95 research outputs found

    Pesantren and Entrepreneurship Education

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    Studi ini membahas perkembangan pesantren, sistem nilai, tantangan, dan responsnya melalui kurikulum. Pesantren adalah bagian dari menghasilkan generasi untuk pembangunan nasional melalui pembentukan wirausaha di masyarakat. Pesantren ini telah ada sejak zaman kolonial dan ada sampai sekarang, telah mengalami perkembangan dalam bentuk salafiyah, kombinasi dan dalam bentuk Ashriyah. Pendidikan ini berada di tengah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang pesat dengan efek positif dan negatif, era ini juga ditandai dengan kerja sama ekonomi antar negara di dunia yang harus ditanggapi dengan pendidikan pesantren. Penelitian menggunakan metode pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa baik kitab suci maupun fakta empiris menunjukan bahwa pesantren dan semangat wira USAha merupakan hal yang sejalan. Oleh karena itu, maka pesantren yang memiliki jutaan siswa adalah bagian penting dalam membangun bangsa melalui lulusan wirausaha. Melalui kurikulum, dapat dibentuk sehingga mereka dapat bersaing di era ini

    Islamic Higher Education and Science Integration

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    Humans now face many problems due to technological developments in this digital age. Islamic higher education students have the potential to be part of nation-building. This era is a free trade competition between nations in the world and requires human qualities. So Islamic higher education, one of the places to transfer values based on the Koran and Hadith, must form quality students so that they play an important role in their country. Students who study Islamic science, as well as secular science, aim to shape themselves on campus. In this era, students must have broader knowledge about science and economics and students have a spirit of entrepreneurship, as well as good competence and attitude. This quality can be achieved through lecturers who use integrated knowledge between Islamic perspectives and contemporary perspectives. This research is qualitative research with descriptive analysis through literature studies related to Islamic higher education, the challenges and how lecturers use integrated knowledge methods in the learning process

    Pandangan Islam Tentang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Refleksinya Terhadap Aktivitas Pendidikan Sains Di Dunia Muslim

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    Islamic Perspective on Knowledge and its Reflection on Science Education Activities in the Muslim World. The holy book of Islam, the Qur'an, is very clear about its support for scientific enterprises. This is supported further by the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This strong doctrinal foundation found its historical manifestations in the so-called the golden age of Islam, where sciences flourished in the Muslim kingdoms. However, by the end of the medieval period, the Muslim zeal for sciences weakened for several reasons, which according to the writer resulting in the present day backwardness of Muslim countries in general in almost all branches of scientific activities. This paper attempts to discuss how knowledge and science are perceived by Islam and their implication for science education


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    Pemanfaatannya buah kelapa di Wilayah Sumatera Selatan masih terbatas pada olahan buah kelapa saja sebagai bahan baku pembuatan minyak kelapa dan kebutuhan rumah tangga. Tempurung kelapa sebagai limbah pertanian, jika diolah dengan baik maka akan menjadi sumber nafkah, karena tempurung kelapa memiliki potensi yang baik untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri, salah satunya asap cair (liquefied smoke). Penelitian tentang pembuatan dan pemanfaatan asap cair (liquefied smoke) telah banyak dilakukan sebelumnya namun memiliki banyak kelemahan, diantaranya kurang efektif dan efisien, biaya produksi yang mahal serta sulit pengoperasiaannya. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini diusulkan pembuatan alat pembuat asap cair yang lebih sederhana, murah dan efisien dengan pengaturan tekanan udara panas mengunaakan teknik modifikasi gate valve. Alat pembuat asap cair yang telah dimodifikasi telah diuji coba dan mampu meningkatkan hasil produksi asap cair 59,3 % pada suhu 2000 C.

    Rekonstruksi Visi dan Kurikulum Baru Pendidikan Tinggi Islam

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    Islamic higher of Education are born in colonialism era at 1944, set by community of islamic teacher at West Sumatera. The first after colonialism of Dutch and Japan and proclamation of Indonesia by Soekarno-Hatta its are established by Hatta and Natsir the Islamic higher of education at Jakarta in wich named ADIA, and also the following yearsin Yogyakarta established PTAIN. And 1960 ADIA and PTAIN are both merger and benamed  IAIN as centres of institution in Jakarta and Yogyakarta.  The Instituions until now still exist and in globalization era and MEA are face crusial challenges ahead. Its era are development of science and technology (IPTEK), such as in fields of medicine and others and to has great benefits for humanity, for their needs. But, also there are the side negativeit makes people becoming trapped in the "doomsday", like ozone problem, water contaminated by industrial wastectr. This globalization era are signs the freedom of trades amongst nation that are GATT, NAFTA and the Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Its was marked by characterized that competation among the resoucres of humansof nations.Thats condition are face for Islamic higher of education as need a respon.With the effect those problems alumni of Islamic higher of education must to readiness with deep-knowledge, profesional and have skill and have soul entrepreneurship. For that Islamic higher of education need review visions and curriculum are face for that the fenomenon

    Islamic Career Guidance for Increasing Career Insight of Junior High School Students

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    This research is based on the phenomenon of adolescents still in the period of identity search. Teenagers are also still confused in determining their future careers. Adolescent career choices are usually still unstable influenced by the environment and parents. The main problem formulation in this research is the preparation of an effective Islamic career guidance program to increase career insight of students. The purpose of this study is the establishment of an effective Islamic career guidance program to increasing career insight of junior high school students. With this program students are expected to know the potential that exists in him so that he can determine his career in the future. The research method used is qualitative research with the type of field research and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. This research was conducted at SMP Sekolah Alam Bogor and SMP N 5 Kota Bogor. The results of this research islamic career guidance program for junior high school students refer to the four program components namely basic services, responsive services, specialization services and individual planning and system support services

    Program Pembinaan Kematangan Intelektual Pada Siswa SMA

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    The purpose of this research is to formulate a coaching program that is able to help the development of intellectual maturity in students, so that students are able and brave to make decisions objectively and solve problems based on their reason and conscience and by considering the consequences they will receive later, both in terms of learning, social, personal and career. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, with data collection techniques in-depth interviews, observations, document studies, processed with data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman models in the form of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification of conclusion drawing. The result of this research is the intellectual maturity development program for high school students is carried out with a learning system in the classroom and also outside the classroom. Learning in the classroom is carried out 2 times for 1 week, and outside the class 1 meeting is equal to 2 hours of learning in class. The coaching program in the classroom is self-introduction, motivational training and moral aqidah. While the coaching activities outside the classroom are individual coaching, extracurricular, scouting and career days.Abstrak                                  Tujuan penelitian ini, guna merumuskan program pembinaan yang mampu membantu perkembangan kematangan intelektual pada siswa, sehingga para siswa mampu dan berani untuk mengambil keputusan secara objektif dan menyelesaikan masalah berdasarkan akal dan hati nuraninya serta dengan mempertimbangkan konsekuensi yang akan diterimanya nanti, baik dalam aspek belajarnya, sosialnya, pribadinya dan juga kariernya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam, observasi, kajian dokumen, diolah dengan teknik analisis data model Miles dan Huberman berupa, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verification penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Program pembinaan kematangan intelektual pada siswa SMA dilaksanakan dengan sistem pembelajaran di dalam kelas dan juga di luar kelas. Pembelajaran di dalam kelas dilakukan 2 kali pertemuan selama 1 pekan, dan di luar kelas 1 kali pertemuan sama dengan 2 jam pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Program pembinaan di dalam kelas yaitu pengenalan diri, training motivasi dan akidah akhlak. Sedangkan kegiatan pembinaan di luar kelas yaitu pembinaan perorangan, ekstrakurikuler, kepramukaan dan career day

    Segmentasi, Targeting dan Positioning Produk Neo Coffee dari Wings Food untuk Pasar Kota Bekasi

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    Abstrak : Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan Segmentasi, Targeting dan Product Positioning (STP) produk Neo Coffee yang diproduksi oleh Wings Food dan didistribusi oleh PT Bekasi Distribusindo Raya. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan penelitian kepustakaan, wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan literatur yang berkaitan dengan segmentasi, targeting danproduct positioningsebagai bagian dari strategi pemasaran produk. Wawancara dilakukan dengan pimpinan perusahaan dan penikmat Neo Coffee. Sedangkan observasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang kekuatan dan kelemahan produk. Analisis SWOT dilakukan sebagai acuan dalam perumusan segmen-segmen dan penetapan segmen sasaran serta product positioning.   Kata kunci:Segmentasi, Targeting, Product Positioning, Strategi Pemasaran   Abstract : This qualitative research aims to formulate segmentation, targeting and product positioning (STP) of Neo Coffee, produced by Wings Food distributed by PT Bekasi Distribusindo Raya. Data were collected by conducting library research, interviews and observations. Literature research is conducted to gather literature related to segmentation, targeting and product positioning as part of a product marketing strategy. Interviews were conducted with company leaders and connoisseurs of Neo Coffee. Observations were made to get a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the product. SWOT analysis is performed as a reference in the formulation of segments and the determination of target segments and product positioning                         Keywords: Segmentation, Targeting, Product Positioning, Marketing Strateg

    Designing Fractional Task using the PMRI Approach

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    Fraction was very important to be taught as a basis for learning mathematics for the next stage. This research aimed to design fractions learning for fourth grade students. The method used was design research with type of validation studies which consists three stages, namely the preliminary design, the design experiment, and the retrospective   analysis. This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in Jambi City with research subjects were eleven students in the fourth grade. Based on the research       findings, it was concluded that students really followed the command of questions, so as a teacher or question maker, we must design questions clearly. In addition, students tended to operate fractions starting from addition or subtraction, then multiplication, and lastly division


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    Islamic higher of Education are born in colonialism era at 1944, set by community of islamic teacher at West Sumatera. The first after colonialism of Dutch and Japan and proclamation of Indonesia by Soekarno-Hatta its are established by Hatta and Natsir the Islamic higher of education at Jakarta in wich named ADIA, and also the following yearsin Yogyakarta established PTAIN. And 1960 ADIA and PTAIN are both merger and benamed  IAIN as centres of institution in Jakarta and Yogyakarta.  The Instituions until now still exist and in globalization era and MEA are face crusial challenges ahead. Its era are development of science and technology (IPTEK), such as in fields of medicine and others and to has great benefits for humanity, for their needs. But, also there are the side negativeit makes people becoming trapped in the "doomsday", like ozone problem, water contaminated by industrial wastectr. This globalization era are signs the freedom of trades amongst nation that are GATT, NAFTA and the Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Its was marked by characterized that competation among the resoucres of humansof nations.Thats condition are face for Islamic higher of education as need a respon.With the effect those problems alumni of Islamic higher of education must to readiness with deep-knowledge, profesional and have skill and have soul entrepreneurship. For that Islamic higher of education need review visions and curriculum are face for that the fenomenon