141 research outputs found

    Exploring potential human cancer neoantigens as targets for adoptive T cell therapy

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    Der adoptive Transfer von T-Zell-Rezeptor (TZR) modifizierten T-Zellen gegen krebsspezifische Antigene ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz in der Immuntherapie. Geeignete Zielmoleküle für diese Therapie sollten wichtig für das Überleben von Krebszellen sein und zudem in ausreichenden Mengen auf der Zelloberfläche exprimiert werden, um von T-Zellen erkannt zu werden. Die Identifizierung dieser Zielmoleküle ist jedoch eine Herausforderung und erfordert eine intensive Charakterisierung, um eine ausreichende Prozessierung und Präsentation auf den Tumorzellen zu validieren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, HLA-A2-spezifische Neoepitope als Zielmoleküle für adoptive T-Zell-Therapie zu validieren. Dafür wurden erfolgreich Immunantworten in einem humanen transgenen Mausmodell nach Peptidimmunisierung induziert und TZRs mit hoher Affinität isoliert. Trotz einer hohen funktionellen Avidität von H3.3K27M-spezifischen T-Zellen wurde keine Erkennung von Tumorzellen erreicht. Zweitens wurden TZR-transduzierte T-Zellen gegen die häufige Melanommutation Rac1P29S isoliert, welche zytotoxisch gegen Melanomzelllinien waren. Letztlich wurde beobachtetet, dass TZRs mit hoher Affinität gegen gespleißte Kras und Rac2 Epitope, welche durch Proteasom-katalysiertes Peptidspleißen erzeugt wurden, keine Immunantwort gegen endogen exprimierte Mutationen hervorrufen konnten. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass gespleißte Epitope wahrscheinlich seltener vorkommen als zuvor angenommen und daher möglicherweise irrelevant für die adoptive T-Zelltherapie sind. Diese Daten deuten darauf hin, dass die Auswahl von Zielmolekülen für die adoptive T-Zell-Therapie mit Hilfe reverser Immunologie auf der Grundlage von Bindungsalgorithmen und der Häufigkeit von Mutationen allein nicht ausreicht. Daher sind vor der Isolierung und Charakterisierung von TZRs zusätzliche Strategien wie z.B. die Analyse des MHC-Immunopeptidoms erforderlich, um die Auswahl geeigneter Zielmoleküle für die T-Zelltherapie zu verbessern.Adoptive transfer of T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cells against tumour-specific neoantigens is a promising approach in cancer immunotherapy. Ideally, targeted antigens are crucial for cancer cell survival and are generated in sufficient amounts to be recognised by T cells. However, the identification of ideal targets remains challenging and requires intensive characterisation to validate sufficient antigen processing and presentation by the tumour cells. This thesis focused on the validation of HLA-A2 binding neoepitopes carrying the recurrent cancer mutations H3.3K27M, Rac1P29S, Rac2P29L or KrasG12V as targets for adoptive T cell therapy. After peptide immunisation, immune responses in a human transgenic mouse model were elicited and high-affinity TCRs successfully isolated. Although H3.3K27M-specific T cells showed high functional avidity, no recognition of cells endogenously expressing mutant H3.3 was achieved. Furthermore, a mechanism to target the common melanoma mutation Rac1P29S with a TCR raised against a heterologous mutation with higher peptide-MHC affinity was described. TCR-transduced T cells induced cytotoxicity against Rac1P29S expressing melanoma cell lines. Lastly, high-affinity TCRs specific for mutant Kras and Rac2 spliced epitopes generated by proteasome-catalysed peptide splicing were successfully isolated, however, TCR-transduced T cells did not induce an immune response against endogenously expressed mutant transgenes. The results indicate that spliced epitopes are probably less abundant than previously estimated and therefore may play a minor role in the generation of targets for adoptive T cell therapy. These data suggest that target selection using a reverse immunology approach based on binding algorithms and frequency of mutations alone is not sufficient. Thus, additional strategies to improve the selection of suitable targets such as the analysis of the MHC immunopeptidome are required prior to TCR isolation and characterisation

    Klaros : forschungen über griechische stiftungs-sagen

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    Map-based Experience Replay: A Memory-Efficient Solution to Catastrophic Forgetting in Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning agents often suffer from catastrophic forgetting, forgetting previously found solutions in parts of the input space when training on new data. Replay Memories are a common solution to the problem, decorrelating and shuffling old and new training samples. They naively store state transitions as they come in, without regard for redundancy. We introduce a novel cognitive-inspired replay memory approach based on the Grow-When-Required (GWR) self-organizing network, which resembles a map-based mental model of the world. Our approach organizes stored transitions into a concise environment-model-like network of state-nodes and transition-edges, merging similar samples to reduce the memory size and increase pair-wise distance among samples, which increases the relevancy of each sample. Overall, our paper shows that map-based experience replay allows for significant memory reduction with only small performance decreases.Comment: Accepted for publication in Frontiers in Neurorobotic

    H3.3K27M mutation is not a suitable target for immunotherapy in HLA-A2(+) patients with diffuse midline glioma

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    Diffuse midline glioma is the leading cause of solid cancer-related deaths in children with very limited treatment options. A majority of the tumors carry a point mutation in the histone 3 variant (H3.3) creating a potential HLA-A*02:01 binding epitope (H3.3K27M(26-35)). Here, we isolated an H3.3K27M-specific T cell receptor (TCR) from transgenic mice expressing a diverse human TCR repertoire. Despite a high functional avidity of H3.3K27M-specific T cells, we were not able to achieve recognition of cells naturally expressing the H3.3K27M mutation, even when overexpressed as a transgene. Similar results were obtained with T cells expressing the published TCR 1H5 against the same epitope. CRISPR/Cas9 editing was used to exclude interference by endogenous TCRs in donor T cells. Overall, our data provide strong evidence that the H3.3K27M mutation is not a suitable target for cancer immunotherapy, most likely due to insufficient epitope processing and/or amount to be recognized by HLA-A*02:01 restricted CD8(+) T cells

    In vitro proteasome processing of neo-splicetopes does not predict their presentation in vivo

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    Proteasome catalyzed peptide splicing (PCPS) of cancer-driving antigens could generate attractive neoepitopes to be targeted by TCR-based adoptive T cell therapy. Based on a spliced peptide prediction algorithm TCRs were generated against putative KRAS(G12V) and RAC2(P29L) derived neo-splicetopes with high HLA-A*02:01 binding affinity. TCRs generated in mice with a diverse human TCR repertoire specifically recognized the respective target peptides with high efficacy. However, we failed to detect any neo-splicetope specific T cell response when testing the in vivo neo-splicetope generation and obtained no experimental evidence that the putative KRAS(G12V)- and RAC2(P29L)-derived neo-splicetopes were naturally processed and presented. Furthermore, only the putative RAC2(P29L)-derived neo-splicetopes was generated by in vitro PCPS. The experiments pose severe questions on the notion that available algorithms or the in vitro PCPS reaction reliably simulate in vivo splicing and argue against the general applicability of an algorithm-driven 'reverse immunology' pipeline for the identification of cancer-specific neo-splicetopes

    Efficacy, Retention, and Tolerability of Brivaracetam in Patients With Epileptic Encephalopathies: A Multicenter Cohort Study From Germany

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of brivaracetam (BRV) in a severely drug refractory cohort of patients with epileptic encephalopathies (EE).Method: A multicenter, retrospective cohort study recruiting all patients treated with EE who began treatment with BRV in an enrolling epilepsy center between 2016 and 2017.Results: Forty-four patients (27 male [61%], mean age 29 years, range 6 to 62) were treated with BRV. The retention rate was 65% at 3 months, 52% at 6 months and 41% at 12 months. A mean retention time of 5 months resulted in a cumulative exposure to BRV of 310 months. Three patients were seizure free during the baseline. At 3 months, 20 (45%, 20/44 as per intention-to-treat analysis considering all patients that started BRV including three who were seizure free during baseline) were either seizure free (n = 4; 9%, three of them already seizure-free at baseline) or reported at least 25% (n = 4; 9%) or 50% (n = 12; 27%) reduction in seizures. An increase in seizure frequency was reported in two (5%) patients, while there was no change in the seizure frequency of the other patients. A 50% long-term responder rate was apparent in 19 patients (43%), with two (5%) free from seizures for more than six months and in nine patients (20%, with one [2 %] free from seizures) for more than 12 months. Treatment-emergent adverse events were predominantly of psychobehavioural nature and were observed in 16%.Significance: In this retrospective analysis the rate of patients with a 50% seizure reduction under BRV proofed to be similar to those seen in regulatory trials for focal epilepsies. BRV appears to be safe and relatively well tolerated in EE and might be considered in patients with psychobehavioral adverse events while on levetiracetam

    Efficacy, Retention and Tolerability of Everolimus in Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: A Survey-Based Study on Patients’ Perspectives

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    Background The approval of everolimus (EVE) for the treatment of angiomyolipoma (2013), subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (2013) and drug-refractory epilepsy (2017) in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) represents the first disease-modifying treatment option available for this rare and complex genetic disorder. Objective The objective of this study was to analyse the use, efficacy, tolerability and treatment retention of EVE in patients with TSC in Germany from the patient’s perspective. Methods A structured cross-age survey was conducted at 26 specialised TSC centres in Germany and by the German TSC patient advocacy group between February and July 2019, enrolling children, adolescents and adult patients with TSC. Results Of 365 participants, 36.7% (n = 134) reported the current or past intake of EVE, including 31.5% (n = 115) who were taking EVE at study entry. The mean EVE dosage was 6.1 ± 2.9 mg/m2 (median: 5.6 mg/m2, range 2.0–15.1 mg/m2) in children and adolescents and 4 ± 2.1 mg/m2 (median: 3.7 mg/m2, range 0.8–10.1 mg/m2) in adult patients. An early diagnosis of TSC, the presence of angiomyolipoma, drug-refractory epilepsy, neuropsychiatric manifestations, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, cardiac rhabdomyoma and overall multi-organ involvement were associated with the use of EVE as a disease-modifying treatment. The reported efficacy was 64.0% for angiomyolipoma (75% in adult patients), 66.2% for drug-refractory epilepsy, and 54.4% for subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. The overall retention rate for EVE was 85.8%. The retention rates after 12 months of EVE therapy were higher among adults (93.7%) than among children and adolescents (88.7%; 90.5% vs 77.4% after 24 months; 87.3% vs 77.4% after 36 months). Tolerability was acceptable, with 70.9% of patients overall reporting adverse events, including stomatitis (47.0%), acne-like rash (7.7%), increased susceptibility to common infections and lymphoedema (each 6.0%), which were the most frequently reported symptoms. With a total score of 41.7 compared with 36.8 among patients not taking EVE, patients currently being treated with EVE showed an increased Liverpool Adverse Event Profile. Noticeable deviations in the sub-items ‘tiredness’, ‘skin problems’ and ‘mouth/gum problems’, which are likely related to EVE-typical adverse effects, were more frequently reported among patients taking EVE. Conclusions From the patients’ perspective, EVE is an effective and relatively well-tolerated disease-modifying treatment option for children, adolescents and adults with TSC, associated with a high long-term retention rate that can be individually considered for each patient. Everolimus therapy should ideally be supervised by a centre experienced in the use of mechanistic target of rapamycin inhibitors, and adverse effects should be monitored on a regular basis

    Entwicklung und Validierung eines Pilotenassistenzsystems für das Konfigurationsmanagement eines modernen Verkehrsflugzeuges

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein Pilotenassistenzsystem für das Konfigurationsmanagement eines modernen Verkehrsflugzeuges entwickelt und validiert. Das Ziel eines solchen Systems ist es, neuartige lärm- und verbrauchsarme Anflugverfahren präzise und sicher durchführen zu können. Dazu erfolgt zunächst eine Analyse von verschiedenen Untersuchungen zur Realisierung und Fliegbarkeit dieser Verfahren. Anhand dessen werden die Ursachen in Bezug auf die bordseitige Flugführung dargestellt, die zur Flugbahnabweichung und Sicherheitsgefährdung führen. Um den derzeitigen Stand der aktuellen Technik anzugeben, werden ein Standard-Anflugverfahren und die betreffenden Bedienelemente am Beispiel eines Airbus A320 erläutert, sowie moderne Displays beschrieben, die die vertikale Flugbahn anzeigen. Mit Hilfe dieser Erkenntnisse und unter Berücksichtigung der herausgearbeiteten Kriterien für die Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle werden die Anforderungen erstellt und ein Konzept-Design entworfen. Mit geeigneten Entwicklungswerkzeugen wird ein vertikales Situationsdisplay in Verbindung mit akkustischen Hinweisen programmiert, das Konfigurationshinweise zu erfoderlichen Landeklappen- und Fahrwerkstellung sowie Flugpfadwinkeln beinhaltet. Das Assistenzsystem wird schließlich in die Simulationsumgebung des Instituts FT implementiert. Um die Wirksamkeit des entworfenen Assistenzsystems zu überprüfen, erfolgt ein Simulatorversuch mit acht Probanden. Dazu werden ein geeignetes Landeverfahren und Versuchsmethoden ausgewählt. Die dabei aufgezeichneten Konfigurationsparameter sowie Probandeninterviews und Beobachtungen führen zu der Bewertung der Konfigurationsgenauigkeit, Arbeitsbeanspruchung und Benutzerakzeptanz. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass ein Display mit geeigneten Hinweisen zur Flugzeugkonfiguration mit Unterstützung durch akustische Hinweise dazu beiträgt, dass die Konfigurationsgenauigkeit erhöht wird und die Arbeitsbeanspruchung reduziert werden kann