5 research outputs found

    Diversity of lactic acid bacteria on organic flours and application of isolates in sourdough fermentation

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    Organic farming preserves biodiversity and organic products can be the source of many microbial species. The species diversity in organically grown wheat, spelt and rye was investigated in order to find strains suitable for sourdough fermentation. Colonies representing various morphological appearances were isolated and catalase-negative colonies were identified by mass spectrometer Microflex LT ā„¢ MALDI-TOF. The fermentation products (lactic, acetic, formic and phenyllactic acid) were determined by high performance liquid chromatography, while the antifungal activity was determined using an overlay agar method. Wheat flours showed less microbial biodiversity than the rye and spelt flours. The most common genera in the tested flour were Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Enterococcus. Isolated Lactobacillus farciminis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Leuconostoc citreum and Lactobacillus brevis showed the best acidification activity. Lactobacillus brevis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Weissella cibaria and Lactobacillus farciminis showed significant antifungal activity against A. niger 357 and Penicillium sp. 505. The prefermented medium of Lactobacillus farciminis were characterized by high content of lactic and phenyllactic acid

    The Position of the Croatian Society of Hypertension on the Observed Increase in Risk of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Associated with Hydrochlorothiazide Treatment

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    Upravni odbor Hrvatskoga druÅ”tva za hipertenziju na svojoj elektroničkoj sjednici održanoj 12. prosinca 2018. raspravljao je o opaženom povećanom riziku za nastanak nemelanomskih karcinoma kože povezanom s liječenjem hidroklorotiazidom i pripremio sljedeće miÅ”ljenje. Zaključci 1. Rizik od nemelanomskoga karcinoma kože i usnica veći je u bolesnika liječenih hidroklorotiazidom nego Å”to je u osoba koje nisu liječene ovim lijekom. Rizik se povećava s duljinom trajanja liječenja, tj. s kumulativnom dozom. 2. Mehanizam karcinogenosti hidroklorotiazida temelji se na fotosenzitivnosti. UV zračenje dovodi do disocijacije kloridnoga dijela molekule lijeka, čime se stvara pretpostavka za sintezu slobodnih radikala kisika i posljedično oÅ”tećenje molekule DNK. 3. Korist od primjene hidroklorotiazida veća je od rizika. 4. Omjer koristi i rizika napose je veći u starijih i teže bolesnih osoba. 5. Bolesnik mora biti informiran o postojećem riziku. 6. Bolesnik mora biti informiran o postojećoj alternativnoj terapiji koja je na raspolaganju u Hrvatskoj. 7. Svaki liječnik mora u svakoga pojedinog bolesnika procijeniti omjer koristi i rizika te nakon razgovora s bolesnikom odlučiti nastavlja li terapiju hidroklorotiazidom ili se odlučuje za postojeću alternativu. 8. Svim bolesnicima, a napose bolesnicima koji su liječeni hidroklorotiazidom, treba preporučiti uporabu adekvatne fotoprotekcije i redovito provjeravanja pojave ili promjena na koži

    Effect of growth medium composition on the growth and activity of lactic acid bacteria

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    Primjena bakterija mliječne kiseline ima dugu tradiciju u biotehnoloÅ”koj industrijskoj proizvodnji fermentiranih proizvoda. Sastav podloga u kojima se ove bakterije uzgajaju i aktivne su podržava specifične zahtjeve ovih kutura za hranjivim tvarima. Takve podloge obično sadrže jedan ili viÅ”e izvora ugljika, vodika, duÅ”ika, fosfora, sumpora kao i određene sastojke koji podržavaju fermentativni metabolizam ovih bakterija. Neke vrste bakterija mliječne kiseline imaju genetički potencijal koji podržava aerobni (respiratorni) metabolizam. U podloge u kojima se u stanicama ovih bakterija uspostavlja respiratorni metabolizam potrebno je dodati izvore hema ili, u nekim slučajevima, menakinona. Tijekom respiratornog metabolizma pridobiva se viÅ”e metaboličke energije, smanjuje se koncentracija otopljenog kisika i proizvedene mliječne kiseline, dok se koncentracija bakterijske biomase povećava kao i preživljavanje stanica u odabranim uvjetima bioprocesa. Odvijanje aerobnog metabolizma u stanicama bakterija mliječne kiseline ima industrijsku primjenu u proizvodnji starter kultura.Lactic acid bacteria have been traditionally applied in biotechnological industrial production of fermented products. The bacteria are usually cultivated in media which composition supports specific requirements of those cultures for nutrients. Such media usually contain one or more carbon sources as well as sources of hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, and specific ingredients which maintain fermentative metabolism of the bacteria. Some species of lactic acid bacteria have genetic potential which supports aerobic (respiration) metabolism. Respiration metabolism can be established in cells in media with exogenous source of heme and, in some cases, menaquinones. During respiration metabolism more metabolic energy can be yielded, concentration of dissolved oxygen and produced lactic acid is reduced while concentration of bacterial biomass and survival of the cells in bioprocess conditions are enhanced. Aerobic metabolism in the cells of lactic acid bacteria has found its industrial implemetation for the production of starter cultures

    Identification and characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from organic flours

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    Izolirane, identificirane i okarakterizirane su bakterije mliječne kiseline (BMK) prirodno prisutne u braÅ”nu ekoloÅ”ki uzgojenih žitarica. Identifikacija je provedena na osnovu spektrometrije masa pomoću Microflex LTā„¢ MALDI-TOF instrumenta. Identificiranim vrstama određena je fermentativna i antimikrobna aktivnost. Produkti fermentacije određeni su visoko učinkovitom tekućinskom kromatografijom dok je antimikrobna aktivnost određivana metodom s dvostrukim slojem agara te turbidimetrijski. Rezultati su pokazali da su koriÅ”teni uzorci braÅ”na imali bogatu mikrofloru. Izolirano je ukupno 16 BMK i 1 kvasac pri čemu nije uočena značajna razlika u broju i vrstama kultura izoliranih iz ekoloÅ”kih i konvencionalnih uzoraka braÅ”na. Kod pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na uočena je manja bioloÅ”ka raznolikost u odnosu na raženo braÅ”no i braÅ”no pira. Rodovi Lactobacillus i Enterococcus bili su najzastupljeniji rodovi u ispitivanim uzorcima braÅ”na. Od izoliranih bakterijskih vrsta, vrste Lactobacillus farciminis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Leuconostoc citreum i Lactobacillus brevis pokazale su veću fermentativnu aktivnost. Vrste Lactobacillus brevis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Weissella cibaria i Lactobacillus farciminis izolirane iz ekoloÅ”ki uzgojenih žitarica pokazale su značajnu antimikrobnu aktivnost prema A. niger i Penicillium sp. Međutim, inhibicija nije bila značajnija u odnosu na sojeve bakterija uzetih iz zbirke Laboratorija za tehnologiju vrenja i kvasca.In this thesis naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in organic flour were isolated. Identification was based on mass spectrometry using a Microflex LT ā„¢ MALDI-TOF instrument. Fermetative and antimicrobial activity of indentified spieces was determined. Fermentation products were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography while the antimicrobial activity was determined using a overlay agar method and turbitimer. The results showed that the used samples of flour had a rich flora. There were total of 16 LAB and 1 yeast isolated with no significant difference in the number and types of cultures isolated from organic and conventional flour.Wheat flour showed less bidiversity than the rye and spelled flour. The most common genera in the tested flour were Lactobacillus and Enterococcus. Isolated Lactobacillus farciminis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Leuconostoc citreum and Lactobacillus brevis showed the best fermentation activity. Lactobacillus brevis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Weissella cibaria and Lactobacillus farciminis isolated from organic grains showed significant antimicrobial activity against A. niger and Penicillium sp. However, the inhibition was not significant compared to laboratory strains of these bacterial species

    Flour - Bread '19 : Proceedings of the 10th International Congress Flour - Bread '19 and 12th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraŔno - Kruh '19

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    Proceedings contains 3 Reviews, 8 Original research articles and 3 Professional articles presented at 10th International Congress Flour ā€“ Bread ā€™19 and 12th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraÅ”no ā€“ Kruh ā€™1