mi dengan harga dasar sangat tergantung pada  harga mi basah yang dibeli, sehingga mempengaruhi jumlah pangsit mi yang terjual.   Selama ini IRT Dapure Indah belum mengetahui cara memproduksi mi basah serta diversifikasinya. Beluntas adalah tanaman herbal yang telah terbukti mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan dan antidiabetik. Penggunaan air seduhan teh daun beluntas dalam pembuatan mi beluntas sebagai diversifikasi mi basah belum pernah diperkenalkan dan dikomersialkan. Oleh karena itu perlu memberikan pelatihan aplikasi penggunaan air seduhan teh daun beluntas untuk memperkaya nilai fungsional dari mi basah, disamping memberikan pelatihan cara pembuatan mi basah plain (umum/kontrol) pada IRT Dapure Indah. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan memproduksi mi basah plain/umum/kontrol dan mi beluntas sebagai diversifikasi untuk meningkatkan ekonomi IRT Dapure Indah. Kegiatan abdimas berlangsung di IRT Dapure Indah di Perumahan Green Semanggi Mangrove Blok G1-23 selama 3 bulan (Mei-Juli 2022), selama waktu tersebut tim abdimas memberikan pelatihan tentang pembuatan mi basah plain (umum/kontrol) dan diversifikasinya dengan air seduhan beluntas serta penanganan produk selama penyimpanan. Setelah pelatihan pada pertengahan bulan Juni- awal Juli IRT Dapure Indah sudah 2 kali memproduksi mi basah dan pada awal bulan Juli IRT Dapure Indah sudah membuat diversifikasi mi basah dengan air seduhan daun beluntas. Hasil penjualan mi plain dan mi beluntas meningkatkan kesukaan konsumen terhadap mi yang dijual berdasarkan kategori warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur dan kesukaan secara keseluruhan.  Tingkat kesukaan konsumen terhadap mi plain maupun beluntas dalam kategori antara suka (skor 4) hingga sangat suka (skor 5), nilai kesukaan terhadap warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur dan keseluruhan untuk mi plain secara berturut-turut adalah sebagai berikut : 4,29; 4,36; 4,21; 4,29; 4,57, sedangkan mi beluntas secara berturut-turut   4,27; 4,47; 4,40;  4,27; 4,73.  Konsumen lebih menyukai warna dan tekstur  mi basah plain dibandingkan mi beluntas karena mempunyai warna putih kekuningan dan tidak mudah putus dan kenyal. Sedangkan tingkat kesukaan konsumen terhadap rasa, aroma dan keseluruhan untuk mi beluntas lebih tinggi dibandingkan mi plain karena gurih, beraroma daun/wangi, dan enak. Mi basah yang dihasilkan akan mempunyai shelf life lebih lama jika disimpan di freezer dibandingkan direfrigerator. Kata kunci: IRT Dapure Indah, ekonomi, mi basah, mi beluntas   ABSTRACT IRT Dapure Indah is one of the home industries engaged in the sale of noodle dumplings. The raw material for wet noodles sold comes from a commercial noodle-making industry in the city of Surabaya. Therefore, this IRT sells noodle dumplings with a base price that really depends on the price of wet noodles purchased, thus affecting the number of noodle dumplings sold. So far, IRT Dapure Indah does not know how to produce wet noodles and how to diversify them. Pluchea is an herbal plant that has shown to have antioxidant and antidiabetic activity. The use of pluchea leaf tea steeping in the manufacture of pluchea noodles as diversification of wet noodles has never been introduced and commercialized. Therefore, it is necessary to provide training in the application of using pluchea leaf tea to enrich the functional value of wet noodles, in addition to providing training on how to make plain wet noodles (general/control) at IRT Dapure Indah. The purpose of this community service was to provide training to produce plain/general/control wet noodles and pluchea noodles as a diversification to improve the economy of IRT Dapure Indah. The community service activity took place at IRT Dapure Indah at the Green Semanggi Mangrove Housing Block G1-23 for 3 months (May-July 2022), during which time the community service team provided training on making plain wet noodles (general/control) and diversifying it with pluchea steeped water and product handling during storage. After training in mid-June-early July IRT Dapure Indah produced 2 wet noodles and in early July IRT Dapure Indah diversified wet noodles with water steeped in pluchea leaves. The sales of plain noodles and pluchea noodles increased consumer preference for noodles sold based on the categories of color, taste, aroma, texture, and overall preference. The level of consumer preference for plain and pluchea noodles in the category between like (score 4) to really like (score 5), the preference values ​​for color, taste, aroma, texture, and overall for plain noodles were as follows: 4.29; 4.36; 4.21; 4.29; 4.57, while the noodles pluchea were 4.27; 4.47; 4.40; 4.27; 4.73. Consumers prefered the color and texture of plain wet noodles to pluchea noodles because they have a yellowish-white color and were not easily broken and chewy. While the level of consumer preference for taste, aroma, and overall pluchea noodles was higher than plain noodles because it was savory, have a leafy aroma, and was delicious. The resulting wet noodles would have a longer shelf life if stored in the freezer than in the refrigerator. Keywords: IRT Dapure Indah, economy, wet noodles, pluchea noodle


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    The supply of soybean varieties with certain specification is still a problem for the tofu industry, so it needs to be resolved, one of which is the selection of capable coagulant. This research aimed to study the effect of different of coagulants (CaSO4 , CaCl2 , and MgCl2) and the concentration [0.4 % ( w / v ) and 0.5 % ( w / v )] to the characteristics of fresh tofu and its consumer acceptance.The tofu characteristics especially water holding capacity and gel strength could determine the tofu yield and texture parameters. Based on the research result, it showed that different types of coagulant have specific characteristics such as rate of coagulation and water entrapment capacity. Coagulant concentration of 0.5 % on all types of salt coagulant was used in this study showed the effect of decreasing the water holding capacity of the curd. Salt concentration of 0.5 % provided more formed cross-link so that the structure to be too compact. Higher protein content was obtained at concentration of 0.5 % for the same type of coagulant, but it was not followed by significant difference of texture. Based on sensory evaluation data, it can be concluded that CaSO4 0.4 % produced the most preferred product. The usage of MgCl2 0.4% can be recommended beside of CaSO4 0.4 %


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    Fat content in rice Cake is 16,84% theoretically. The understanding of healthy living encourages people to reduce the amount of fat in food. Kidney beans can be used as a fat replacer. Rice Cake can be made with the addition of Na-CMC 4% and margarine substitutes by kidney beans for up to 100%. The addition of xanthan gum in combination with NaCMC will be studied to solved the rice Cake dryness. The proportion of gum xanthan and Na-CMC added to low fat rice Cake dough for 4% of the weight of rice flour. Research using a non factorial randomized block design with the treatment is proportion gum xanthan and Na-CMC 0%:100%; 10%:90%; 20%:80%; 30%:70%; 40%:60%; and 50%:50% with four replication. The proportion of xanthan gum and Na-CMC provides a significant effect on physicochemical tests that include moisture content, specific volume, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness at α = 5% and organoleptic tests that include, pore uniformity, ease beaten, softness and ease of swallow (moistness) but no significant effect (α = 5%) to a taste. Treatment of fat reducing which most accepted was combination of xanthan gum and Na-CMC 20%: 80%


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    Fat reduction on brownies can alter sensory properties of the product, so a fat mimetic like green banana puree was needed to replace some fat. This research aims to determine the effect of the proportion of margarine which is replaced with green banana puree on physicochemical and sensory quality of steamed brownies. Randomized Block Design with one factor (margarine:banana puree) was used in this research which consist of six level (margarine:banana puree = 100:0, 60:40, 55:45, 50:50, 55:45 and 40:60) with four replications. The product was evaluated for water content, reducing sugar content, fat content, specific volume, cohesiveness, and sensory properties. All of the data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (α 5%). Duncan Multiple Range Test (α = 5%) was used to determine the significant difference among the treatments. The proportion of margarine and green banana puree treatment gives a significant difference (α = 5%) on water content, reducing sugar content, fat content, specific volume and organoleptic properties of steamed brownies: but no real influence on cohesiveness steamed brownies. The most preferred steamed brownies with proportion of margarine: banana puree 45:55 which has 33.51% moisture content; 4.69% reducing sugar content; 12.31% fat content; specific volume 2.3401 cm3/g, cohesiveness 0.7173 cm/g/s, softness preference 5.38 (somewhat liked liked), 5.41 flavor preference (somewhat liked liked), 5.30 tenderness preference (somewhat liked liked) and moistness preference 5.01 (somewhat liked)


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    The use of Na-CMC need to be combined with xanthan gum hydrocolloid to improve the physical, chemical, and sensory properties of reduced fat rice cake. The research aimed to determine the effect of hydrocolloid concentration (Na-CMC and xanthan gum = 4:1) onphysical, chemical, and sensory properties of reduced fat rice cake. The experimental design was Randomized Block Design with one factor, namely hydrocolloid concentration, which consisted of five levels: 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% based on flour weight with five replications. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance at α = 5 % to determine the effect of treatment on the physical, chemical, and sensory properties of reduced fat rice cake, and followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test at α = 5 % to determine differences between treatment levels. The results showed that hydrocolloid concentration gave significant effects on moisture content, specific volume, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness and sensory properties (preference to pore uniformity, ease of chewing, tenderness, taste, and moistness), but didn’t give a significant effect on springiness of reduced fat rice cake. Reduced fat rice cake with hydrocolloid concentration of 4% is the most preferred cake by consumers


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    Muffin is one of the preferred foods by all groups of ages. Basically, wheat flour which is used in the muffin manufacturing are the medium flour and weak flour. Muffin is potential to be substituted with low protein flour such as pumpkin flour. Pumpkin flour has a different characteristic with wheat flour such as sugar content, fiber and carotenoid. Those component can determine muffin’s physical properties such as color, browning, flavor, and organoleptic so it is important to determine the effect of substitution to the muffin’s physical and organoleptic properties. The raw material used in this study are pumpkin flour and medium wheat flour. Other ingredients are butter, sugar, eggs, skim milk, vanilla and baking powder. Used research design was Randomized Block Design (RDB) with a single factor, namely the level of substitution of wheat flour by pumpkin flour with seven levels 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% with four replications. The tested parameters were water content, water activity, volume expansion, texture (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness), and organoleptic test (color, texture and flavor). Substitution of wheat flour with pumpkin flour influences the water content, water activity, volume expansion, hardness, springiness, chewiness and organoleptic test (color, texture and flavor) with significance level α=5%, but the substitution doesn’t influence cohesiveness. The optimal substitution level is 15%

    Procedimiento de control de la calidad del servicio técnico (interrupciones) suministrada por las distribuidoras del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires con registradores de eventos

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    El Ente Nacional Regulador de la Electricidad (ENRE) de la República Argentina audita los informes de interrupciones del suministro eléctrico del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires presentados por las Empresas Distribuidoras, mediante una campaña de medición realizada con Registradores de Eventos de Tensión (RET) en las redes, e iniciada en octubre de 1997. En este trabajo se describe la estrategia de instalación de los registradores, el método de confrontación de la información obtenida por los RET respecto de la presentada por las Distribuidoras, y el procedimiento sancionatorio ante eventuales incumplimientos en el relevamiento y/o procesamiento de la información por parte de las Distribuidoras. Asimismo se incluye un resumen de los resultados de las mediciones de microcortes realizadas.Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctricos (IITREE

    Procedimiento de control de la calidad del servicio técnico (interrupciones) suministrada por las distribuidoras del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires con registradores de eventos

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    El Ente Nacional Regulador de la Electricidad (ENRE) de la República Argentina audita los informes de interrupciones del suministro eléctrico del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires presentados por las Empresas Distribuidoras, mediante una campaña de medición realizada con Registradores de Eventos de Tensión (RET) en las redes, e iniciada en octubre de 1997. En este trabajo se describe la estrategia de instalación de los registradores, el método de confrontación de la información obtenida por los RET respecto de la presentada por las Distribuidoras, y el procedimiento sancionatorio ante eventuales incumplimientos en el relevamiento y/o procesamiento de la información por parte de las Distribuidoras. Asimismo se incluye un resumen de los resultados de las mediciones de microcortes realizadas.Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctricos (IITREE

    Role of formula and rice varieties on the characteristics of rice-based spring roll wrappers

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    The used formula in food processing could affect the product characteristics, including on rice-based spring roll wrappers. This research was aimed to find out an appropriate formula to get cohesive and firm mass by using four kinds of rice-based formulas on two different varieties of rice. Mentik Wangi and Ciherang varieties were used as the two preferred local rice varieties. The research used the randomized block design of nested experiment. The ingredients used for each formulation were rice flour and water (F1); rice flour, tapioca starch and water (F2); rice flour, egg white albumin and water (F3) and rice flour, tapioca starch, egg white albumin and water (F4). The weakness of rice flour is the difficulty to form cohesive mass and firm network because of its lack of gluten. The combination of egg white albumin and tapioca starch along with sufficient mechanical energy intended to carry out viscosity increasing and create an appropriate texture. The study indicated that best formula was F4 from both of Mentik Wangi and Ciherang varieties which produced cohesive and firm mass. There was no significant difference between the two rice varieties (P > 0.05). The characteristics of rice-based spring roll wrapper from Mentik Wangi and Ciherang varieties were; firmness: 0.5532±0.0051 N and 0.8131±0.0057 N; elongation at break: 15.98±0.47% and 16.28±0.29% and moisture retention capacity: 38.29±0.12% and 42.60±0.29% respectively