194 research outputs found

    Real space first-principles derived semiempirical pseudopotentials applied to tunneling magnetoresistance

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    In this letter we present a real space density functional theory (DFT) localized basis set semi-empirical pseudopotential (SEP) approach. The method is applied to iron and magnesium oxide, where bulk SEP and local spin density approximation (LSDA) band structure calculations are shown to agree within approximately 0.1 eV. Subsequently we investigate the qualitative transferability of bulk derived SEPs to Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel junctions. We find that the SEP method is particularly well suited to address the tight binding transferability problem because the transferability error at the interface can be characterized not only in orbital space (via the interface local density of states) but also in real space (via the system potential). To achieve a quantitative parameterization, we introduce the notion of ghost semi-empirical pseudopotentials extracted from the first-principles calculated Fe/MgO bonding interface. Such interface corrections are shown to be particularly necessary for barrier widths in the range of 1 nm, where interface states on opposite sides of the barrier couple effectively and play a important role in the transmission characteristics. In general the results underscore the need for separate tight binding interface and bulk parameter sets when modeling conduction through thin heterojunctions on the nanoscale.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Considerations for the design of an onboard air traffic situation display

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    The basic concept of remoting information to the cockpit is used to design and develop a computerized airborne traffic situation display device that automatically selects and presents segments of a controller's scope to the aircraft pilot via a narrow band digital data link. These data are integrated with aircraft heading and navigation information to provide a display useful in congested air space. The display can include alphanumerical symbols, air route maps, and controller instructions

    Infinite motion and 2-distinguishability of graphs and groups

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    A group A acting faithfully on a set X is 2-distinguishable if there is a 2-coloring of X that is not preserved by any nonidentity element of A, equivalently, if there is a proper subset of X with trivial setwise stabilizer. The motion of an element a in A is the number of points of X that are moved by a, and the motion of the group A is the minimal motion of its nonidentity elements. When A is finite, the Motion Lemma says that if the motion of A is large enough (specifically at least 2 log_2 |A|), then the action is 2-distinguishable. For many situations where X has a combinatorial or algebraic structure, the Motion Lemma implies that the action of Aut(X) on X is 2-distinguishable in all but finitely many instances. We prove an infinitary version of the Motion Lemma for countably infinite permutation groups, which states that infinite motion is large enough to guarantee 2-distinguishability. From this we deduce a number of results, including the fact that every locally finite, connected graph whose automorphism group is countably infinite is 2-distinguishable. One cannot extend the Motion Lemma to uncountable permutation groups, but nonetheless we prove that (under the permutation topology) every closed permutation group with infinite motion has a dense subgroup which is 2-distinguishable. We conjecture an extension of the Motion Lemma which we expect holds for a restricted class of uncountable permutation groups, and we conclude with a list of open questions. The consequences of our results are drawn for orbit equivalence of infinite permutation groups

    Using graph-kernels to represent semantic information in text classification

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    Most text classification systems use bag-of-words represen- tation of documents to find the classification target function. Linguistic structures such as morphology, syntax and semantic are completely ne- glected in the learning process. This paper proposes a new document representation that, while includ- ing its context independent sentence meaning, is able to be used by a structured kernel function, namely the direct product kernel. The proposal is evaluated using a dataset of articles from a Portuguese daily newspaper and classifiers are built using the SVM algorithm. The results show that this structured representation, while only partially de- scribing document’s significance has the same discriminative power over classes as the traditional bag-of-words approach


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    To better ensure the reliability of the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) remote canyon process equipment, a materials evaluation program was performed as part of the overall startup test program. Specific test programs included FA-04 ('Process Vessels Erosion/Corrosion Studies') and FA-05 (melter inspection). At the conclusion of field testing, Test Results Reports were issued to cover the various test phases. While these reports completed the startup test requirements, DWPF-Engineering agreed to compile a more detailed report which would include essentially all of the materials testing programs performed at DWPF. The scope of the materials evaouation programs included selected equipment from the Salt Process Cell (SPC), Chemical Process Cell (CPC), Melt Cell, Canister Decon Cell (CDC), and supporting facilities. The program consisted of performing pre-service baseline inspections (work completed in 1992) and follow-up inspections after completion of the DWPF cold chemical runs. Process equipment inspected included: process vessels, pumps, agitators, coils, jumpers, and melter top head components. Various NDE (non-destructive examination) techniques were used during the inspection program, including: ultrasonic testing (UT), visual (direct or video probe), radiography, penetrant testing (PT), and dimensional analyses. Finally, coupon racks were placed in selected tanks in 1992 for subsequent removal and corrosion evaluation after chemical runs

    The history of degenerate (bipartite) extremal graph problems

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    This paper is a survey on Extremal Graph Theory, primarily focusing on the case when one of the excluded graphs is bipartite. On one hand we give an introduction to this field and also describe many important results, methods, problems, and constructions.Comment: 97 pages, 11 figures, many problems. This is the preliminary version of our survey presented in Erdos 100. In this version 2 only a citation was complete

    Comparing the Phenylalanine/Tyrosine Pathway and Related Factors between Keratopathy and No-Keratopathy Groups as Well as between Genders in Alkaptonuria during Nitisinone Treatment

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    Nitisinone (NIT) causes tyrosinaemia and corneal keratopathy (KP), especially in men. However, the adaptation within the phenylalanine (PHE)/tyrosine (TYR) catabolic pathway during KP is not understood. The objective of this study is to assess potential differences in the PHE/TYR pathway during KP and the influence of gender in NIT-induced tyrosinaemia in alkaptonuria (AKU). Samples of serum and 24 h urine collected from patients treated with NIT during a 4-year randomized study in NIT vs. no-treatment controls (SONIA 2; Suitability Of Nitisinone In Alkaptonuria 2; EudraCT no. 2013-001633-41) at months 3 (V2), 12 (V3), 24 (V4), 36 (V5) and 48 (V6) were included in these analyses. Homogentisic acid (HGA), TYR, PHE, hydroxyphenylpyruvate (HPPA), hydroxyphenyllactate (HPLA) and sNIT were analysed at all time-points in serum and urine in the NIT-group. All statistical analyses were post hoc. Keratopathy occurred in 10 out of 69 AKU patients, eight of them male. Thirty-five sampling points (serum and 24 h urine) were analysed in patients experiencing KP and 272 in those with no-KP (NKP) during NIT therapy. The KP group had a lower HPLA/TYR ratio and a higher TYR/PHE ratio compared with the NKP group (p < 0.05 for both). There were 24, 45, 100 and 207 sampling points (serum and 24 h urine) in the NIT group which were pre-NIT female, pre-NIT male, NIT female and NIT male, respectively. The PHE/TYR ratio and the HPLA/TYR ratio were lower in males (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). In the KP group and in the male group during NIT therapy, adaptive responses to minimise TYR formation were impaired compared to NKP group and females, respectively

    Genome-Wide RNAi Screen in IFN-γ-Treated Human Macrophages Identifies Genes Mediating Resistance to the Intracellular Pathogen Francisella tularensis

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    Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) inhibits intracellular replication of Francisella tularensis in human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM) and in mice, but the mechanisms of this protective effect are poorly characterized. We used genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screening in the human macrophage cell line THP-1 to identify genes that mediate the beneficial effects of IFN-γ on F. tularensis infection. A primary screen identified ∼200 replicated candidate genes. These were prioritized according to mRNA expression in IFN-γ-primed and F. tularensis-challenged macrophages. A panel of 20 top hits was further assessed by re-testing using individual shRNAs or siRNAs in THP-1 cells, HMDMs and primary human lung macrophages. Six of eight validated genes tested were also found to confer resistance to Listeria monocytogenes infection, suggesting a broadly shared host gene program for intracellular pathogens. The F. tularensis-validated hits included ‘druggable’ targets such as TNFRSF9, which encodes CD137. Treating HMDM with a blocking antibody to CD137 confirmed a beneficial role of CD137 in macrophage clearance of F. tularensis. These studies reveal a number of important mediators of IFN-γ activated host defense against intracellular pathogens, and implicate CD137 as a potential therapeutic target and regulator of macrophage interactions with Francisella tularensis