188 research outputs found


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    Selama ini CV. Arwana Mas Palembang sangat lambat dalam melakukan kegiatan proses produksi dan mencatat setiap transaksi proses produksi serta pembuatan laporan yang akan diberikan pada direktur. Tujuan dalam pembuatan sistem ini adalah dengan adanya aplikasi berbasis dekstop, pengguna lebih mudah dalam pembuatan dan penyajian laporan persediaan bahan baku dan proses produksi. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada maka perlu dirancangnya Sistem Informasi Manufaktur pada CV. Arwana Mas Palembang berbasis dekstop dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 dan Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sebagai database. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis adalah Metodologi RUP, Diagram Use Case, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram dan Sequence Diagram. Analisis yang dilakukan antara lain dengan melakukan survei atas sistem yang berjalan dan mengumpulkan data untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan. Hasil rancangan sistem informasi diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pengolahan produksi dan pembuatan laporan yang dikelola oleh CV. Arwana Mas Palemban


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    SMA Bina Sriwijaya Indonesia Palembang sebagai salah satu sekolah swasta terbaik di wilayah Palembang, yang selalu berusaha menjaga kualitas anak didik atau para siswanya di SMA Bina Sriwijaya Indonesia Palembang ini semua proses pembelajaran masih bersifat manual, menggunakan pembelajaran tatap muka dengan syarat terjadinya pertemuan antara siswa dengan guru di dalam kelas sebagai metode utama pembelajarannya. Jika pertemuan serta penyampaian informasi antara siswa dengan guru tidak terjadi dapat menghambat proses pembelajaran di SMA Bina Sriwijaya Indonesia Palembang yang dapat berakibat berkurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap suatu materi pelajaran. Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk merancang dan membangun sistem E-Learning di SMA Bina Sriwijaya Indonesia Palembang agar dapat membantu dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM). Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, dapat membantu masalah yang dihadapi guru dan siswa di luar jam pelajaran, seperti kurangnya waktu komunikasi antara guru dan siswa, pencarian informasi mengenai materi yang diajarkan, dan tentunya untuk memudahkan guru dalam pemberian materi dan tugas kepada siswa. Hasil yang dicapai adalah ketersediaan aplikasi pendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dapat diperoleh tanpa terikat waktu dan tempat. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP, yang didukung oleh HTML, CSS, dengan menggunakan Notepad++ dan basis data MySql. Adapun Metodologi pengembangan sistem yang penulis gunakan adalah metodologi Rational Unified Process (RUP) yang memiliki empat tahap pengembangan yaitu Inception, Elaboration, Construction dan Transition. Adapun keluaran yang akan dihasilkan dari pengembangan sistem ini adalah sistem informasi e-learning berbasis website di SMA Bina Sriwijaya Indonesia Palembang

    Studi Kasus Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Bagi Anak Penyandang Masalah Sosial

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    This study aims to determine how learning social studies conducted in schools whose students bear the social problems. This type of research is qualitative ethnographic approach. Based on the results obtained learning Social Studies run at schools with social problems in their students, it was not optimal. Lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure becomes a major factor. Social learning takes place only dependent on artificial student worksheet publisher. The specificity of the implemented learning social studies in schools whose students have social problems, is in the process of learning. The dominance of teachers is very high, and many students do not show creations. Description of the students and teachers in teaching social studies conducted in schools that have students bear the social problems. It turned out not to touch the Social Studies material aspects of the formation of national values. Learning instruments such as flag ceremonies, extracurricular activities, were never implemented. This happens because the institution does not provide space and time for the learning process is underway.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran IPS dilaksanakan pada sekolah yang siswanya menyandang permasalahan sosial. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pembelajaran IPS dijalankan pada sekolah yang memiliki persoalan sosial pada siswanya, ternyata tidak maksimal. Kendala keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana menjadi faktor utama. Pembelajaran IPS berlangsung hanya tergantung kepada LKS buatan penerbit. Gambaran siswa dan guru dalam pembelajaran IPS yang dilaksanakan pada sekolah yang memiliki siswa menyandang masalah sosial. Ternyata materi IPS tidak menyentuh aspek pembentukan nilai-nilai kebangsaan. Instrumen pembelajaran seperti upacara bendera tidak pernah dilaksanakan. Hal ini terjadi karena lembaga pendidikan tidak menyediakan ruang dan waktu agar proses pembelajaran ini berlangsung

    The influence of physical environment upon Arabian life and institutions.

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    The term 'physical Environment,' in relation to the Arabs, covers the climatic and other physico-geographic features of their homeland in respect of their directive and formative influences upon their life. Such features include the position of Arabia in relation to other lands; its relief and landscape; the nature of its soil; its climate (temperature, rainfall, etc.); its hydrography (system of drainage); its vegetation, etc. etc. These conditions of climate and physical environment form the chief basic factors in the evolution of the Arabs. They have influenced more or less their economic activity, their social and political organization; their physical and mental development and the general character and status of their material civilization. The problem of environmental influences thus resolves itself into a number of special problems. The varied economic activity of the pastoral nomads and settled agriculturists has a definite corresponding physico-geographic basis. Their economic development has in each case been further affected by the control of climatic conditions over the distribution of the animal and vegetable life, which they exploit. Environmental influences are also manifest in the primary elements of their material culture, viz. in the matter of their food, clothing, dwelling and general equipment, since man, especially it a low grade of civilization, satisfies his needs with what he finds around him. The physique of the Arabs and their general state of health have also been influenced by the geographical conditions, through the character and amount of food available for consumption and the salubrity or otherwise of their land. The social and political conditions of Arabia have been affected through the effect of its natural characteristics upon the measure of the stability of its inhabitants and of their cooperation and cohesion. The main features of the political life of the arabs become fully intelligible only when studied in relation to the physical conditions of their land. In the thesis now presented, the principles of human geography have been, for the first time, consistently applied to several aspects of Arabian life, and new light is in consequence shed upon the causes and inter-relations of a large number of facts, most of which, though already known, have not hitherto been studied from tine viewpoint of environmental influence

    A Computer-based System for the Management of Field Crop Pests

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    This article describes an expert system, COT-XPERT, developed for controlling pests and diseases affecting cotton crop as well as a system for Rice Stem Borers (RSB) simulation. The system works in two parts: The first part addresses the issues of efficient use of knowledge for RSB problem and predicts the population build-up of RSB after a certain period of time by taking into consideration weather factor, number of larvae per square metre present earlier, fecundity of female and dispersal pattern, etc. The second part is an expert system for the management of cotton pests which diagnoses the pest problem by using information about the damage inflicted to the crop or based on its morphology and displays all technical information about the pests as well as efficient control measures for a particular pest. The paper concludes with a mention of some of the limitations and future research directions for enhancing the qualities of the system

    A Computer-based System for the Management of Field Crop Pests

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    This article describes an expert system, COT-XPERT, developed for controlling pests and diseases affecting cotton crop as well as a system for Rice Stem Borers (RSB) simulation. The system works in two parts: The first part addresses the issues of efficient use of knowledge for RSB problem and predicts the population build-up of RSB after a certain period of time by taking into consideration weather factor, number of larvae per square metre present earlier, fecundity of female and dispersal pattern, etc. The second part is an expert system for the management of cotton pests which diagnoses the pest problem by using information about the damage inflicted to the crop or based on its morphology and displays all technical information about the pests as well as efficient control measures for a particular pest. The paper concludes with a mention of some of the limitations and future research directions for enhancing the qualities of the system

    Imposed identities and limited opportunities: Advocacy agency staff perspectives on the construction of their clients with intellectual disabilities

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    Intellectual disability is commonly conceptualised as stigmatised identity; however, within the literature, the notion of a damaged identity is contested. The aim of this research was to explore the social construction of intellectual disability from the perspective of staff who work closely with people with intellectual disabilities. Informed by a contextualist perspective, this research was based on interviews with five staff members of an advocacy agency in a regional area of Australia. Causal layered analysis was used to deconstruct the interview data. Analysis of the interactions that emerged across the causal layers revealed a complex dynamic of world views, which served to dehumanise people with intellectual disabilities and blame them for their own fate (victim blaming). For transformative change to occur, understandings of the 'problems' of intellectual disability must be reformulated and those social structures and processes that support the relationship between the powerful and the powerless must be challenged

    Abu Ilalang Sebagai Katalis Basa untuk Produksi Biodiesel dari Minyak Jelantah dengan metode BeRA (Biodiesel Electrocatalytic Reactor)

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    Pada penelitian ini pengabuan ilalang dilakukan pada suhu 900°C selama 8 jam dan digunakan sebagai katalis basa pada pembuatan biodiesel yang dilakukan dengan proses elektrokatalitik menggunakan elektrode grafit dengan tegangan DC 18,2 V. Proses elektrokatalitik campuran minyak jelantah, metanol dan katalis abu ilalang (2, 3 dan 5% berat katalis terhadap minyak) berlangsung pada suhu kamar dengan rasio molar minyak terhadap metanol sebesar 1:6 selama 60 menit dengan perbandingan volume pelarut THF terhadap metanol sebesar 1:1. Karakterisasi abu ilalang dilakukan dengan menggunakan XRF dan FTIR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan mineral alkalis tertinggi terdapat pada abu akar ilalang (Ca 3,99%) yang menghasilkan 55,65% rendemen biodiesel dengan tingkat efisiensi produksi 41,01% pada aplikasi 5% katalis dengan minyak kedelai sebagai bahan baku produksi. Untuk katalis yang sama pada minyak jelantah dihasilkan 44,47% rendemen biodiesel dengan tingkat efisiensi produksi 41,79%. Selain itu efisiensi produksi biodiesel dengan proses elektrokatalitik menggunakan katalis akar abu ilalang adalah lima kali lebih besar dibandingkan proses tanpa katalis. Melalui penggunanaan abu ilalang sebagai katalis untuk produksi biodiesel dari minyak jelantah diharapkan dapat mengurangi penyebab kebakaran lahan oleh tanaman ilalang sehingga meningkatkan kesuburan lahan pertanian dan mengurangi kuantitas limbah minyak jelantah yang dapat mencemari lingkungan serta tersedianya bahan bakar terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan

    Reflectivity, Reflexivity, Reflexivism: IR's 'Reflexive Turn' - and Beyond

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    The notion of ‘reflexivity’ has been so intimately tied to the critique of positivism and empiricism in International Relations (IR) that the emergence of post-positivism has naturally produced the anticipation of a ‘reflexive turn’ in IR theory. Three decades after the launch of the post-positivist critique, however, reflexive IR has failed to impose itself as either a clear or serious contender to mainstream scholarship. Reasons for this failure include: the proliferation of different understandings of ‘reflexivity’ in IR theory that entail significantly different projects and concerns for IR scholarship; the equation of ‘reflexive theory’ with ‘critical’ and ‘emancipatory theory’ and the consequent confusion of ethical/normative issues with strictly epistemic/theoretical ones; and the refusal to consider reflexive IR as a ‘research programme’ concerned with empirical knowledge, not just meta-explanation. The development of reflexivity in IR theory as a sustainable cognitive and praxeological effort is nonetheless possible — and still needed. This article suggests what taking the ‘reflexive turn’ would really entail for IR.</jats:p
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