278 research outputs found

    Työkyvyn hallinta, seuranta ja varhainen tuki : Tutkimus sairausvakuutuslain vuoden 2011 muutoksen vaikutuksista työpaikkojen toimintaan

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vuoden 2011 sairausvakuutuslain muutoksen vaikutuksia työkyvyn hallintaan, seurantaan ja varhaiseen tukeen. Sairausvakuutuslakimuutos (L 1056/2010) edellyttää, että ”työpaikalla on yhteistyössä työterveyshuollon kanssa sovitut käytännöt siitä, miten työkyvyn hallintaa, seurantaa ja varhaista tukea toteutetaan työpaikan ja työterveyshuollon yhteisenä toimintana”, jotta työterveyshuollon korvausluokkaan 1 kuuluvista palveluista aiheutuvista kustannuksista korvattaisiin 50 %:n sijaan 60 %. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tehtiin laaja, sähköinen kyselytutkimus, johon osallistui yli 1 000 työnantajaa. Toisessa vaiheessa kartoitettiin syvemmin työnantajien hyviksi kokemia työkyvyn hallinnan käytäntöjä sekä kehitysehdotuksia case-tutkimuksen menetelmin suppeammasta 22 työnantajan otoksesta. Tämän lisäksi haastateltiin viittä eri työterveyshuollon palveluntuottajaa. Yli 85 % kyselytutkimukseen osallistuneista ilmoitti sopineensa toimintakäytännöistä tai laatineensa toimenpideohjelman yhteistyössä työterveyshuollon kanssa, mikä on noin 10 prosenttiyksikköä enemmän kuin ennen vuotta 2011. Erilaisille toimintamalleille on laadittu suunnitelmia melko kattavasti, mutta suunnitelmien seuranta ei ole vielä systemaattista: suunnitelmiin ei ole kytketty tavoitteita, ja seurattavat mittarit puolestaan eivät välttämättä kytkeydy suunnitelmiin. Suurin osa tutkimuksen toiseen vaiheeseen osallistuneista organisaatioista koki lakimuutoksen onnistuneeksi tavaksi edistää työkyvyn hallintaa. Osallistuneissa organisaatioissa työkyvyn hallinta ja varhainen tuki on tullut viime vuosina keskimäärin systemaattisemmaksi ja tavoitteellisemmaksi. Haastateltavat kuitenkin korostivat organisaation omaa toimintaa ja valmiutta tärkeämmäksi työkyvyn hallinnassa. Haastateltavat pitivät suunnitelmien tekoa melko hyödyllisenä työkyvyn hallinnan kannalta ja osasivat mainita esimerkkejä hyvistä työkykykäytännöistä. Tavoitteiden seuranta ja mittaaminen ei kuitenkaan ole niin systemaattista kuin laajat suunnitelmat antaisivat olettaa. Tavoitteet on suunnitelmissa ilmaistu tyypillisesti yleisellä tasolla, jolloin niitä on vaikea mitata tai asettaa tavoitetasoja. Työpaikoilla seurataankin tyypillisesti helposti mitattavia asioita, kuten työtapaturmia, sairauspoissaoloja ja ennenaikaisia eläköitymisiä. Nämä kuvastavat myöhäisen vaiheen ongelmia. Varhaisen vaiheen tunnistamista tai ennaltaehkäisyn toteutumista ei seurata, oletettavasti niiden vaikean mitattavuuden vuoksi, vaikka tavoitteista nämä teemat löytyvät. Työkyvyn hallinnan kehittäminen on monivaiheinen prosessi, joka lähteäkseen käyntiin edellyttää yleistä tietoisuutta työkyvyn hallinnasta sekä henkilöstöasioista vastaavien tahojen kykyä kommunikoida muun johdon kanssa työkyvyn hallinnan kustannusvaikuttavuudesta. Onnistunut työkyvyn hallinta edellyttää lisäksi, että johto on sitoutunut siihen, sisäinen viestintä esimiehille ja työntekijöille toimii ja että henkilöstö osallistuu prosessiin

    Probabilistic Verification at Runtime for Self-Adaptive Systems

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    An effective design of effective and efficient self-adaptive systems may rely on several existing approaches. Software models and model checking techniques at run time represent one of them since they support automatic reasoning about such changes, detect harmful configurations, and potentially enable appropriate (self-)reactions. However, traditional model checking techniques and tools may not be applied as they are at run time, since they hardly meet the constraints imposed by on-the-fly analysis, in terms of execution time and memory occupation. For this reason, efficient run-time model checking represents a crucial research challenge. This paper precisely addresses this issue and focuses on probabilistic run-time model checking in which reliability models are given in terms of Discrete Time Markov Chains which are verified at run-time against a set of requirements expressed as logical formulae. In particular, the paper discusses the use of probabilistic model checking at run-time for self-adaptive systems by surveying and comparing the existing approaches divided in two categories: state-elimination algorithms and algebra-based algorithms. The discussion is supported by a realistic example and by empirical experiments

    Time-series analysis of long-term photometry of BM Canum Venaticorum

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    Long-term photometry is commonly used to monitor chromospheric activity of late-type stars. We study standard Johnson differential V photometry of the RS CVn binary BM Canum Venaticorum (BM CVn) spanning over a quarter of a century. Our main aims are to determine the activity cycles, the rate of surface differential rotation, and the rotation period of the active longitudes of BM CVn. The continuous period search (CPS) algorithm is applied to the photometry. The changes of the mean and amplitude of the light curves are used to search for activity cycles. The rotation period changes give an estimate of the rate of surface differential rotation. The Kuiper method is applied to the epochs of the primary and secondary minima to search for active longitudes. The photometry reveals the presence of a stable mean light curve (MLC) connected to the orbital period P-orb=20.(d)6252 of this binary. We remove this MLC from the original V magnitudes, which gives us the corrected V magnitudes. These two samples of Vand Vdata are analyzed separately with CPS. The fraction of unreliable CPS models decreases when the MLC is removed. The same significant activity cycle of approximately 12.5 years is detected in both V and V samples. The estimate for the surface differential rotation coefficient, k >= 0.10, is the same for both samples, but the number of unrealistic period estimates decreases after removing the MLC. The same active longitude period of P-al=20.(d)511 +/- 0.(d)005 is detected in the V and V magnitudes. This long-term regularity in the epochs of primary and secondary minima of the light curves is not caused by the MLC. On the contrary, the MLC hampers the detection of active longitudes.Peer reviewe

    Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Systems with Multiple Failure Modes

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    This paper presents a novel approach to the reliability modeling and analysis of a component-based system that allows dealing with multiple failure modes and studying the error propagation among components. The proposed model permits to specify the components attitude to produce, propagate, transform or mask different failure modes. These component-level reliability specifications together with information about systems global structure allow precise estimation of reliability properties by means of analytical closed formulas, probabilistic modelchecking or simulation methods. To support the rapid identification of components that could heavily affect systems reliability, we also show how our modeling approach easily support the automated estimation of the system sensitivity to variations in the reliability properties of its components. The results of this analysis allow system designers and developers to identify critical components where it is worth spending additional improvement efforts

    Female responses to experimental removal of sexual selection components in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Despite the common assumption that multiple mating should in general be favored in males, but not in females, to date there is no consensus on the general impact of multiple mating on female fitness. Notably, very little is known about the genetic and physiological features underlying the female response to sexual selection pressures. By combining an experimental evolution approach with genomic techniques, we investigated the effects of single and multiple matings on female fecundity and gene expression. We experimentally manipulated the opportunity for mating in replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster by removing components of sexual selection, with the aim of testing differences in short term post-mating effects of females evolved under different mating strategies

    Impacts of the Finnish service screening programme on breast cancer rates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the current study was to examine impacts of the Finnish breast cancer (BC) screening programme on the population-based incidence and mortality rates. The programme has been historically targeted to a rather narrow age band, mainly women of ages 50–59 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was based on the information on breast cancer during 1971–2003 from the files of the Finnish Cancer Registry. Incidence, cause-specific mortality as well as incidence-based (refined) mortality from BC were analysed with Poisson regression. Age-specific incidence and routine cause-specific mortality were estimated for the most recent five-year period available; incidence-based mortality, respectively, for the whole steady state of the programme, 1992–2003.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was excess BC incidence with actual screening ages; incidence in ages 50–69 was increased 8% (95 CI 2.9–13.4). There was an increasing temporal tendency in the incidence of localised BC; and, respectively, a decrease in that of non-localised BC. The latter was most consistent in age groups where screening had been on-going several years or eventually after the last screen. The refined mortality rate from BC diagnosed in ages 50–69 was decreased with -11.1% (95% CI -19.4, -2.1).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current study demonstrates that BC screening in Finland is effective in reducing mortality rates from breast cancers, even though the impact on the population level is smaller than expected based on the results from randomised trials among women screened in age 50 to 69. This may be explained by the rather young age group targeted in our country. Consideration whether to targeted screening up to age 69 is warranted.</p

    Towards a framework for work package allocation for GSD

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    Proceeding of: Proceeding of: OTM 2011 Workshops: Confederated International Workshops and Posters: EI2N+NSF ICE, ICSP+INBAST, ISDE, ORM, OTMA, SWWS+MONET+SeDeS, and VADER 2011, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, October 17-21, 2011Global software development is an inexorable trend in the software industry. The impact of the trend in conventional software development can be found in many of its aspects. One of them is task or work package allocation. Task allocation was traditionally driven by resource competency and availability but GSD introduces new complexities to this process including time-zones differences, costs and cultural differences. In this work a report on the construction of a framework for work-package allocation within GSD projects is presented. This framework lies on three main pillars: individual and organizational competency, organizational customization and sound assessment methods.This work is supported by the Spanish Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) under the Eureka Project E! 6244 PROPS-Tour and the national cooperation project SEM-IDi (IDI-20091150)