6,195 research outputs found

    Accretion physics of AM Herculis binaries, I. Results from one-dimensional stationary radiation hydrodynamics

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    We have solved the one-dimensional stationary two-fluid hydrodynamic equations for post-shock flows on accreting magnetic white dwarfs simultaneous with the fully frequency and angle-dependent radiative transfer for cyclotron radiation and bremsstrahlung. Magnetic field strengths B = 10 to 100 MG are considered. At given B, this theory relates the properties of the emission region to a single physical parameter, the mass flow density (or accretion rate per unit area). We present the normalized temperature profiles and fit formulae for the peak electron temperature, the geometrical shock height, and the column density of the post-shock flow. The results apply to pillbox-shaped emission regions. With a first-order temperature correction they can also be used for narrower columns provided they are not too tall.Comment: 10 pages with 10 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. The source file contains Table 1a/b in ASCII forma

    Ricci-flat deformation of orbifolds and localized tachyonic modes

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    We study Ricci-flat deformations of orbifolds in type II theory. We obtain a simple formula for mass corrections to the twisted modes due to the deformations, and apply it to originally tachyonic and massless states in several examples. In the case of supersymmetric orbifolds, we find that tachyonic states appear when the deformation breaks all the supersymmetries. We also study nonsupersymmetric orbifolds C^2/Z_{2N(2N+1)}, which is T-dual to N type 0 NS5-branes. For N>=2, we compute mass corrections for states, which have string scale tachyonic masses. We find that the corrected masses coincide to ones obtained by solving the wave equation for the tachyon field in the smeared type 0 NS5-brane background geometry. For N=1, we show that the unstable mode representing the bubble creation is the unique tachyonic mode.Comment: 20 pages, minor collection

    Global symmetries and 't Hooft anomalies in brane tilings

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    We investigate the relation between gauge theories and brane configurations described by brane tilings. We identify U(1)_B (baryonic), U(1)_M (mesonic), and U(1)_R global symmetries in gauge theories with gauge symmetries in the brane configurations. We also show that U(1)_MU(1)_B^2 and U(1)_RU(1)_B^2 't Hooft anomalies are reproduced as gauge transformations of the classical brane action.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figure

    Enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant due to spin pumping in noncollinear ferromagnet/nonmagnet/ferromagnet trilayer systems

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    We analyzed the enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant due to spin pumping in non-collinear ferromagnet / non-magnet / ferromagnet trilayer systems. We show that the Gilbert damping constant depends both on the precession angle of the magnetization of the free layer and on the direction of the magntization of the fixed layer. We find the condition to be satisfied to realize strong enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Symmetry of `molecular' configurations of interacting electrons in a quantum dot in strong magnetic fields

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    A molecular description for magic-number configurations of interacting electrons in a quantum dot in high magnetic fields developed by one of the authors has been elaborated for four, five and six electron dots. For four electrons, the magic spin-singlet states are found to alternate between two different resonating valence bond (RVB)-like states. For the five-electron spin-polarized case, the molecular description is shown to work for the known phenomenon of magic-number sequences that correspond to both the N-fold symmetric ring configuration and a (N1)(N-1)-fold symmetric one with a center electron. A six-electron dot is shown here to have an additional feature in which inclusion of quantum mechanical mixing between classical configurations, which are deformed and degenerate, restores the N-fold symmetry and reproduces the ground-state energy accurately.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in Physisca

    Decoherence of localized spins interacting via RKKY interaction

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    We theoretically study decoherence of two localized spins interacting via the RKKY interaction in one-, two-, and three-dimensional electron gas. We derive the kinetic equation for the reduced density matrix of the localized spins and show that energy relaxation caused by singlet-triplet transition is suppressed when the RKKY interaction is ferromagnetic. We also estimate the decoherence time of the system consisting of two quantum dots embedded in a two dimensional electron gas.Comment: 4pages, 2figure

    Vertically coupled double quantum dots in magnetic fields

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    Ground-state and excited-state properties of vertically coupled double quantum dots are studied by exact diagonalization. Magic-number total angular momenta that minimize the total energy are found to reflect a crossover between electron configurations dominated by intra-layer correlation and ones dominated by inter-layer correlation. The position of the crossover is governed by the strength of the inter-layer electron tunneling and magnetic field. The magic numbers should have an observable effect on the far infra-red optical absorption spectrum, since Kohn's theorem does not hold when the confinement potential is different for two dots. This is indeed confirmed here from a numerical calculation that includes Landau level mixing. Our results take full account of the effect of spin degrees of freedom. A key feature is that the total spin, SS, of the system and the magic-number angular momentum are intimately linked because of strong electron correlation. Thus SS jumps hand in hand with the total angular momentum as the magnetic field is varied. One important consequence of this is that the spin blockade (an inhibition of single-electron tunneling) should occur in some magnetic field regions because of a spin selection rule. Owing to the flexibility arising from the presence of both intra-layer and inter-layer correlations, the spin blockade is easier to realize in double dots than in single dots.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B1

    Supergiant Barocaloric Effects in Acetoxy Silicone Rubber over a Wide Temperature Range: Great Potential for Solid-state Cooling

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    Solid-state cooling based on caloric effects is considered a viable alternative to replace the conventional vapor-compression refrigeration systems. Regarding barocaloric materials, recent results show that elastomers are promising candidates for cooling applications around room-temperature. In the present paper, we report supergiant barocaloric effects observed in acetoxy silicone rubber - a very popular, low-cost and environmentally friendly elastomer. Huge values of adiabatic temperature change and reversible isothermal entropy change were obtained upon moderate applied pressures and relatively low strains. These huge barocaloric changes are associated both to the polymer chains rearrangements induced by confined compression and to the first-order structural transition. The results are comparable to the best barocaloric materials reported so far, opening encouraging prospects for the application of elastomers in near future solid-state cooling devices.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    In-shock Cooling in Numerical Simulations

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    We model a one-dimensional shock-tube using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and investigate the consequences of having finite shock-width in numerical simulations. We investigate the cooling of gas during passage through the shock for different cooling regimes. For a shock temperature of 10^5K, the maximum temperature of the gas is much reduced and the cooling time was reduced by a factor of 2. At lower temperatures, we are especially interested in the production of molecular Hydrogen and so we follow the ionization level and H_2 abundance across the shock. This regime is particularly relevent to simulations of primordial galaxy formation for halos in which the virial temperature of the galaxy is sufficiently high to partially re-ionize the gas. The effect of in-shock cooling is substantial: the maximum temperature the gas reaches compared to the theoretical temperature was found to vary between 0.15 and 0.81 for the simulations performed. The downstream ionization level is reduced from the theoretical level by a factor of between 2.4 and 12.5, and the resulting H_2 abundance was found to be reduced to a fraction of 0.45 to 0.74 of its theoretical value. At temperatures above 10^5K, radiative shocks are unstable and will oscillate. We reproduce these oscillations and find good agreement with the previous work of Chevalier and Imamura (1982), and Imamura, Wolff and Durisen (1984). The effect of in-shock cooling in such shocks is difficult to quantify, but is undoubtedly present.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 7 figure

    Exact solution for the stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    We obtain the first exact solution for the stationary one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. A formula for the distribution of the height is given in terms of a Fredholm determinant, which is valid for any finite time tt. The expression is explicit and compact enough so that it can be evaluated numerically. Furthermore, by extending the same scheme, we find an exact formula for the stationary two-point correlation function.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure