404 research outputs found

    Requirements for preparation of accompanying oil gas for small power engineering

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    The possibility of using accompanying oil gas directly at the place of production and conditions meeting the corresponding requirements on fuel quality are grounded

    CINEMA in Linguistic Worldview of Russian North Villagers

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    Folk ideas about cinematic art and cinematography are studied. The recordings of the speech of the inhabitants of the Vologda Territory, made by the author of the article in the period from 1988 to 2021, as well as citation material recorded in the published issues and card file of the Dictionary of Vologda Dialects, are analyzed. A relatively late entry of cinema into the everyday life of the northern village is established (late 60s — 70s of the XX century). The priority of human biological survival in difficult natural conditions determines the attitude towards cinema as a form of spending free time in accordance with the routine of daily and calendar peasant work. The device of the village society serves as a kind of “filter” for the perception of the plotthematic, character and aesthetic components of cinema: the rural viewer perceives the sphere of cinema as bright and attractive, but nevertheless redundant for village life and unsafe for public morality. Only that which is within the circle of interests of the peasant, that is of value or anti-value for him, is verbalized. The traditional nature of the dialectal picture of the world is manifested, on the one hand, in the desire to enter a new form of “urban culture” into the circle of rural entertainment, and on the other hand, in the use of well-established lexical and phraseological means and genre forms in the practice of discussing the subject, axiological and actional components of the cinema sphere

    Transport and Means of Communication in Language Worldview of Vologda Peasant: Traditions and Innovations

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    The article is devoted to the study of records of dialect speech, verbalizing the ideas of rural residents of the Vologda region about the system of transport and means of communication. The object of analysis is the lexical set of names of vehicles and means of communication, as well as the corpus of texts. Informants differentiate roads in detail from the point of view of the possibilities of their use in summer or winter, for walking, skiing, wheeled, sledge, caterpillar, sled, etc. transportation. Many traditional beliefs and customs of dialect speakers are associated with the road. Informants living near navigable rivers and large lakes perceive movement by water as one of the ordinary components of the transport system, while those living far from water bodies treat water transport with caution and prejudice, emphasizing the danger of the water element. The most vivid impressions of dialect speakers about movement in space are associated with air transport. The narrative of this event is clothed in the genre form of a “story-plate”, which occupies an intermediate position between everyday and folklore non-fairy-tale prose. However, such stories, as a rule, tell about the first or only air flight in the life of the informant

    “Be Aware of Dogs!” in Context of Post-Folklore Linguistics

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    The problem of the analysis of polycode texts of mass communication, the functioning of which is determined by their collective authorship, as well as the active variation of their verbal and non-verbal components, while maintaining the plot-thematic, motive and character characteristics associated with specific genres of folk art, is considered. The relevance of such reflections is due to the fact that in the context of the development of Internet communications, the traditions of folk verbal creativity are gaining new life, including with the support of the technological capabilities of convergent media. The focus of this work is a corpus of texts that implement the motive of the ban on entering a certain territory. The analysis of polycode content in this article is carried out in the context of reflections on post-folklore as a special area of folk art of modern man, the distinctive properties of post-folklore texts and the practices of their linguistic analysis existing in modern science. It is shown that texts that have the characteristic properties of postmodernism culture (secondary, precedent, irony, game mode) and network culture (multimedia, intertextuality and interactivity) can be attributed to the field of network folklore and analyzed as Internet memes that continue the traditions of folk pictures, popular prints and other forms of creative polycode texts of non-author’s communication

    Tale of Verlioka in Speech Culture of Belozerye and in Repertoire of Language Personality

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    The article is devoted to the study of the speech culture of the European North of Russia. Records of the tale of Verlioka, made in Belozerye, from the words of one informant twenty years apart, are being investigated. The conditions of existence of fairy tales, genre affiliation, plot organization, compositional structure, language specifics are considered. The conditions of fairy tales existence, genre affiliation, plot organization, compositional structure, language specifics are considered. It is shown that this character, who is marginal and has very blurred characteristics in the East Slavic territory (O. A. Cherepanova), is the antagonist of the main character, differs in the abnormality / monostructure of the body structure (the presence of only one eye) and cannibalism. It is noted that with all the textual discrepancies, the plot is built around the destruction and its elimination with the help of the main character’s magic helpers (rope / belt, acorn, wand), which in a collision with the antagonist show their miraculous properties. The author concludes that the linguistic features of the fairy tale records are determined by the territorial specificity of the storyteller’s speech and his desire to entertain the interlocutors (in the first version of the record) or to reflect the memories of his family and his native village as fully as possible (in the second version)

    Verbs with the Meaning ‘Change Facial Expression to Denoting Negative Emotions’ in Dictionary of Dialect Speaker

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    The material for the article was the author’s dictionary of a resident of the Ust-Tsilemsky district of the Komi Republic. The author of the article dwells on the characteristics of the verbs grouped on the basis of a common meaning ‘to change a neutral facial expression to denoting negative emotions’. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the considered group of dialectal verbs has not previously attracted the attention of researchers. The author notes that the form of the headword of the verbs in the author’s dictionary is conditioned both by the structure of a person’s memory and by their very lexical meaning, which contains a qualitative shade of perfect meaning. It is emphasized that the verbs are either not recorded in “professional” dialectal dictionaries, or their other meanings are noted in them. The author proceeds from the fact that dictionaries compiled by non- professional lexicographers are valuable in determining the lexical composition of a dialect and clarifying the meanings of dialectisms. It is concluded that the verbs of this group are differently active in the memory of the dialect speaker: the word istravitsya is recorded in the vocabulary variants several times and turns out to be used for a large number of situations, other lexemes turn out to be less frequent and more specific in their relevance to the described circumstances. It has been proven that verbs have a transparent inner form, including specially described motivational features of words that are thematically related to the means of one code — culinary and gastronomic

    Microwave properties of Nb/PdNi/Nb trilayers. Observation of flux flow in excess of Bardeen-Stephen theory

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    We combine wideband (1-20 GHz) Corbino disk and dielectric resonator (8.2 GHz) techniques to study the microwave properties in Nb/PdNi/Nb trilayers, grown by UHV dc magnetron sputtering, composed by Nb layers of nominal thickness dSd_S=15 nm, and a ferromagnetic PdNi layer of thickness dFd_F= 1, 2, 8 and 9 nm. We focus on the vortex state. Magnetic fields up to Hc2H_{c2} were applied. The microwave resistivity at fixed H/Hc2H/H_{c2} increases with dFd_F, eventually exceeding the Bardeen Stephen flux flow value.Comment: 6 pages. Submitted to Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetis

    The quaternary mammals from Kozhamzhar locality (Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan)

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    A new locality of fossil mammals near Kozhamzhar in Pavlodar Priirtysh Region has been described. The article provides the description of the quaternary sediments section found in the outcrop near Kozhamzhar. In the Karginian Age (MIS 3) alluvial deposits of the described locality we found the remains of Elasmotherium sibiricum, Mammuthus ex gr. trogontherii-chosaricus, Mammuthus primigenius, Bison sp. AMS Radiocarbon dating of the Elasmotherium skull gave a young age-26038±356 BP (UBA-30522). The skull of Elasmotherium sibiricum exceeds in size the skull of the mammals from Eastern Europe. The lower jaw of the elephant, considering the size and the morphology of the last dentition teeth, is very close to that of Mammuthus trogontherii chosaricus

    Meaning and Use of the Words DOBROVOLETS and VOLUNTEER in the Russian Language (according to the Russian National Corpus)

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    The observations on the meaning and use of the words dobrovolets and volunteer in the Russian language in different historical periods in legal and non-legal contexts are presented in the article. It is shown that if in the language of documents these words act today as absolute synonyms, then in a non-terminological context they differ from each other by the components of lexical meanings, which must be determined to clarify the use of these lexical units in speech. The relevance of addressing the stated pair of words is due to a question that arises, for example, to reporters: in which case it is better to use the word dobrovolets , and in which - volunteer . To solve this problem, an attempt was made to highlight the history of the formation and development of the semantic structure of the words dobrovolets and volunteer, as well as to identify and describe the distinctive semantic features of the considered lexemes in modern Russian language. The study is carried out mainly on the basis of the Russian National Corpus. Using frequency diagrams of the use of words at different time intervals, on the thematic sections of the texts in which they are found, according to their compatibility with adjectives, the author describes the semantic differences of the lexical units of dobrovolets and volunteer

    Антибактеріальна активність ліпофільних комплексів підмаренників по відношенню до мікроорганізмів родини Enterobacteriaceae

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    A high level of antibiotic resistance of representatives of Escherichia, Proteus, Klebsiella, Shigella and Salmonella genus makes urgent and prospective the search of new substances that are active in relation to these microorganisms. For the first time the antibacterial activity of lipophilic complexes of biologically active substances (BAS) from bedstraw species of the Ukrainian flora in relation to 11 test strains of Enterobacteriaceae family has been found. The lipophilic complex of Galium cruciata herb (Cruciata laevipez) revealed the highest activity against the test cultures. Microorganisms of Escherichia, Klebsiella and Salmonella genus were highly sensitive (MIC was 31.25 μg/ml; MBC was 62.5 μg/ml), test strains of Proteus and Shigella showed a moderate sensitivity to this lipophilic complex (MIC – 125 μg/ml; MBC – 250 μg/ml). All the test strains revealed a low sensitivity to the lipophilic complexes of BAS from Galium verum and Galium salicifolium herbs. The range of microorganisms sensitivity can be an indirect argument for systematic transfer of cruciform bedstraw to Cruciata genus under the name of Cruciata laevipez. Впервые установлена антибактериальная активность липофильных комплексов биологически активных ве- ществ (БАВ) видов рода подмаренник флоры Украины по отношению к 11 тест-штаммам семейства Entero-bacteriaceae. Наибольшую активность в отношении исследуемых культур микроорганизмов проявил липофильный комплекс травы подмаренника крестообразного (круциаты гладенькой). Установлено, что микроорганизмы родов Escherichia, Klebsiella и Salmonella являются высокочувствительными, тест-штаммы Proteus и Shigella – среднечувствительными к липофильному комплексу травы подмаренника крестообразного. По отношению к липофильным комплексам БАВ травы подмаренника настоящего и подмаренника иволистного все исследуемые тест-штаммы были малочувствительны. Диапазон чувствительности микроорганизмов может служить непрямым аргументом системного отнесения подмаренника крестовидного к роду круциата под названием «Круциата гладенькая».Вперше встановлено антибактеріальну активність ліпофільних комплексів біологічно активних речовин (БАР) видів роду підмаренник флори України по відношенню до 11 тест-штамів родини Enterobacteriaceae. Найбільшу активність до досліджуваних культур мікроорганізмів проявив ліпофільний комплекс трави підмаренника хрещатого (круціати гладенької). Встановлено, що мікроорганізми родів Escherichia, Klebsiella та Salmonella є високочутливими, тест-штами Proteus та Shigella – середньочутливими до ліпофільного комплексу трави підмаренника хрещатого. По відношенню до ліпофільних комплексів БАР трави підмаренника справжнього та підмаренника верболистого усі досліджувані тест-штами були малочутливими. Діапазон чутливості мікроорганізмів може служити непрямим аргументом системного перенесення підмаренника хрещатого до роду Круціата під назвою «Круціата гладенька»