552 research outputs found

    The Principles of Kurinjithinai in Agathinai

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    Thinai refers to the land, which is the primary object and the focus of the activities of the people. In addition to stating the governance details and material conditions, it also categorizes the objects and gives explanations accordingly. It will classify how literary material is situated, and the race will separate and specify its meanings. The study of Kurinjithinai theory has briefly examined the Thinai, the doctrines of the Thinai, the history of the Kurinji land, the reasons for the names, the hill stations, and the first theme, the theme, etc. In this, the information about Thinai is clearly mentioned. The names of the hill land and the land of Kurinji are mentioned in detail. In addition, the article contains the principles of the life of the ancient Tamils, such as the Mutharporul (five elements and time), the Karupporul (fourteen subject matters that include God), and the Uripporul (morals performed by people). Therefore, it clearly mentions the information about Thinai

    Discrete Linear Groups containing Arithmetic Groups

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    We prove in a large number of cases, that a Zariski dense discrete subgroup of a simple real algebraic group GG which contains a higher rank lattice is a lattice in the group GG. For example, we show that a Zariski dense subgroup of SLn(R)SL_n({\mathbb R}) which contains SL3(Z)SL_3({\mathbb Z}) in the top left hand corner, is conjugate to SLn(Z)SL_n({\mathbb Z})

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2009-2011)

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of firm characteristics on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. Disclosure of corporate social responsibility is the dependent variable in this study as measured by Key Success Factors are based on the Performance of Social containing 78 indiktor measuring corporate social responsibility. The independent variables were studied. commissioners size, profitability, and leverage. The independent variables were studied Commissioners size, profitability,and leverage.The sample is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2009 to 2011. The sample is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2009 to 2011. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of 140 companies. Analysis data was performed with the classical assumption test and hypothesis testing multiple regression analysis. Analysis data was performed with the classical hypothesis testing Assumption test and linear regression method.The results of this study indicate that the variable size of the board of commissioners and a significant positive effect on the profitability of corporate social responsibility disclosure. The results of this study indicate that the variable size of the board of Commissioners and a significant positive effect on the profitability of corporate social responsibility disclosure. While significant negative leverage variable on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. While significant negative leverage variable on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility

    Redescription of Lepismatophila cruszi Kundu and Haldar, 1984 (Apicomplexa : Sporozoea) from Chondracis rosea (Order: Orthoptera)

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    This study describes external characteristics and life history of a species of cephaline gregarine (Apicomplexa: Sporozoea) of the genus Lepismatophila [1], from Chondracis rosea (Order: Orthoptera)of Manipur, India. Diagnosis characteristic of the species the epimerite a simple symmetrical knob, Protomerite present throughout trophozoite stage, Solitary nature of Sporadins, Cyst without ducts dehiscence by simple rupture and Spores in uncoiling chains, ellipsoidal, boat shaped, without any filamentous process are discussed. And the morphological details of the different stages supported with photomicrographs are also provided

    Pathogenic Protozoans of Grasshopper from Imphal, Manipur, India

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    Septate gregarines or Cephaline gregarines are a group of parasitic protozoans of Grasshopper. Eugregarines are the most common; these species inhabit the midgut though rarely pathogenic in the mid-gut, they have been reported to block the gut of the host. Those inhabiting the gastric caeca cause serious pathologies than the midgut-inhabiting species. Some of the best known genera found in Manipur are Gregarina, Phleobum, Didymophyes, Amphiplatyspora, Lepismatophila, Quadruspinospora and Quadruknobspora. The study reports the morphological details of 16species of the above genera collected from Imphal. Illustrative diagrams and photomicrographs are provided for better species identification

    First Report of Amphiplatyspora striata Kundu and Haldar, 1984 from Chondracisrosea (Order: Orthoptera) of Manipur, India.

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    The present communication deals with the complete life history of a Septate Gregarine (Protozoa:Sporozoa) found in Grasshoppers. Gregarines found in the mid-gut region of Grasshoppers were collected and examined for parasites. A species belonging to the genus Amphiplatysporawas obtained from Chondracisrosea. The morphology of the gregarine and its affinities with the other genera of the family Amphiplatysporidae [3] are discussed. The morphological details of the different stages supported with photomicrographs are also provided

    Roles of Public Libraries in Socio-Economic Developments in Rural Area in the Digital Age with Special Reference to Government District Library- Ahwa

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    The present study highlights the roles of public libraries in the socio-economic development of rural areas in the digital age with special reference to the Government District Library- Ahwa. A total no. of 60 questionnaires were distributed to a library, using a survey to collect data. Out of which 45 users gave their responses. The study found that all respondents indicated that they were using the public library for reading purposes. Followed by 75.56% respondents to prepare competitive exams, 71.11% to improve general knowledge, and very few users using the library for other purposes. The majority 53.33% of users had excellent opinions about the information resources and services available in the public library. The result shows the views of the various users on the benefits of the library for their development.In which the highest 71.11% respondents reported that their general knowledge has increased and very few 28.89% respondents reported their social and cultural values related information has increased

    Determining the osmolality of seminal fluid aids in the rapid diagnosis of the fertilizing potential of spermatozoa

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    Penerapan Metode Regresi Logistik pada Aplikasi Spreadsheet sebagai Alat Bantu Pengambilan Keputusan (Studi Kasus Data Bumn di Bpk RI)

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    Decision Support System (DSS) merupakan alat bantu pengambilan keputusan berbasis komputer atau komputasi untuk membantu manajemen dalam memproses data menjadi informasi yang berguna untuk pengambilan keputusan. Salah satu komponen dari DSS adalah model yang digunakan sebagai abstraksi dari dunia nyata. Model yang sering dipakai adalah model matematika dan statistika untuk membantu pengolahan data menjadi informasi. BPK RI terutama pada unit BUMN belum memiliki dukungan model untuk membantu pimpinan dalam mengambil keputusan pemeriksaan. Jumlah BUMN yang banyak dan jenis pemeriksaan yang beraneka ragam membutuhkan penilaian obyektif dalam pengambilan keputusan pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan data yang dimiliki. Data BUMN adalah data keuangan yang wajib untuk disampaikan kepada BPK RI setiap tahun. Data keuangan dapat diolah menjadi rasio keuangan sebagai wujud analisis data sebagai dasar penilaian BUMN. Salah satu model pengambilan keputusan menggunakan rasio keuangan adalah model rating menggunakan metode regresi logistik pada emiten di Bursa Efek Surabaya (BES) oleh Iriawan (2005a). Model tersebut dapat juga diterapkan di BPK RI yang memiliki data keuangan BUMN yang dapat diolah menjadi rasio keuangan terutama untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan pemeriksaan di BPK RI. Penelitian dengan menggunakan data rasio keuangan BUMN di BPK RI dan jenis keputusan yang dapat didukung dari model seperti ini pada lingkungan kerja BPK RI belum pernah dilakukan.Metode regresi logistik dapat membantu memodelkan BUMN ke dalam klasifikasi tingkat kesehatan menggunakan prediktor berupa rasio-rasio keuangan BUMN. Model regresi ini dapat menghasilkan peringkat BUMN, indikasi pergeseran tingkat kesehatan BUMN dan mengetahui kontribusi pengaruh masing-masing rasio keuangan terhadap tingkat kesehatan BUMN. Informasi tersebut dapat digunakan oleh BPK RI sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan dalam perencanaan pemeriksaan di BPK RI. Metode regresi logistik tersebut diterapkan dalam aplikasi spreadsheet EWS emiten (Iriawan, 2005b) dengan modifikasi sebagai penyesuaian terhadap informasi yang dibutuhkan
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