36 research outputs found

    Piscicultura do pirarucu, Arapaima gigas.

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    Crescimento e produção de pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, sob diferentes densidades de estocagem em associação com bĂșfalas leiteiras.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar quatro densidades de estocagem de pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) e identificar a que proporcione melhor desempenho produtivo em ganho de peso e comprimento, para viabilizar o seu cultivo intensivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa, durante 360 dias, utilizando as densidades de cinco, dez, quinze, 20 peixes por 100mÂČ de viveiro, fornecendo-se tilapias vivas como alimento, capturadas em acude de manejo de bufalas leiteiras, equivalente a 6% do peso vivo dos peixes, durante quatro dias por semana. Os animais foram agrupados aleatoriamente em quatro tratamento e duas repeticoes. Os dados foram analisados com base na aplicacao do modelo exponencial de crescimento, tendo sido obtidas as expressoes matematicas para cada densidade de estocagem. Foram feitas analises de regressao linear simples. O crescimento em peso e comprimento do pirarucu varia de acordo com a sua taxa de estocagem, entretanto, ate 120 dias de cultivo nao houve diferenca em peso nas quatro densidades estudadas. Os valores do coeficiente angular da relacao peso/comprimento do pirarucu demonstram que o seu crescimento e do tipo alometrico. O comprimento total maximo foi de 107,66 cm e peso total maximo de 13,43 kg, na densidade de cinco peixes/100m2. Entretanto, a maior biomassa, de 85,69 kg/100mÂČ, foi a observada na densidade de 10 peixes/100mÂČ, o que indica como sendo a mais adequada para utilizacao em cultivo intensivo. O excelente desenvolvimento ponderal do pirarucu indica o potencial de cultivo dessa especie, em sistema intensivo de criacao associada com bufalas leiteiras.Dissertação (Mestrado em CiĂȘncia Animal) - Universidade Federal do ParĂĄ, BelĂ©m, PA. Orientador: Jose de Brito Lourenço Junior, CPATU

    Rendimento de carne de pirarucu, Arapaima gigas (Cuvier).

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    Computational Relativistic Astrophysics With Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Testbeds

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    We have carried out numerical simulations of strongly gravitating systems based on the Einstein equations coupled to the relativistic hydrodynamic equations using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techniques. We show AMR simulations of NS binary inspiral and coalescence carried out on a workstation having an accuracy equivalent to that of a 102531025^3 regular unigrid simulation, which is, to the best of our knowledge, larger than all previous simulations of similar NS systems on supercomputers. We believe the capability opens new possibilities in general relativistic simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 16 figure

    Cultivo de tamuatĂĄ, Hoplosternum littorale, em ĂĄgua fertilizada com esterco de bĂșfalo.

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    Slice Stretching at the Event Horizon when Geodesically Slicing the Schwarzschild Spacetime with Excision

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    Slice-stretching effects are discussed as they arise at the event horizon when geodesically slicing the extended Schwarzschild black-hole spacetime while using singularity excision. In particular, for Novikov and isotropic spatial coordinates the outward movement of the event horizon (``slice sucking'') and the unbounded growth there of the radial metric component (``slice wrapping'') are analyzed. For the overall slice stretching, very similar late time behavior is found when comparing with maximal slicing. Thus, the intuitive argument that attributes slice stretching to singularity avoidance is incorrect.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, published version including minor amendments suggested by the refere

    Challenges and Opportunities in Finfish Nutrition

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    Much of the criticism leveled at aquaculture (e.g., dependency on animal-derived feedstuffs, nutrient-laden effluent discharges, and increased organic contamination in edible products) can be traced to the feeds in use. Accordingly, finfish nutritionists are being challenged to formulate feeds that not only meet the nutritional requirements of livestock but also minimize production costs, limit environmental impacts, and enhance product quality. These challenges not only add considerable complexity to finfish nutrition but also afford opportunities to avoid some of the mistakes made by other industries in the past. From a review of the current status of finfish nutrition with respect to major nutrient classes, we comment on future opportunities and promising avenues of research. Alternative protein sources, specifically those derived from marine bycatch, plants, and microbes, are discussed, as well as methods to facilitate their implementation in finfish feeds. Dietary lipid, its role in fish bioenergetics and physiology, and quality of aquaculture products is reviewed with special emphasis on alternative lipid sources and finishing diets. Carbohydrates and fiber are discussed in terms of nutrient-sparing, least-cost diet formulation and digestive physiology. Micronutrients are reviewed in terms of current knowledge of requirements and, along with other dietary immunostimulants, are given further consideration in a review of nutriceuticals and application in finfish feeds. The status of nutritional research in new aquaculture species is also outlined. By integrating classical approaches with emerging technologies, dietary formulations, and species, finfish nutritionists may identify means to increase production efficiency and sustainability and provide for the continued success of aquaculture

    Biomassa sustentĂĄvel de juvenis de pirarucu em tanques-rede de pequeno volume

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the sustainable biomass of pirarucu Arapaima gigas (Cuvier, 1829) juveniles kept in small volume net cages. During 200 days four 1-m3 net cages were stocked with 21 fish/cage and had an initial total biomass of 0.84±0.14 kg (21 fish/cage). The net cages were placed in a 50-m2 pond with constant water flow. Conditioning factor, feed conversion, specific growth rate and gain showed that the sustainable biomass of pirarucu juveniles for intensive rearing in 1-m 3 net cages was approximately 29 kg. Fish length at the end of the trial, in relation to the reduced net cage space, was a limiting factor to obtain good biological indices