19 research outputs found


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    Imbalan yang diperoleh seseorang didapatkan dari tindakan orang tersebut terhadap orang lain. Pertukaran sosial yaitu ketika seseorang melakukan tindakan berkaitan dengan orang lain untuk memperoleh imbalan yang diinginkan dan menghindari hukuman atau kerugian. Novel Sang Pewarta karya Aru Armando merupakan salah satu novel yang mengandung unsur pertukaran sosial di dalamnya. Maka dari itu, sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Novel Sang Pewarta karya Aru Armando yang akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori pertukaran sosial George C. Homans sebagai pisau bedahnya. Masalah yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai proposisi sukses, proposisi stimulus, proposisi Nilai, proposisi restu-agresi dalam novel Sang Pewarta yang merupakan bagian dari teori pertukaran sosial George C. Homans. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sosiologi sastra dengan pendekatan sosiologi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kutipan kalimat-kalimat dalam novel yang mengandung proposisi sukses, proposisi stimulus, proposisi nilai dan proposisi restu-agresi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik baca dan catat dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik hermeneutika. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bahwa beberapa tokoh dalam novel melakukan tindakan yang masuk dalam unsur pertukaran sosial yaitu proposisi sukses, proposisi stimulus, proposisi nilai, dan proposisi restu-agresi.Kata Kunci: novel, pertukaran sosial, tindaka

    Prevalensi Nematoda Parasit pada Pertanaman Pisang di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    A study to determine the prevalence and distribution of plant parasitic nematodes associated with banana was undertaken in banana growing areas at four districts (Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo, and Sleman) of Yogyakarta Special Province. Seven genera of plant parasitic nematodes were found on these area: Criconemoides, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Radopholus, and Rotylenchulus. Genera Hoplolaimus and Meloidogyne were distributed at all districts and occurring in soil and root samples of banana cultivars, Ambon, Kepok, Koja, Klutuk, Raja, Tanduk, and Uter, respectively. Four genera, Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, and Radopholus were dominant and were found with high level of population than the others on each district. Pratylenchus mostly was found on banana cv Kepok with average population 348,2–2057,3 nematodes on total samples of 5g banana root and 100g soil. Penelitian untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan sebaran nematoda parasit tumbuhan yang menyerang tanaman pisang dilakukan dengan survei di empat daerah kabupaten (Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo, dan Sleman) yang berada di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Ditemukan tujuh genera nematoda parasit yang menyerang pisang yaitu: Criconemoides, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Radopholus, dan Rotylenchulus. Genera Hoplolaimus dan Meloidogyne tersebar merata di semua daerah dan didapatkan pada masing-masing sampel akar dan tanah pada hampir semua kultivar pisang: Ambon, Kepok, Koja, Klutuk, Raja, Tanduk, dan Uter. Empat genera yang dominan dengan tingkat populasi tinggi di setiap daerah adalah Hoplolaimus, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, dan Radopholus. Nematoda Pratylenchus banyak ditemukan pada pisang kultivar Kepok dengan rata-rata populasi 348,2– 2057,3 nematoda pada setiap total sampel 5 g akar dan 100 g tanah


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    Diabetes mellitus merupakan sekelompok kelainan heterogen yang ditandai oleh kenaikan kadar glukosa dalam darah atau hiperglikemia. Penderita Diabetes Mellitus dapat mengalami komplikasi dan dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi tubuh dan perubahan fisik. Penderita Diabetes Mellitus yang mengalami perubahan fisik kurang baik pada tubuhnya, mereka cenderung memiliki konsep diri khususnya citra diri yang negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan citra tubuh dengan stress pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pringsewu Tahun 2019.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik korelasi dengan desain Cross-Sectional dimana populasi 53 orang dan sampel 35 orang. Tekhnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling, analisis statistic yang digunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan p-value 0,000< 0,05 (p-value < 0,05), hal ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan citra tubuh dengan stress pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi masyarakat khususnya penderita Diabetes Mellitus untuk selalu berfikir positif dalam  pencegahan terjadinya stress

    Modified Toca Colour Finder (M-TCF) dan Kromatofor sebagai Penduga Tingkat Kecerahan Warna Ikan Komet (Carasius Auratus Auratus) yang Diberi Pakan dengan Proporsi Tepung Kepala Udang (TKU) yang Berbeda

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    Goldfish is one of the ornamental freshwater fish which has interesting body colour. Efforts to increase the quality of colour needs to be done, by given the material which can increasing brightness of colour infeed. One of alternative to replace such materials is the shrimp head meal (SHM). The aim of this research was determined the relationship between increased colour intensity measured by using the Modified Toca Colour Finder (M-TCF) and the number of chromatophore cells in the epidermal layer of goldfish due to the addition of SHM in artificial feed. The research was conducted in Completed Randomize Design with the additional of SHM (0; 10; 12%) were given to 30 goldfish/aquaria for 45 days of cultured. The result showed that shrimp head meal gave significant difference by increasing colour intensity and the amount of chromatophore cells. Nevertheless the treatment did not give significant difference on growth. There was a positive correlation between the numbers of chromatophore cells with the colour intensity of goldfish. Optimum absorb of carotenoids occured in10% added of shrimp head meal

    Pengaruh Smart Digital Content Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Millennial Aneka Sport Malang

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to determine the effect of Smart Digital Content Marketing on Consumer Purchasing Decisions Millennial Aneka Sport Malang. This research is an explanatory research using a quantitative approach. The sample used was 100 respondents, namely millennial consumers who had bought shoes at Aneka Sport Malang and followed the @anekasportmalang account. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling method. Data collection by distributing questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis uses Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that simultaneously there was a significant influence between the quality of information, celebrity endorsers, and sales promotions on the purchasing decisions of millennial consumers in Aneka Sport Malang. While partially (t test) shows the quality of information (X1) and celebrity endorser (X2) has no significant effect on purchasing decisions, while the sales promotion variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords : Buying diecision, information quality, celebrity endorser, sales promotion

    First Record: a Stem and Bulb Plant Parasitic Nematode at Garlic Area Centre Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia with Species Reference to Ditylenchus Dipsaci

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    A survey to investigate the stem and bulb plant parasitic nematode at one of garlic area centre, in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia was conducted from Januaryto February 2018. Infected plant with specific symptoms, morphological and morphometric characters both of female and male of adult nematodes were used to describe a A1 quarantine plant parasitic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Seven from nine observed locations were postively infected with population in average 2.67 nematodes per 100 g of soil and 2.67–189.33 per bulb. This is the first report of D. dipsaci from Indonesia and consequently further investigations were needed to know their distribution and also to confirm the origin of the nematode. IntisariSurvei keberadaan nematoda parasit batang dan umbi dilakukan pada bulan Januari–Februari 2018 pada satu sentra penangkaran bawang putih di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Tanaman terinfeksi dengan gejala serangan yang spesifik, karakter morfologi dan morfometri nematoda betina dan jantan dewasa dipergunakan dalam identifikasi Ditylenchus dipsaci yang merupakan nematoda parasit tanaman yang termasuk OPTK A1 (Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Karantina A1) di Indonesia. Sebanyak tujuh dari sembilan lokasi yang diamati mengindikasikan positif sebagai daerah sebaran nematoda tersebut dengan populasi rata-rata 2,67 ekor per 100 gram tanah dan 2,67–189,33 nematoda per umbi. Laporan pertama tentang nematoda D. dipsaci ini membawa konsekuensi perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui daerah sebaran dan juga konfirmasi dari mana nematoda tersebut berasal

    Peran Komunikasi Pembangunan dalam Mewujudkan Mesjid Mandiri (Al-Muslimin) di Kota Medan

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    Until now, Indonesia is still one of the developing countries, where most of the population lives in rural areas and around 50% of the population lives from agriculture. Therefore, the development communication strategy is still focused on rural areas. This is in accordance with the opinion of Depari and Mc Andrews (1991) that until now the development communication strategy is still limited to rural broadcasts, both through mass media and the use of development extension officers. Therefore, it is necessary to think further, how existing communication efforts can be developed, especially in facing the challenges of the globalization era

    First Record: A Stem and Bulb Plant Parasitic Nematode at Garlic Area Centre Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia with Species Reference to Ditylenchus dipsaci

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    A survey to investigate the stem and bulb plant parasitic nematode at one of garlic area centre, in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia was conducted  from Januaryto February 2018. Infected plant with specific symptoms, morphological and morphometric characters both of female and male of adult nematodes were used  to describe  a A1 quarantine plant parasitic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Seven from nine observed locations were postively infected with population in average 2.67 nematodes per 100 g of soil and 2.67–189.33 per bulb. This is the first report of D. dipsaci from Indonesia and  consequently further investigations were needed to know their distribution and also to confirm the origin of the nematode.   Intisari Survei keberadaan nematoda parasit batang dan umbi dilakukan pada bulan Januari–Februari 2018 pada satu sentra penangkaran bawang putih di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Tanaman terinfeksi dengan gejala serangan yang spesifik, karakter morfologi dan morfometri nematoda betina dan jantan dewasa dipergunakan dalam identifikasi Ditylenchus dipsaci yang merupakan nematoda parasit tanaman yang termasuk OPTK A1 (Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Karantina A1) di Indonesia. Sebanyak tujuh dari sembilan lokasi yang diamati mengindikasikan positif sebagai daerah sebaran nematoda tersebut dengan populasi rata-rata 2,67 ekor per 100 gram tanah dan 2,67–189,33 nematoda per umbi. Laporan pertama tentang nematoda D. dipsaci ini membawa konsekuensi perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui daerah sebaran dan juga konfirmasi dari mana nematoda tersebut berasal

    The Effect of Strengthening Ball Roll Exercise on the Static Balance and Flexibility in Children with Flatfoot at 4-6 Years

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    Flatfoot is a condition in which part or all of the soles of the feet do not form an arch (longitudinal arch) as normal so that the soles of the feet appear flat and touch the ground. This condition makes the function of the soles of the feet as shock absorbers and as a support for body weight during activities, cannot work properly. This greatly affects the development of body components, including flexibility and balance. Flexibility and balance are needed when a person is active, especially at the age of 2-6 years which is a golden age in determining future growth and development. Pathology in the form of weak extrinsic muscles of the foot which makes the midtarsal joint unstable so that the foot looks pronated, besides that there is tension in the ligaments in the foot. Measurements of the wet footprint test, Clarke’s angle, Knee to Wall Test, and stork stand test. Strengthening ball roll exercises increased extrinsic muscle strength, and the application of rolling the ball can relax muscles that are experiencing tension. Keywords: Flat Foot, Flexibility, Static Balance, Strengthening Ball Roll Exercis