10 research outputs found

    Usporedba hranidbenog i funkcionalnog potencijala sirupa od rogača sa sirupima od datulja i javora

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    Research background. The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is grown primarily for its seeds that are utilized in the production of the highly prized locust bean gum. The material left after the separation of seeds from the pods is utilized in the production of a range of traditional products including carob syrup, usually in cottage-type industries. The international market penetration of carob syrups is rather limited and, accordingly, scant information exists on their composition and phytochemical properties compared to mainstream syrups. The present study aims to determine key chemical parameters, phenolic profiles and antioxidant properties of carob syrups and benchmark these against those of date and maple syrups. Experimental approach. Carob syrups were prepared from 19 accessions of the carob, under laboratory conditions, by a similar procedure to those practiced by small-scale producers. The pH, browning index, the content of proteins, minerals, hydroxymethylfurfural, sugar composition, total phenols, antioxidant capacity and phenolic profiles of the produced syrups along with branded samples of date and maple syrups were analyzed. Results and conclusions. The pH and sugar composition of the carob syrups were comparable to those of date and maple syrups. In general, the carob syrups contained more proteins, minerals, phenolic acids, flavonoids and total phenols, and exhibited higher antioxidant capacity than the date and maple syrups. The carob syrups exhibited excessive browning and contained more, or comparable content of hydroxymethylfurfural, than the date and maple syrups. The data indicate that carob syrups provide more nutrients and possess superior antioxidant potential to date and maple syrups. The high contents of the carcinogenic hydroxymethylfurfural of the carob syrups warrant milder heating regimens in the concentration step during production. Novelty and scientific contribution. In contrast to studies based on commercial and/or homemade syrups, this work utilized a relatively large number of laboratory-prepared samples for creating a robust database for carob syrup. The results indicated that carob syrups possess superior health promotion and disease prevention effects than the widely traded date and maple syrups. In addition to their potential positive contribution to public health, carob syrups have been shown to be promising candidates for bolstering the economic returns of farmers in carob-producing countries.Pozadina istraživanja. Stablo rogača (Ceratonia siliqua L.) se uzgaja primarno zbog sjemenki koje se koriste u proizvodnji visoko cijenjene karuba gume. Materijal koji zaostaje nakon izdvajanja sjemenki iz mahuna koristi se za proizvodnju različitih tradicijskih proizvoda poput sirupa od rogača, najčešće u kućnoj proizvodnji. Probitak na međunarodno tržište je ograničen, pa su i informacije o sastavu i fitokemijskim svojstvima ovog proizvoda nedostatne u usporedbi s komercijalnim sirupima. Svrha je ovoga rada bila odrediti glavne kemijske parametre, fenolni profil i antioksidacijska svojstva sirupa od rogača, te ih usporediti s onima sirupa od datulja i javora. Eksperimentalni pristup. Sirupi od rogača su pripremljeni u laboratorijskim uvjetima od 19 uzoraka rogača, i to postupkom sličnim onima koje koriste mali proizvođači. U dobivenim sirupima te u komercijalnim sirupima od javora i datulje ispitani su: pH-vrijednost, indeks posmeđivanja, udjeli proteina, mineralnih tvari i hidroksimetilfurfurala, sastavi šećera i ukupnih fenola, antioksidacijska sposobnost i fenolni profil. Rezultati i zakjučci. Vrijednosti pH i sastav šećera dobivenih sirupa od rogača bili su slični onima sirupa od datulja i javora. Sirupi rogača su općenito imali veće udjele proteina, mineralnih tvari, fenolnih kiselina, flavonoida i ukupnih fenola, te izraženiju antioksidacijsku aktivnost od sirupa od javora i datulja. Vrijednosti indeksa posmeđivanja sirupa od rogača su bile visoke, a u usporedbi sa sirupima od datulja i javora sadržavali su više ili otprilike jednako hidroksimetilfurfurala. Dobivene vrijednosti pokazuju da sirupi od rogača imaju veći udjel hranjivih tvari i bolji antioksidacijski potencijal od sirupa od datulja i javora. Zaključeno je da bi zbog velikog udjela kancerogenog hidroksimetilfurfurala u sirupu od rogača temperatura zagrijavanja tijekom zgušnjavanja trebala biti niža. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Za razliku od istraživanja koja koriste komercijalne uzorke i/ili one domaće proizvodnje, u ovom je radu korišten relativno velik broj uzoraka pripremljenih u laboratoriju radi izrade sveobuhvatne baze podataka o sirupu od rogača. Rezultati pokazuju da sirupi od rogača imaju pozitivniji učinak na zdravlje od na tržištu znatno više zastupljenih sirupa od datulja i javora. Osim njihovog potencijalnog pozitivnog učinka na zdravlje ljudi, sirupi od rogača mogu povećati prihod uzgajivača rogača

    Dough mixing properties and white pita bread sensory characteristics as affected by salt reduction

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    In an attempt to reduce the salt intake from bread consumption while maintaining acceptable sensory bread characteristics, three treatments (NaCl, Ag-NaCl, and NaCl-KCl) each having five different salt levels were used to formulate fifteen versions of white pita bread. Results showed that decreasing salt levels significantly lowered dough stability and time to breakdown and increased the mixing tolerance index. Bread acceptability was independent of salt content; however, ratings on the Just-About-Right scale showed 0.9% NaCl as optimal salt level in bread. Breads with lower salt content had higher ratings for sweetness, yeasty odour, and flavour with decreased saltiness perception. Amount of 0.67% Ag-NaCl and 1.13% NaCl-KCl were needed to achieve an equivalent saltiness to 0.9% NaCl, suggesting a respective 25.6% and 12.1% sodium reduction without compromising taste. Results suggested that a 60% sodium reduction in white pita bread was achieved with acceptable mixing and sensory characteristics

    Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of the Lebanese Community toward Food Adulteration

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    Food adulteration is the purposeful act of decreasing the quality of food goods offered for sale, whether by adding or replacing inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient. A limited number of studies have explored the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) concerning food adulteration in Lebanon. The objectives of the present study were to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of identifying adulteration in the process of food purchase by Lebanese adult consumers, and to identify factors associated with food adulteration. An online survey (n = 499) was administered among Lebanese adults aged 18 years and above. Results showed that the majority had a low food adulteration knowledge score (73.1%). During shopping, fewer than half of the participants checked the ingredients (42%) and nutrition facts label (33.9%). Regression analyses showed that six predictors were significantly associated with participants’ knowledge scores including gender, age, marital status, education (undergraduate and master degree) and employment status (student). The results of this study show that knowledge and practices of identifying adulteration in the process of food purchase by consumers are lacking among most respondents. Increasing knowledge, awareness and motivation to identify food adulteration products during food shopping will empower consumers to improve buying practices, especially for the public with a lower level of education

    Isolation, molecular characterization and antibiotic resistance patterns of Salmonella and Escherichia coli Isolates from meat-based fast food in Lebanon

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    The aim of this study was to characterize at the molecular level the different stains of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli that were isolated from meat-based fast food in Lebanon. In addition, this study evaluated the resistance of those strains to different antimicrobials that are commonly used. The foods included were Lahm-bi-Ajeen (LBA, meat pies) and Shawarma (Lebanese meat sandwiches similar to Gyros and Donairs, containing meat, vegetables, and sesame seeds-oil-based sauce). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to characterize and identify the strains of both bacteria. Salmonella species characterization was performed using rfb genes cluster genetic marker, while that of E. coli strains were carried out based on stx1, stx2, eaeA, fliC, and ehlyA virulence markers. The characterized strains were then tested for their response to various antimicrobials. The results showed that the tested foods were contaminated with Salmonella paratyphi (serogroup A) and Shiga Toxin (Stx)-producing E. coli (STX-EC). The PCR showed that 75% of E. coli tested strains was positive in PCR performed with stx1 primers, one of which was eaeA positive. Two of the tested strains were positive using PCR with fliC primers.The resistances of the various strains were evaluated using the following antimicrobials: Oxacillin, Teicoplanin, Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Gentamicin, Clindamycin, Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime, Erythromycin, and Vancomycin. Bacteria were highly resistant to one or more of the tested antimicrobials. Approximately 69% of E. coli and 77.8% of Salmonella spp. exhibited resistance. Salmonella spp. were shown to be 100% resistant to four antimicrobials: Oxacillin, Teicoplanin, Clindamycin, Vancomycin, and Erythromycin, while E. coli was 100% resistant to Teicoplanin and Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. The most interesting findings were the high susceptibility of the E. coli to Gentamicin (100%). Highest resistance in the case of Salmonella spp. was seen against Cefotaxime (74%). Those two antimicrobials are commonly used for the treatment of enteric infections caused by gram-negative bacteria. The results showed that meat-based fast foods in Lebanon could be a public health hazard, especially Shawarma, as they may act as a potential vehicle for many antimicrobial-resistant pathogenic organisms. Improper hygienic standards and indiscriminate use of antimicrobials are two of the main causes for the prevalence of these pathogenic resistance strains in Lebanon. These results will emphasize the need to implement protective measures and more emphasis will be placed on the application of hygienic practices to reduce the levels of food contaminatio