106 research outputs found

    Why do firms appoint former military personnel as directors? Evidence of loan interest rate in militarily connected firms in Indonesia

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    Purpose - Anecdotal evidence shows that a number of military personnel have been appointed as board members by listed firms in Indonesia. Taking advantage of the unique setting of the strong influence of the military in Indonesian politics, the purpose of this paper is to provide direct empirical evidence on the effect of military connections on interest rate for listed firms in Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach - This study uses a sample of 1,818 firm-year observations of firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2004 to 2012 and employs Heckman's two-stage regression and Coarsened Exact Matching methods to address endogeneity concerns on the firms' establishment of military connections. Findings - The finding reveals that connected firms significantly enjoy lower interest rates on debt than non-connected ones. These findings are robust to several robustness checks. Research limitations/implications - The results of this study should be treated with caution since the proxy of military connections limited only based on board connections. Hence, this may underestimate the results from this study. This research has implications for Indonesia's regulators who are striving to improve accounting information and transparency of militarily connected firms. Originality/value - The results of this study add to the literature that connected firms enjoy preferential benefits provided by the connections through lower interest charges from banks

    Pengaruh Chief Financial Officer Berlatar Belakang Akuntan terhadap Audit Fee

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    This study aims to examine the association between accountant Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and audit fee. This study also aims to examine whether accountant CFO affects audit fee when firms have high ratio of leverage, inventory and receivable, and cash. This study uses Ordinary Least Square Regression analysis model to test its hypothesis. The sample consists of 699 firm-year observations covering the period 2010 to 2017. The result shows that accountant CFO is not associated with audit fee, but when leverage is high, accountant CFO is negatively and significantly related to audit fee. This study also finds that accountant CFO doesn’t affect audit fee when inventory and receivable ratio is high, but it has significant negative effect on audit fee when firm has high ratio of cash. This study has implications as consideration in making decisions, regarding expertise and background of finance director related to audit fee when firms have high ratio of leverage and cash

    The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Integrated Reporting

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    Research aims: The objective of this research is to investigate the level of integrated reporting information disclosure in the annual reports of non-financial public listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2017 to 2018, as well as its relationship with corporate governance that measured by the independent board, the board size, board gender diversity, and types of the external audit firm, whether a corporate audited by Big-4 accounting public firm or non-Big-4 accounting public firm.Design/Methodology/Approach: In this research, the authors utilized a total of 936 observations. The analysis used in this research is using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression.Research findings: This research showed that corporations with a higher number of independent board members and a bigger board size are disclosing a higher level of integrated reporting information. However, the authors did not find a significant correlation between board gender diversity and audit firm types on the level of Integrated Reporting information disclosure.Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This research contributes to adding to the literature of integrated reporting disclosure theory.Practitioner/Policy implication: Hopefully, the findings can give the policy-maker a comprehensive picture of the relationship between corporate governance and integrated reporting disclosure.Research limitation/Implication: The limitation of this paper is the measurement of Integrated Reporting disclosure that was conducted using content analysis by word count was done manually which may contain subjectivity of the authors

    The Influence of Industrial Specialization Auditor on Audit Report Lag

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    This study aimed at analyzing the impact of Industrial specialization auditor on audit report lag and how the related party transaction affects the relationship between Industrial specialization auditor and audit report lag. This study used 1,897 observations from 353 different firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2017. Industrial specialization auditor was measured using market share based on total assets. This study used an Ordinary Least Square Regression analysis model. This study found that firms audited by the industrial specialization auditors had shorter audit report lag. This study also found that firms with high disclosure of the related party transactions had shorter audit report lag and those audited by the industrial specialization auditors belonging to the related party transactions did not extend (shorten) the audit report lag. These results indicate that firms audited by the industrial specialization auditors influenced the audit report lag; firms with high disclosure of the related party transactions influenced the audit report lag; and firms audited by the industrial specialization auditors belonging to high related party transactions did not influence the audit report lag. The implication of this study can be used by the firm management as a consideration in selecting the auditors

    Related-Party Transactions and Audit Fees

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    This research aims to analyze the association between the related-party transactions and audit fees. This study used 781 observations listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2017. The analysis technique used in this research was the Ordinary Least Square Regression analysis model processed with STATA 14.0 software.  This study found that related-party transactions are positively and significantly related to audit fees. The result indicated that the related-party transactions increase audit fees paid by companies. It also investigated the moderating effect of industry specialty auditors. This indicated that auditor specialization strengthened the relationship between the related-party transactions and audit fees. The market share proxy was used to measure industry specialization. However, this proxy still has disadvantages as it can generate different market shares. This study found that related-party transactions increased audit fees. The results of this study can be used as consideration in making decisions for related parties

    CEO Duality, Ownership, and Readability of Financial Statement Footnotes: Some Evidence from Indonesia

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    This study examines the association between CEO duality, CEO ownership and financial footnotes readability. The data were collected from 1,469 non-financial firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2010 and 2018. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, this study unveiled a negative and significant relationship between CEO duality and financial statement footnotes. In addition, the relationship between CEO ownership and financial statement footnotes is positive and significant. Furthermore, this indicates that CEO duality expands the embarrassment and provokes opportunistic behaviour from the CEO to prioritize personal interests by exploiting potential company resources to weaken the independence of the CEO. Hence, the readability of financial footnotes is undecipherable. On the other hand, CEO ownership is more responsible for improving corporate performance, so more financial statement footnotes are readable. Therefore, this study contributes to the literature on seeking the understanding of the readability of a firm's written communication in emerging countries

    Relationship Between CEO Power and Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesian Non-Financial Companies

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    This research aims to examine the relationship between the CEO power and firm value of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2014-2018 period. The samples are 322 observations and selected through purposive sampling method. Data was analyzed using multiple linear analysis methods. The results uncovered that ownership power, expert power and prestige power have a positive relationship with firm value. The most probable reasons could be that CEO share ownership encourages better decision-making process that contribute to enhanced corporate value. A longer tenure as a CEO signals high professionalism and expertise of the CEO that led to improved decision quality made by the CEO

    A new paradigm of Luca Pacioli’s bookkeeping on blockchain phenomenon

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    AbstractThe objective of this study is to examine the double and triple entry bookkeeping related to blockchain technology bookkeeping. The data we obtained for 30 articles from the database we searched for were provided by major publishers (Elsevier (www.sciencedirect.com), Emerald (www.emeraldinsight.com), Springer (www.springerlink.com), and Wiley (www. wiley.com)) and by service libraries (Complete Business Resources and Web of Science). We show the thoughts of philosopher Foucault regarding the power of knowledge, which will be associated with the phenomenon of the triple-entry and double-entry bookkeeping system paradigms. In addition, we document the blockchain technology has changed the paradigms of both bookkeeping systems. The novelty in this article is the implementation of the philosopher Foucault's thought in the paradigm of the triple-entry and double-entry bookkeeping systems. Our study contributes to expanding the existing literature by providing some arguments and findings regarding the blockchain bookkeeping systems and the future research agenda.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pembukuan double dan triple-entry yang terkait dengan pembukuan teknologi blockchain. Data yang kami peroleh adalah 30 artikel dari database penerbit besar (Elsevier (www.sciencedirect.com), Emerald (www.emeraldinsight.com), Springer (www.springerlink.com), dan Wiley (www.wiley.com)) dan dari perpustakaan layanan (Sumber Daya Bisnis Lengkap dan Web of Science). Kami tunjukkan pemikiran filsuf Foucault mengenai kekuatan pengetahuan, yang akan dikaitkan dengan fenomena paradigma sistem pembukuan triple-entry dan double-entry. Selain itu, kami mendokumentasikan teknologi blockchain telah mengubah paradigma kedua sistem pembukuan tersebut. Kebaruan dalam artikel ini adalah implementasi pemikiran filsuf Foucault dalam paradigma sistem pembukuan triple-entry dan double-entry. Studi kami berkontribusi untuk memperluas literatur yang ada dengan memberikan beberapa argumen dan temuan mengenai sistem pembukuan blockchain dan agenda penelitian di masa depan

    Political connections: a literature review approach

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the key finding of corporate politicalconnections research. This study used 61 previous studies related tocorporate political connections to develop a structured literature review. Itwas found that most studies were conducted in developing countries as theyprovided a unique institutional setting for conduct political connectionsresearch. In addition, a political connection is used as independentvariables and the previous studies focuses on three related topics, whichare corporate performance, corporate action, and loan and special rights.Literature review study become more important nowadays, as the numberof empirical quantitative research amount has been increased lately. Thisanalysis also has research and practical implementation for researcher,practitioners, and regulators
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