453 research outputs found

    Plasmacytoma of the Breast: A Report of a Rare Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Extramedullary plasma cells tumours are rare. Much more rarer is their occurance in the breast tissue. Our aim is to report a single case of this very rare lesion (at least from an African  perspective) that we incidentally diagnosed histopathologically as a primary extramedullary lesion in a 53 year old woman.CASE DEATILS: Clinical records of a 53 year old postmenopausal woman was referred from a secondary health centre to our clinic with a three weeks’ history of right breast lump were reviewed. There was no associated pain, nipple discharge, weight loss or systemic symptoms nor was there a previous history of  trauma or surgery to the breast. On examination: two discrete lumps measuring 3x2 and 2 x 1.5cm in the upper medial quadrant of the right breast were identified. The lumps were firm, irregular in shape, not  attached to the skin or underlying tissues. Tentative diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the breast was  made, with a differential as fat necrosis. A wide excision biopsy was done four days later for histology,  after an inconclusive cytological examination of smear of which the result revealed plasmacytosis. The  liver function test, Plasma proteins electrophoresis, electrolytes, urea, creatinine, bicarbonate and pelvic X-rays, and abdomino-pelvic ultrasonography were normal. Bence Jones proteins were negative in urine. Histology of bone marrow aspirate revealed scanty plasma cells.RESULTS: She received 20mg dexamethasone, 20mg adramycin, and 2mg vincristine intravenously and 200mg of alloperinol daily by mouth for three days before leaving by the 4th treatment day against medical advice for personal reasons.CONCLUSION: This rare lesion should sometimes be considered as a differential diagnosis of a breast lump, as it does not differ from the common lesions clinically, especially in older women.KEYWORDS: Extramedullary, plasmacytoma, primary, breast, lesio

    Sebaran Habitat Perkembangbiakan Larva Anopheles Spp Di Kecamatan Bula, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur, Provinsi Maluku

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan penularan malaria yang masih tinggi terutama di Indonesia Bagian Timur, diantaranya adalah Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur, Provinsi Maluku. Malaria disebabkan oleh parasit protozoa genus Plasmodium yang ditularkan melalui nyamuk Anopheles sp. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sebaran dan karakteristik habitat perkembangbiakan larva Anopheles sp di Kecamatan Bula, Seram Bagian Timur. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode standar WHO dengan 10 kali cidukan pada setiap titik badan air/perairan dengan jumlah kolektor 4 orang . Karakteristik habitat larva Anopheles sp yang diamati meliputi aspek fisik dan biologi perairan. Hasil penelitian menemukan 6 jenis larva Anopheles sp yaitu An. farauti, An. punctulatus, An. subpictus, An. vagus, An. maculatus dan An. indefinitus, pada 8 macam tipe habitat perkembangbiakann. Habitat perkembangbiakan yang ditemukan adalah genangan air bersifat tidak tetap / temporer yaitu pada tapak roda kendaraan berat, lempeng besi yang tidak terpakai dan genangan air di lapangan rumput yang tergenang air hujan dan mangrove yang rusak, selain itu ditemukan pada parit kecil, sungai kecil dengan aliran air yang lambat, kolam dan mata air

    Genomic Organization of Zebrafish microRNAs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>microRNAs (miRNAs) are small (~22 nt) non-coding RNAs that regulate cell movement, specification, and development. Expression of miRNAs is highly regulated, both spatially and temporally. Based on direct cloning, sequence conservation, and predicted secondary structures, a large number of miRNAs have been identified in higher eukaryotic genomes but whether these RNAs are simply a subset of a much larger number of noncoding RNA families is unknown. This is especially true in zebrafish where genome sequencing and annotation is not yet complete.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed the zebrafish genome to identify the number and location of proven and predicted miRNAs resulting in the identification of 35 new miRNAs. We then grouped all 415 zebrafish miRNAs into families based on seed sequence identity as a means to identify possible functional redundancy. Based on genomic location and expression analysis, we also identified those miRNAs that are likely to be encoded as part of polycistronic transcripts. Lastly, as a resource, we compiled existing zebrafish miRNA expression data and, where possible, listed all experimentally proven mRNA targets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Current analysis indicates the zebrafish genome encodes 415 miRNAs which can be grouped into 44 families. The largest of these families (the miR-430 family) contains 72 members largely clustered in two main locations along chromosome 4. Thus far, most zebrafish miRNAs exhibit tissue specific patterns of expression.</p

    Moving beyond the ‘language problem': developing an understanding of the intersections of health, language and immigration status in interpreter-mediated health encounters

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    Health systems internationally are dealing with greater diversity in patient populations. However the focus on ‘the language problem’ has meant little attention is paid to diversity within and between migrant populations; and how interpreted consultations are influenced by intersecting migratory, ethnicity and sociodemographic variables. Our analysis of the experiences of patients, health care providers and interpreters in Scotland evidences the need to move beyond language, addressing multiple hidden inequalities in health care access and provision that operate in both clinic and, especially, home-based settings. We call for a practice-evidenced research agenda promoting cultural communication across health care and home settings, acknowledging immigration status as a social determinant of health. Sur le plan international, des systèmes de santé font face à une diversité croissante dans ses populations de patients. Cependant, l’accent sur ‘le problème de langue’ se traduit dans une manque d’attention à la diversité a l’intérieur même et entre des populations des migrants; et la façon par laquelle des variables migratoire, ethnique et sociodémographique influencent elles-mêmes des consultations interprétées. Notre analyse des expériences des patients, des professionnels fournissant de soins de santé et des interprètes offre des preuves du besoin de dépasser le problème de langue. Et en faisant cela, nous adressons des multiples inégalités, souvent cachées dans des contextes de soins de santé, dans les milieux clinique et domicile. Nous proposons un programme de recherche basé sur la pratique, qui favorise la communication culturelle dans des milieux clinique et domicile, et qui reconnait le statut d’immigration comme un déterminant social de la santé

    Perencanaan Elemen Struktur Baja Berdasarkan Sni 1729:2015

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    Peraturan untuk perencanaan stuktur baja di Indonesia saat ini masih menggunakan SNI 03-1729-2002 yang cukup tertinggal dibanding mancanegara. Peraturan SNI yang terbaru telah dipublikasikan yaitu SNI 1729:2015 yang mengacu kepada AISC 2010. Pada SNI 1729:2015, terdapat metode desain yang baru yaitu Direct Analysis Method (DAM) sebagai alternatif dari Effective Length Method (ELM) yang telah digunakan selama ini. Dengan adanya SNI 1729:2015 yang akan digunakan sebagai peraturan di masa yang akan datang, maka dibutuhkan panduan desain sehingga masyarakat mudah untuk menerapkannya. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah membuat contoh-contoh perhitungan elemen yang menerima tarik, tekan, lentur, geser, kombinasi gaya dan torsi, sambungan, dan membandingkan penerapan Direct Analysis Method (DAM) dan Effective Length Method (ELM) pada struktur sederhana 2D secara LRFD berdasarkan SNI 1729:2015. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi perencana untuk mendesain suatu struktur baja berdasarkan SNI 1729:2015

    Pelatihan Daya Tahan Otot Berbeban ½ Kg 20 Repetisi 3 Set Meningkatkan Frekuensi Pukulan Pendeta Tangan Kiri dan Kanan pada Anggota Pencak Silat Perisai Diri Ranting Sesetan

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    Pencak silat adalah seni beladiri yang membutuhkan konsentrasi tinggi. Komponen biomotorik yang terpenting dikembangkan adalah kekuatan, daya tahan otot, kecepatan waktu reaksi dan koordinasi. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menerapkan pelatihan daya tahan otot untuk meningkatkan frekuensi pukulan pendeta dengan dua tipe pelatihan yaitu, Kelompok 1 melakukan pelatihan daya tahan otot dengan beban dumbbell seberat ½ kg sebanyak 20 repetisi 3 set dan Kelompok 2 melakukan pelatihan daya tahan otot berbeban ½ sebanyak 15 repetisi 4 set. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan frekuensi pukulan pendeta. Perbedaan rerata frekuensi pendeta sebelum pelatihan pada Kelompok 1 26,22 ± 1,21 x/30 detik dan sesudah pelatihan 32,28 ± 1,03 x/30 detik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna p = 0,000 (p&lt;0,05). Rerata frekuensi pukulan pendetasebelum pelatihan pada Kelompok 2 adalah sebesar 26,22 ± 1,56x/30 detik dan sesudah pelatihan 29,56 ± 1,23x/30 detik (p&lt;0,05). Perbedaan frekuensi pukulan sesudah pelatihan antara kedua kelompok juga menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna p = 0,000 (p&lt;0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan daya tahan otot berbeban ½ kg 20 repetisi 3 set lebih meningkatkan dibandingkan pelatihan daya tahan otot berbeban ½ kg 15 repetisi 4 set

    The Influence of Organizational Pried on the Performance of Lecturers in Health at the Nahdlatul Ulama University in Surabaya

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    Pride is needed in individual motivation and performance, because a person will respond to profitable identities, which are relevant to developing members’ psychological sense in the organization, as identification or commitment (Tyler & Blader, 2003). Unusa is a college concentrating on health education programs. Data from Unusa regarding the dharma of conducting research and community service in 2014, found that out of 117 lecturers who had carried out the research, the number had only reached 42,7%, community service was 44,4%. Demonstrating the performance of Unusa lecturers is not optimal. Research objectives, to prove the influence of Organizational Pride on the Performance of Unusa Lecturers. Observational research design, type of explanatory research, using a cross sectional approach. Respondents were 105 lecturers. Independent variables are Organizational Pride. Dependent variables are Lecturer Performance (task performance, contextual performance, adaptive performance, counterproductive work behavior). Data analysis used linear regression test, α = 0.05. The results of the study prove that Organizational Pride influences Lecturer Performance (p = 0.002; b = 0.301). This study shows that Pride of the Organization can play a role in encouraging the increase of Lecturer Performance. The higher the Pride of the Organization ultimately increases the Lecturers’ Performance. Efforts to strengthen the pride of the lecturers, individually and in institutions are carries out through training and SGD (Small Group Discussion) with routine. Finally, it will improve and strengthen the sense of love, belonging and loyal to optimize the performance of the tridharma

    BVLOS UAS Operations in Highly-Turbulent Volcanic Plumes

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    Long-range, high-altitude Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS) operations now enable in-situ measurements of volcanic gas chemistry at globally-significant active volcanoes. However, the extreme environments encountered within volcanic plumes present significant challenges for both air frame development and in-flight control. As part of a multi-disciplinary field deployment in May 2019, we flew fixed wing UAS Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) over Manam volcano, Papua New Guinea, to measure real-time gas concentrations within the volcanic plume. By integrating aerial gas measurements with ground- and satellite-based sensors, our aim was to collect data that would constrain the emission rate of environmentally-important volcanic gases, such as carbon dioxide, whilst providing critical insight into the state of the subsurface volcanic system. Here, we present a detailed analysis of three BVLOS flights into the plume of Manam volcano and discuss the challenges involved in operating in highly turbulent volcanic plumes. Specifically, we report a detailed description of the system, including ground and air components, and flight plans. We present logged flight data for two successful flights to evaluate the aircraft performance under the atmospheric conditions experienced during plume traverses. Further, by reconstructing the sequence of events that led to the failure of the third flight, we identify a number of lessons learned and propose appropriate recommendations to reduce risk in future flight operations
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