76 research outputs found

    Roundabout Maintenance Flipbook

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    This flipbook is a summary of the work pub­lished in the Roundabout Maintenance Manual by Indiana LTAP. This information was collected through a series of interviews with city engi­neers, public works directors, and street commis­sioners experienced in roundabout maintenance. It serves as a model to guide work crews in correct maintenance procedures

    2020 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Officials Responsible for Road and Street Work

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    Contact information for agency officials and employees responsible for Indiana’s local road infrastructure

    1998 Bridge Sufficiency Rating Report for All Indiana Counties

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    This is a compilation of the data contained in the individual country reports These reports contain information specific to the county of interest, plus summary tables relating information about all Indiana country bridge conditions and funding levels

    Level of Effort of Indiana Counties

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    This report shows the level of effort of Indiana counties for which an operations report was available. It is based on 2010 calendar year information retrieved from the Indiana Tax Handbook, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, County Operations Reports and information provided from the Indiana State Auditor’s office regarding County Distributions

    2007 Summary of Major Moves Money Distribution

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    This report contains a summary of local units\u27 use of the Major Moves funding to enhance their transportation systems provided for by the Indiana Legislature passing of House Bill 1008 on March 14, 2006. The information contained herein is from either written or verbal responses to a survey that was sent to all Indiana counties and to the Indiana cities and towns over 20,000 in population. A copy of this survey can be found in the Appendix. In Appendix I, you will find a copy of the survey that was sent. Appendix II contains a table containing a breakdown of the amount of money distributed to the local units of government. Appendix III has a copy of some frequently asked questions in regards to the appropriate uses of the Major Moves money. A copy of the section of State Law that contains the Major Moves legislation (HB1008) is in Appendix IV. This summary may be used to compare the different types of uses for the Major Moves money. This summary is split into 2 different tables; county responses and city/town responses. The totals in the tables do not reflect the number of local units that responded to the survey; they represent the actual number of responses stating that particular use. Many agencies had multiple uses for the money they received and each different response was tabulated. At the top of each table, the number of actual local unit responses is listed

    Traffic Safety Primer for Local Agencies

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    The purpose of this booklet is to empower local agency personnel to make informed decisions that can improve roadway safety in your community. By identifying and addressing potential roadway hazards, you can reduce the likelihood of a future traffic crash for your community and your family. Adapted by permission from the Michigan LTAP’s 2008 Publication What Elected Officials Need to Know About Traffic Safety (And What YOUR Constituents Expect YOU to Know!

    2006 Model Highway County Ordinances

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    This report is intended to provide model ordinances for common situations for county highway departments and local street departments in Indiana where no current sample or model ordinance is readily available. Information to prepare model ordinances was collected from other Indiana counties and municipalities. Some of the model ordinances were created at the request of local highway and street departments. The purpose of this report was not to duplicate regulations already in place such as where state governments cover issues such road signage, or traffic control, but to provide references for situations that have no other regulation or where specific needs might not be covered by other regulation. Such an example is the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. This manual does not cover political signs, or realty signs. The model ordinances included in this report might be common in some counties but not so in others. The intent was to provide a reference so each county could determine what its own needs are and a starting point to meet those needs. Consultation with local legal counsel is suggested prior to implementing any ordinance contained in this report. While these ordinances can be a starting point the local counsel has the training to insure legal conflicts and specific provisions are enforceable, should the ordinances be challenged in court

    2018 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Officials Responsible for Road and Street Work

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    Contact information for agency officials and employees responsible for Indiana’s local road infrastructure

    Mobile Tools for LTAP Centers

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    Guideline Specifications for Construction and Maintenance Equipment for Street and Highway Work

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    The purpose of this guide is to provide a useful tool for county engineers and supervisors and city and town street commissioners in purchasing equipment
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