10 research outputs found

    Posisi Penempatan dan Jenis Media Tumbuh Budidaya Bloodworm (Larva Chironomus) pada Ekosistem Rawa

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    Larvae Chironomus sp also known as blood worms with a high protein content which is a natural food mainly for fish seed. Chironomus larvae can live in the open water on the muddy grounds or fine sand rich in organic matter. This study was conducted to determine the position and placement of the right type of growing medium for the cultivation of bloodworm on swamp waters. Results of this study addressed that position kakaban good placement is horizontal in the middle with a water depth of 100 cm with an abundance of bloodworm 400-444 ind/m2. Both types of growing medium is an abundance of coconut fiber with bloodworm i 622-967 ind/m2. ANOVA analysis of the results showed that the position of the waters kakaban placement and type of growth media on the growth of different bloodworm is very real

    Posisi Penempatan dan Jenis Media Tumbuh Budidaya Bloodworm (Larva chironomus) Pada Ekosistem Rawa

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    Larvae Chironomus sp also known as blood worms with a high protein content which is a natural food mainly for fish seed. Chironomus larvae can live in the open water on the muddy grounds or fine sand rich in organic matter. This study was conducted to determine the position and placement of the right type of growing medium for the cultivation of bloodworm on swamp waters. Results of this study addressed that position kakaban good placement is horizontal in the middle with a water depth of 100 cm with an abundance of bloodworm 400-444 ind/m2. Both types of growing medium is an abundance of coconut fiber with bloodworm i 622-967 ind/m2. ANOVA analysis of the results showed that the position of the waters kakaban placement and type of growth media on the growth of different bloodworm is very real

    Komposisi Zooplankton Di Perairan Rawa Banjiran Sungai Rungan Kota Palangkaraya

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    This fieldwork aims to determine the composition, abundance and diversity of zooplankton in the river flood swamps Rungan Palangkaraya city, this study was conducted in October and December 2013. Research method used was purposive sampling method, with sampling at four observation stations. The results showed that there are two phyla obtained by the phylum Rotifera and Capepoda, with the highest abundance found in October 1567ind/l that the first station  and in December there were at stations III and IV is 69 ind/l. Zooplakton diversity was highest in October at station III, while for December are on station III and IV. Average range of water quality in October and December: temperature 26.7 to 28.7 ° C, depth 2.4 to 6.4 m, DO from 3.2 to 3.4 ppm and pH 3.6 to 39

    Presentase Jenis Makanan Dalam Lambung Ikan Lais (Ompok hypopthalmus) Di Rawa Sungai Rungan, Kota Palangka Raya

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    Fish Lais (Ompok hypopthalmus) is one of the fish that live in the waters of the river swamp Rugan, Palangkaraya. Type of food and the availability of food in the water will determine the distribution of fish Lais. Total composition of the food supply will also determine the species composition of fish in the waters and eventually also will affect the growth of fish. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage and type of food in the stomach Lais fish caught in the river swamp Rungan Palangkaraya city. This study was carried out for 4 months, from January to April 2014, samples were taken every month Lais fish, fish caught and dissected to identify the contents of the stomach, the type of food in the stomach of fish Lais expressed in percent. The results showed that the type of fish food Lais for January are: fish = 60%, not identified = 31%, insects = 9%. Month of February 2014 kinds of food are insects = 56, = 22% shrimp, fish = 11% and = 11% unidentified. March 2014, the type of food is fish = 48%, insects = 36%, 16% and not identified for April Lais percentage of fish food is insects = 73%, not identified = 26%, fish = 1%. Water quality in the river swamp waters are pH between 4.5 to 6 Rungai, 1.7 to 5.1 m water depth, DO 32-36 mg / l, and the water temperature 26 - 27oC.

    Identification and prevalence of ectoparasites and endoparasites in kerandang fish Channa pleurophtalma and catfish Clarias batrachus captured from Sebangau River

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    ABSTRACT   This study aimed to determine types, prevalence, and intensity of ectoparasites and endoparasites that infect kerandang fish Channa pleurophtalma and catfish Clarias batrachus. Sampling was carried out in Sebangau River, while identification was carried out at the Fish Quarantine, Quality Control, and Safety Station, Palangka Raya. Examination of ectoparasite infection included bilateral body mucus, caudal fin, and gills. Endoparasite examination was done by observing the fish organs, such as liver, blood, meat, intestines, and stomach. The parasite analysis was determined by calculating the prevalence and intensity. In kerandang fish, the ectoparasites were identified as Trichodina sp., Gyrodactylus sp., Epistylis sp., Dactylogyrus sp., while the endoparasites were Camallanus sp. and Neoechinorhyncus. In catfish, the ectoparasites were identified as Trichodina sp., Dactylogyrus sp., Myxobolus sp., and Costia sp., while the endoparasites were Camallanus sp. Dominant ectoparasite that infected fish was Dactylogyrus sp. on fish gills. For endoparasites, the dominant endoparasites were identified as Neoechinorhyncus in kerandang fish and Camallanus sp. in catfish. The highest prevalence was found in Dactylogyrus sp. at 27%. The prevalence was categorized as a frequent infection. The highest ectoparasite intensity level was obtained from Trichodina sp. at 20.3 ind/fish in kerandang fish and Dactylogyrus sp. at 12.2 ind/fish in catfish. This intensity level is categorized in a medium intensity. Keywords: Channa pleurophtalma, Clarias batrachus, ectoparasites, endoparasites   ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ektoparasit dan endoparasit yang menginfeksi ikan kerandang Channa pleurophtalma dan ikan lele Clarias batrachus serta prevalensi dan intensitas parasitnya. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di sungai Sebangau sedangkan identifikasi dilaksanakan di Stasiun Karantina Ikan, Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan Palangka Raya. Pemeriksaaan infeksi ektoparasit meliputi; lendir tubuh bilateral, sirip ekor, dan insang. Pemeriksaan endoparasit dilakukan dengan cara mengamati bagian organ tubuh ikan seperti hati, darah, daging, usus, dan lambung. Untuk mengetahui tingkat serangan parasit pada ikan dianalisis dengan menghitung prevalensi dan intensitas. Pada ikan kerandang parasit yang teridentifikasi ektoparasit adalah Trichodina sp., Gyrodactylus sp., Epistylis sp., Dactylogyrus sp., dan endoparasit adalah Camallanus sp., dan Neoechinorhyncus. Pada ikan lele parasit ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi adalah Trichodina sp., Dactylogyrus sp., Myxobolus sp., dan Costia sp., sedangkan pada endoparasit adalah Camallanus sp. Ektoparasit yang dominan menginfeksi kedua ikan ini adalah Dactylogyrus yang terdapat pada insang. Sedangkan untuk endoparasit, pada ikan kerandang endoparasit yang dominan adalah Neoechinorhyncus dan endoparasit pada ikan lele adalah Camallanus sp. Prevalensi tertinggi pada ikan kerandang dan ikan lele adalah Dactylogyrus yaitu masing-masing 27%. Berdasarkan hasil prevalensi parasit pada ikan kerandang dan ikan lele termasuk kedalam kategori infeksi sering. Intensitas tertinggi pada ikan kerandang adalah Trichodina sp. dengan nilai 20.3 ind/ekor dan pada ikan lele adalah Dactylogyrus sp. dengan nilai intensitas 12.2 ind/ekor. Dari hasil intensitas parasit pada kedua ikan tersebut termasuk dalam kategori intensitas sedang. Kata kunci: Channa pleurophtalma, Clarias batrachus, ektoparasit, endoparasi


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different composition of plant apu (Pistia stratiotes) for growing maggot (Hermetia illucens) as feed fish. Research conducted from April to June 2018, with experimental research methods using Complete Randomized Design. The results showed that treatment A with an average growth weight of maggot = 89.6 grams and 645 populations was higher than treatment B and C. Treatment A composition of 5 kg of dried apu, 5 kg of bran, 1,5 liters of wine, 1 liter of honey and 5 eggs. The results of ANOVA diversity analysis and BNT test for maggot growth population showed that the three treatments were significantly different. The novelty of this study is the use of P. stratiotes aquatic plants as a place to grow maggots and the fermentation process with wine


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    The Kapar fish  (Belontia hasselti) is the consumption fish that is obtained only on wild caught. Not yet succeeded in culture this fish, so domestication is needed as an early stage of the aquaculture. The purpose of this research was to knowning the stages of domestication of Kapar fish caught from the Sebangau river in the process of adaptation to new habitats in semi-permanent ponds which is seen from the observation of water quality as well as the growth and survival rate of the Kapar fish. Environmental adaptation for culture fish is the key to successful domestication. Observations of water quality in the fish's wild habitat with the quality of the water where the fish adapt in the pond are slightly different, especially the DO and pH values, but the water quality is still within the tolerance of the Kapar fish to live. The water quality parameters show the temperature in the range 27-29 °C, DO in the range 3-4.2 mg.L-1, and pH in the range 7-7.4. The growth in length and weight during the research showed that the fish were able to adapt feeding. The length and an average weight of Kapar fish until the research were 12.1 cm in length and 31.4 g of weight and it was known that during the research period the absolute length growth of Kapar fish was 1 cm and the absolute weight growth was 8 g . Results of data analysis carried out during the research that the survival rate of Kapar fish is 83 %.     


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    This study aims to determine the biological aspects of snakehead fish, kerandang fish, fish and kapar fish caught in the Sebagau river and the economic benefits for fishermen. Analysis of the relationship between length and weight of fish showed a close relationship between fish length and weight with a positive allometric growth pattern. The results of the analysis of fish stomach contents to determine fish food habits showed that the dominant food types were fish fry for Kehung fish 87%, Kerandang 95% and Gabus 99%. Meanwhile, for kapar fish, food dominates in the form of plants 72%. The fishing ground along the Sebangau watershed is in a tributary that is directly connected to the Sebangau river. Economically, the fish catch in the Sebangau river by fishermen is sufficient to fulfill family life

    Initiative of Thoughts from Indonesia to the World of the Covid 19 Era

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    Initiative of Thoughts from Indonesia to the World of the Covid 19 era is presenting how education and teaching-learning practices are to be modified to overcome the situations like pandemic. This book is published in e-book and hard copy format with ISBN number form India obtained by Novateur Publication, India. Hard Copy ISBN: “978-93-87901-08-7” Soft Copy ISBN: “978-93-87901-09-4