58 research outputs found

    The upper airway dimensions in different sagittal craniofacial patterns : a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE. Upper airway changes caused by orthognathic surgery operations have been a topic of a concern in the orthodontic literature because of a possible development of obstructive sleep apnea. Diverse response of the airway patency could be expected if the dimensions of the airway differ among various malocclusions already before orthognathic treatment. However the associations between facial morphology and the upper airway dimensions have not been clarified. The purpose of this systematic review was to elucidate whether the upper airway dimensions differ among various sagittal craniofacial patterns. MATERIAL AND METHODS. MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library were searched up to November 2012. Reference lists of relevant articles were checked for further possible studies. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied when considering the studies to be included. Screening of eligible studies and data extraction were conducted independently by two reviewers. RESULTS. 758 studies were identified and 11 of these were recognized as suitable for further analysis. 75% of studies did not find differences in the nasopharyngeal dimensions among craniofacial patterns. The findings for the oropharyngeal dimensions were controversial as 5 of 11 investigations found these to be smaller in Class II subjects, and 6 of 11 concluded that oropharynx size is larger in Class III pattern. The vertical growth type of the subjects was not considered in five investigations, and 45% of the included studies used lateral cephalometry as only tool for airway assessment. CONCLUSIONS. Currently there is insufficient evidence that the upper airway dimensions differ in various sagittal skeletal patterns.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    The influence of craniofacial morphology on the upper airway dimensions

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2015 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.Objective: To evaluate the influence of craniofacial morphology on the upper airway dimensions in healthy adult subjects. Materials and Methods: The records of 276 healthy 17 - to 27-year-old patients were extracted from the cone-beam computed tomography image database of the Institute of Stomatology, Riga Stradins University. Dolphin 11.7 software was used to evaluate craniofacial anatomy and semiautomatic segmentation of the upper airway. Measurements of oropharyngeal airway volume (OPV), minimal cross-sectional area (CSAmin), and nasopharyngeal airway volume (NPV) were obtained. The presence of adenoid tissues was recorded. Associations between variables were analyzed by Spearman's correlation coefficients, and multivariate linear regression analysis was used to identify factors that had a possible influence on upper airway dimensions. Results: The following factors were identified as influencing the variability of NPV (23%): SNA angle, gender, and presence of adenoids. Statistically significant, although weak, correlations were found between SNB angle and OPV (r = 0.144, P <.05) and CSAmin (r = 0.182, P <.01). Conclusion: The results suggest that craniofacial morphology alone does not have a significant influence on upper airway dimensions.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Quality of life, patient preferences, and implant survival and success of tapered implant-retained mandibular overdentures as a function of the attachment system

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    Funding Information: The author would like to thank Leticia Grize from the University of Basel (Switzerland) for the statistical analysis, Novonexile AG (Switzerland) for writing assistance and editorial support in preparing the manuscript, and Dr. med. Dent. Pedro Gonçalves for assisting in the planning of the study Funding Information: The study was supported by Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland. Publisher Copyright: © 2022. Korean Academy of PeriodontologyPurpose: A novel attachment system for implant-retained overdentures (IRODs) with novel material combinations for improved mechanical resilience and prosthodontic success (Novaloc) has been recently introduced as an alternative to an existing system (Locator). This study investigated whether differences between the Novaloc and Locator attachment systems translate into differences in implant survival, implant success, and patient-centered outcomes when applied in a real-world in-practice comparative setting in patients restored with mandibular IRODs supported by 2 interforaminal implants (2-IRODs). Methods: This prospective, intra-subject crossover comparison compared 20 patients who received 2 intra-foraminal bone level tapered implants restored with full acrylic overdentures using either the Locator or Novaloc attachment system. After 6 months of function, the attachment in the corresponding dentures was switched, and the definitive attachment system type was delivered based on the patient's preference after 12 months. For the definitive attachment system, implant survival was evaluated after 24 months. The primary outcomes of this study were oral health-related quality of life and patient preferences related to prosthetic and implant survival. Secondary outcomes included implant survival rate and success, prosthetic survival, perceived general health, and patient satisfaction. Results: Patient-centered outcomes and patient preferences between attachment systems were comparable, with relatively high overall patient satisfaction levels for both attachment systems. No difference in the prosthetic survival rate between study groups was detected. The implant survival rate over the follow-up period after 24 months in both groups was 100%. Conclusions: The results of this in-practice comparison indicate that both attachment systems represent comparable candidates for the prosthodontic retention of 2-IRODs. Both systems showed high rates of patient satisfaction and implant survival.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Trends and patterns in surface water chemistry in Europe and North America between 1990 and 2016, with particular focus on changes in land use as a confounding factor for recovery

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    The report presents trends in sulphate, nitrate, chloride, base cations, ANC (acid neutralising capacity), pH and DOC at circa 500 ICP Waters sites in Europe and North America for the period 1990-2016. Time series were analysed for trends in annual median values, annual extreme values and change points, that indicate years with sudden changes in trend or level. Also provided is a brief overview of possible implications of land use change for recovery of acidified surface waters

    Study "Working Conditions and Risks in Latvia 2019–2021" Final Report

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    The study was carried out within the framework of the project “Improvement of the Practical Application and Monitoring of Work Safety Laws and Regulations” (No Contracting Authority: State Labour InspectorateThe aim of the study “Working Conditions and Risks in Latvia 2019–2021” was to find out the current situation in the field of labour relations and occupational health and safety, to dynamically analyse the data obtained and to develop proposals to improve the legal framework or the practical implementation thereofThis study was carried out within the framework of the project “Improvement of the Practical Application and Monitoring of Work Safety Laws and Regulations” (No under the specific aid objective 7.3.1 “To improve work safety, especially in enterprises of hazardous sectors” of the operational programme “Growth and Employment

    Pētījuma "Darba apstākļi un riski Latvijā 2019–2021" gala ziņojums

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    Pētījums veikts Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta "Darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiskās ieviešanas un uzraudzības pilnveidošana" Nr. ietvaros. Pasūtītājs: Valsts darba inspekcija.Pētījuma “Darba apstākļi un riski Latvijā 2019-2021” mērķis bija noskaidrot aktuālo situāciju darba attiecību un darba aizsardzības jomā, analizēt iegūtos datus dinamikā un izstrādāt priekšlikumus tiesiskā regulējuma vai tā praktiskās ieviešanas uzlabošanai. Identificējot būtiskākos problēmu cēloņus un iespējamos risinājumus, pētījums sniedz informāciju, kas palīdz īstenot kvalitatīvu un uz mērķi orientētu politiku darba attiecību un darba aizsardzības jomā. Pētījums tika veikts darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 7.3.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa „Uzlabot darba drošību, it īpaši bīstamo nozaru uzņēmumos” projekta „Darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiskās ieviešanas un uzraudzības pilnveidošana” (Nr. ietvaros.Pētījums tika veikts darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 7.3.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa „Uzlabot darba drošību, it īpaši bīstamo nozaru uzņēmumos” projekta „Darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiskās ieviešanas un uzraudzības pilnveidošana” (Nr. ietvaros

    Changes of accumulation conditions of organic sediments in the Lake Talsi during the Holocene

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    Bakalaura darba mērķis bija noskaidrot paleoģeogrāfiskos apstākļus kādos uzkrājušies nogulumi Talsu ezera attīstības laikā holocēnā un šo apstākļu izmaiņas, analizējot ezera nogulumus. Talsu ezers atrodas subglaciālā iegultnē kopā ar Vilkmuižas ezeru, blakus arheoloģiski nozīmīgām vietām – Talsu pilskalnam, senajai kuršu mājvietai un Ugunskapiem Vilkmuižas ezerā. Darba izstrādē apkopota informācija par Talsu ezera izcelsmi, reljefa ģeomorfoloģiju un rezultāti no ezera nogulumu apstrādes ar biostratigrāfiskajām un ģeofizikālajām metodēm. Talsu ezers ir vecāks par 7000 gadiem, un savas pastāvēšanas laikā piedzīvojis vismaz 6 ūdens līmeņa izmaiņas, 3 klimata periodus un cilvēku apdzīvojumu tā apkārtnē jau no 10. gs. Bakalaura darbs satur 61 lapaspuses, 34 attēlus, 7 tabulas un 3 pielikumus.The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis was to clarify the paleogeographical conditions of the sediment deposition during the formation of Lake Talsi in Holocene, as well as to characterize the changes in paleoenvironment by analyzing the lake’s sediments. Lake Talsi is located in a subglacial valley together with Lake Vilkmuiza. It is situated near several sites of an arheologic significance – Mound Talsi, a historic settlement of Kursi and a historic burial site in the Lake Vilkmuiza. This thesis summarizes the information on the origins of Lake Talsi, it’s geomorphology and the results of sediment samples that were analyised with biostratigrpahical and geophysical methods. Lake Talsi is older than 7000 years and have witnessed at least 6 water level fluctuations, 3 climate periods and the presence of human habitat around it as early as from 10th century. The Bachelor thesis consists of 61 pages, 34 figures, 7 tables and 3 appendices

    Organizational Structure Analysis of International Enterprise

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    Bakalaura darbā ir „Starptautiska uzņēmuma organizatoriskās struktūras analīze” ir izanalizēta starptautiska uzņēmuma pārvaldes organizatoriskā struktūra, un izstrādāti priekšlikumi tās pilnveidošanai. Darba pirmajā nodaļā ir apskatīta organizatoriskās struktūras teorijas attīstība. Tiek pētīta organizatorisko struktūru teorija organizācijas teorijas kontekstā. Otrajā nodaļā tiek sniegts izklāsts par starptautisko pieredzi pārvaldes organizatoriskās struktūras izvēlē. Trešajā nodaļā, izmantojot kvalitatīvās pētīšanas metodes, tiek analizēta starptautiska uzņēmuma pārvaldes organizatoriskā struktūra, kā arī kādi ir konkrētās struktūras tipa trūkumi un priekšrocības. Darba nobeigumā ir apkopoti secinājumi, kā arī izstrādāti priekšlikumi organizatoriskās struktūras pareizas izvēles izdarīšanai. Bakalaura darba apjoms ir 63 lapas, darbā ir 18 attēli, un izmantotās literatūras saraksts satur 19 literatūras avotus, 18 interneta resursus un 9 nepublicētos materiālus. Bakalaura darba atslēgvārdi: pārvaldes organizatoriskā struktūra, uzņēmuma struktūru tipi, uzņēmuma vadība, starptautiska uzņēmuma analīze.The title of the bachelor thesis is “Organizational structure analysis of international enterprise”. The main aim of the study is to analyse organizational structure of international enterprise and propose suggestions to to improve design of company. The bachelor thesis consists of three parts. In the first section organizational structure theory in context of organizational theory is analysed. In the second section the author analyses international experience in choosing organizational structure. Section three is devoted to the analysis of empirical findings where organizational structure of enterprise “X” is analysed and compared with similar profile company’s structure and also proposed how company “X” can improve their performance by changing some of the structures aspects. The bachelor thesis consists of 63 pages, 16 pictures. The literature review includes 19 literature sources, 18 internet sources and 9 unpublished documents. Key words of the bachelor thesis: organizational structure, types of company’s structure, company’s management, international organization analsysis

    Leter learning by playing for children of senior pre-school age

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    Darba autore: Evita Indriksone Darba vadītāja: Mg.sc.soc., Dace Augstkalne Bakalaura darba temats “Vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu burtu apguves veicināšana spēlēs” rakstīts ar mērķi, lai analizējot autoru atziņas un praktiski darbojoties izpētītu 5 – 6 gadus vecu bērnu burtu apguves sekmēšanas iespējas spēlēs. Pētījuma izstrādē izmantota teorētiskās pētījumu metode, literatūras analīze, un empīriskās pētījuma metodes – pedagoģiskā novērošana, pedagoģiskā izmēģinājuma darbība. Darbs sastāv no divām daļām Ievadā atspoguļots temata nozīmīgums un aktualitāte. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek veikta literatūras analīze par pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu lasītprasmes un rakstītprasmes apguvi. Otrajā nodaļā veikts praktiskais pētījums, kurā izpētīts, kā tiks sekmēta vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu burtu apguve pedagoģiskajā procesā, ja tiks izmantotas daudzveidīgas spēles un tiks ievērotas vecumposma un katra bērna individuālās attīstības īpatnības. Pētījuma beigās izvirzītā hipotēze apstiprinājās – ja pedagoģiskajā procesā izmanto daudzveidīgas spēles un tiek ievērotas vecumposma raksturīgākās īpatnības, un katra bērna individuālās attīstības īpatnības, tad tiek sekmēta burtu apguve vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. Darba sastāv no: 51 lpp. Tajā iekļauti 6 attēli, 6 tabulas, 5 pielikumi. Darba izstrādē izmantoti 59 literatūras avoti. Atslēgvārdi: burtu apguve, spēles, vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērni.Author: Evita Indriksone Supervisor: Mg.sc.soc., Dace Augstkalne Bachelor's thesis : "Encouraging the learning of letters in games for older preschool children" was written with the aim of analyzing the authors' knowledge and, through practical action, exploring the possibilities of promoting the learning of letters in games for 5-6-year-old children. In the development of the research, the method of theoretical research, literature analysis, and empirical research methods - pedagogical observation, pedagogical trial activity are used. The work consists of two parts. The introduction reflects the importance and relevance of the topic. In the first chapter, a literature analysis is carried out on the acquisition of reading and writing skills of preschool children. In the second chapter, a practical research was carried out, which showed how the learning of letters of older preschool children will be promoted in the pedagogical process, if diverse games are used and the peculiarities of the age stage and the individual development of each child are respected. At the end of the research, the hypothesis was confirmed - if diverse games are used in the pedagogical process and the most characteristic features of the age and the features of each child's individual development are observed, then the learning of letters in older preschool children is promoted and successful. The work consists of: 51 pages. It includes 6 images, 6 tables, 5 attachments. 59 literature sources were used in the development of the work. Keywords: letter learning, games, older preschool children