78 research outputs found

    Characterization of the abn2(yxiA) encoding a Bacillus subtilis GH43 arabinanase, Abn2, and its role in arabino-polysaccharides degradation.

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    Journal of Bacteriology (Junho 2008) 4272-4280The extracellular depolymerization of arabinopolysaccharides by microorganisms is accomplished by arabinanases, xylanases, and galactanases. Here, we characterize a novel endo-alpha-1,5-l-arabinanase (EC from Bacillus subtilis, encoded by the yxiA gene (herein renamed abn2) that contributes to arabinan degradation. Functional studies by mutational analysis showed that Abn2, together with previously characterized AbnA, is responsible for the majority of the extracellular arabinan activity in B. subtilis. Abn2 was overproduced in Escherichia coli, purified from the periplasmic fraction, and characterized with respect to substrate specificity and biochemical and physical properties. With linear-alpha-1,5-l-arabinan as the preferred substrate, the enzyme exhibited an apparent K(m) of 2.0 mg ml(-1) and V(max) of 0.25 mmol min(-1) mg(-1) at pH 7.0 and 50 degrees C. RNA studies revealed the monocistronic nature of abn2. Two potential transcriptional start sites were identified by primer extension analysis, and both a sigma(A)-dependent and a sigma(H)-dependent promoter were located. Transcriptional fusion studies revealed that the expression of abn2 is stimulated by arabinan and pectin and repressed by glucose; however, arabinose is not the natural inducer. Additionally, trans-acting factors and cis elements involved in transcription were investigated. Abn2 displayed a control mechanism at a level of gene expression different from that observed with AbnA. These distinct regulatory mechanisms exhibited by two members of extracellular glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43) suggest an adaptative strategy of B. subtilis for optimal degradation of arabinopolysaccharides.This work was partially supported by grant no. POCI/AGR/60236/2004 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and FEDER to I.D.S.-N. and by fellowship SFRH/BD/18238/2004 from FCT to J.M.I

    Two distinct arabinofuranosidases contribute to arabino-oligosaccharide degradation in Bacillus subtilis.

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    Microbiology 154 (2008) 2719-2729Bacillus subtilis produces alpha-l-arabinofuranosidases (EC; AFs) capable of releasing arabinosyl oligomers and l-arabinose from plant cell walls. Here, we show by insertion-deletion mutational analysis that genes abfA and xsa(asd), herein renamed abf2, encode AFs responsible for the majority of the intracellular AF activity in B. subtilis. Both enzyme activities were shown to be cytosolic and functional studies indicated that arabino-oligomers are natural substrates for the AFs. The products of the two genes were overproduced in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. The molecular mass of the purified AbfA and Abf2 was about 58 kDa and 57 kDa, respectively. However, native PAGE gradient gel analysis and cross-linking assays detected higher-order structures (>250 kDa), suggesting a multimeric organization of both enzymes. Kinetic experiments at 37 degrees C, with p-nitrophenyl-alpha-l-arabinofuranoside as substrate, gave an apparent K(m) of 0.498 mM and 0.421 mM, and V(max) of 317 U mg(-1) and 311 U mg(-1) for AbfA and Abf2, respectively. The two enzymes displayed maximum activity at 50 degrees C and 60 degrees C, respectively, and both proteins were most active at pH 8.0. AbfA and Abf2 both belong to family 51 of the glycoside hydrolases but have different substrate specificity. AbfA acts preferentially on (1-->5) linkages of linear alpha-1,5-l-arabinan and alpha-1,5-linked arabino-oligomers, and is much less effective on branched sugar beet arabinan and arabinoxylan and arabinogalactan. In contrast, Abf2 is most active on (1-->2) and (1-->3) linkages of branched arabinan and arabinoxylan, suggesting a concerted contribution of these enzymes to optimal utilization of arabinose-containing polysaccharides by B. subtilis.This work was partially supported by grant no. POCI/AGR/60236/2004 from the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and FEDER to I. d. S.- N., and fellowship SFRH/BD/18238/2004 from the FCT to J. M. I

    CCBE1 Is Essential for Epicardial Function during Myocardium Development

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    Funding: This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) grants (PTDC/MEC-CAR/29590/2017) to JA Belo and by the Scientific Employment Stimulus to JMI (Norma Transitória 8189/2018, FCT), and iNOVA4Health—UIDB/Multi/04462/2013, a program Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 12642 14 of 17 financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Educação e Ciência, through national funds and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.The epicardium is a single cell layer of mesothelial cells that plays a critical role during heart development contributing to different cardiac cell types of the developing heart through epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Moreover, the epicardium is a source of secreted growth factors that promote myocardial growth. CCBE1 is a secreted extracellular matrix protein expressed by epicardial cells that is required for the formation of the primitive coronary plexus. However, the role of CCBE1 during epicardial development was still unknown. Here, using a Ccbe1 knockout (KO) mouse model, we observed that loss of CCBE1 leads to congenital heart defects including thinner and hyper-trabeculated ventricular myocardium. In addition, Ccbe1 mutant hearts displayed reduced proliferation of cardiomyocyte and epicardial cells. Epicardial outgrowth culture assay to assess epicardial-derived cells (EPDC) migration showed reduced invasion of the collagen gel by EPDCs in Ccbe1 KO epicardial explants. Ccbe1 KO hearts also displayed fewer nonmyocyte/nonendothelial cells intramyocardially with a reduced proliferation rate. Additionally, RNA-seq data and experimental validation by qRT-PCR showed a marked deregulation of EMT-related genes in developing Ccbe1 mutant hearts. Together, these findings indicate that the myocardium defects in Ccbe1 KO mice arise from disruption of epicardial development and function.publishersversionpublishe

    Clinical impact of HFE Mutations in portuguese patients with Chronic Hepatitis C

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is often associated with alterations in iron and lipid metabolisms, which may affect the long-term prognosis and the response to antiviral treatment. Some studies suggested that the occurrence of HFE mutations may contribute to modulate these metabolisms in CHC. Here, the prevalence of two HFE mutations (C282Y and H63D) was determined in a group of Portuguese CHC patients and the findings were correlated with clinical, histological and virulogical features. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 183 CHC patients (118 males and 65 females), mean age 45.84±11.46 years and IMC 25.45±3.96 Kg/m2. Eighty two (44.8%) were treated with standard antiviral therapy and divided into 3 groups: non response (NR)-25.6%, relapse (RR)-9.8% and sustained response (SR)-64.6%. HCV-RNA and genotype were determined by PCR. Liver steatosis, fibrosis stage and degree of necroinflammation (grading) were assessed by liver biopsy (Peter Scheuer score) and clinical parameters were measured by standard techniques: AST, ALT, GGT, lipid profile (LDL, HDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides), iron metabolism (iron, ferritin, transferrin and transferrin saturation), haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, insulin, glucose, peptide-C and HOMA. Antioxidant potential (tGSH/GSSG ratio) was evaluated by spectrofluorimetry. HFE_H63D and C282Y polymorphisms were analyzed by PCR-RFLP and statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 16.0 (level of significance of p<0.05). Patients’ exclusion criteria: other chronic liver diseases, alcohol ingestion >40g/day, HIV infection, metabolic and autoimmune diseases. RESULTS: Sixty two patients (33.9%) carried one or two mutant H63D allele (HD+DD), being 4.4% homozygous (DD). C282Y polymorphism was present in 5.5% of the patients; all were heterozygous. No difference was found comparing HFE_H63D and _C282Y polymorphisms with the type of antiviral response. Regarding H63D, we observe a decrease in the degree of necroinflammation (grading) and in tGSH/GSSG ratio and an increase in total cholesterol for carriers of the mutant allele (HD+DD) comparing to HH individuals (p=0.004; p=0.006; p=0.042, respectively). For C282Y, our study revealed that heterozygous CY had higher serum iron and transferrin saturation levels (p=0.038; p=0.006, respectively) and lower total cholesterol (p<0.0001). In the total studied population, this last clinical parameter was found to be increased in patients with less necroinflammation and steatosis (p=0.023; p=0.046) and patients with higher fibrosis stages (moderate and intense) showed higher serum iron levels. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest a relevant role of HFE_H63D and C282Y polymorphisms in some clinical and histological features of chronic hepatitis C.Partially funded by FCT: PTDC/SAU-GMG/103307/200

    DAND5 Inactivation Enhances Cardiac Differentiation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Funding: This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/BIM-MED/3363/2014) and Scientific Employment Stimulus to JI (Norma Transitória 8189/2018), predoctoral fellowship to JG (FCT; PD/BD/136919/2018) and postdoctoral fellowship to FC (DAI/ 2019/08/SAICTPAC/0047/2015), and iNOVA4Health-UID/Multi/04462/2013, a program financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Educação e Ciência, through national funds and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.Deciphering the clues of a regenerative mechanism for the mammalian adult heart would save millions of lives in the near future. Heart failure due to cardiomyocyte loss is still one of the significant health burdens worldwide. Here, we show the potential of a single molecule, DAND5, in mouse pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes specification and proliferation. Dand5 loss-of-function generated the double of cardiac beating foci compared to the wild-type cells. The early formation of cardiac progenitor cells and the increased proliferative capacity of Dand5 KO mESC-derived cardiomyocytes contribute to the observed higher number of derived cardiac cells. Transcriptional profiling sequencing and quantitative RT-PCR assays showed an upregulation of early cardiac gene networks governing cardiomyocyte differentiation, cell cycling, and cardiac regenerative pathways but reduced levels of genes involved in cardiomyocyte maturation. These findings prompt DAND5 as a key driver for the generation and expansion of pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes systems with further clinical application purposes.publishersversionpublishe

    Overproduction, crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of Abn2, an endo-1,5-alpha-arabinanase from Bacillus subtilis.

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    Acta Crystallographica F64 (2008) 636-638Two Bacillus subtilis extracellular endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinanases, AbnA and Abn2, belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 43 have been identified. The recently characterized Abn2 protein hydrolyzes arabinan and has low identity to other reported 1,5-alpha-L-arabinanases. Abn2 and its selenomethionine (SeMet) derivative have been purified and crystallized. Crystals appeared in two different space groups: P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 51.9, b = 57.6, c = 86.2 A, alpha = 82.3, beta = 87.9, gamma = 63.6 degrees , and P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 57.9, b = 163.3, c = 202.0 A. X-ray data have been collected for the native and the SeMet derivative to 1.9 and 2.7 A resolution, respectively. An initial model of Abn2 is being built in the SeMet-phased map.This work was partially supported by grant No. POCI/AGR/60236/2004 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and FEDER to IdS-N and fellowship SFRH/BD/18238/2004 from FCT to JMI

    “Alimentos PT.ON.DATA” - Information Management System for The Analytical Data of Food Chain Official Control

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    BACKGROUND: According to Article 33 of the Regulation (EC) 178/2002, Member States shall take the necessary measures to enable the transmission to EFSA of the data they collect in the fields of (a) food consumption and the exposure of individuals to risks related to the consumption of food; (b) incidence and prevalence of biological risk; (c) contaminants in food and feed; (d) residues. In addition, specific EU legislation on data collection exists for specific data collection domains, namely, pesticides, contaminants and zoonoses and zoonotic agents, specifying that the data from official control should be reported to EFSA. According to EFSA mission under Article 36 of the above mentioned regulation, the development and implementation of joint projects for promoting European networking is foreseen. Within this task, Portugal has developed in 2011, a national information management system “alimentos PT.ON.DATA” for chemical contaminants and is currently upgrading the system for food additives, pesticide residues, zoonotic agents and residues of veterinary medicinal products

    A survey of RNA viruses in mosquitoes from Mozambique reveals novel genetic lineages of flaviviruses and phenuiviruses, as well as frequent flavivirus-like viral DNA forms in Mansonia

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    Background: Mosquito-borne diseases involving arboviruses represent expanding threats to sub-Saharan Africa imposing as considerable burden to human and veterinary public health. In Mozambique over one hundred species of potential arbovirus mosquito vectors have been identified, although their precise role in maintaining such viruses in circulation in the country remains to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to screen for the presence of flaviviruses, alphaviruses and bunyaviruses in mosquitoes from different regions of Mozambique. Results: Our survey analyzed 14,519 mosquitoes, and the results obtained revealed genetically distinct insect-specific flaviviruses, detected in multiple species of mosquitoes from different genera. In addition, smaller flavivirus-like NS5 sequences, frequently detected in Mansonia seemed to correspond to defective viral sequences, present as viral DNA forms. Furthermore, three lineages of putative members of the Phenuiviridae family were also detected, two of which apparently corresponding to novel viral genetic lineages. Conclusion: This study reports for the first-time novel insect-specific flaviviruses and novel phenuiviruses, as well as frequent flavivirus-like viral DNA forms in several widely known vector species. This unique work represents recent investigation of virus screening conducted in mosquitoes from Mozambique and an important contribution to inform the establishment of a vector control program for arbovirus in the country and in the region.publishersversionpublishe

    Genetic Variants Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease in a Spanish Population

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have many affected physiological pathways. Variations in the genes regulating these pathways might affect the incidence and predisposition to this disease. A total of 722 Spanish adults, including 548 patients and 174 controls, were genotyped to better understand the effects of genetic risk loci on the susceptibility to CKD. We analyzed 38 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in candidate genes associated with the inflammatory response (interleukins IL-1A, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, ICAM-1), fibrogenesis (TGFB1), homocysteine synthesis (MTHFR), DNA repair (OGG1, MUTYH, XRCC1, ERCC2, ERCC4), renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (CYP11B2, AGT), phase-II metabolism (GSTP1, GSTO1, GSTO2), antioxidant capacity (SOD1, SOD2, CAT, GPX1, GPX3, GPX4), and some other genes previously reported to be associated with CKD (GLO1, SLC7A9, SHROOM3, UMOD, VEGFA, MGP, KL). The results showed associations of GPX1, GSTO1, GSTO2, UMOD, and MGP with CKD. Additionally, associations with CKD related pathologies, such as hypertension (GPX4, CYP11B2, ERCC4), cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer predisposition (ERCC2) were also observed. Different genes showed association with biochemical parameters characteristic for CKD, such as creatinine (GPX1, GSTO1, GSTO2, KL, MGP), glomerular filtration rate (GPX1, GSTO1, KL, ICAM-1, MGP), hemoglobin (ERCC2, SHROOM3), resistance index erythropoietin (SOD2, VEGFA, MTHFR, KL), albumin (SOD1, GSTO2, ERCC2, SOD2), phosphorus (IL-4, ERCC4 SOD1, GPX4, GPX1), parathyroid hormone (IL-1A, IL-6, SHROOM3, UMOD, ICAM-1), C-reactive protein (SOD2, TGFB1, GSTP1, XRCC1), and ferritin (SOD2, GSTP1, SLC7A9, GPX4). To our knowledge, this is the second comprehensive study carried out in Spanish patients linking genetic polymorphisms and CKD

    Publishing data to support the fight against human vector-borne diseases

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    Vector-borne diseases are responsible for more than 17% of human cases of infectious diseases. In most situations, effective control of debilitating and deadly vector-bone diseases (VBDs), such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, Zika and Chagas requires up-to-date, robust and comprehensive information on the presence, diversity, ecology, bionomics and geographic spread of the organisms that carry and transmit the infectious agents. Huge gaps exist in the information related to these vectors, creating an essential need for campaigns to mobilise and share data. The publication of data papers is an effective tool for overcoming this challenge. These peer-reviewed articles provide scholarly credit for researchers whose vital work of assembling and publishing well-described, properly-formatted datasets often fails to receive appropriate recognition. To address this, GigaScience 's sister journal GigaByte partnered with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to publish a series of data papers, with support from the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), hosted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Here we outline the initial results of this targeted approach to sharing data and describe its importance for controlling VBDs and improving public health