40 research outputs found


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    Leraning game volley ball SMPN 15 Sukabumi City especially in basic technique of smash volleyball many student have difficulty in doing such moves, this study aims to determine the learning out comes, of the volleyball through the application of direct learning model this reseach is aquntitative researcher that is research that is experimental reseach desigh : experimental desing (non desigh) whit the shepe desigh one group Pretest-posttest design population in the is researcher is all student of class VIII n amily class and in grade 8 bas a sample of research by using cluster sampling (area Sampling ). Data retrivel is taken, whith the instrument in the from of rating rublic listed on RPP orches tra SMPN 15 Sukabumi City, the technique of data analysis using t thes analisys of normality and homogeneity test the resul hypotesisys using the resul of resear on the real tevel (a)0,05 researt result show that : there is a signifikan in flu ini ence bet ween the direct model of the outcome of the Smash in the games of volleyball . test-t on the calculation result get te arit h metitic of 2,75 > t- table 5,18 on the rap real )0,05 so there is a diference signifikan bet ween data before and after given treatment. The increase loock real because there I an increase of 2,29 or 2,92% , of the average 27,78 > 24,86 Based on the result of the analisisys of the date then there is inerease skill games volleyball on the student VIII B SMPN 15 Sukabumi Cyti theroug the application of the command stilyle teaching styl

    Serum Biomarkers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Short Review)

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) atau kanker hati adalah salah satu dari kanker yang paling umum dan menjadi penyebab utama kematian di negara-negara Asia. HCC biasanya berkembang pada pasien dengan penyakit hati kronis dan sirosis. Pengamatan HCC pada pasien sirosis biasanya dilakukan menggunakan ?-fetoprotein (AFP) dan ultrasonografi. Akan tetapi, sensitivitas AFP untuk deteksi HCC sangat rendah, sedangkan penggunaan ultrasonografi cukup mahal dan sangat tergantung pada keahlian operator. Hal inilah yang menjadi ide dasar tentang perlunya mencari suatu strategi baru (biomarker baru) dalam mendeteksi HCC secara dini. Biomarker yang ideal harus lebih sensitif, spesifik, noninvasif, murah, dan dapat diterima oleh pasien. Berdasarkan tinjauan literatur yang kami lakukan (2001-2009), dilaporkan beberapa penemuan biomarker baru yang cukup menjanjikan, seperti AFP-L3, des-gamma carboxyprothrombin (DCP), golgi protein 73 (GP73), glypican-3 (GPC3), squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA), transforming growth factor-?1 (TGF?b1), insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II), insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2), human cervical cancer oncogene (HCCR), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), KL-6 and ?-acid glycoprotein (AAG). Akan tetapi, penggunaannya secara klinis atau uji validasi belum pernah dilaporkan. Beberapa kendala dan keterbatasan yang dilaporkan dalam penemuan biomarker ini antara lain jumlah sampel yang digunakan kurang memadai, metoda analisis yang beragam (heterogenity), terbatas pada wilayah tertentu, predictive analysis biomarker, dan masih sedikitnya studi longitudinal untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan biomarkers dalam mendeteksi penyakit pada taraf preklinik. Uji klinik dan metoda validasi yang tepat saat ini menunggu lahirnya suatu generasi biomarker baru untuk pasien HCC

    Edible Bird’s Nest Extract Reduced Expression of Senescence Markers in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Edible bird’s nest (EBN) is often consumed as a health food due to its suggested health benefits, including anti-aging effects, however the mechanism is still unknown. This study investigated the effect of EBN extract using long term expansion bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) as an aging model. Passage 5 (P5) and passage 8 (P8) BMMSCs were treated with EBN extract, and their proliferation, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity, and expression of p16INK4a were analyzed. Treatment of BMMSCs with EBN extract decreased population doubling time (PDT) in P5 but not in P8 BMMSCs. In P5 BMMSCs, 200 ppm EBN extract increased BMMSCs proliferation, with PDT reduced by 27.6%. However, 200 ppm EBN extracts did not affect P8 BMMSCs proliferation, although it increased BMMSCs viability. Treatment of P5 and P8 BMMSCs with 200 ppm EBN extract decreased SA-β-Gal activity by 54.8% and 47.1% of the control, respectively (P<0.05). Levels of p16INK4a expression were 5.4-fold lower in P5 BMMSCs treated with 200 ppm EBN extract compared to control (P<0.05). Similarly, treatment of P8 BMMSCs with 200 ppm EBN extract reduced p16INK4a mRNA level by 7.9-fold compared to the control (P<0.05). In order to investigate the pathway of EBN extract inhibition, we further analyzed IL-6 and NF-κB1 expression. Treatment of P5 and P8 BMMSCs with 200 ppm EBN extract reduced IL-6 mRNA levels by 7.9-fold and 2.1-fold of control, respectively (P<0.05). We found that 200 ppm EBN extract reduced NF-κB1 mRNA level approximately 2.4-fold both in P5 and P8 BMMSCs (P<0.05). Thus, EBN extract reduces markers of senescence, indicated by decreased SA-β-Gal activity and p16INK4a mRNA level, and this correlated with reduced messenger RNA levels of the pro-inflammatory factor IL-6 and the transcription factor NF-κB1


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    Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Selain itu adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para ibu atau wali murid di Rumah Pintar Tangerang Raya dalam membuat kerajinan tangan seperti pembuatan masker non medis secara manual dan juga menambah strategi pemasaran dalam usaha yang dijalankannya di masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian Rumah Tangga. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan, praktikum, dan juga curah pendapat. Teknik dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat yang digunakan adalah kerja kelompok denhgan jumlah peserta 10 (sepuluh) orang ibuibu atau wali murid dari peserta didik di Rumah Pintar Tangerang Raya(RPTR).Adapun luaran dari kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini berupa publikasi pada media online dan satu artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan melalui Jurnal Lokabmas Kreativ PKM Universitas Pamulang, serta peningkatan pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan keterampilan para ibu atau wali murid peserta didik di Rumah Pintar Tangerang Raya (RPTR) dalam pelatihan pembuatan masker non medis manual serta sosialisasi manajemen pemasaran pada era new normal pandemic covid-19

    Hubungan Kadar Lipid Darah Dengan Degenerative Disc Disease Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Pfirrmann Menggunakan Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lumbosacral pada Pasien Nyeri Punggung Bawah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan serum lipid darah dengan degenerative disc disease berdasarkan klasifikasi pfirrmann menggunakan magnetic resonance imaging lumbosacral pada pasien nyeri punggung bawah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Departemen Radiologi RS. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar mulai bulan Oktober 2018 sampai Januari 2019. Subjek sebanyak 52 orang dengan rentang usia 30 - 60 tahun. Metode yang digunakan adalah uji Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi antara kadar low-density lipoprotein (LDL) dan trigliserida serum dengan degenerative disc disease dengan nilai p=0.02 (p0.05). Semakin tinggi kadar LDL dan trigliserida maka derajat degerative disc disease cendereng semakin berat. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara HDL dengan degenerative disc disease. Secara statistik tidak terdapat korelasi antara kolesterol total dengan degenerative disc disease. Namun, didapatkan pada grafik nilai kolesterol total pada setiap derajat degenerative disc disease meningkat

    Hypoxia in Mesenchymal Stem Cell

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are non-hematopoietic multipotent stem cells with self-renewal properties and ability to differentiate into a variety of mesenchymal tissues. This chapter overviews effects of hypoxia on MSCs, makes it promising therapy to various diseases. Cultivation of MSCs under hypoxic condition results in variety of outcome that is important to be noted in clinical use. In most studies, hypoxic condition appears to increase proliferation, differentiation, and immune regulatory performance of MSCs without affecting its characteristic. Those benefits are therefore utilized in clinical application. However, there are also studies that report on negative effects of hypoxia in MSCs such as chromosomal instability. Molecular mechanism of MSCs in hypoxic condition is provided for better understanding, which is crucial for further development with better outcome

    Perbandingan Algoritme Machine Learning untuk Memprediksi Pengambil Matakuliah

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    Pada setiap awal semester bagian akademik melakukan penjadwalan dan penentuan matakuliah yang akan dibuka untuk semester berikutnya. Akan tetapi proses tersebut memiliki permasalahan antara lain kelas yang dibuka terlalu banyak dibanding jumlah siswa yang berminat atau sebaliknya. Selain itu, dalam permasalahan prediksi data yang terkumpul memiliki kecenderungan tidak seimbang pada setiap kelas (imbalance class). Hal ini akan berdampak pada proses penjadwalan yang kurang tepat. Sehingga dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat memprediksi mahasiswa pengambil mata kuliah. Akan tetapi ada banyak algoritme yang dapat digunakan untuk proses prediksi. Penelitian ini membandingkan performa algoritma untuk klasifikasi mahasiswa pengambil matakuliah. Pada penelitian ini prediksi dilakukan berdasarkan atribut dari data mahasiswa. Atribut-atribut tersebut yaitu Nilai, IP, IPK, SKS, SKSK dan Semester. Pada setiap observasi pada atribut-atribut tersebut prediksi akan dilakukan apakah mahasiswa tersebut mengambil mata kuliah tertentu. Prediksi dibagi menjadi 2 kelas yaitu ‘Ya’ untuk mahasiswa yang diprediksi mengambil matakuliah dan ‘Tidak’ untuk mahasiswa yang diprediksi tidak mengambil matakuliah. Teknik Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) digunakan untuk menangani data yang tidak seimbang. Pada penelitian ini klasifikasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan algoritme k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) dan Support Vector Machine (SVM) untuk kasus prediksi pengambil matakuliah. Hasil pengujian menggunakan 3 mata kuliah sebagai sampel. Dari hasil rerata, diperoleh hasil prediksi k-NN memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik daripada SVM. Selain itu, penggunaan teknik SMOTE dapat mempengaruhi hasil klasifikasi berupa peningkatan nilai AUC, CA, F1, precision dan recall.AbstractAt the beginning of each semester, the academic section conducts scheduling and determining the courses offered for the next semester. However, the process has problems such as too many classes offered to the student compared to the number of students who take the class or vice versa. Besides that, in the prediction problems, the collected data has an imbalance tendency in each class. As a result, these problems could cause in ineffective scheduling. Thus, there is a need to build a system that can predict students taking courses. However, there are many algorithms that can be used for the prediction. This study compares the performance of algorithms for classifications of students taking courses. In this study, predictions are modeled based on the attributes of student data, namely Grades, GPA, Cumulative GPA, Semester Credits, Cumulative Semester Credits and Semester. The classification process will be carried out to produce a prediction of whether the student takes a particular subject or not. Classification results are divided into 2 classes, namely 'Yes' for students who are predicted to take and 'No' for students who are predicted not to take the class. To handle imbalance dataset will use Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) techniques. Classification method used in this study are k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms to compare their performance for prediction cases. The test results used 3 courses as a sample. In average k-NN prediction results have a better performance than SVM. In addition, the use of SMOTE techniques can influence the classification results in the form of an increase in AUC, CA, F1, precision and recall values

    Local Wisdom and Karst Spring Management in Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia

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    For the population of Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, karst springs serve as the primary water sources because surface rivers are rare in karst areas and, if present, the quality of their water is reportedly less than that of the springs. In the spring water utilization, local wisdom is incorporated into the management and has so far contributed to sustainability. Since only a few studies have examined local wisdom and its correlation with changes in spring management pattern, this research initiates the provision and dissemination of information on karst spring management that is applicable elsewhere. It was designed to scrutinize the local wisdom and regulatory measures implemented at many springs in Playen District. Detailed data were obtained by in-depth interviews with four key informants responsible for managing springs block 1 (Gedad, Grunggung, and Karangkulon Springs), 2 (Banyusoco and Sungai Oyo), 3 (Dung Poh, Nganding, Umbul, and Jambe), and 4 (Ngrunggo and Ngrasih). Through qualitative descriptive analysis, the research found that the laying of offerings at springs in blocks 1 and 2 during traditional celebratory ceremonies had been abandoned, but cleaning activities at and around these springs as part of the local wisdom sustained. In the context of utilization, the spring management had changed from direct manual withdrawal to indirect systematized one that used pipes with gravitational water flow system (block 1) to distribute spring water to villagers’ houses (block 2). On the contrary, local wisdom like offerings and cleaning activities at and around the springs in blocks 3 and 4 was preserved. Their management had changed from manual extraction to gas-fueled water pumping systems, which were later replaced with electricity-powered pumps (block 3), and to indirect withdrawal through pipelines with pump-generated flows (block 4). To manage the springs in all blocks and their sustainable utilization, the people of the district still adopt local wisdom. Besides, they no longer collected water directly at springs but have switched to water distribution technology like pumps and pipelines instead

    Induction of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Chondrocytes by Interleukin IL-1β as an Osteoarthritis Model

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease of the joints and bones due to trauma or other joint-related diseases (secondary). Synovial inflammation commonly causes disturbance in joint homeostasis, which is associated with OA. Enzymes such as aggrecanase and metalloproteinase generate cartilage damage, mediated by tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-1. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6, are responsible for regulation of the extracellular matrix, cartilage degradation, and apoptosis of chondrocytes. This study aimed to observe the cell viability and expression level of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1 and MMP-3) and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinases (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) in human chondrocyte cells (CHON-002) induced by IL-1β. CHON-002 was induced with IL-1β (0.1, 1 and 10 ng/mL) as an OA model. The viability of the cells was measured with a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxyme-thoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetra zolium (MTS) assay, while expression of MMP-1, MMP-3, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2, was evaluated by RT-PCR. The viability of IL-1β-induced CHON-002 (CHON-002- IL-1β) cells at day 1 and 5 showed that treatment with up to 10 ng/mL of IL-1β was not toxic. Expression of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in CHON-002-IL-1β was lower compared to control, while that of MMP-1 and MMP-3 was higher compared to control. These results indicate that CHON-002 treated with 10 ng/mL IL-1β has expression patterns consistent with chondrocyte damage, so the CHON-002-IL-1β system may serve as a model for MMP induction in OA

    Biocompatibility of Yttria-Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystal Seeded with Human Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell

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    Introduction The scaffold is a place for regeneration of new bone and bone tissue growths in tissue engineering applications. hADMSC is a multipotent cell which can differentiate into osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic. Y-TZP has been shown to have several advantages over other ceramics because of its hard nature, namely fracture toughness and high flexural strength. Aim This study aimed to analyze the biocompatibility of Y-TZP as a scaffold seeded with hADMSCs by in vitro analysis. Material and methods: This research involved several processes, namely Y-TZPS manufacture process, XRD examination, differentiation and characterization of hADMSC, SEM observation, and then TT. Results: The results of the XRD examination showed that Y-TZPSs had sharp peaks. It suggests that they had high crystal purity. The marked expression of the characterization of hADMSC is the positive expression of Cluster of differentiation (CD), namely CD 90, CD 73 and CD 105 above NMT and negative expressions of CD 14, CD 19, CD 34, CD 45 and also HLA-DR below NLT. The analysis of observations on the Y-TZPSs with SEM, subsequently, indicated the porosity of Y-TZPSs, as a result, the adhesion of HADMSCs occurred and grew in the porosity in the Y-TZPSs. Conclusions: Y-TZPSs with low porosity and toxicity can be able to proliferate and differentiate if seeded with hADMSC. Y-TZPSs are expected to be used as implantable biomaterials using hADMSCs with high biocompatibility