14 research outputs found

    Indian Contribution to Language Sciences in Non-Western Tradition: With Reference to Arabic

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    Language study relates itself to both ontology and epistemology. Both ontological and epistemological investigations have been the subject of debate and discussion in different civilizations producing a number of grammatical traditions other than the West. Arab, China, India and the ancient Near East can also boast of language traditions of greater antiquity. In terms of richness of insight and comprehensiveness of scope, both India and the Arab compete on equal terms with the West, where each grew independently of the others and for the most part developed separately, drawing on the resources of the culture within which it grew. Hence, there is strong need to have a study of comparative grammatical theory to which Indian, Arabs and Chinese also belong, centring on the questions of: What has been the importance of these theories explanatory categories appear in historically unrelated linguistic theory, and if they do, why? This perspective would bring new dimension to the study of linguistic theory and would not remain at the level of redressing the overwhelming emphasis on the European tradition in the study of history of linguistics

    Whose Language is Urdu?

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    One important aspect of the socio-political location of Urdu is the culturally accepted relationship of its "sisterhood" with Hindi. Independent India has, however, seen this sisterhood re-interpreted as a conflation of religious and linguistic identity, by which Urdu in particular has come to be represented as the language of Muslims. In this paper, we present the findings of a field survey in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Mysore, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, which show that speakers of Urdu resist this identfication, and explicitly characterise both the language as well as their linguistic practices in terms of the shared and syncretic culture of India

    Multilingualism, language policy and the constituent assembly debates

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    This short paper looks at the Constituent Assembly Debates about language issues in India as well as the language provisions in the Indian Constitution with focus on the language the policy of India and the implications on teaching. The Constituent Assembly Debates reveal the intention of various players. The debates spread over the entire period from 9 Dec 1946 to 1949 and ended with the proclamation of the Constitution of India that came in force on 26 January 1950

    Кашмірська мова: фонологічний нарис

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    Kashmiri is an Indo-Aryan language spoken predominantly in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India and in some parts of Pakistan. Some phonological and morphological features of this language make it peculiar among Indo-Aryan languages. This write-up provides a phonological sketch of Kashmiri. The description of Vowels and Consonants is given in order to build a general idea of the phonological system of the language. The process of nasalization is phonemic in Kashmiri. The aim of this write-up is to describe and show all the phonological features of the language, particularly those that are uniquely found in this language. In addition, an attempt has been made to describe and explain the various phonological processes such as Palatalization, Epenthesis and Elision, which occur in Kashmiri. All such processes are described with appropriate examples and the data comprising of lexemes and sounds for examples is primary data used by the author who is a native speaker of the language. Given to the peculiar features of this language, the process of homonymy, which is homographic in nature, is described with appropriate examples. Кашмірська мова – це індоарійська мова, якою здебільшого розмовляють у штатах Джамму й Кашмір у Індії, а також в деяких регіонах Пакистану. Деякі фонологічні та морфологічні відмінності цієї мови роблять її особливою серед індоарійських мов. У статті подано фонологічний нарис кашмірської мови. Опис голосних і приголосних представлено з метою побудови загального уявлення про фонологічну систему досліджу-ваної мови. Процес назалізації в кашмірській мові є фонемним. Метою цього дослідження є опис і відображення всіх фонологічних особливостей мови, особливо тих, які є унікальними в цій мові. Крім того, здійснено спробу опису й пояснення різних фонологічних процесів, таких як палаталізація, епентеза й елізія, які трапляються в досліджуваній мові. У цій статті всі згадані процеси описані з наведенням відповідних прикладів, а дані, що складаються з прикладів лексем і звуків, є первинними даними, які використані одним з авторів – носієм мови. Враховуючи особливі риси цієї мови, процес омонімії, який має гомографічний характер, описано за допомогою відповідних прикладів

    Clinical effectiveness of Carbimazole and Propylthiouracil for Hyperthyroidism in Patients of Punjab, Pakistan

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    Background: The primary objective of any drug for hyperthyroidism is to control clinical manifestations and maintenance of normal levels of hormonal concentrations. It also targets to prevent the recurrence of disease along with minimizing associated risk factors. In this study, effectiveness of oral anti thyroid agents was checked to normalize altered levels of thyroid hormones due to hyperthyroidism.Methods: The study was comprised of 40 subjects of whom 30 were experiencing hyperthyroidism and were administered anti-hyperthyroid drugs. 10 patients of hyperthyroidism were not taking any medication. Standard dose regimens of carbimazole and propylthiouracil were employed for all 30 hyperthyroid patients under closed monitoring. Physical as well as biochemical analyses of all subjects were done and thyroid profiling was performed for measuring levels of free thyroxine (fT4), free triiodothyronine (fT3), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and antibodies against thyroglobulin (Tg).Results: Thyroid profiles of medicated hyperthyroid patients were compared with the profiles of non-medicated group. Statistical analysis appeared with non-significant values for all four parameters.Conclusion: No significant difference was found between medicated and non-medicated groups. We recommend that combinatorial drugs and new derivatives with better efficacy and fewer side effects should be employed to treat hyperthyroidism

    The Impact of CSR Dimensions on Customer Participation Behaviour in Banking Industry of Pakistan

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    This papers examines the impact of Customer dimension of CSR, local community dimension of CSR, employee dimension of CSR, supplier dimension of CSR on customer participation behaviour. Data was collected from 453 banking customers of Pakistan. Smart PlS was used to test the measurement model and structural equation modelling technique was run to test the hypotheses. The study found that all corporate social responsibility initiatives have positive impact on customer participation behaviour. The customer dimension of CSR have more influence to for active participation of customers followed by the local community dimension of CSR, employee dimension of CSR and supplier dimension of CSR. This study covered all primary stakeholders under the head of stakeholders’ theory and highlighted the importance of supplier-oriented corporate social responsibility for customer participation behaviour due to end-users. This study also sheds the light that customers have been changing their role from passive participation to active participation

    Comparative analysis of N95 respirators fit testing with commercially available and in house reagent

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    Background: Due to COVID-19, thousands of healthcare workers have been affected and have lost their lives in the line of duty. For the protection of healthcare workers, WHO and CDC have made standard guidelines and requirements for PPE use. N95 masks are amongst the most readily used PPE by healthcare professionals and it is highly recommended by OSHA that every make and model of N95 should go through a fit test at least once in a year.Method: A total of 30 randomly selected healthcare professionals (who were a regular user of N95 respiratory masks) were subjected to assess in-house (saccharin sodium benzoate) reagent for use for standard qualitative fit testing in our hospital. Threshold testing with the in-house reagent at three different concentrations was performed prior to establish participants\u27 sensitivity to the reagent. After successful completion of threshold testing, fit test was performed on participants wearing an N95 mask.Results: All the participants included in the study passed the sensitivity testing with three concentrations of the reagents, while it was concluded that the concentration of the in-house reagent that was well suited for the sensitivity testing was a concentration of 1g/dl saccharin with 10g/dl sodium benzoate. For fit testing 12g/dl was found to be more appropriate.Discussion: Our study provided a low cost solution to ensure safety of healthcare workers who are regular users of N95 masks following guidelines implemented by OSHA and CDC.Conclusion: The in-house test solution prepared was found to be equally sensitive to its commercially available counterpart

    Multi-Task Partial Offloading with Relay and Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation for the MEC-Assisted IoT

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    The fifth-generation (5G) wireless network is visualized to offer many types of services with low latency requirements in Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the computational capabilities of IoT nodes are not enough to process complex tasks in real time. To solve this problem, multi-access edge computing (MEC) has emerged as an effective solution that will allow IoT nodes to completely or partially offload their computational tasks to MEC servers. However, the large communication delay at a low transmission rate for nodes far from the access point (AP) makes this offloading less meaningful. This paper studies joint multi-task partial offloading from multiple IoT nodes to a common MEC server collocated with an AP, and it uses relay selection to help nodes far from the AP. The computation time of all tasks is minimized by adaptive task division and resource allocation (bandwidth and computation resource), and it is solved with an evolutionary algorithm. The simulation results confirm that the proposed method with both relay selection and adaptive bandwidth allocation outperforms the methods with neither or only one function

    A Cross-linguistic Study of Metadiscourse in English and Urdu Newspaper Editorials

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    Metadiscourse markers are linguistic expressions which help the writers to organize their discourses. The original impetus for the research study came from the need to explore similarities and differences among the use and distribution of metadiscourse markers between two different languages, English and Urdu, within a single genre. To this end, the study as cross-linguistic research scrutinized a corpus of 100 newspaper editorials (50 taken from English newspapers and 50 from Urdu newspapers) written in Pakistan. Editorials were culled electronically from 5 English newspaper websites and 5 Urdu newspaper websites. To mitigate the diachronic effects on the selected sample, only editorials published in the first four months of 2020 (January, February, March, and April) were included in the corpora. Based on the model of metadiscourse markers given by Hyland (2005), both interactive and interactional categories of the model were analyzed. Frequencies of metadiscourse markers in both English and Urdu were counted through AntConc 3.5.7. They were compared and contrasted quantitatively and manually. The results disclosed that there were worth-pointing differences between the two groups. Two different languages showed variations among different subcategories of interactive and interactional metadiscourse resources. On the whole, findings suggested that the use of interactional metadiscourse was a predominant category and attitude marker was a predominant feature in both the groups. Analysis of differences that meta-discourse tools can encounter in the process of translating from English to Urdu or even other languages maybe another and very interesting field of inquiry

    Whites and Browns: A Contrastive Study of Metadiscourse in English Newspaper Editorials

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    Metadiscourse is an interesting field of inquiry that is believed to play a vital role in organizing and producing persuasive writing. It is a set of linguistic devices used to communicate attitudes and mark the structural properties of a text. The study aimed to investigate whether native and non-native varieties of English varieties are similar or different from each other from the perspective of interactional meta-discourse markers. The study as contrastive rhetoric research scrutinized a corpus of 900 newspaper editorials (450 written in native English newspapers and 450 written in non-native English newspapers). Editorials were culled from 15 native English newspapers belonging to three native English countries, England, America, and New Zealand, and 15 non-native English newspapers belonging to three non-native English countries, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka. Based on the model of metadiscourse given by Hyland (2005), interactional metadiscourse resources were analyzed. The frequencies of interactional metadiscourse markers in both native and non-native varieties were counted and compared with each other. The results disclosed that there were worth-pointing differences between the native and non-native English editorialists in the use of interactional metadiscourse markers. Two different varieties of English editorials showed variations particularly in the use of hedging and self-mention markers. On the whole, findings suggested that the use of interactional metadiscourse markers in native English editorials were more frequent than those in non-native English editorials which made their writings more appealing and convincing context.Keywords: metadiscourse; native; non-native; newspaper; editorial