7 research outputs found

    Senescence of immunity in Tenebrio molitor - J Evol Biol

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    This excel file contains the data on encapsulation response of young and old males and their attractiveness. The attractiveness was measured as the total time females spent (s) and number of visits of females on pheromone discs of the males

    Main data set

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    Column headings. reference; antibodies_box_cox (antibody response one month after Hepititis B vaccination, box cox transformation); Testosterone (average testosterone levels measured from blood samples collected one month apart); Body_attract (Average body attractiveness ratings by fertile women); Body_masculinity (Average body masculinity ratings); Perc_fat_squared (Percentage body fat, squared transformed); log_Face_attract_fertile (Average facial attractiveness ratings by fertile women, log transformed; FacialMasculinity (Average facial masculinity ratings); Facial_adiposity (Average facial adiposity ratings

    Lehtonen et al-HDY-11-OR0193R- microsatellite genotypes Dartmoor

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    The microsatellite genotypes for the pied flycatchers collected from Dartmoor, which have not previously been published elsewhere. Data have been collected in the field and the genotypes subsequently generated in a genetics laboratory. The alleles are in 2-digit format, one column per locus. The loci are listed at the start of the page, in the order that they presented in in the file (left to right). The microsatellite data for the other populations is the same as that presented in Lehtonen et al. 2009 Molecular Ecology 18:4463-447

    Lehtonen et al-HDY-11-OR0193-SNP genotypes

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    The SNP genotypes of the pied flycatcher individuals utilised in this study by population. Data have been collected in the field and the genotypes subsequently generated in a genetics laboratory. The loci are listed at the start of the page, in the order that they presented in in the file (left to right).The alleles are in 2-digit format, one column per locus. Z-linked loci are denoted with a Z and haplotypes denoted with the abbreviaiton 'hap'. Population names correspond to the sampling site of the individual (e.g. Jeseniky = Jeseniky Mountains, the Czech Republic) as presented in Table 1 of the publication