72 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted with the aim of questioning Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Teacher Study students (N = 132) about their scientific literacy. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared with questions from the Science and Social Study textbooks. Questions were grouped according to Bloom\u27s Taxonomy cognitive domain: Group 1 (Level 1 and Level 2 outcomes: list, name, identify), Group 2 (Level 3 and Level 4 outcomes: classify, relate, separate), and Group 3. (Level 5 and Level 6 outcomes: choose, evaluate and select). The research results show a low level of scientific literacy (51% correct answers). Students showed a good level of knowledge in the first group of questions (69%), and inadequate level of knowledge in the third (48%) and second group (38%) of questions. The main problems observed were sorting plants and animals that live in rivers, lakes, and the sea. Students showed an inadequate knowledge of herald of spring. The results of this study can help in students\u27 self- evaluation of knowledge. In order to achieve an appropriate level of scientific literacy for university students, recommendations were made for their development within the curriculum of Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Teacher Study

    Narativne strategije oblikovanja subjekta u romanu "Proljeća Ivana Galeba" Vladana Desnice

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    U ovome radu analizirani su različiti aspekti romana Proljeća Ivana Galeba Vladana Desnice koji obuhvaćaju njegovu moguću žanrovsku odrednicu, naratoloÅ”ku raŔčlambu romana te oblikovanje njegova subjekta. U romanu je moguće pronaći žanrovske odrednice romana-eseja, KĆ¼nstlerromana, filozofskoga romana te egzistencijalističkoga romana. U naratoloÅ”kome prikazu obrađuju se problemi pripovjedača i pojma fokalizacije u tekstu. Pripovjedač u romanu može se odrediti kao intradijegetički-homodijegetički, preciznije i kao autodijegetički s obzirom na to da junak pripovijeda svoju vlastitu priču. Fokalizacija je u romanu unutarnja i fiksna. Problem oblikovanja subjekta i njegova nezacjeljivost protežu se cijelim djelom i mogu se dovesti u korelaciju s fragmentarnoŔću teksta u kojemu kontemplacije iznesene u esejima prevladavaju nad fabulom. Oblikovanje subjekta odražava se i udvajanjima koja ilustriraju Galebovu antinomijsku narav i osuđenost na lutanje i žudnju za definiranjem. Performativnost jezika u tekst unosi mnoÅ”tvo Galebovih identiteta

    Love dance of a male narcissist and a female borderline

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    Narcistični poremećaj ličnosti psihički je poremećaj karakteriziran pretjeranom samodopadnoŔću te vrlo dubokom željom za primanjem pažnje i divljenja. Borderline ili granični poremećaj ličnosti psihički je poremećaj karakteriziran nestabilnim emocionalnim stanjem i interpersonalnim odnosima, poremećajem identiteta, impulzivnoŔću, osjećajem unutarnje praznine i afektivnim promjenama raspoloženja. Kompleksan odnos osoba s narcističnim i graničnim poremećajem ličnosti može se opisati kao ljubavni ples i drama. Figurativno, ples između muÅ”karca narcisa i žene borderline predstavlja stalnu vrtnju u začaranom krugu oko međusobnih primitivnih obrambenih mehanizama, koja nikada ne uspije dosegnuti razrjeÅ”enje stvorenih konflikata. Psihoterapija ovakvoga para je zahtjevna jer traži duboko razumijevanje navedenih kompleksnih odnosa te koriÅ”tene tehnike moraju biti emocionalno i kreativno provedene. Odnos s terapeutom počinje se graditi već u čekaonici prilikom prvog posjeta, a sama terapija prolazi kroz tri faze. Prva je faza jedinstva, u kojoj borderline živi u mentalnom prostoru narcisa i projicira svoje osjećaje na njega, a narcis je pak okrenut prema vlastitim stvarnim ili imaginarnim dostignućima, talentima i potrebom da mu se svi dive. Druga je faza svjesnosti dvojine, prijelazna faza, u kojoj partneri polako tijekom vremena prolaze kroz promjene u svom razmiÅ”ljanju i ponaÅ”anju. Treća faza je faza svjesnosti o postojanju dva odvojena mentalna prostora. U ovoj fazi partneri shvaćaju kako su mentalno odvojene individue, no ipak povezane emocijama. Kvalitetna psihoterapija i kompetentan psihoterapeut važni su jer mogu promijeniti životnu putanja ovakvog para i izvući ga iz začaranog kruga loÅ”ih emocija i odnosa.Narcissistic personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterised by excessive egotism and enormous desire for attention and admiration. Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterised by unstable emotional state and interpersonal relations, feeling of emptiness, identity disorders, impulsiveness and mood changes. Relationship complexity of two people, one with narcissistic and other with borderline personality disorder, can be described as a love dance and drama. Figuratively, a dance between a male narcissist and a female borderline represents an incessant spinning in the vicious circle around their immature defense mechanisms, which never comes to a conflict resolution. Psychotherapy of such a couple is very demanding because it needs deep understanding of these relationship complexities. Techniques used in psychotherapy have to be emotionally and creatively conducted. Bond with a therapist starts to be created in the waiting room during couple`s first visit. Therapy itself moves through three phases. The first phase is a state of oneness, where borderline lives within the mental space of the narcissist and the narcissit is turned towards his own real or imaginary accomplishments, talents and constant need to be admired. The second phase is awareness of twoness, transitional phase, in which the couple slowly experineces some changes in their thinking and behaviour. The third phase is the awareness of two emerging separate mental states. In this phase the couple realizes that they are two separate individuals, but still connected through emotions. High quality psychotherapy and a competent therapist play a very important role because they can change the life path of such a couple and get them out of a vicious circle full of bad feelings and relations

    Acid deoxyribonuclease activity and histochemical perturbation of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis lysosomes in response to environmental conditions

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    Kisela DNaza je lizosomalni enzim koji ima važnu ulogu u metabolizmu deoksiribonukleinskih kiselina. Aktivnost kisele DNaze utvrđena je u probavnoj žlijezdi i Å”krgama dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis. Kao dominantna DNaza, identificirana je i karakterizirana DNaza II koja je lokalizirana u lizosomu. Utvrđene promjene aktivnosti kisele DNaze u probavnoj žlijezdi povezane su s dostupnosti hrane u okoliÅ”u i ciklusom razmnožavanja, dok je aktivnost kisele DNaze u Å”krgama povezana sa sezonskim promjenama temperature i saliniteta. Aktivnost kisele DNaze u oba organa u dagnjama na onečiŔćenoj postaji razlikuje se od aktivnosti u dagnjama s referentne postaje. Integracija aktivnosti kisele DNaze u probavnoj žlijezdi s histokemijski detektiranim lizosomalnim promjenama doprinijela je boljem razdvajanju odgovora obzirom na onečiŔćenje. Podatci koji se odnose na aktivnost kisele DNaze u probavnoj žlijezdi predstavljaju dobru osnovu za buduća istraživanja koja uključuju integrirani odgovor lizosoma prilikom procjene stanja okoliÅ”a.Acid DNase is lysosomal enzyme that plays an important role in the deoxyribonucleic acid metabolism. DNase II was identified and characterized in digestive gland and gills lysosomes of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis as the dominant and representative acid DNase. Acid DNase activity in the digestive gland was associated with food availability and reproduction cycle, while the acid DNase activity in the gills was associated with seasonal changes in seawater temperature and salinity. Acid DNase activity in both investigated organs differs between mussels from contaminated and reference sampling site. Integration of digestive gland acid DNase activity and histochemical perturbation of lysosomes enabled better differentiation of sampling station due to contamination. Observed acid DNase activity in the digestive gland represents a good basis for future environmental monitoring studies that would include integrated lysosomal response

    Polylactic acid: research of degradation time and possibilities of use in reconstructive dental medicine

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    Zahtjevi danaÅ”njih pacijenata predstavljaju veliki izazov u rjeÅ”avanju problema gubitka zubi. Kao prvi problem nameće se gubitak volumena i povoljne arhitekture alveolarne kosti koja je temelj za postizanje optimalne funkcionalne i estetske protetske rekonstrukcije u vidu klasične fiksnoprotetske ili implantoprotetske terapije. NajčeŔće upotrebljavana i najbolje dokumentirana metoda povećanja volumena kosti jest vođena regeneracija kosti (eng. guided bone regeneration, GBR) pri kojoj se upotrebljavaju koÅ”tani augmentati (autologni, ksenogeni, sintetski i alogeni) i membrana koja održava augmentacijski prostor. Cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi vrijeme raspada bioresorptivne membrane iz polilaktične kiseline te trajnost mehaničke izdržljivosti njezina oblika tijekom augmentacijskoga procesa. U istraživanju su upotrijebljeni PurasorbĀ® PDLG 5010 (50/50 DL-actide/glycolide copolymer; Purac Biomaterials, Nizozemska) i PurasorbĀ® PG S (Polyglycolide; Purac Biomaterials, Nizozemska). Izrađeni su uzorci veličine 2 x 5 x 20 mm, izmjerena je masa svakoga uzorka te je po Å”est uzoraka uronjeno u tri različite tekućine (fizioloÅ”ku otopinu, umjetnu slinu i Ringerovu otopinu). Svakih sedam dana mijenjana je tekućina te izmjerena masa uzorcima. Nakon sedam dana u svim trima tekućinama uočen je mali porast mase svih uzoraka. Nakon 21 dana uzorci su izgubili svoj prvotni oblik i mehaničku čvrstoću. Usporedbom porasta mase u prvih četrnaest dana za sve tri tekućine uočen je približno jednak porast mase svih uzoraka (prosječno 0,011323g u 14 dana).Tooth loss and the resulting alveolar bone resorption present a significant challenge in modern dentistry. First, the loss of bone volume and architecture significantly influences the possibilities of achieving optimal function and aesthetics, both relative to classic fixed prosthodontic therapy, but also implant-prosthodontics. The most widely used and documented method of bone augmentation is guided bone regeneration (GBR), in which bone augmentation grafts (autologous, xenograft, synthetic and allogeneic) and membranes are used. The aim of this study is to determine the degradation time of the bioresorbable polylactic acid membrane, and the durability of its mechanical properties during augmentation. PurasorbĀ® PDLG 5010 (50/50 DL-lactide/glycolide copolymer ; Purac Biomaterials, The Netherlands) and PurasorbĀ® PG S (Polyglycolide; Purac Biomaterials, The Netherlands) have been used in the study. Samples 2x5x20 mm in size were made, their mass was measured and six samples were immersed in each of the three different solutions (saline solution, artificial saliva and Ringer's solution). Every seven days the solutions were replaced with fresh ones, and the mass of the samples was measured. After 21 days, the samples lost their form and mechanical properties. A comparison of the mass gain of all saples from all three solutions after the first 14 days revealed that the mass gain of all of the samples was approximately the same (mean 0,011323g in 14 days)

    Love dance of a male narcissist and a female borderline

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    Narcistični poremećaj ličnosti psihički je poremećaj karakteriziran pretjeranom samodopadnoŔću te vrlo dubokom željom za primanjem pažnje i divljenja. Borderline ili granični poremećaj ličnosti psihički je poremećaj karakteriziran nestabilnim emocionalnim stanjem i interpersonalnim odnosima, poremećajem identiteta, impulzivnoŔću, osjećajem unutarnje praznine i afektivnim promjenama raspoloženja. Kompleksan odnos osoba s narcističnim i graničnim poremećajem ličnosti može se opisati kao ljubavni ples i drama. Figurativno, ples između muÅ”karca narcisa i žene borderline predstavlja stalnu vrtnju u začaranom krugu oko međusobnih primitivnih obrambenih mehanizama, koja nikada ne uspije dosegnuti razrjeÅ”enje stvorenih konflikata. Psihoterapija ovakvoga para je zahtjevna jer traži duboko razumijevanje navedenih kompleksnih odnosa te koriÅ”tene tehnike moraju biti emocionalno i kreativno provedene. Odnos s terapeutom počinje se graditi već u čekaonici prilikom prvog posjeta, a sama terapija prolazi kroz tri faze. Prva je faza jedinstva, u kojoj borderline živi u mentalnom prostoru narcisa i projicira svoje osjećaje na njega, a narcis je pak okrenut prema vlastitim stvarnim ili imaginarnim dostignućima, talentima i potrebom da mu se svi dive. Druga je faza svjesnosti dvojine, prijelazna faza, u kojoj partneri polako tijekom vremena prolaze kroz promjene u svom razmiÅ”ljanju i ponaÅ”anju. Treća faza je faza svjesnosti o postojanju dva odvojena mentalna prostora. U ovoj fazi partneri shvaćaju kako su mentalno odvojene individue, no ipak povezane emocijama. Kvalitetna psihoterapija i kompetentan psihoterapeut važni su jer mogu promijeniti životnu putanja ovakvog para i izvući ga iz začaranog kruga loÅ”ih emocija i odnosa.Narcissistic personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterised by excessive egotism and enormous desire for attention and admiration. Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterised by unstable emotional state and interpersonal relations, feeling of emptiness, identity disorders, impulsiveness and mood changes. Relationship complexity of two people, one with narcissistic and other with borderline personality disorder, can be described as a love dance and drama. Figuratively, a dance between a male narcissist and a female borderline represents an incessant spinning in the vicious circle around their immature defense mechanisms, which never comes to a conflict resolution. Psychotherapy of such a couple is very demanding because it needs deep understanding of these relationship complexities. Techniques used in psychotherapy have to be emotionally and creatively conducted. Bond with a therapist starts to be created in the waiting room during couple`s first visit. Therapy itself moves through three phases. The first phase is a state of oneness, where borderline lives within the mental space of the narcissist and the narcissit is turned towards his own real or imaginary accomplishments, talents and constant need to be admired. The second phase is awareness of twoness, transitional phase, in which the couple slowly experineces some changes in their thinking and behaviour. The third phase is the awareness of two emerging separate mental states. In this phase the couple realizes that they are two separate individuals, but still connected through emotions. High quality psychotherapy and a competent therapist play a very important role because they can change the life path of such a couple and get them out of a vicious circle full of bad feelings and relations

    Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of Materials in Stereolithographic Additive Manufacturing

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    Rapid development and expanding deployment of additive manufacturing mark this technology as an acceptable alternative to traditional methods of production in terms of speed and quality. All types of additive manufacturing technologies build objects layer by layer, therefore anisotropy of mechanical properties is often encountered, making it difficult to accurately predict the mechanical behavior of additively manufactured parts. This paper examines the mechanical properties of additively manufactured parts and the creation of an anisotropic digital material model that can be used to accurately simulate the behavior of additively manufactured parts using FEA (Finite Element Analysis). A three-point bending test was performed on samples created using SLA (Stereolithography) technology. The identical bending scenario was computer modeled using FEA, while the modified manufacturer\u27s data was used for digital material creation. Comparison and analysis of the experimentally obtained results and the results of the FEA were performed

    Sadržaj fenola i antioksidacijski kapacitet u infuzijama listova istarskih sorata maslina

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    The influence of commonly used steeping times and leaf size on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of olive leaf infusions from three Istrian olive cultivars (Buža, Rosinjola and Istarska Bjelica) were studied. Infusions were prepared from whole, rough or finely ground olive leaves immersed in boiled water for 5, 15, or 30 minutes. Extraction efficiency was quantified in terms of the total phenolic, flavonoid, non-flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity. The phenolic content was primarily affected by infusion time, followed by particle size. The highest total values of phenolic and non-flavonoids were determined in finely ground leaf infusions from cultivars Rosinjola and Buža, while the highest total flavonoids value was detected in Istarska Bjelica after 30 minutes infusion. Particle size provided the highest effect on antioxidant capacity in all cultivars, exhibiting higher values in finely ground leaf infusions. The Rosinjola and I. Bjelica infusions exhibited the highest antioxidant capacity according to ABTS and FRAP assay, respectively. Antioxidant capacity in investigated olive infusions was correlated to TP and TNF, while TF had poor or no effect except in Rosinjola infusions. The results indicate that olive leaves infusion from three Istrian olive cultivars could be a valuable supplement to a daily intake of bioactive compounds.Proučavani su utjecaji metoda pripreme infuzija i veličine listova na fenolni sadržaj i antioksidacijske sposobnosti infuzija listova tri istarske sorte maslina (Buža, Rosinjola i Istarska bjelica). Infuzije su pripremljene iz cjelovitih, grubo i fino mljevenih listova maslina ekstrahiranih u prokuhanoj vodi 5, 15 ili 30 minuta. Učinkovitost je ekstrakcije kvantificirana sadržajem fenola, flavonoida, neflavonoida i antioksidacijskoga kapaciteta. Fenolni sadržaj prvenstveno je utjecao na infuzijsko vrijeme, nakon čega slijedi veličina čestica listova. Najveće vrijednosti ukupnih fenola i neflavonoida izmjerene su u infuzijama fino mljevenih listova sorti Rosinjola i Buža, dok je najveća vrijednost ukupnih flavonoida izmjerena u infuziji listova Istarske bjelice, nakon 30 minuta ekstrakcije. Veličina čestica imala je najveći učinak na antioksidacijski kapacitet u svim sortama, pokazujući veće vrijednosti u infuzijama fino usitnjenih listova. Najveće vrijednosti antioksidacijskoga kapaciteta zabilježene su u infuzijama listov a Rosinjole mjerene ABTS metodom, a I. bjelice FRAP metodom. Antioksidacijski kapacitet u ispitivanim infuzijama listova maslina korelira sa sadržajem ukupnih fenola i neflavonoida, dok ukupni flavonoidi imaju slab učinak (osim u infuzijama Rosinjole). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da infuzije listova istarskih sorata maslina mogu biti vrijedan dodatak dnevnome unosu bioaktivnih spojeva
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