255 research outputs found

    About aims of education: true and false

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    Статья посвящена сопоставлению истинных и ложных целей воспитания. В качестве истинных рассматриваются чувства благоговения, стыда и жалости, выделенные В. Соловьевым. А ложные — это цели, на которые направлено воспитание у современных родителей. Истинность и ложность определяется полученным результатом.The article is devoted comparison of veritable and false aims of education. As true senses of awe are examined, shame and pity, selected of V. Solovyov. And false are aims on which education is directed for modern parents. Truth and falsity is determined the got result

    Trivial improvements of predictive skill due to direct reconstruction of global carbon cycle

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    State-of-the-art carbon cycle prediction systems are initialized from reconstruction simulations in which state variables of the climate system are assimilated. While currently only the physical state variables are assimilated, biogeochemical state variables adjust to the state acquired through this assimilation indirectly instead of being assimilated themselves. In the absence of comprehensive biogeochemical reanalysis products, such approach is pragmatic. Here we evaluate a potential advantage of having perfect carbon cycle observational products to be used for direct carbon cycle reconstruction. Within an idealized perfect-model framework, we define 50 years of a control simulation under pre-industrial CO2 levels as our target representing observations. We nudge variables from this target onto arbitrary initial conditions 150 years later mimicking an assimilation simulation generating initial conditions for hindcast experiments of prediction systems. We investigate the tracking performance, i.e. bias, correlation and root-mean-square-error between the reconstruction and the target, when nudging an increasing set of atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial variables with a focus on the global carbon cycle explaining variations in atmospheric CO2. We compare indirect versus direct carbon cycle reconstruction against a resampled threshold representing internal variability. Afterwards, we use these reconstructions to initialize ensembles to assess how well the target can be predicted after reconstruction. Interested in the ability to reconstruct global atmospheric CO2, we focus on the global carbon cycle reconstruction and predictive skill. We find that indirect carbon cycle reconstruction through physical fields reproduces the target variations on a global and regional scale much better than the resampled threshold. While reproducing the large scale variations, nudging introduces systematic regional biases in the physical state variables, on which biogeochemical cycles react very sensitively. Global annual surface oceanic pCO2 initial conditions are indirectly reconstructed with an anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) of 0.8 and debiased root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.3 ppm. Direct reconstruction slightly improves initial conditions in ACC by +0.1 and debiased RMSE by −0.1 ppm. Indirect reconstruction of global terrestrial carbon cycle initial conditions for vegetation carbon pools track the target by ACC of 0.5 and debiased RMSE of 0.5 PgC. Direct reconstruction brings negligible improvements for air-land CO2 flux. Global atmospheric CO2 is indirectly tracked by ACC of 0.8 and debiased RMSE of 0.4 ppm. Direct reconstruction of the marine and terrestrial carbon cycles improves ACC by 0.1 and debiased RMSE by −0.1 ppm. We find improvements in global carbon cycle predictive skill from direct reconstruction compared to indirect reconstruction. After correcting for mean bias, indirect and direct reconstruction both predict the target similarly well and only moderately worse than perfect initialization after the first lead year. Our perfect-model study shows that indirect carbon cycle reconstruction yields satisfying initial conditions for global CO2 flux and atmospheric CO2. Direct carbon cycle reconstruction adds little improvements in the global carbon cycle, because imperfect reconstruction of the physical climate state impedes better biogeochemical reconstruction. These minor improvements in initial conditions yield little improvement in initialized perfect-model predictive skill. We label these minor improvements due to direct carbon cycle reconstruction trivial, as mean bias reduction yields similar improvements. As reconstruction biases in real-world prediction systems are even stronger, our results add confidence to the current practice of indirect reconstruction in carbon cycle prediction systems

    Results of investigation of muon fluxes of superhigh energy cosmic rays with X-ray emulsion chambers

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    The overall data from the investigation of the cosmic ray muon flux in the range of zenith angles (0-90) deg within the energy range (3.5 to 5.0) TeV is presented. The exposure of large X-ray emulsion chambers underground was 1200 tons. year. The data were processe using the method which was applied in the experiment Pamir and differred from the earlier applied one. The obtained value of a slope power index of the differential energy spectrum of the global muon flux is =3.7 that corresponds to the slope of the pion generation differential spectrum, gamma sub PI = 2.75 + or - .04. The analysis of the muon zenith-angular distribution showed that the contribution of rapid generation muons in the total muon flux agree the best with the value .2% and less with .7% at a 90% reliability level

    Vitamins A and E in Some Hunting Animals of Karelia

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    The aim of the study – to analyze the epidemiological features of brucellosis, prevalence, morbidity of the population, clinical course, diagnostics in nowadays in Ukraine and other countries on the basis of actual li­terature data.Results. The research was carried out and the data on the morbidity of brucellosis of farm animals and humans in Ukraine and other countries were presented. The increase in the incidence of brucellosis in the population is due to the epizootic process in private farms as a consequence of the weakening of veterinary control. In Ukraine, for almost 25 years, brucellosis of farm animals is not recorded. Among individuals, isolated cases of brucellosis have been confirmed. The epidemiology of ailments has been changed under the influence of mo­dern socio-economic factors and migration processes, as well as the discovery of new species of brucellosis and their natural reservoirs. The formation of disease cells in areas previously free of brucellosis, as a result of transboundary infection.Мета дослідження: на підставі даних сучасної літератури проаналізувати епідеміологічні особливо­сті бруцельозу, поширеність, захворюваність населення, клінічний перебіг, діагностику в умовах сьогодення в Україні та інших країнах.Результати. Проведено дослідження та наведені дані про захворюваність на бруцельоз сільськогосподарських тварин і людей в Україні та інших країнах. Зростання захворюваності на бруцельоз населення пов’язано з епізоотичним процесом у приватних господарствах як наслідок послаблення ветеринарного контролю. В Україні майже 25 років не реєструється бруцельоз сільськогосподарських тварин. Серед людей підтверджені поодинокі завезені випадки бруцельозу. Змінилась епідеміологія недуги під впливом сучасних соціально-економічних чинників і міграційних процесів, а також відкриття нових видів бруцел та їх природних резервуарів. Відмічається формування осередків хвороби на територіях, раніше вільних від бруцельозу, внаслідок транскордонного занесення інфекції


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    In the Sumy region recorded 4 species opistorhid: Opisthorchis felineus, Pseudamphistomum truncatum, Metorchis bilis і Metorchis xanthosomus. Established that cell opistorhidoziv in terms of the study area are linked primarily to small rivers. Marit opistorhid in natural ecosystems Sumy region recorded 5 species of carnivorous mammals. In Sumy region anthropogenic ecosystems leading role in the circulation opistorhid play house cats. The assessment of infection carp fish metatserkariyamy opistorhid. Established that dominant in terms of infection and accumulation metatserkariy opistorhid are 3 types of fish, carp, roach, bleak and scardinius. Opisthorchiasis runs mostly latent. On the manifest forms of the disease is often cholecystitis (78.6 %). З маніфестних форм хвороби найчастіше виявляється холецистит (78,6 %). A key role in the diagnosis of chronic opisthorchiasis has koproovoskopiya (100 %). Risk groups constitute fishermen and their families (71.9 %). The main factor of transmission is salted and dried fish.На території Сумської області зареєстровано 4 види опісторхід: Opisthorchis felineus, Pseudamphisto­mum truncatum, Metorchis bilis і Metorchis xanthosomus. Встановлено, що осередки опісторхідозів в умовах досліджуваної території прив’язані, в першу чергу, до малих річок. Марити опісторхід у природних екосистемах Сумської області зареєстровані у 5 видів м’ясоїдних ссавців. В антропогенних екосистемах Сумської області провідну роль у циркуляції опісторхід відіграють домашні коти. Проведена оцінка зараження коропових риб метацеркаріями опісторхід. Встановлено, що домінантними з точки зору зараження і накопичення метацеркарій опісторхід є 3 види коропових риб: плітка, краснопірка і уклейка. Опісторхоз переважно перебігає латентно. З маніфестних форм хвороби найчастіше виявляється холецистит (78,6 %). Вирішальну роль у діагностиці хронічного опісторхозу має копроовоскопія (100 %). Групу ризику складають рибалки та члени їх сімей (71,9 %). Основним фактором передавання є солена та в’ялена риба

    The modulating effect of coat color mutations on the generation and neutralization of reactive oxygen species in the Аmerican mink (Neovison vison) as a model

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    The influence of gene mutations encoding coat color on parameters of reactive oxygen species (RO S) generation and neutralization in six organs of the mink (Neovison vison) was evaluated. The study was conducted with standard dark brown (+/+), monorecessive royal pastel (b/b) and silver-blue (р/р), and direcessive sapphire (a/a р/р) mutant minks. It was found that the functioning of both RO S generation and neutralization systems was genotypespecific. The direcessive sapphire (a/a р/р) combination induced high levels of antioxidant enzymes’ activities as well as of thiobarbituric acid-reactive products (TBА-RPs), characterizing lipid peroxidation level. In heart tissue, coat color mutations exerted modulating effects on both RO S generation and the level of low-molecular-weight antioxidants. The royal pastel (b/b) genotype showed the highest level of RO S generation, and the sapphire (a/a р/р), the lowest (statistically significant difference from standard). Coat color mutations modulate the dintensity of RO S generation and neutralization in lung tissue. On the one hand, royal pastel (b/b) in comparison with standard dark brown (+/+) decreases the total level of RO S generation, and on the other hand, it increases the level of generation of superoxide anion-radicals. Cluster analysis, presented in a combined dendrogram, showed that royal pastel (b/b) and sapphire (a/a р/р) minks, the farthest from standard (+/+), had the greatest modulating effects. It is reasonable to suggest that such effects contributed to the genetic plasticity of American mink in the course of colonization of North America and then during mink introduction in Northern Eurasia and South America

    Lenticular galaxies with UV-rings

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    By using the public UV imaging data obtained by the GALEX (Galaxy Ultraviolet Explorer) for nearby galaxies, we have compiled a list of lenticular galaxies possessing ultraviolet rings - starforming regions tightly confined to particular radial distances from galactic centers. We have studied large-scale structure of these galaxies in the optical bands by using the data of the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey): we have decomposed the galactic images into large-scale disks and bulges, have measured the ring optical colours from the residual images after subtracting model disks and bulges, and have compared the sizes of the rings in the optical light and in the UV-band. The probable origin of the outer starforming ring appearances in unbarred galaxies demonstrating otherwise the regular structure and homogeneously old stellar population beyond the rings is discussed.Comment: 9 pages plus one big colour figure in the Appendix; the slightly expanded version of the paper accepted to Astronomy Letter