3,750 research outputs found

    The Analysis Of Lexicogramatical Features Among English Second Learner's Texts

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    This research has found that the pattern of ranks employed across the level of texts reveal a gradual development; from simple to complex. Namely, in the level of morphology, it shows that the texts develop from limited into varieduse of derivational and inflectional morphemes. This is in line with clause level of analysis in which we find its significant progress from simple clause to clause complex. Furthermore, the analysis of written language in term ofgrammatical function is one of Systematic Functional Grammar (SFG) contribution in language education. It can be a tool used by teachersand educators in assessingstudents' language competences, especially in regard with students' syntactic control over language. It can be expected to be an application of assessment that can provide a fundamental overview on how the assessed texts progress and develop. Meanwhile, another implication to language teaching is that it can provide an important view that teachers can rely on when deciding what level of topic leaningsthat suit their students

    Environmental Dynamic, Business Strategy, and Financial Performance: an Empirical Study of Indonesian Property and Real Estate Industry

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    Firm’s strategic orientation involves synchronizing environmental dynamics, corporate strategy and capital structure in order to achieve firm performance targets. The co-alignment model used successfully in the hospitality industry might be used in a wider context as a framework in explaining these relationships simultaneously. Using the data of public firms in Indonesia during the period of 1996-2010, we found that co-alignment model can be implemented in property and real estate industry as well as in hospitality industry

    Study of Art Plaza Circulation Theory and Shape of Art Plaza

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    The circulation system is a vital linking infrastructure that connects various activities and uses land on an area and inside a building that considers functional, economic, flexibility and comfort aspects. The explanation of this theory emphasizes the uniqueness of the building itself. So that there are various shapes of buildings in an effort to adjust to environmental conditions, climate, and natural surroundings. As a result, the resulting building has a special shapeation in accordance with the idea of an architect

    A Comparative Study On Anglo And Non-anglo Academic Discourse

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    This article showed that Anglo dialogic academic discourse cannot be separated from several aspects such as linear, more personal, writer responsible and focus on form. This writing convention isunderpinned by cultural tradition. Anglo community is influenced by democratic thought pattern belong to Socrates, who stressed the writing as a medium of negotiating meaning and creating knowledge and truth.. Meanwhile, the monologic discourse is found to be produced in non-Anglo communities which have no long democracy tradition. This academic discourse is characterized by impersonal tone, digressiveness, reader responsible and focus on content.. It encourages writer to use writing as a medium of showing knowledge, in which reader do not necessarily need to be guided in explicit and direct way, and assuming that they are intelligent human whom there is nothing much to be directed, guided and explained

    Pengaturan Lampu Taman LED RGB Berbasis Arduino yang Dilengkapi Solar Cell

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    Pada saat ini perkembangan teknologi sudah semakin canggih. Dari waktu ke waktu perkembangan teknologi terus saja berkembang, dari teknologi yang semula menggunakan obor, petromaks, lampu pijar, lampu gas, hingga sampai ke lampu LED (Light Emiting Dioda). Semua lampu – lampu tersebut dibuat untuk membantu manusia untuk melakukan aktifitas di malam hari. Penggunaan lampu led pada masa kini banyak kita jumpai karena selain dapat digunakan untuk pencahayaan di malam hari dan juga lampu led dapat menghemat energi listrik dibandingkan dengan lampu pijar dan lampu gas.Penggunaan lampu LED RGB( Light Emiting Dioda Red, Green, Blue) ini dapat dikontrol menggunakan remote untuk pengubahan warnanya dan sebagai receivernya menggunakan TSOP 1738. Penggunaan lampu LED RGB ini dilengkapi dengan LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) untuk otomatisasi lampu pada waktu malam dan pagi hari, sedangkan untuk processornya menggunakan arduino duemilanove. Sebagai sumber tegangan menggunakan battery 12V yang dilengkapi dengan solar cell untuk charger battery. Penggunaan lampu LED RGB( Light Emiting Dioda Red, Green, Blue) dapat menerima sinyal dari remote dengan jarak 10 meter dan dapat memancarkan cahaya berwarna merah, biru, hijau, dan kombinasinya. Di waktu malam hari lampu ini dapat langsung menyala dan mati di waktu pagi hari. Lampu LED RGB ini dilengkapi dengan solar cell yang digunakan untuk mencharger aki/battery yang berfungsi sebagai power supply ke board arduino

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Bermain Drama dengan Metode Role Playing pada Kelompok Teater Kenes SMPN 4 YOGYAKARTA

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    This research aims to improve the skills of Teater Kenes SMPN 4 Yogyakarta in performing the drama with the “Role Playing” method. This method is one of the various methods used in the study of Drama Performance. One of the advantages of utilizing this method is to help students in solving their personal problems. Role Playing provides the opportunity for students to determine their personal problems, then do some experiment in various ways to resolve the problems when it occurs.This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research is Teater Kenes, SMPN 4 Yogyakarta involving 10 students. This study consists of two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation of the learning activities. Analyses are performed with a qualitative descriptive technique that is supported by quantitative data. The validity of the data obtained through validity (processes, products, democratic, and dialogue) and reliability.The results shown that the method of Role Playing can improve playing skills in Teater Kenes SMPN 4 Yogyakarta. The ability of the students in role-play before their implementation of measures categorized is considered as Below Average Category. However, after the implementation of the action during the two cycles, the ability of the students in the drama belongs to Good Category. It is based on the observation of students from Pre-Action with the arithmetic mean value of 17.6 (29.33%), the first cycle of 21.1 (35.17%), and the second cycle the average value of count to 37, 6 (62.67%). The ability to play drama of the students from Pre-Action to the second cycle is increased by 20 (33.34%). Moreover, the process of learning to play the drama is also increased. Prior to the implementation of the action, the students were not stimulated to play a role, less active, and were hesitate to make a move so that the target is less than standard. After the implementation of the action, students become more daring, active in learning, and they are not hesitate to make a move, even they are able to improvise. It can be seen from the observation during the learning process of Pre-Action with the arithmetic mean value of 7.6 (38%), the first cycle of 9.6 (48%), and the second cycle the average value of count to 17, 2 (86%). Thus, the process of learning to play the drama of Pre-Action to the second cycle is increased by 9.6 (48%)

    Protein Expression Er (Estrogen Receptor) in Breast Cancer Degree of Malignancy Mild, Moderate, and Severe

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    Introduction: Mammary carcinoma is the most common Malignancy and main mortality cause in women. Hormonal status (ER and PR expression) was long used as patient suitability for hormonal therapy. However, lately there have been many patients with ER and PR negative. This study wanted to prove the relevance of protein expression of ER (estrogen receptor) with the histopathological degree of Malignancy of breast invasive ductal cancer and the prognosis of breast cancer with ER protein expression of positive and negative. Method: In this retrospective and cross sectional analytical study retrieved data about hormonal status (ER expression) and histopathological grading of infiltrating ductal carcinoma patients. This study consisted of 201 patients with mammary carcinoma who referred to medical records Department Pathology Anatomic of Faculty Medicine Airlangga University/Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya on 1 January 2010–31 December 2010 and their medical record suitable with inclusion criterias. The data was categorized into several groups based on the ER expression result. Results: Most of the sample was in 41–50 year age group (37.31%), and 54,7% of them were in poor expression. The relationship of estrogen receptor (ER) with the degree of histopathology infiltrating ductal carcinoma patients, obtained p-value = 0.001 (p < 0.5) and the 2 × 2 table is only moderate and severe degrees compared with the results of ER expression results obtained p = 0.001 (p < 0.5) and odds ratio of 0.362 (CI: 0194-0675). Discussion: This study found significant correlation between ER expression with histopathological grading of infiltrating ductal carcinoma patients

    Peran Pendidikan Islam Dalam Mewujudkan Kerukunan Antarumat Beragama

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