19 research outputs found


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    Communication skills are essential for students, where is communication skills is an abilityfor extending message exactly to others and students be able to perform in front of public. Infact thatthere is a student who tends to have less verbal, fail to express thoughts and ideas in his mind, getanxious on public speaking, feel heart beats very fast and perspire just before starting a speech, afeeling of helplessness building up when speaking on public speaking. This study aims to know therelationship between communication skills with public speaking anxiety. Correlation Productmoment analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between skills communication andpublic speaking anxiety r = -0,785 0,01. The result showed that there was a negative correlationalbetween skills communication with public speaking anxiety. It means the higher students skillscommunication then their public speaking anxiety level becomes lower and contrary, lower studentsskills communication then their public speaking anxiety level become higher


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    BK teachers have a very big role in providing an understanding of the different characteristics of students, which includes intelligence. Therefore, researchers feel the need to conduct research on student's perceptions about information intelligence test results through information services by BK teacher in high school Adabiah Padang. This study aimed descriptive form to describe the perceptions of students about information intelligence test results through information services by BK teacher. The population of this study were all high school students of class XI Adabiah Padang. Data collection tool was a questionnaire that reveals student's perceptions about information intelligence test results through information services by BK teacher, then the collected data were analyzed by using percentages. The findings of the study revealed that student's perceptions about information intelligence test results through information services by BK teachers belong to the category quite well. Based on the findings of the study suggested, should be able to provide more intensive information on the results of intelligence test, especially to students who do not understand the benefits and follow-up of intelligence test results obtained

    Konsep Diri dan Masalah yang Dialami Orang Terinfeksi HIV/Aids

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    Abstrak this research early from fact that growing of patient of HIV aids specially in West Sumatra. Natural Patient of dread, stress, depresi, soul convulsion, and discrimination of stigmatisasi. Here in after the situation will pursue development of self concept of odha positively causing low feeling of self, feel worthless self and show wrong behaviour. This research is descriptive research with aim to express self concept and natural by dominant problems of odha

    Karakteristik Anak Bungsu

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    Each child in the birth order has advantages and disadvantages, but the most often attracts attention in the family is the youngest child. The phenomenon found in the presence of younger children who lack the motivation of achievement, less independent, likes to seek the attention of others, and difficult to adapt in new environment and lack of willingness in taking responsibility. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative. Research subjects of all youngest children at Junior High School totaling 107 people. The results reveal that, (1) independence is generally in the category of less good; (2) adaptation in school is generally in very good category; (3) achievement motivation is generally in the less good category; and (4) responsibility in learning is generally in the good category

    Tingkat Kecanduan Internet pada Remaja Awal

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    This study shows that there are students who have an Internet addiction. Addictions possessed by students will certainly have a negative impact on self, social relationships and learning outcomes. This study aims to describe: 1) The level of Internet addiction in general 2) The core symptoms of Internet addiction in early adolescents 3) Problems related to Internet addiction in early adolescence. Quantitative research method with the quantitative descriptive approach. The population of this study is 596 students of SMA N 7 Padang and a sample of 240 students selected by proportional random sampling technique. The results revealed: 1) The rate of internet addiction in early adolescence is generally mostly in the moderate category with a percentage of 50%, 2) The core symptoms of Internet addiction in early adolescence are mostly in the high category with a percentage of 43%, consisting of indicators of compulsive symptoms, withdrawal symptoms and tolerance symptoms. 3) Internet-related addiction problems in early adolescence were mostly in the moderate category with a 49% percentage consisting of two interpersonal indicators & health problems and time management problems

    Kreativitas Siswa dan Upaya Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling/Konselor dalam Pengembangannya

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    Creativity is a person's ability to create something new. Creativity of students need to be cultivated by all of their environment, such as their parents, teacher’s subjects, or guidance and  counseling teacher. This research aims to describe the creativity of the students in SMPN 2 Padang, and describe the efforts to be made by the teacher guidance and counseling in developing the creativity of students. The type of this research is the research of combinations (Mixed method), the populations of this research are 536 people, with 88  samples using proportional random sampling technique. The source of this data research is from primary data collected by using paper test to appereance the creativity (AUKREF) and interviews with the guidance and counseling teachers. The results of this research are: (1) The creativity level of the students are in good category (71.6%) with the average score of student is 54.34. (2) The efforts made by guidance and counseling in developing students' creativity is to create a sense of safe to the students, recognizing the advantages of students creative, strategies or tips in favor of the students to be more creative, to help student who has the creativity to understanding their differences with the other children, give opportunities for creative students to communicate ideas, and provide guidance and counseling services in developing students' creativity. Based on these findings, it hopefully the guidance and counseling teacher can optimize guidance and counseling services in developing students' creativity at SMPN 2 Padang

    Perbedaan Perilaku Agresif Siswa Laki-Laki dan Siswa Perempuan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan uuntuk mendeskripsikan perilaku agresif siswa laki-laki, mendeskripsikan perilaku agresif siswa perempuan, dan mengidentifikasi apakah terdapat perbedaan perilaku agresif siswa Laki-laki dan siswa Perempuan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan komparatif, dengan sampel 78 orang siswa, pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala perilaku agresif. Analisis deskriptif menggunakan rumus persentase untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan perilaku agresif siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan menggunakan uji-t dengan bantuan melalui program SPSS for windows release 20. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) perilaku agresif siswa laki-laki pada umumnya berada pada ketegori sedang (38%) (2) perilaku agresif siswa perempuan pada umumnya berada pada kategori rendah (36%) (3) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara perilaku agresif siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan dengan signifikansi 0.470. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlu pelayanan konseling untuk mengurangi dan mengatasi perilaku agresif siswa secara keseluruhan dan juga sesuai karakteristik masing-masing siswa berdasarkan jenis kelami

    Hubungan Body Image dengan Kepercayaan Diri Remaja Putri

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    Abstract: This study aims to describe the condition of teenage girl’s self-confidence and body image and to identify the relationship between teenage girl's body image with self confidence. This descriptive and correlation study using 77 teenage girls as sample. Sampling technique used stratified random sampling technique. The research used instrument  Zila & Ifdil Kepercayaan Diri Inventori and Zila & Ifdil Body Images Inventory. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique and correlational analysis. The findings reveal that teenager girl's self confidence is generally in the medium category, teenage girl's body image is generally in the neutral category, and there is a significant relationship between teenage girl's body image and their self confidence. Teenage girl’s body images and their self confidence are important to be increased and developed by counselor, for their better life towards Indonesian golden generation.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi kepercayaan diri dan body image remaja putri serta mengindentifikasi hubungan antara body image dengan kepercayaan diri remaja putri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dan korelasional dengan sampel 77 remaja putri. Teknik sampling menggunakan stratified random sampling technique. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrument Zila & Ifdil Kepercayaan Diri Inventori dan Zila & Ifdil Body Images Inventory. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis korelasional. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa kondisi kepercayaan diri remaja putri pada umumnya berada pada kategori sedang, kondisi body image remaja putri pada umumnya berada pada kategori netral, dan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara body image dengan kepercayaan diri remaja putri. Perlu upaya untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kepercayaan diri dan body image remaja putri oleh konselor untuk kehidupan mereka yang semakin optimal menuju generasi emas Indonesia.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v2i32017p10

    Pengolahan Alat Ungkap Masalah (AUM) dengan Menggunakan Komputer Bagi Konselor

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    Kehadiran teknologi informasi dewasa ini memberikan tantangan bagi para konselor untuk ikut berperan serta dan menguasainya. Sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan penyelenggaraan konseling tidak hanya dilakukan secara face-face dalam satu ruang tertutup, namun bisa dilakukan melalui format jarak jauh. Konselor menggunakan media informasi sebagai alat bantu dalam menjalankan tugasnya, yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan istilah Pelayanan e-konseling. Wujud nyata aplikasi dari e-konseling adalah dengan bermunculannya pelayanan konseling secara online, melalui situs-situs penyedia layanan konseling online, atau yang lebih sederhana konseling yang dilakukan melalui telpon, hand phone dan/atau melalui email pribadi dan beberapa program aplikasi untuk chatting seperti skype, yahoo Mesegger dan sebagainya. Juga pemanfaatan program aplikasi lainnya yang mendukung penyelenggaraan tugas para konselor, seperti lahirnya program aplikasi pengolahan Alat Ungkap Masalah (AUM). Konselor sekolah selama ini melakukan pengadministrasian AUM dan melakukan pengolahan secara manual, sehingga memakan tenaga yang besar dan waktu yang tidak efisien. Untuk membantu para konselor akhirnya Tim Pengembang Instrumen atas izin tim pengusun instrument AUM berinisiatif untuk mengembangkan sebuah program aplikasi AUM dengan basis program Microsoft Acces, Teknologi e-konseling pada program ini memungkinkan menampilkan lebih banyak lagi informasi berkenaan dengan masalah-masalah responden, dalam hal ini terutama siswa yang nantinya dapat dijadikan alat bantu bagi konselor dalam menjalankan tugas profesionalnya. Kegiatan pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan serupa yang juga sudah dilakukan di kabupaten/kota lain di propinsi Sumatera Barat, dan dalam perencanaannya akan dilakukan pada semua kabupaten/kota yang ada di Sumatera Barat, sehingga pengetahuan dan penguasaan ketrampilan dapat ditingkatkan