7 research outputs found


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    Coastal development in Ambon Bay led to increased sedimentation and pollutant into the waters. It  effects on organism in Ambon Bay, including coral reefs. This study aims to look the condition of coral reef. The study method is Line Intercept Transect (LIT) in eight observasion stations, two stations in the inner bay and six stations in the outside bay. The results showed there has been a decline in coral cover in the area that has development activities and high antropogenic activity like Hative Besar, Poka, Kota Jawa, Halong, and Hunuth station. As for areas that have lesser development activity and antropogenic activity, the condition of coral cover increased as happened at Lilibooy, Eri, and Batu Capeu stations. Stations that have coral reefs “very good category” is at St. Eri station, “good category” is at St. Lilibooy station, “medium category” is at St. Kota Jawa station and St. Batu Capeu while “bad category” are at St. Hative Besar, St. Poka, St. Halong and St. Hunuth stations. Coral growth at each station is dominated by a non-acropora group. The life forms are massive corals and submassive corals from Porites, Favites, Platygyra, Millepora, Symphyllia, Lobophyllia, Styphora and Pavona genus

    Application of Underwater Photo Transect Method to Understand Coral Reefs Cover in Pombo Island, Maluku

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    Methods to understand coral reefs health are increasingly diverse. One of the promising method is georeferenced photo transect. In this method, a diver took benthic community photos using a camera installed or connected with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, so that each photo taken has a geographic coordinate on it. This spatial information is very useful for monitoring coral reefs health. The purpose of this research is to understand coral reefs cover in Pombo Island, Maluku by using georeferenced photo transect method. Field data collection was done in April 2015 with 14 transect lines. Overall of 14 transect lines, 3 transects are in Good category, other 3 transects are in Pretty Good category, and the rest of 8 transects are in Not Good category. Coral species commonly found around transect lines are Porites lutea, Porites lobata, Acropora valenciennesi, Acropora hyacinthus, Turbinaria mesenterina, Stylophora pistillata, Mycedium elephantotus, Acropora latistell


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    Methods to understand coral reefs health are increasingly diverse. One of the promising method is georeferenced photo transect. In this method, a diver took benthic community photos using a camera installed or connected with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, so that each photo taken has a geographic coordinate on it. This spatial information is very useful for monitoring coral reefs health. The purpose of this research is to understand coral reefs cover in Pombo Island, Maluku by using georeferenced photo transect method. Field data collection was done in April 2015 with 14 transect lines. Overall of 14 transect lines, 3 transects are in Good category, other 3 transects are in Pretty Good category, and the rest of 8 transects are in Not Good category. Coral species commonly found around transect lines are Porites lutea, Porites lobata, Acropora valenciennesi, Acropora hyacinthus, Turbinaria mesenterina, Stylophora pistillata, Mycedium elephantotus, Acropora latistell


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    Maluku memiliki sumberdaya laut yang sangat besar, baik sumberdaya hayati maupun nir-hayati termasuk potensi wisata bahari yang menjadi prioritas pemerintah untuk dikembangkan. Namun pada kenyataannya, perkembangan wisata bahari di Maluku masih menghadapi berbagai kendala, yaitu menentukan lokasi yang layak untuk dijadikan tujuan wisata. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melihat tingkat kesesuaian wisata khususnya wisata snorkling dan selam di perairan Pulau Nusalaut. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tahun 2014 dan 2015 di 6 (enam) lokasi yang berbeda.  Pengambilan data karang menggunakan metoda LIT (Line Intecept Trancect) dan dianalisis menggunakan "Life Form Program". Pengamatan ikan karang dilakukan dengan Underwater Visual Census (UVC) dan transek. Parameter lingkungan diambil dengan cara pengukuran langsung dilapangan. Terumbu karang dikategorikan dalam kondisi ”Baik” dan ”Sangat Baik” dengan persentase tutupan karang antara 58,54-77%. Sebanyak 217 jenis karang batu yang termasuk ke dalam 52 genera dari 16 famili menempati rataan terumbu. Keanekaragaman ikan karang berada pada kondisi yang cukup baik dengan indeks keanekaragaman berkisar antara 3,05-4,09. Setidaknya terdapat 2.838 individu ikan karang dari 25 famili dan 170 jenis, terbagi dalam kelompok ikan indikator sebanyak 6%, ikan mayor 67% dan ikan target 27%. Kecerahan perairan berkisar antara 8-12 m dengan kecepatan arus antara 1,6-18,5 m/s. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kesesuaian wisata, seluruh lokasi penelitian dikategorikan “Sangat Sesuai” untuk dijadikan tujuan wisata snorkling maupun selam dengan Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata antara 81,25-95,83%.The Maluku Islands have the potentials of marine resources, including marine tourism which is currently a priority for the government to develop. But in reality, the development of marine tourism in Maluku faces various obstacles, such as determining the appropriate location to be a tourist destination. This study intends to see the suitability of the tourism area, especially snorkeling and diving in Nusalaut Island. Sampling was carried out in 2014 and 2015 in 6 different locations. Retrieval of coral data using the Line Intercept Transect method and analyzed using the "Life Form Program". Observation of reef fish was done by Underwater Visual Census and transects. Environmental parameters are taken by direct measurement in the field. Coral reefs are categorized as "Good" and "Very Good". A total of 217 types of rock corals belonging to 52 genera from 16 families occupy reef flats. Reef fish biodiversity is in a fairly good condition with a diversity index ranging from 3,046-4,089. There are at least 2,838 individual reef fishes from 25 families and 170 species. Waters' transparency ranges from 8-12 m with a current velocity between 1.6-18.5 m/s. Based on the results of the tourism suitability analysis, all research locations are categorized as "Very Appropriate" to be used as a snorkeling and diving tourist destination with a Tourism Suitability Index between 81.25-95.83%


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    Saparua Island is one of the islands in the Central Moluccas that has a complete ecosystem, unfortunately records on mollusk research is very limited. The aim of this research is to know the composition, diversity and utilization of mollusk. The objectives of the study are to determine the composition, diversity and utilization of mollusks using square transect and free collection method which conducted on April and September 2016. Water analysis is also done to determine the environmental hydrographic condition. Temperature and salinity indicate the presence of freshwater input through rivers, especially in St-2 2 (Waisisil). Concentrations of nutrients show a fairly high value, ranging from 0.001 to 0.114 mg L-1 for phosphate; 0.012 - 0.023 mg L -1 for nitrate and 0.140 - 0.443 mg L -1 for silicate. There are 641 individual mollusks of 107 species consisting of 85 species of Gastropoda and 22 species of Bivalves. Species found mostly by Littoraria scabra (Littorinidae), Cypraea annulus (Cypreidae), Terebralia sulcata (Potamididae); Clypeomorus battilariaeformis (Cerithiidae); and Nerita chamaeleon (Neritidae). The existing mollusk community has moderate and uniform diversity with low species dominance. There are at least 35 species of mollusks that can be utilized into various commodities such as food products, accessories/decorations and raw materials of drugs

    Initiatives of the Indonesian Government for Digital Transformation in Rural Areas

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    Indonesia is undergoing a digital transformation with a strong focus on building digital infrastructure and harnessing digital technologies to drive sustainable economic growth. Digital literacy and information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures are important to this shift. The Indonesian government also encourages rural development by improving the connectivity and accessibility of rural people to ICT, giving them more power over their development. To achieve a beneficial influence on rural communities, rural peoples must treat the use of ICT in rural regions cautiously and strive to understand its socio-cultural effects. This article aims to study government activities in Indonesia for building ICT infrastructure in rural regions and to acquire a thorough understanding of ICT developments. The research objective is to comprehensively depict ICT development within Indonesia’s rural regions and examine its potential implications for the indigenous population. The Indonesian government should increase competitiveness among its population in the public and private sectors. The government should actively oversee and enhance the digital skills of economic actors in rural areas, offer incentives for innovation, develop communication strategies, and close the digital divide for mountain communities