10 research outputs found

    Model Matematika Kurva Produksi Telur Ayam Broiler Breeder Parent Stock

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    Produksi telur membentuk suatu kurva dengan model matematika tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model matematika terbaik untuk menggambarkan  kurva produksi telur ayam broiler breeder parent stock Cobb 500 umur 24-45 minggu. Model matematika yang diuji dalam penelitian ini ada empat, yaitu model Mc Millan, model Yang, model Logistik, dan model Adams-Bell. Model Adams-Bell dengan rumus  memiliki kecocokan yang  paling baik dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) = 0,9998, koefisien korelasi (r) = 0,999, dan galat baku (SE) = 1,060. Dengan menggunakan model Adams-Bell ini, dapat dibuat suatu dugaan kurva produksi telur broiler breeder parent stock umur 24-45 minggu.Kata Kunci:   Kurva Produksi Telur, Ayam Broiler Breeder Parent Stock   

    Physiological Responses, Performance, Behaviour, and Welfare of Garut Sheep Cared using Semi-Intensive System in Indonesia

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    Sheep farming in Indonesia still relies on the intensive system which is very labor-intensive, movement restrictions, and reduced quantity of sheep can be kept, developed countries, on the other hand, have evolved a semi-intensive system that may minimize the number of staff while still providing welfare to the sheep. This study aimed to compare the performance, physiological responses, behavior, and welfare of reared Garut sheep in semi-intensive management with outdoor pen and full indoor pen treatments, employing a T-test experimental design using ten replicates (n=10). This experiment used 20 ewes sheep (one-year-old) with an average body weight of 18.74±2.53 kg. This experiment found no difference in dry matter intake (gram/head/day) or average daily gain (gram/head/day) between both treatments (P0.05). When compared to ewes with full indoor pen, ewes with access to outdoor pen had better physiological status especially heart rate and respiratory rate, particularly in the morning and afternoon (P0.05). The ratio of blood N/L for ewes with an outdoor pen showed better results (P0.05), and the rearing environment also did not show any difference nor induce stress on livestock with access to outdoor pen (P0.05). Ewes' welfare increases and they become more active after being provided access to outdoor pen. In conclusion, a semi-intensive system with an outside enclosure enhances Garut ewes' performance while also improving their physiological health and welfare index fulfillment. This approach has to be promoted throughout Indonesia for better farming management

    Model Kurva Pertumbuhan Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitnak (KUB) Umur 0-12 Minggu (Growth Curve Model of Kampung Unggul Balitnak (KUB) Chicken)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menduga model kurva pertumbuhan ayam kampung unggul balitnak (KUB). Ayam yang digunakan sebanyak 100 ekor dibagi menjadi lima kelompok masing-masing yang diberi ransum yang terdiri atas lima tingkat energi dan protein yaitu ; R1 (15,08% dan 2755 Kkal/kg) R2 (17,04% dan 2754 Kkal/kg), R3 (19,03% dan 2752 Kkal/kg), R4 (15,05% dan 2951 Kkal/kg) R5 (17,02% dan 2948 Kkal/kg). Ayam dipelihara selama 12 minggu, data yang dikumpulkan adalah bobot badan dan pertambanan bobot badan. Data yang diperoleh dibuat tebarannya, kemudian dilihat nilai koefisien determinasi (R2 ) dan standar error (Se). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa : (1) tingkat energi dan protein dalam ransum yang diberikan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan ayam KUB; (2) kurva pertumbuhan ayam KUB sampai umur 12 minggu mengikuti model Morgan Mercer Flodien (MMF) dengan persamaan y x x x 46,1 246,1 = 101)(52,31( )18, + ( 2669 69, ) 1/( + 101 18, ) (3) laju pertumbuhan untuk ayam KUB sampai umur 12 minggu masih cenderung naik. Kata Kunci: Ayam KUB, Kurva Pertumbuhan, Bobot Bada

    The Gene Distribution, Population Equilibrium, Effective Population Size of Pasundan Cattle in Village Breeding Centre at the Southern Part of West Java, Indonesia

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    Basic on Pasundan’s cattle population at the southern region of West Java, Indonesia contained in the Tegalbuleut sub-district Sukabumi district, Agrabinta sub-district Cianjur district, Cibalong sub-district Garut district, Sukaraja sub-district Tasikmalaya district, and Cijulang sub-district Pangandaran district. These zones can be used the breeding center of the village as an effort of animal genetic conservation in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to describe the gene distribution, population equilibrium, the effective population size’ Pasundan cattle at Village Breeding Centre zone from February to August 2016. The research method is a descriptive method, sampling technique use stratified random sampling, and to estimate the genotype distribution based on the albumin protein pattern. While the population structures were measured on the based population in it’s carrying capacity. The result of this research showed that the distribution of the blood albumin gene markers, there are three genes, namely  AlbA, AlbB, and AlbC, with the population equilibrium value has not been any deviation(X2 ≤ X20.05). While the condition of effective population size, including safe towards to the risk status, except at Cibalong sub-district Garut Regency. So, this condition can be concluded that Pasundan cattle population in the VBC had the diversity of high qualitative but may occur degradation of livestock genetic and may result in deterioration in the status of the population of both quantitative and qualitative aspects due to the declining value of the EPS, the conservation efforts made to repair the carrying capacity and the introduction of bulls in the population. Keywords: Albumin protein pattern, Effective po

    Influence of Different Energy-Proteins on Performance and Blood Hematological on Three Types of Local Chicken

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    Indonesia is rich in germplasm, including local chickens. Three types of superior local chickens are Sentul-Warso Chicken, Chicken Kampung-Unggul, and Chicken Local-Jimy. Chickens are relatively diverse growth and nutrient needs are also variations, especially energy and protein content. The research has been conducted at Test Farm cage, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Padjadjaran, Sumedang, and West Java-Indonesia. The objective of the study was to determine the energy-protein requirements of the ration, which resulted in the highest production performance and optimal hematologic blood values in three types of local chickens (Sentul-Warso Chicken, Chicken Kampung-Unggul, and Chicken Local-Jimy). Research using experimental method in laboratory. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design, consisting of five treatment rations with different energy and protein levels and each repeated four times. The treatment consisted of: R1 = EM 2750 kcal / kg and PK 15%; R2 = EM 2750 kcal / kg and PK 17%; R3 = EM 2750 kcal / kg and PK 19%; R4 = EM 2950 kcal / kg and PK 15%; and R5 = EM 2950 kcal / kg and PK 17%. The data were analyzed by means of variation and the differences between treatments were tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The result showed that ration with metabolic energy content 2,750 kcal / kg and 17% crude protein resulted in optimal production and hematological blood value in local chicken. The performance of Chicken-Jimy's production is higher than Sentul-Warso chicken and the lowest Kampung-Unggul chicken. The hematological value of chicken blood is in the normal range

    Mathematical model of growth of two purelines of Padjadjaran female quail aged 0 to 6 weeks

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    A research was conducted at Quail Breeding Centre of Padjadjaran University.  A hundred quails of female black and brown color of each line was observed from hatch to age of six weeks. Four growth models were compared: Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, and MMF. The best fit was measured with Coefficient of determination (R2) and standard error of prediction (se). The results showed that all observed models have high accuracy with R2 ranging from 0.9950 to 0.9988 for black color, and 0.9984 to 0.9992 for brown color respectively. Standard errors of prediction (SE) ranged from 1.99 g to 4.01 g for black, and from 1.92 g to 2.52 g for brown, respectively. Gompertz model was more favorable with R2 and SE of 0.9988 and 1.99 g for black, and 0.9991 and 1.92 g for brown, respectively. Age at inflection, maximum average daily gains and weights at inflection were 4.18 week, 27.87 g and 100.23 g for black line and 3.38 week, 25.05 g and 75.34 g for brown line, respectively

    Modelling Growth Curves In Kampung Super Garut Chicken Fed With Pasak Bumi Meal (Euricoma longifolia Jack)

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    AbstractChicken growth will be showing a curve with certain mathematic model. The aim of this research was to predict growth curve model of kampung super garut chicken Fed With Pasak Bumi Meal (Euricoma longifolia Jack). This research used descriptive eksperimental method with 100, divided in five groups. Every groups fed with Pasak Bumi Meal in five categories is R0 (0%), R1 (0,025%), R2 (0,050%), R3 (0,075%) and R4 (0,100%). Chickens reared for 12 weeks, the collected data is body weight and body weight gain. Scatter plots data is used for estimated determination coefficient (R2), correlation coefficient (r), and standard error (SE). The results showed that; (1) addition of pasak bumi flour in ration at level 0,075% in ration resulted growth performance optimal; (2) The Gompertz model with the formula of  Y = 1965.2 exp (-3.7890e-0.1456t ) was the best model with coefficient determination (R2) of 99.94%, coefficient of correlation (r) of 99.97%, and standard error (SE) of 16.01%. (3) growth rate until 12 weeks ages still increase

    The Gene Distribution, Population Equilibrium, Effective Population Size of Pasundan Cattle in Village Breeding Centre at the Southern Part of West Java, Indonesia

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    Basic on Pasundan's cattle population at the southern region of West Java, Indonesia contained in the Tegalbuleut sub-district Sukabumi district, Agrabinta sub-district Cianjur district, Cibalong sub-district Garut district, Sukaraja sub-district Tasikmalaya district, and Cijulang sub-district Pangandaran district. These zones can be used the breeding center of the village as an effort of animal genetic conservation in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to describe the gene distribution, population equilibrium, the effective population size' Pasundan cattle at Village Breeding Centre zone from February to August 2016. The research method is a descriptive method, sampling technique use stratified random sampling, and to estimate the genotype distribution based on the albumin protein pattern. While the population structures were measured on the based population in it's carrying capacity. The result of this research showed that the distribution of the blood albumin gene markers, there are three genes, namely  AlbA, AlbB, and AlbC, with the population equilibrium value has not been any deviation(X2 ≤ X20.05). While the condition of effective population size, including safe towards to the risk status, except at Cibalong sub-district Garut Regency. So, this condition can be concluded that Pasundan cattle population in the VBC had the diversity of high qualitative but may occur degradation of livestock genetic and may result in deterioration in the status of the population of both quantitative and qualitative aspects due to the declining value of the EPS, the conservation efforts made to repair the carrying capacity and the introduction of bulls in the population. Keywords: Albumin protein pattern, Effective po