98 research outputs found

    Observatório de Investigação para a Qualidade Ambiental do Sudoeste Europeu – ORQUE SUDOE

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    Objetivo: Descrever as tarefas acometidas ao INSA e o trabalho laboratorial realizado no Laboratório de Materiais de Referência do Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição, no âmbito do projeto ORQUE SUDOE

    Nickel occurrence in food consumed in Portugal: preliminary results of TDS project pilot

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    O níquel é um elemento natural da superfície terrestre. A alimentação é uma das principais fontes de exposição a este metal. Devido à sua acumulação no organismo pode causar efeitos nocivos para a saúde como a carcinogénese e a dermatite induzida. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação de níquel em alimentos analisados como consumidos e representativos da dieta portuguesa. A metodologia escolhida para a quantificação deste contaminante foi a espectrometria de massa acoplada a plasma indutivo (ICP-MS) precedida por digestão ácida em vaso fechado no micro-ondas. Foram recolhidas 1560 amostras, que foram analisadas em 130 pools, contendo cada 12 alimentos idênticos. O teor de níquel variou entre 21,2 μg/kg (sumos) e 1050 μg/kg (bivalves). O limite de quantificação do método foi o parâmetro analítico considerado indicador para a avaliação da exposição. A análise comparativa entre os valores analíticos superiores ao limite de quantificação do método e os valores não quantificáveis, demonstrou que todos os pratos compostos apresentaram valores superiores ao limite de quantificação e 60% dos resultados encontrados nos laticínios eram inferiores ao limite de quantificação do método. Atendendo aos procedimentos aplicados, os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados como fonte de informação científica para simulações da avaliação do risco de exposição ao níquel, com consequentes ganhos em saúde.Nickel is a natural element of the earth's crust. Food is one of the main sources of human exposure to this metal. Its accumulation in the body can cause harmful effects to health such as carcinogenesis or induced dermatitis. The aim of this work was the determination of nickel in foodstuffs analyzed as consumed and representative of the Portuguese diet. The methodology chosen for the quantification of this contaminant was inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) preceded by acid digestion in closed vessel microwave digestion. In total 1560 samples were collected and then analyzed into 130 pools, each containing 12 identical foods. The nickel content varied between 21,2 μg/kg (juices) and 1050 μg/kg (bivalve). The limit of quantification of the method was the analytical parameter considered as a critical indicator to estimate the lower-bound of contamination and exposure of food. The comparative analysis between the analytical values above the limit of quantification and the unquantifiable values showed that all composites had values higher than the limit of quantification while 60% of the results found in dairy products were below that limit. Taking into account the procedures applied, the results can be used as a source of scientific information for nickel exposure risk assessment simulations, with consequent health gains

    Identification of foods rich in selenium and iodine consumed by the Portuguese population

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    O INSA agradece à Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Nutrição (SPCNA) pela cedência dos dados de consumo alimentar utilizados neste trabalho que são originários do Estudo Alimentação e Estilos de Vida da População Portuguesa, realizado pela SPCNA ao abrigo de um protocolo de mecenato científico com a empresa Nestlé Portugal.O selénio e o iodo são micronutrientes essenciais para a síntese das hormonas da tiroide e para o seu funcionamento. Sendo a alimentação a principal fonte destes oligoelementos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação de iodo e selénio em alimentos consumidos pelos portugueses. A metodologia de amostragem seguiu as recomendações do projeto TDS-Exposure. Os mil setecentos e sessenta e quatro alimentos recolhidos foram agrupados em pools de 12 amostras e analisados por ICP-MS, em condições de controlo de qualidade acreditadas pela norma NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Em cada pool foi calculada a contribuição do selénio para a dose diária recomendada (DDR). Partindo de dados de iodo recentes obtidos nas mesmas condições, foi calculado, para cada alimento a sua contribuição para a DDR de iodo. O grupo do pescado foi onde se identificaram os alimentos mais ricos em selénio, seguido da carne, ovos e lacticínios. Em várias pools de frutas e vegetais o teor de selénio não foi quantificável estando abaixo do limite de quantificação do método analítico. Quando calculadas as contribuições dos alimentos em estudo para as doses diárias recomendadas de iodo e selénio estimou-se que uma porção de peixe magro pode contribuir com 48% da DDR de Iodo e 100% de Selénio enquanto três porções de lacticínios podem suprimir até 48% da DDR de Iodo. Com base nestes resultados que se suportam em teores obtidos em alimentos representativos da dieta portuguesa, uma alimentação rica em pescado e lacticínios pode suprir as doses diárias recomendadas para iodo e selénio, para uma população saudável.Selenium and iodine are essential micronutrients for the synthesis of thyroid hormones as well as for their functioning. Being food the main source of these trace elements the objective of this work was the determination of iodine and selenium in foods consumed by the Portuguese population. The sampling methodology followed the recommendations of the TDS-Exposure project. The one thousand seven hundred and sixty four collected foods were grouped in pools of 12 samples and analyzed by ICP-MS under conditions of quality control accredited under NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. The contribution of selenium to the recommended daily intake (RDI) was calculated for each pool. Based on recent iodine data obtained under the same conditions as the present work, for the contribution of each food to iodine RDI was calculated. The fish group provided the richest foods in selenium, followed by meat, eggs and dairy products. In several fruit and vegetable pools selenium contents were not quantifiable since results were below the limit of quantification of the analytical method. When calculating the contribution of the foods under study to the RDI of iodine and selenium it was estimated that one portion of lean fish could contribute up to 48% of the RDI of iodine and 100% of selenium, while three portions of dairy products can suppress up to 48% of iodine RDI. The present results, which are based on levels of selenium and iodine obtained for foods representative of the Portuguese food consumption, evidence that for a healthy population a diet rich in fish and dairy products can fully supply the RDI for these two micronutrients.Trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto TDS-Exposure (www.tds-expure.eu) financiado pelo 7º Programa Quadro da União Europeia (Grant Agreement 289108).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise multielementar em couve portuguesa

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    A couve Portuguesa (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC.) é o vegetal mais cultivado em Portugal não sujeito a agricultura intensiva, o mais consumido pela população rural e muito apreciado pela população em geral. As hortícolas folhosas são acumuladoras de metais pesados e sinalizadoras de contaminantes ambientais. Com a realização deste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar, por ICP-MS, a concentração de 10 elementos traço em couves portuguesas cultivadas em todos os distritos de Portugal Continental e Ilhas. Foram analisadas couves com origem em 20 locais de Portugal Continental e Ilhas. Para cada local foi realizada uma pool com 3 folhas exteriores de 3 couves diferentes. Como procedimento de preparação de amostras, as folhas foram lavadas, liofilizadas, trituradas e digeridas por microondas em vaso fechado. Os resultados, expressos pela média de 3 réplicas, foram analisados estatisticamente através da análise de clusters e de redes neuronais. Concluiu-se que as couves analisadas não continham cádmio e chumbo acima dos valores legislados, 50 e 100 µg/kg, respetivamente [1, 2]. O arsénio é o elemento determinante para caraterizar o local de origem deste vegetal, pois é o que apresenta maior variabilidade entre as regiões estudadas. Este fator poder-se-á atribuir à diferença de contaminantes presentes nos solos e águas das diferentes regiões. Futuramente, tendo por base este trabalho, pretende-se publicar um artigo científico e fazer a avaliação da exposição continuada. [1] Regulamento EU nº 488/2014 da Comissão de 12 de Maio de 2014. Jornal Oficial da União da União Europeia [2] Regulamento EU nº 1881/2006 da Comissão de 19 de Dezembro de 2006. Jornal Oficial da União da União EuropeiaEste trabalho foi realizado com suporte financeiro através do projeto SOE3/P2/F591 - Observatório de Investigação para a Qualidade Ambiental do Sudoeste Europeu – ORQUE SUDOE

    Arsenic content in fish and associated measurement uncertainty as a metrological parameter for Total Diet Studies

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    Total Diet Studies (TDS) are the most important tools to assure that chemical contaminants presence in foodstuffs remains within safety levels. Reliability of data provided by laboratories to assess the effectiveness of measurements aiming at reducing the risk of exposure to chemical hazards is of paramount importance. Evaluation of measurement uncertainty associated with a result is an important parameter in assessing the sources of analytical data variability. Two methods to estimate uncertainty in analytical measurement of arsenic in fish are discussed. Measurement uncertainty was estimated for the determination of arsenic content in fish samples by Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The work addressed both approaches accepted by Eurolab and NIST: modeling (bottom up) and empirical (top down). The Ishikawa diagram was used to identify the most significant sources of uncertainty. The mathematical modeling techniques to assess uncertainty components based on a classical model that accounts for all recognized significant sources of errors was similar to the top down based on validation data from interlaboratory comparison studies. Both methods showed that analytical variability in arsenic content was less than 10%.This work was completed on behalf of Project GOODFISH PTDC/SAU-ESA/103825/200

    12th IFDC 2017 special issue – Iodine, selenium and iron contents in Portuguese key foods as consumed

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    Iodine, selenium and iron are micronutrients essential for thyroid hormone synthesis causing their low plasma levels an additional risk of autoimmune thyroid diseases. A Portuguese TDS pilot study representative of diets in Portugal was carried out, since foods are the main natural sources of these micronutrients. Six hundred and twenty-four samples were collected based on local markets and later analysed in pools of ten meat samples, twenty-seven fish, nine chicken eggs and six cow dairy products. The iodine and selenium contents were determined using ICP-MS after alkaline (iodine) or acid digestion (selenium) and iron by ICP-OES after acid digestion. The highest content of three oligoelements was detected in fish. Meat had lower iodine content and the dairy products lower selenium and iron levels. Sardine presented significant different levels in summer and winter for iodine, and in summer and autumn for selenium, mackerel had diverse contents of iron in summer and autumn. The contribution of salmon and milk for iodine RNI was around 40%, for children and adults. Shrimp is also the food with more selenium, exceeding 1.5 times the % RNI for children and adults females, while iron maximum contribution was observed in meat for children and adult males.Highlights: The highest contents in the three oligoelements were in fish group; The lowest contents were in meat (I) and dairy products (Se and Fe); Larges variations were observed for iodine and selenium contents in national FCDBs; Iodine accounting for 40% RNI and selenium exceeds 1.5 times RNI; Iron maximum contribution for RNI was in bovine meat.The scientific work was funded by the Project WHO Collaborating Centre funded by the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, I.P. Lisbon, Portugal (2013DAN850) and by the PRO-METROFOOD project, funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 739568.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Couve Portuguesa: Determinação por ICP-MS de elementos vestigiais

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    Objetivo: Pretende-se avaliar a concentração de elementos traço em couves portuguesas cultivadas em todos os distritos de Portugal Continental e ilhas → âmbito projeto Orque-Sudoe. Enquadramento: O Projeto Orque-Sudoe criou uma plataforma para registar o teor de contaminantes nos vegetais cultivados no Sudoeste Europeu.Este trabalho foi realizado com suporte financeiro através do projeto SOE3/P2/F591 - Observatório de Investigação para a Qualidade Ambiental do Sudoeste Europeu – ORQUE SUDOE

    Proximate and Mineral profile of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) consumed in north of Argentina

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) are pseudo-cereals largely consumed in North of Argentina. They gained special attention by scientific community in part due to high nutritional value. Therefore the nutrient analysis with the purpose to be included in Argentinean Food Composition Databank is urgent. In this work proximal and mineral profile of Quinoa consumed in the North of Argentina was determined and reported for the first time, for the purpose to be included in national Food Composition Databank and disseminated through EuroFIR e-search platform. Ash, Moisture, Dietary Fibre, Protein, and Fat content were determined by AOAC methods and Calcium, Copper, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, were analyzed by or ICP-OES and Selenium by ICP-MS. The values were obtained applying quality criteria as defined by EuroFIR guidelines for laboratory analysis. This required criteria on sample handling, an appropriate analytical method in terms of precision and accuracy, limit of quantification selectivity, and an effective internal and external quality control program including appropriate use of Certified Reference Materials and participation in adequate Proficiency Testing Schemes carried out by laboratories hold ISO/EN 17025. Guidelines for laboratory performance are paramount to guarantee the acceptability of values in LATINFOODS and others Food Data Organizations. This provides the necessary information to the users of Food Composition Databanks who wish to have an overview of the parameters, which influence the estimation of nutrient intake, and may affect the diet-disease relationship.This work was completed on behalf of the EuroFIR Nexus consortium and funded under the EU 7th Framework Food Quality and Safety Programm

    Estudos de caracterização do perfil nutricional da quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa): macronutrientes, minerais e elementos vestigiais

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar o teor de macronutrientes e de componentes inorgânicos da quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), utilizando metodologias validadas que assentam em pressupostos de controlo da qualidade rigorosos, permitindo a sua inclusão na tabela de composição de alimentos portugueses e nas restantes bases de dados que aderiram à plataforma EuroFIR.Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do projeto de investigação “Desarrollo de Alimentos andinos procesados: una alternativa para la conservación de la biodiversidad” (PICT-nº 2245), financiado pelo Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Argentina e do protocolo de colaboração cientifica assinado entre o INSA e o Universidade Nacional de Jujuy

    Methods to Express Dispersion of Results in Food Composition Data

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    In Europe one feature of National Food Composition Databanks (nFCDBs) is to provide data soundly supported in standardized quality assurance procedures. It is now widely recognized that the evaluation of the degree of dispersion associated with a result is an essential part of any quantitative analysis. According to recent requirements the concept of data quality incorporates the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty (MU) as an indicator of the reliability of the result. The aim of this work is to study the typification of approaches used to estimate measurement uncertainty in food composition analysis in compliance with the criteria established in the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM)”. The work addressed the approaches founded on the modelling of the measurement process as described in the GUM (chapter 8), and on the experimental approaches, typically precision and bias data, obtained from within-laboratory validation studies, quality controls, inter-laboratory method validation studies or proficiency testing schemes.This work was completed on behalf of the EuroFIR Nexus consortium and funded under the EU 7th Framework Food Quality and Safety Programme