14 research outputs found

    Nutritional Status Effects the Age of Menarche

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    Introduction: The improved nutritional status, which shown by increasing BMI and body fat percentage associated to a decrease in menarche's. This study was aimed to analyse correlation between the nutritional status with the age of menarche. Method:. Design used in this study was cross-sectional. Samples in this study were student at traditional muslim school and were taken using purposive sampling, that was based from inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were analyzed using Spearman Rank Correlation with significance level α ≤ 0.05. Result: The result showed that most (73%) of the students at traditional muslim boarding school had normal nutritional status. The majority of samples got menarche at age > 13 years old. The result showed that there was correlation between nutritional status and age of menarche (p: 0.001). Analysis: It can be concluded that the girl's muslim boarding school with better nutritional status got earlier the age of menarche. Discussion: It is recommended to do routine evaluation about nutritional status in muslim boarding school and to pay attention about consumption since early ages so the students at traditional muslim school would not get menarche in later time

    Peningkatan Stabilitas Postural Pada Lansia Melalui Balance Exercise

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    Stabilitas postural adalah masalah yang umum pada lansia. Balance exercise dapat dijadikan alternative latihan bagi lansia. Latihan ini meliputi 5 gerakan (plantar flexion, hip flexion, hip flexion, knee flexion dan side leg raise). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa efek dari balance exercise terhadap peningkatan stabilitas postural pada lansia. Penelitian ini menggunakan design pre eksperimen. Populasi yang digunakan adalah lansia di Panti Wreda Bangkalan. Total sampel adalah 11 responden, yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Variabel dependen adalah balance exercise dan variabel independen adalah stabilitas postural. Stabilitas postural diukur menggunakan 2 tes, yaitu tes Tinetti dan TUGT (Time Up and Go Test). Data dianalisa menggunakan paired t test dengan level signifikan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa balance exercise secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan stabilitas postural. Pada tes Tinetti (p=0,000) dan di TUGT (p=0,001). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hasil yang signifikan antara balance exercise dengan peningkatan stabilitas postural pada lansia. Hal ini disebabkan Karena balance exercise dapat membuat otot lansia menjadi hipertrofi. Hipertrofi dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot sehingga stabilitas postural lansia dapat meningkat. Penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan melibatkan lebih banyak responden dengan waktu penelitian yang lebih lama dan pengukuran yang lebih baik untuk memastikan hasil yang lebih akurat

    Berg Balance Test (Bbt) and TIME Up and Go Tes (Tugt) as Falls Prediction on Elderly

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    Introduction: Aging process represent the natural process which cannot obtivated. It caused by biological factor that goes naturaly and continuously that influence the anatomical, biochemical and physiological change. The natural change in this aspect giving contribution of falling on elderly. The objective of this study was to compare falls prediction on elderly using Berg Balance Test and Time Up and Go Test. Method: Design used in this study was comparative study design. The population was 28 elderly. Total sample was 20 elderly enrolled by means of purposive sampling, taken according to inclusion criteria. The independent variabels were Berg Balance Test and Time Up and Go Test The dependent variabels were falls prediction, falls, and falls influence factors. Data were colected using Berg Balance Test, Time Up and Go Test and questionnaire that modify from Minnesota Safety Council Fall Prevention Checklist. Data were then analyzed using kruskall-wallis test and mann-withney test with level of significance α≤0.05. Result: The result showed that Berg Balance Test (BBT) and Time Up and Go test (TUGT) had differences falls prediction with significance level of p=0.014. Analyze :The dominant factors that caused of falls was gait. Time Up and Go Test (TUGT) has valid prediction than Berg Balance Test (BBT) it showed by difference smaller score from comparator test score. Discussion: It can be concluded that TUGT more appropriate than BBT to predict the falls insident in elderly. Further studies should be consider to used carioca activity model as falls prevention in elderly

    Factors Analyze About Willingness of Elderly to Stay in Elderly Folk Home

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    Introduction : Moving to the new house is not easy for the elderly, especially moving to the elderly folk home. A lot of elderly refuse to stay in the elderly folk home. Some conditions which make the elderly give their willingness to stay in the elderly hostels such as economic status, family condition, and self desire. But that factors are unclear until now. The aim of this study was to analyze factors related to willingness for elderly living in the elderly hostels. Method : Design used in this study was cross sectional. The population were all of the elderly live in elderly folk home Hargo Dedali Surabaya. Samples were taken using purposive sampling and there were 20 respondents. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and then analyzed using Spearman's rho test and logistic regression test with level of significance α≤ 0.05. Result : Result showed that the dominant factor of willingness of elderly living in the eladerly folk home was self desire with level of significance ρ=0.02, followed by economic status (ρ=0.031) and than family condition (ρ=0.032). Analysis : It can be concluded that self desire was the major factor related to willingness of elderly living in the elderly folk home. Discussion : Further studies should be appraising how far the motivation appear from the elderly until they decided to live in the elderly folk home

    Lived experience of Indonesian nurses in Japan: A phenomenological study

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    © 2016 Japan Academy of Nursing Science. Aim: The movement of Indonesian nurses via a bilateral agreement with Japan has led to a substantial number of migrants to work as nurses in that nation's healthcare system. The purpose of this research was to develop a deeper understanding of the meaningful experiences of Indonesian nurses while working in Japanese hospitals. Methods: In this phenomenological study, sampling was purposive and was based on information shared by five Indonesian nurses. The data were collected in interviews; the analysis was thematic. Results: Six key themes were identified: (i) seeking better than before; (ii) communication challenges; (iii) the nursing examination as a culmination; (iv) differences in nursing practice; (v) cultural differences; and (vi) the benefits of living in developed country. Among these challenges, communication as the basis of shared meaning and understanding was viewed as a complex issue, by both patients and coworkers. Conclusion: The results of this study call for further intervention in supporting Indonesian nurses living in Japan in their struggle with the issue of communication. The emphasis on language acquisition for personal and professional objectives, and the bridging of cultural differences as well, should be considered in an international context

    Javanese Traditional Music on the Fulfillment of the Need of Sleep of Elderly

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    Introduction: Quality and quantity of sleep dissorder are the commonest problems that faced by elderly. These problems can increase activity of sympathetic nerve and muscle stress. Javanese traditional music is one of the method to increase the fulfillment of the need of sleep. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of Javanese traditional music on the fulfillment of the need of sleep in elderly. Method: Design of this study was a pre experimental design. The population was elderly with sleep disorders in Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Blitar. There were 12 respondents which recruited by using purposive sampling who met to the inclusion criteria. The independent variable of this study was the Javanese traditional music and the dependent variable was the fulfillment of sleep in elderly. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire and biophysiological measurement and then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Paired t-Test with level of significance α≤0.05. Result: The result showed that there was an effect of Javanese traditional music on quality of sleep (p=0.001), had an effect to increase the duration of sleep (p=0.00001), beside that it could reduce heart rate (p=0.001) and respiratory rate (p=0.00001). However, Javanese traditional music did not had significant effect to reduce sistolic blood pressure (p=0,104) and diastolic blood pressure (p=0339). Discussion: Conclution: Javanese traditional music had significant effect on the fulfillment of the need of sleep in elderly. Further research should measure the effect of Javanese traditional music on the fulfillment of the need of sleep with the rate of melatonin and EEG (Electro Encephalo Graphy)

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