737 research outputs found

    Carbon dioxide concentration in Mediterranean greenhouses : how much lost production?

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    In the absence of artificial supply of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse environment, the CO2 absorbed in the process of photosynthesis must ultimately come from the external ambient through the ventilation openings. This requires that the CO2 concentration within the house must be lower than the external concentration, as there would be no flow inwards otherwise. Since potential assimilation (that is, the assimilation level that can be attained when no other factor is limiting) is heavily dependent on carbon dioxide concentration, this implies that assimilation is reduced, whatever the light level or crop status. The ventilation of the greenhouse implies a trade-off between ensuring inflow of carbon dioxide and maintaining an adequate temperature within the house, particularly during sunny, chilly days. We apply a simple model, on which the Dutch ¿philosophy¿ of CO2 fertilisation is based, for estimating the potential production loss, through data measured in commercial greenhouses in Almeria and Sicily. Thereafter we discuss the management options for a grower to limit losses. In particular we analyse costs, potential benefits and consequences of bringing in more carbon dioxide either through increased ventilation, at the cost of lowering temperature, or through artificial supply. We find out that, whereas the reduction in production caused by depletion is comparable to the reduction resulting from the lower temperature caused by ventilation to avoid depletion, compensating the effect of depletion is much cheaper than making up the loss by heating

    Root Zone Sensors for Irrigation Management in Intensive Agriculture

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    Crop irrigation uses more than 70% of the world’s water, and thus, improving irrigation efficiency is decisive to sustain the food demand from a fast-growing world population. This objective may be accomplished by cultivating more water-efficient crop species and/or through the application of efficient irrigation systems, which includes the implementation of a suitable method for precise scheduling. At the farm level, irrigation is generally scheduled based on the grower’s experience or on the determination of soil water balance (weather-based method). An alternative approach entails the measurement of soil water status. Expensive and sophisticated root zone sensors (RZS), such as neutron probes, are available for the use of soil and plant scientists, while cheap and practical devices are needed for irrigation management in commercial crops. The paper illustrates the main features of RZS’ (for both soil moisture and salinity) marketed for the irrigation industry and discusses how such sensors may be integrated in a wireless network for computer-controlled irrigation and used for innovative irrigation strategies, such as deficit or dual-water irrigation. The paper also consider the main results of recent or current research works conducted by the authors in Tuscany (Italy) on the irrigation management of container-grown ornamental plants, which is an important agricultural sector in Italy

    la certificazione dei contratti di lavoro

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    La certificazione dei contratti di lavoro a seguito dei vari interventi legislativi successivi alla riforma del lavoro, la sua disciplina, i suoi organi, le varie impugnazioni; riferimenti ad alcune sentenze più significative con cenni ad alcune statistiche riguardanti le commissioni di certificazione in Emilia Romagna

    Sexual function after external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: What do we know?

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    Quality of life in general and sexual functioning in particular have become very important in cancer patients. Due to modern surgical techniques, improved quality of drugs for chemotherapy and very modern radiation techniques, more patients can be successfully treated without largely compromising sexual functioning. One can assume that because of the life-threatening nature of cancer, sexual activity is not important to patients and their partners, but this is not true. Prostate cancer has become the most common non-skin malignant neoplasm in older men in Western countries. In this paper, we discuss the various methods used to evaluate erectile and sexual dysfunction and the definition of potency. Data on the etiology of erectile dysfunction after external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer is reviewed, and the literature is been summarized. Patients should be offered sexual counseling and informed about the availability of effective treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as sildenafil, intracavernosal injection, and vacuum devices. Cancer affects quality of life and sexual function. The challenge for oncologists is to address this with compassion

    Feasibility study of a combi-pv panel for greenhouse energy supply and water recovery by nightly radiation towards the sky

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    In southern European areas, characterized by high irradiation, the use of water for both evaporative cooling systems and hydroponic fertigation, represents a serious drawback for crop cultivation under cover. Water recovery systems seem to be an attractive solution, especially when they are integrated in the greenhouse construction. In this research, a feasibility study of applying a water recovery system driven by a combi-PV panel, in a semi-closed greenhouse was carried out. The prototype combi-PV panel was made by coupling an amorphous silicon panel with a sump stacked on the rear PV panel surface and filled with saline water. The system is driven by a cold-heat sink which is the PV panel itself. During night, the combi-PV panel exploits the radiative cooling of a ‘gray’ surface towards clear sky, chilling the water in the sump. In opposition, during day-time, the water in the sump is heated at a temperature higher than the environment. Thus, the water vapour will be condensing on the rear panel surface during night, being the warm air circulation facilitated by bouyancy effect. The evaluation of the system is in progress in order to assess the real amount of energy irradiated and consequently the water-drips to be collected on a proper surface inside the sump. The condensed water can be mixed with saline water to reduce the salinity and be used for fertigation

    Learning from Data to Optimize Control in Precision Farming

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    Precision farming is one way of many to meet a 70 percent increase in global demand for agricultural products on current agricultural land by 2050 at reduced need of fertilizers and efficient use of water resources. The catalyst for the emergence of precision farming has been satellite positioning and navigation followed by Internet-of-Things, generating vast information that can be used to optimize farming processes in real-time. Statistical tools from data mining, predictive modeling, and machine learning analyze pattern in historical data, to make predictions about future events as well as intelligent actions. This special issue presents the latest development in statistical inference, machine learning and optimum control for precision farming.Comment: Editorial of "Statistical Tools in Precision Farming", MDPI/Stat

    Programas de atenção a homens autores de violência contra as mulheres: um panorama das intervenções no Brasil

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    A violência contra mulheres é considerada um grave problema de saúde pública, uma violação dos direitos em todo o mundo. Como parte das políticas de enfrentamento a esse tipo de violência, a Lei Maria da Penha prevê a participação de homens autores de violência (HAV) em programas de atenção cuja atuação principal é a realização de grupos reflexivos. Este artigo apresenta um mapeamento de programas para HAV no Brasil realizado entre 2015 e 2016. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva realizada em dois momentos. No primeiro, foram localizados 41 programas das cinco regiões do país, dos quais 26 responderam um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os dados foram analisados segundo quatro categorias: estrutura do programa, metodologia empregada, monitoramento e avaliação e resultados e desafios. No segundo momento, foram analisados outros mapeamentos de programas brasileiros e internacionais com HAV, além de documentos nacionais e internacionais que sugerem diretrizes para sua execução. Notou-se semelhanças entre os programas encontrados e os documentos analisados, como o vínculo das iniciativas com instâncias governamentais, fundamentação nas teorias de gênero e modalidade de intervenções em grupo. A partir do diálogo entre outros mapeamentos, estudos apresentados e resultados encontrados, sugere-se diretrizes mínimas para a realização de grupos reflexivos.Violence against women is considered a serious public health problem and a violation of rights around the world. As part of the policies to fight against this violence, the Maria da Penha Law foresees the participation of male perpetrators of violence (MPV) in care programs whose main activity is to hold reflective groups. This article presents a mapping of programs for MPV in Brazil conducted between 2015 and 2016. This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research carried out in two steps. First, we found 41 programs from the five regions of Brazil, of which 26 answered a questionnaire with open and closed questions. We analyzed data according to four categories: program structure, methodology, monitoring and evaluation, and results and challenges. Second, we analyzed other mappings of Brazilian and international programs with MPV, as well as national and international documents that suggest guidelines for their execution. We found similarities between the programs and documents analyzed, such as the linkage with governmental bodies, basis on gender theories, and implementation of group interventions. Based on the dialogue between other mappings and studies and the findings of our analysis, the authors suggest minimum guidelines for holding reflective groups