28 research outputs found

    Paradoxes of Strategic Intelligence: Essays in Honor ofMichael J. Handel

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    The essays in this collection were writ- ten for an international conference held in honor of the late Michael J. Handel at the U.S. Naval War College. Handel wrote several seminal pieces in the rela- tively new field of intelligence studies, and his colleagues are to be compli- mented for producing this impressive Festschrift. Betts and Mahnken put to- gether an impressive group of practitio- ners and academics to write on various aspects of the work of intelligence agencies. It begins with four articles of a theoretical nature, followed by three articles that focus on historic case studies

    The Israeli Navy

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    On 13 April 1988 the Israeli cabinet approved the modernization program proposed by the general staff of the Israel Defense Force Navy (ID FN). 1 The proposed program included the acquisition of four 1300-ton missile corvettes of the new Saar 5 type and three 1200-ton Dolphin-class submarines. The estimated cost for this ten-year project was $1.5 billion. The government, however, limited procurement to three Saar 5s and two new submarines. 2 This rather controversial decision was reached after eight years of deliberations in the defense establishment. Although opponents of the program continued their efforts to prevent its realization, in February 1989 the Israeli Ministry of Defense finally signed a contract with the U.S. Ingalls Company for the building of the Saar 5s

    The bckground to the first ever visit to Israel by an Indian prime minister

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Efraim Inbar, Founding Director of Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, explains that “The two nations share a common threat: the radical offshoots of Islam in the greater Middle East.

    The Use of Force: Israeli Public Opinion on Military Options

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    Letter to the Editor

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