1,487 research outputs found

    Criminal Law: Defendants\u27 Rights

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    Phylogenetic relationships among the Chromatiaceae, their taxonomic reclassification and description of the new genera Allochromatium, Halochromatium, Isochromatium, Marichromatium, Thiococcus, Thiohalocapsa, and Thermochromatium

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    Sequences of the 16S rDNA from all available type strains of Chromatium species have been determined and were compared to those of other Chromatiaceae, a few selected Ectothiorhodospiraceae and Escherichia coli. The clear separation of Ectothiorhodospiraceae and Chromatiaceae is confirmed. Most significantly the sequence comparison revealed a genetic divergence between Chromatium species originated from freshwater sources and those of truly marine and halophilic nature. Major phylogenetic branches of the Chromatiaceae contain (i) marine and halophilic species, (ii) freshwater Chromatium species together with Thiocystis species and (iii) species of the genera Thiocapsa and Amoebobacter as recently reclassified [Guyoneaud, R. & 6 other authors (1988). Int J Syst Bacteriol 48, 957-964], namely Thiocapsa roseopersicina, Thiocapsa pendens (formerly Amoebobacter pendens), Thiocapsa rosea (formerly Amoebobacter roseus), Amoebobacter purpureus and Thiolamprovum pedioforme (formerly Amoebobacter pedioformis). The genetic relationships between the species and groups are not in congruence with the current classification of the Chromatiaceae and a reclassification is proposed on the basis of 16S rDNA sequence similarity supported by selected phenotypic properties. The proposed changes include the transfers of Chromatium minus and Chromatium violascens to Thiocystis minor comb. nov. and Thiocystis violascens comb. nov., of Chromatium vinosum, Chromatium minutissimum and Chromatium warmingii to the new genus Allochromatium as Allochromatium vinosum comb. nov., Allochromatium minutissimum comb. nov., and Allochromatium warmingii comb. nov., of Chromatium tepidum to the new genus Thermochromatium as Thermochromatium tepidum comb. nov., of Chromatium salexigens and Chromatium glycolicum to the new genus Halochromatium as Halochromatium salexigens comb. nov. and Halochromatium glycolicum comb. nov., of Chromatium gracile and Chromatium purpuratum to the new genus as Marichromatium gracile comb. nov. and Marichromatium purpuratum comb. nov., of Thiocapsa pfennigii to Thiococcus pfennigii gen. nom. rev., of Thiocapsa halophila to the new genus Thiohalocapsa as Thiohalocapsa halophila comb. nov., and of Chromatium buderi to the new genus Isochromatium as Isochromatium buderi comb. nov

    Rhodobium gokarnense sp. nov., a novel phototrophic alphaproteobacterium from a saltern

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    A pink-pigmented, phototrophic, purple nonsulfur bacterium, strain JA173T, was isolated in pure culture from a saltern in Gokarna, India, in a medium containing 2 % (w/v) NaCl. Strain JA173T was a non-motile Gram-negative rod that multiplied by budding. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain JA173T clusters with the class Alphaproteobacteria; highest sequence similarity (98 %) was to the type strain of Rhodobium orientis and 94 % similarity was observed to the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the type strain of Rhodobium marinum. However, DNA–DNA hybridization with R. orientis DSM 11290T revealed a relatedness value of only 35.1 % with strain JA173T. Strain JA173T contained lamellar internal membranes, bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series. Strain JA173T had an obligate requirement for NaCl (optimum growth at 2–6 %, w/v) and grew photoheterotrophically with a number of organic compounds as carbon source or electron donor. Photoautotrophic, chemoautotrophic and fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. Yeast extract was required for growth. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, DNA–DNA hybridization data and morphological and physiological characteristics, strain JA173T is sufficiently different from other species of the genus Rhodobium to be recognized as a representative of a novel species, Rhodobium gokarnense sp. nov. The type strain is JA173T (=ATCC BAA-1215T=DSM 17935T=JCM 13532T)

    A polynomial training algorithm for calculating perceptrons of optimal stability

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    Recomi (REpeated COrrelation Matrix Inversion) is a polynomially fast algorithm for searching optimally stable solutions of the perceptron learning problem. For random unbiased and biased patterns it is shown that the algorithm is able to find optimal solutions, if any exist, in at worst O(N^4) floating point operations. Even beyond the critical storage capacity alpha_c the algorithm is able to find locally stable solutions (with negative stability) at the same speed. There are no divergent time scales in the learning process. A full proof of convergence cannot yet be given, only major constituents of a proof are shown.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 4 EPS figure

    Analysis of High Dimensional Data from Intensive Care Medicine

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    As high dimensional data occur as a rule rather than an exception in critical care today, it is of utmost importance to improve acquisition, storage, modelling, and analysis of medical data, which appears feasable only with the help of bedside computers. The use of clinical information systems offers new perspectives of data recording and also causes a new challenge for statistical methodology. A graphical approach for analysing patterns in statistical time series from online monitoring systems in intensive care is proposed here as an example of a simple univariate method, which contains the possibility of a multivariate extension and which can be combined with procedures for dimension reduction

    Thiophaeococcus mangrovi gen. nov., sp. nov., a photosynthetic marine gammaproteobacterium isolated from Bhitarkanika mangrove forest, India

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    A coccoid, phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium was isolated in pure culture from a mud sample collected from brackish water in the Bhitarkanika mangrove forest of Orissa, India, in a medium containing 2 % NaCl (w/v). This bacterium, strain JA304T, was Gram-negative and had a requirement for NaCl. Intracellular photosynthetic membranes were of the vesicular type. The colour of the phototrophically grown culture was saddle-brown. Bacteriochlorophyll a and the carotenoid lycopene were present as photosynthetic pigments. Strain JA304T was able to grow photolithoautotrophically and could photoassimilate a number of organic substrates. Yeast extract was required for growth of strain JA304T. The DNA G+C content was 68.1–68.9 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons indicate that the isolate represents a member of the Chromatiaceae within the class Gammaproteobacteria. According to sequence comparison data, strain JA304T is positioned distinctly outside the group formed by the four genera Thiocystis, Chromatium, Allochromatium and Thermochromatium, with only 86.7–91.0 % sequence similarity. Distinct morphological, physiological and genotypic differences from these previously described taxa support the classification of this isolate as a representative of a novel species in a new genus, for which the name Thiophaeococcus mangrovi gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Thiophaeococcus mangrovi is JA304T (=JCM 14889T =DSM 19863T). PABA, para-aminobenzoic acid The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain JA304T is AM748925. A phase-contrast micrograph and whole-cell absorption spectrum and an acetone spectrum of extracted pigments of strain JA304T are available as supplementary material with the online version of this paper

    Delineation of Soil Boundaries Using Image Enhancement and Spectral Signature Classification of Landsat Data

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    The concept of using satellite data for soils inventories began with the advent of the first ERTS launch in 1972. Landsat data can be useful in a field survey, if it satisfies one or both of two requirements: the products must improve the accuracy of the survey and/or it must expedite the survey. These goals can be achieved by creating products that enhance and delineate soil surface features that would not necessarily identify specific soil types but rather provide a spatial boundary that a field scientist could observe and evaluate. A 250,000 acre tract of semiarid rangeland in east central Utah was selected as the study area. A June 13, 1977 Landsat scene was chosen for analysis. The color composite combined with such ancillary data as geologic maps and topographic quadrangles aided in partitioning the study site in to areas of physiographic homogeneity. A principle components transformation was performed on the data and a uniform contrast stretch was applied to the unaltered spectral bands and the transformed axes. The contrast stretch increased the dynamic tonal range of the data, and created as many as 32 different tonal classes. Various color combinations and a number of density slices were evaluated for their interpretability. A spectral signature classification of the June scene was developed using both supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms. A canonical analysis was then performed on the thematic maps to improve class separability for image enhancement. The more promising image products were geometrically corrected, scaled to 1:24,000, and merged with data digitized from a partially completed soils map. The resulting map allowed comparisons between soil lines drawn by a field soil mapper and the classes defined by computer analysis. Both the enhanced images and the spectral classification maps aided in the delineation of soil boundaries. Enhanced images are inexpensive to generate and, as no subjective class groupings are made, have the added quality of objectivity. The spectral classification maps defined surface characteristics that could be used to help separate soil units. A cost analysis for the individual products and an indepth field evaluation is being completed

    Marichromatium bheemlicum sp. nov., a non-diazotrophic photosynthetic gammaproteobacterium from a marine aquaculture pond

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    A rod-shaped, phototrophic, purple sulfur bacterium, strain JA124(T), was isolated in pure culture from a marine aquaculture pond, located near Bhimunipatnam, in a medium that contained 3 % NaCl (w/v). Strain JA124(T) is a Gram-negative, motile rod with a single polar flagellum. Strain JA124(T) has a requirement for NaCl, with optimum growth at 1.5-8.5 %, and tolerates up to 11 % NaCl. Intracellular photosynthetic membranes are of the vesicular type. Bacteriochlorophyll a and probably carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series are present as photosynthetic pigments. Strain JA124(T) was able to utilize sulfide, sulfate, thiosulfate, sulfite, thioglycollate and cysteine as sulfur sources. Strain JA124(T) was able to grow photolithoautotrophically, photolithoheterotrophically and photo-organoheterotrophically. Chemotrophic and fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. Strain JA124(T) lacks diazotrophic growth and acetylene reduction activity. Pyridoxal phosphate is required for growth. During growth on reduced sulfur sources as electron donors, sulfur is deposited intermediately as a number of small granules within the cell. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain JA124(T) clusters with species of the genus Marichromatium belonging to the class Gammaproteobacteria. The highest sequence similarities of strain JA124(T) were found with the type strains of Marichromatium indicum (98 %), Marichromatium purpuratum (95 %) and Marichromatium gracile (93 %). However, DNA-DNA hybridization with Marichromatium indicum DSM 15907(T) revealed relatedness of only 65 % with strain JA124(T). The DNA base composition of strain JA124(T) was 67 mol% G+C (by HPLC). Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, morphological and physiological characteristics and DNA-DNA hybridization studies, strain JA124(T) (=ATCC BAA-1316(T)=JCM 13911(T)) is sufficiently different from other Marichromatium species to merit its description as the type strain of a novel species, Marichromatium bheemlicum sp. nov

    The impact of constructive operating lease capitalisation on key accounting ratios

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    Current UK lease accounting regulation does not require operating leases to be capitalised in the accounts of lessees, although this is likely to change with the publication of FRS 5. This study conducts a prospective analysis of the effects of such a change. The potential magnitude of the impact of lease capitalisation upon individual users' decisions, market valuations, company cash flows, and managers' behaviour can be indicated by the effect on key accounting ratios, which are employed in decision-making and in financial contracts. The capitalised value of operating leases is estimated using a method similar to that suggested by Imhoff, Lipe and Wright (1991), adapted for the UK accounting and tax environment, and developed to incorporate company-specific assumptions. Results for 1994 for a random sample of 300 listed UK companies show that, on average, the unrecorded long-term liability represented 39% of reported long-term debt, while the unrecorded asset represented 6% of total assets. Capitalisation had a significant impact (at the 1% level) on six of the nine selected ratios (profit margin, return on assets, asset turnover, and three measures of gearing). Moreover, the Spearman rank correlation between each ratio before and after capitalisation revealed that the ranking of companies changed markedly for gearing measures in particular. There were significant inter-industry variations, with the services sector experiencing the greatest impact. An analysis of the impact of capitalisation over the five-year period from 1990 to 1994 showed that capitalisation had the greatest impact during the trough of the recession. Results were shown to be robust with respect to key assumptions of the capitalisation method. These findings contribute to the assessment of the economic consequences of a policy change requiring operating lease capitalisation. Significant changes in the magnitude of key accounting ratios and a major shift in company performance rankings suggest that interested parties' decisions and company cash flows are likely to be affected

    Taxonomic rearrangements of the genera Thiocapsa and Amoebobacter on the basis of 16S rDNA sequence analyses and description of Thiolamprovum gen. nov.

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    Complete nucleotide sequences of the 16S rDNAs were determined from Thiocapsa and Amoebobacter species, including all available type strains and some additional isolates. The distance-matrix analysis and the dendrogram for estimating the genetic relationships revealed that the investigated strains were found in two major clusters within the Chromatiaceae. One cluster comprises all Amoebobacter species, Thiocapsa roseopersicina and several isolates related to Thiocapsa roseopersicina. Representatives of the species Amoebobacter roseus, Amoebobacter pendens and Thiocapsa roseopersicina, the so called ‘Thiocapsa roseopersicina group’, are very closely related, justifying their inclusion into one genus, Thiocapsa, for which an emended description is presented. Amoebobacter purpureus and Amoebobacter pedioformis formed two separate lines of descent with less than 93% (89·6–92·9%) similarity to strains of the ‘Thiocapsa roseopersicina group’. Therefore, they will be considered as two separate genera. As a consequence, an emended description is presented for the genus Amoebobacter, with Amoebobacter purpureus as the new type species and A. pedioformis is transferred to Thiolamprovum pedioforme gen. nov., comb. nov. Two species, Thiocapsa pfennigii and Thiocapsa halophila, which have been classified with the genus Thiocapsa because of their morphological properties, were found within another major cluster of the Chromatiaceae and are only distantly phylogenetically related to the first cluster with 88·4–90·6% and 90·4–92·2% sequence similarity, respectively
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