851 research outputs found

    Kansalliskirjasto ja digitaaliset lähdeaineistot

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    Kansalliskirjasto on rakentanut digitaalisiin aineistoihin liittyviä palveluita jo puolentoista vuosikymmenen ajan. Kirjaston kokoelmat sisältävät sekä digitaalisena syntyneitä että painetusta formaatista digitoituja aineistoja. Osa digitaalisista kokoelmista on vapaasti käytettävissä verkon kautta, osa rajoitetusti vapaakappalekirjastojen tiloissa. Suomalaisen historiantutkimuksen piirissä digitaalisiin aineistoihin liittyvistä kysymyksistä on toistaiseksi keskusteltu melko vähän. Vaikka suomalaisten muistiorganisaatiot eli kirjastot, arkistot ja museot ovat rajallisten resurssien vuoksi voineet rakentaa digitaalisia palveluita toivottua hitaammin, työ on kuitenkin ollut käynnissä jo pitkään. Etenkin digitaalisen aikakauden lähdeaineistojen tallentamisella alkaa olla jo kiire.Non peer reviewe

    Measuring Open Access in Finland

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    Poster at the 12 Munin Conference, November 22, 2017, in Troms

    Quantitative assessment of the equine hoof using digital radiography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Evaluation of laminitis cases relies on radiographic measurements of the equine foot. Reference values have not been established for all layers of the foot. To establish normal hoof wall and sole measurements using digital radiography (DR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to document tissue components present in the dorsal hoof wall and solar layers seen on DR. Prospective observational case–control study. Digital radiography and MRI were performed on 50 cadaver front feet from 25 horses subjected to euthanasia for nonlameness-related reasons. Four observers measured hoof wall (dorsal, lateral and medial) and sole thickness (sagittal, lateral and medial) using DR and magnetic resonance images. One observer repeated the measurements 3 times. Inter- and intraobserver correlation was assessed. Digital radiography and MRI measurements for the normal hoof wall and sole were established. Inter- and intraobserver pairwise Pearson’s correlation for DR (r>0.98) and MRI measurements (r>0.99) was excellent. Based on MRI, the less radiopaque layer on DR is comprised of the stratum lamellatum and stratum reticulare. Normal DR and MRI measurements for the hoof wall and sole were established. On DR images, the less radiopaque layer of the foot observed corresponds to the critical tissues injured in laminitis, the strata lamellatum and reticulare. These reference measurements may be used by the clinician to detect soft-tissue changes in the laminitic equine foot and provide a foundation for future research determining changes in these measurements in horses with laminitis


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika materi bangun ruang masih rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada pembelajaran matematika tersebut guru masih menjadi pusat pembelajaran, siswa hanya mendengarkan ceramah yang diberikan guru, akibatnya siswa merasa jenuh dan bosan saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Penelitian ini dirumuskan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yaitu bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika dengan menerapkan model SAVI dan memperoleh gambaran bagaimana hasil belajar siswa dengan menerapkan model SAVI. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika dengan menerapkan model SAVI dan memperoleh gambaran hasil belajar siswa dengan menerapkan model SAVI. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas menurut Kemmis dan Mc.Taggart (1999, hlm. 13). Subyek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas V B yang berjumlah 36 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan lebar observasi, lembar catatan lapangan dan tes. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan beberapa hasil sebagai berikut: Pelaksanaan model SAVI pada siklus I masih terdapat kekurangan karena kurangnya manejemen waktu oleh guru sehingga tahap penampilan hasil tidak terlaksana, sedangkan pada siklus II pelaksanaan model SAVI sudah baik, dilihat dari kinerja guru dan terlaksananya pembelajaran sesuai dengan perencanaan. Untuk hasil belajar siklus I rata-rata kelas diperoleh sebesar (63%), siklus II rata-rata kelas yang diperoleh (93%). Dari hasil di atas, penerapan model SAVI pada pembelajaran Matematika pokok bahasan Jaring-Jaring Bangun Ruang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. ;---This research is motivated by the results of student learning in mathematics geometry material remains low. This is because the math learning the teacher is still a center of learning, the students just listen to lectures given teacher, consequently students feel tired and bored during the learning process takes place. This study was formulated to answer the research question is how the implementation of learning mathematics by applying the model SAVI and get a picture of how the results of student learning by applying the model SAVI. The purpose of this study to obtain an overview of the implementastion of mathematics learning by applying the model SAVI and get a picture of student learning outcomes by apllying the model SAVI. The method used in this research is a classroom action research by Kemmis and Mc.Taggart (1999, p. 13). The research subjects are students of class V B of the 36 people. The data collection is done with wide observation, field notes and test sheets. Based on research conducted found some results as follows: The implementation of the model SAVI in the first cycle there is still a shortage due to lack of the management of time by teachers that stage the appearance of the results did not materialize, whereas in the second cycle model execution SAVI has been excellent, judging from the performance of teachers and the implementation of learning according with planning. For the study the first cycle the average grade obtained by (63%), the second cycle the average grade obtained (93%). From the above results, the application of the model on learning Mathematics SAVI subject of Web of Build Space can improve student learning outcomes

    OKM:n tiedonkeruun avoin saatavuus -tieto

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    Selvitys on julkaistu myös Avoin tiede ja tutkimus -hankkeen vaikuttavuusselvitystyöryhmän raportin liitteenä


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh pembelajaran kemampuan motorik halus yang di berikan guru kurang menarik dan kurang nya kreatifitas guru dalam mengembangkan kemampuan motorik halus anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan kemampuan motorik halus pada anak Kelompok A di Tk Negeri Assalim Desa Ciodeng Kec. Sindang Resmi Kab. Pandeglang yang berjumlah 16 orang anak, dengan penggunaan media mozaik berbahan alam.Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yaitu bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peristiwa, fenomena, dan sikap suatu kelompok. Penelitian ini di laksanakan selama 2 kali pertemuan. Pengumpulan data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan mengumpulkan hasil observasi pembelajaran, hasil observasi perkembangan motorik halus anak, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Dari jumlah 16 orang anak peneliti hanya mengobservasi terhadap 6 orang anak saja di antaranya yang memiliki perkembangan tinggi, sedang, rendah. Hasil dari penelitian ini tentang pembelajaran penggunaan media mozaik berbahan alam untuk mengembangkan kemampuan motorik halus anak yang di berikan guru telah di sesuai kan dengan tema dan sub tema yang ada di sekolah.. Pembelajaran penggunaan media mozaik berbahan alam ini sudah dapat mengembangkan kemapuan motorik halus pada anak kelompok A di Tk Negei Assalim. Dengan demikian penggunaan media mozaik berbahan alam mampu mengembangkan kemampuan motorik halus anak

    Looking for commitment : Finnish open access journals, infrastructure and funding

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    Most of the 100+ Finnish scholarly journals are published by small learned societies. Since 2015, the National Library of Finland and the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies have been working on a joint project which aims to provide the journals with the support they need for making a transition to open access. The project has launched an OJS-based shared publication platform (Journal.fi), which is already used by 50 journals. It has also been developing a new funding model for the journals. Since the subscription and licensing costs paid by the research libraries for these journals have been very small, it is not possible to simply use these funds to pay for open access. Instead, the project has been working on a consortium-based model, under which the Finnish research organizations and funders would commit themselves to providing long-term funding to the journals. In return, the journals would pledge to follow strict standards in openness, licensing, peer review and infrastructure.Peer reviewe