20 research outputs found

    Perolehan Kembali Seng Dari Limbah Industri Galvanis Sebagai Seng Asetat

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    Seng dross merupakan hasil samping dari industri pelapisan logam (galvanis) dengan proses hot-dip dan mempunyai kandungan seng yang cukup tinggi. Hasil samping ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku seng asetat. Seng asetat digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan makanan, suplemen, obat-obatan, precursor, dan pelega tenggorokan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh kembali seng dari seng dross untuk menghasilkan seng asetat. Seng asetat tersebut akan digunakan sebagai precursor. Proses ekstraksi seng dross dilakukan dengan asam asetat glasial pada kondisi proses, yaitu waktu ekstraksi 1 jam, 2 jam, dan 3 jam, suhu ekstraksi 130 oC, 150 oC, dan 170 oC, serta konsentrasi asam asetat glasial 20%, 40%, dan 60%. Hasil ekstraksi berupa seng asetat dianalisis untuk mengetahui kadar seng dan karakteristik kristal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi proses ekstraksi yang terbaik diperoleh pada suhu 130 oC, konsentrasi asam asetat glasial sebesar 60%, dan waktu proses ekstraksi selama 1 jam. Seng asetat yang diperoleh mengandung 75,39% seng dan kristal seng asetat mempunyai intensitas 5800 counts

    Strategi Pengelolaan Sungai Cibanten Provinsi Banten Berdasarkan Analisis Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Air Dan Kapasitas Asimilasi

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    Cibanten river is one of the most potential to be developed as a source of raw water. Crucial issues at Cibanten river is the increasing load of water pollution as indicated by parameter BOD, COD and TSS. This study aimed to estimate the amount of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in Cibanten river, analyze the quality Status of the Cibanten river water, analyze the capacity of assimilation, and determine management strategy of Cibanten river of Banten Province. TMDL of BOD were determined by modeling Qual2KW and the results were compared with the second class water quality standards to regulation No. 82/2001. Management strategy of Cibanten river determined by analysis of the results of an expert survey method with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Quality Status of the Cibanten river water with pollution index was light raiment and storet method of Raw Water Quality class II belong was heavy raiment. Results of the simulation calculation of TMDL, the total load of pollution in the Cibanten BOD was730 tons/month while the TMDL of BOD was 146.801 tons/month. Results of the analysis of assimilation capacity COD was 24208 tons/month. Results of the analysis methods of survey expert with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) is monitoring and surveillance as an alternative management strategies with the highest priority of the Cibanten river (agregate value 0.202) and following up the monitoring results

    Exploration of Barriers in Achieving Proactive Environmental Strategies in a Natural Rubber Industry : a Case Study

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    As the evolving of environmental issues over time, the development of environmental management approaches in industries began to shift to the prevention of pollution to reduce environmental impact. However, in practice, many obstacles encountered during the environmental management change to be more proactive. This study aims to explore the barriers of achieving the proactive environmental strategy in a rubber processing industry. Used a case study approach in a natural rubber processing factory, the data was collected through interviews with experts and sources as well as observation in the field. This study shows main barriers that faced by the company consist of financial issue, human resources, communities' pressure, technological change and communication with environmental experts. The results of this study suggest conducting cooperation with research institutions or environmental experts especially for skills that cannot be controlled by the manager or employees in the company

    Model Prakiraan Harga dan Permintaan pada Rantai Pasok Karet Spesifikasi Teknis Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

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    Karet spesifikasi teknis (TSR) merupakan jenis karet alam yang penting, dengan pertumbuhan permintaan yang tinggi dibanding jenis karet alam yang diproduksi dan diekspor oleh Indonesia. TSR paling banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk industri ban, sehingga dengan tumbuhnya indutri otomotif mendorong peningkatan permintaan terhadap TSR. Namun permasalahan muncul dalam produksi TSR, dimana tingkat fluktuasi baik karena kelebihan maupun kekurangan produksi sangat berpengaruh terhadap Perubahan harga TSR di pasar Internasional. Untuk mengurangi fluktuasi tersebut diperlukan suatu metode untuk memperkirakan tingkat permintaan dan harga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang suatu metode prakiraan yang dapat merperkirakan tingkat harga dan volume permintaan untuk TSR 20. Prakiraan dilakukan dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) dengan algoritma propagasi Balik, menggunakan data perkembangan pasar TSR di bursa berjangka SICOM. Model JST yang dirancang mempertimbangkan pola harga, pola permintaan dan interaksi kedua faktor. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan penggunaan 5 input neuron yaitu: 1) harga tertinggi, 2) harga terendah, 3) harga penutupan, 4) volume permintaan awal, 5) volume permintaan penutupan, 15 neuron pada lapisan tersembunyi dan 2 output yaitu harga dan volume permintaan pada lapisan output. Tingkat akurasi hasil prakiraan harga mencapai 91% dan akurasi prakiraan permintaan 87%. Berdasarkan hasil prakiraan ditentukan status harga dan permintaan. Harga tinggi jika perbedaan antara nilai maksimum dan nilai tengah lebih tinggi dari 47%, harga rendah jika perbedaan antara nilai minimum dan nilai tengah lebih dari 20%. Prakiraan permintaan dinyatakan tinggi atau rendah jika terjadi peningkatan maupun penurunan sebesar 50 % dari rata-rata permintaan

    Model Kontribusi Aset Pengetahuan Dalam Memfasilitasi Proses Penciptaan Pengetahuan Pada Koperasi Susu

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    Given the crucial role of knowledge creation in contemporary business enterprises, a fundamental question arises: what processes are facilitating knowledge creation? This study aims to find the answer.This study investigates the interrelations among four categories of knowledge assets (experiential, conceptual, systemic, and routine) and four categories of SECI model for knowledge creation processes (socialization, externalization, combination , and internalization). In our framework, we argue that different types of knowledge assets may have differing influences on knowledge creation. In order to test the feasibility of this framework, we conducted an empirical research exercise. Data were collected from three dairy cooperations in Java, Indonesia through a survey instrument. A total of 105 USAble responses were analysed. We employed regression analysis, ANOVA and canonical correlation analysis to examine the separate correlations. We identified four responses interrelationhips from this study. Compared to other knowledge assets, conceptual knowledge assets have a greater effect on socialization of knowledge creation process. Experiential knowledge assets have a greater effect on combination. Routine knowledge assets have a greater effect on externalization of knowledge creation process. Systemic knowledge assets have a greater effect on internalization of knowledge creation process

    Pengelolaan Sampah Rumahtangga Berbasis Komunitas: Teladan dari Dua Komunitas di Sleman dan Jakarta Selatan

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    Studi kasus pengelolaan sampah rumahtangga di Wedomartani (Sleman, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa) dan Banjarsari (Jakarta Selatan) memberikan perspektif alternatif untuk meminimalisasi timbunan sampah yang dikelola oleh pemerintah melalui skenario daur ulang sampah dengan mengkombinasikan aspek teknis, ekologi, ekonomi, sosial budaya, kebijakan dan kelembagaan. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan sampah rumahtangga dari sumbernya di Wedomartani dan Banjarsari; 2) untuk membuat sintesis pola pengelolaan sampah berbasis komunitas; 3) untuk menguji dan mengevaluasi efektivitas dan efisiensi pola dari kedua studi kasus tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Juni 2005 sampai Agustus 2006. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan pengambilan sampel. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif meliputi analisis efektivitas biaya, analisis regresi, analisis varian dan t-test. Pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat memberikan beberapa keuntungan yakni : 1) mengurangi 57 persen sampah 70 persen dari total jumlah sampah; 2) efisiensi biaya sebesar 23 persen sampai 37 persen dibandingkan pengelolaan secara konvensional; 3) peningkatan nilai ekonomi dengan penjualan barang daur ulang, pelayanan pelatihan daur ulang dan bentuk-bentuk diversifikasi yang lain; 4) menciptakan harmoni sosial antar banyak pihak. Implementasi kedua pola ini di Bogor belum dapat dilakukan secara optimal karena belum terpenuhinya prasyarat untuk mencapainya. Tingkat biaya operasional juga belum dapat dicapai secara menguntungkan

    Pembentukan Model Penciptaan Pengetahuan (Knowledge Creation) Dalam Mendorong Inovasi Pada Koperasi Susu Di Indonesia: Suatu Studi Konfirmatori

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    Many theories highlighted the critical importance of knowledge creation on the long-term success of the organization. However, the scarcity of empirical work on knowledge creation model has limited our understanding of the overall organizational process involved. To overcome this, we attempt a comprehensive analyze of knowledge creation model within the organization, exploring the relationship between innovation, knowledge creation model, problem-solving capability, absorptive capacity, knowledge acquisition and assets. Data of this case study were taken from three dairy cooperations in Java. Analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.72. The results revealed that several contributing factors (problem-solving capability, absorptive capacity, knowledge acquisition and assets) had significant effect on innovation. On the other hand, knowledge creation model had no significant effect on innovation in the context of the dairy cooperation in Indonesia. The implication for managers is that by focusing on externalization process in knowledge creation model within the organization. In the pattern of innovations, product innovation is the most important

    Model Kontribusi Aset Pengetahuan dalam Memfasilitasi Proses Penciptaan Pengetahuan pada Koperasi Susu

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    Given the crucial role of knowledge creation in contemporary business enterprises, a fundamental question arises: what processes are facilitating knowledge creation?  This study aims to find the answer.This study investigates the interrelations among four categories of knowledge assets (experiential, conceptual, systemic, and routine) and four categories of SECI model for knowledge creation processes (socialization, externalization, combination , and internalization). In our framework, we argue that different types of knowledge assets may have differing influences on knowledge creation. In order to test the feasibility of this framework, we conducted an empirical research exercise.  Data were collected from three dairy cooperations in Java, Indonesia through a survey instrument. A total of 105 usable responses were analysed. We employed regression analysis, ANOVA and canonical correlation analysis to examine the separate correlations. We identified four responses interrelationhips from this study. Compared to other knowledge assets, conceptual knowledge assets have a greater effect on socialization of knowledge creation process. Experiential knowledge assets have  a greater effect on combination. Routine knowledge assets have a greater effect on externalization of knowledge creation process. Systemic knowledge assets have a greater effect on internalization of knowledge creation process

    Pembentukan Model Penciptaan Pengetahuan (Knowledge Creation) dalam Mendorong Inovasi pada Koperasi Susu di Indonesia: Suatu Studi Konfirmatori

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    Many theories highlighted the critical importance of knowledge creation on the long-term success of the organization. However, the scarcity of empirical work on knowledge creation model has limited our understanding of the overall organizational process involved. To overcome this, we attempt a comprehensive analyze of knowledge creation model within the organization, exploring the relationship between innovation, knowledge creation model, problem-solving capability, absorptive capacity, knowledge acquisition and assets. Data of this case study were taken from three dairy cooperations in Java. Analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.72. The results revealed that several contributing factors (problem-solving capability, absorptive capacity, knowledge acquisition and assets) had significant effect on innovation. On the other hand, knowledge creation model had no significant effect on innovation in the context of the dairy cooperation in Indonesia. The implication for managers is that by focusing on externalization process in knowledge creation model within the organization. In the pattern of innovations, product innovation is the most important. Key words: innovation, knowledge creation, problem-solving capability, absorptive capacity, dairy cooperatio

    Utilization of Waste Extracts Residual Tobacco Cigarette Manufacturing and Leaves of Mahkota Dewa as a Natural Pesticide for Pest Control Armyworms in Chili Plant

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    The use of pesticides is still considered behind a great benefit for increasing agricultural production. Quite high negative impact of the use of synthetic pesticides to encourage efforts to pursue the empowerment of natural pesticide as alternative to synthetic pesticides. On tobacco and leaves of mahkota dewa found a substance alkaloid that can help ward off attacks, especially armyworm. Has conducted research utilization of waste residual tobacco cigarette manufacturing at a company and leaves of mahkota dewa as a natural pesticide to eradicate the armyworm. The residual tobacco cigarette manufacturing and leaves of mahkota dewa isolated manner extracted with an organic solvent so that the resulting crude extract alkaloids. The resulting crude alkaloid used as a pesticide solution sprayed on the leaves of Chili to eradicate the pest armyworms. Test result showed that the insecticidal activity of alkaloid extract concentration of 1,6 ppm has the highest insecticidal activity. However, engaging both the alkaloid extract provides insecticidal activity is lower than the alkaloid extract of leaves of mahkota dewa so that the most effective in the use of alkaloid extract of leaves of mahkota dewa. Identification of the alkaloid compounds have been analyzed by TLC. This analysis showed that compound in waste of tobacco cigarette manufacture is nicotine and triterpenoids whereas the alkaloid extract of the leaves of mahkota dewa form of narcoti