105 research outputs found

    Konsep umum manajemen organisasi: justifikasi berdasarkan perspektif spiritual

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang konsep umum manajemen organisasi yang dijastifikasi berdasarkan pendekatan spiritual. Umumnya, organisasi apapun selalu mempunyai tujuan. Idealnya, tujuan tidak hanya dalam bentuk materil, tetapi juga secara moril dan spiritual dalam rangka menwujudkan kemaslahatan hidup yang hakiki. Tujuan organisasi dicapai dengan mengelola organisasi melalui proses pelaksanakan fungsi-fungsi manajemen antara lain: inspirasi, perencanaan, peng-organisasian, penentuan staf, koordinasi, dan pengawasan. Fungsi-fungsi manajemen diterapkan dengan prinsip efektif dan efisien terhadap sumberdaya organisasi yang tersedia, agar tujuan organisasi dapat benar-benar terwujud dan berhasil secara nyata sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Konsep umum manajemen organisasi ini dilakukan dalam manajemen strategi dengan tahapan: formulasi startegi, implementasi strategi, dan evaluasi strategi

    Peran sikap mental kepemimpinan strategis menuju kinerja organisasi

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    Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk membahas peran sikap mental kepemimpinan strategis terhadap kinerja organisasi, terutama dalam bisnis. Sikap mental atau ketulusan perilaku kepemimpinan dalam perspektif bawahan dapat menentukan sikap mental bawahan. Perilaku kepemimpinan tidak lepas dari saling percaya antara pemimpin dan bawahan. Sikap mental yang terkendali dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan meningkatkan kualitas manajemen dan kinerja organisasi

    Islam Sebagai Landasan Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi

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    "> Basically there are two paradigms of Islam in science and technology development. First, making aqeedah of Islam as the science paradigm. This paradigm should be owned for the Moslem, not the secular paradigm as it is now. The paradigm of Islam states that aqeedah of Islam is an obligation to be the thought base (qa\u27idah fikriyah) for all the science building. It does not mean that aqeedah of Islam as the source of any science, but as the standard for all the science. Second, making the syariah value (which is born from the aqeedah of Islam) as the standard for the science and technology utilization in daily lives. This standard or criteria should be used for the Moslem, not the utility standard (pragmatism/utilitarianism) as it is now. The syariah standard manages, that it may whether or not the using of the science and technology utilization, be based on the halal-haram requirement (laws of Islam syariah)

    Konsep umum manajemen organisasi: justifikasi berdasarkan perspektif spiritual

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang konsep umum manajemen organisasi yang dijastifikasi berdasarkan pendekatan spiritual. Umumnya, organisasi apapun selalu mempunyai tujuan. Idealnya, tujuan tidak hanya dalam bentuk materil, tetapi juga secara moril dan spiritual dalam rangka menwujudkan kemaslahatan hidup yang hakiki. Tujuan organisasi dicapai dengan mengelola organisasi melalui proses pelaksanakan fungsi-fungsi manajemen antara lain: inspirasi, perencanaan, peng-organisasian, penentuan staf, koordinasi, dan pengawasan. Fungsi-fungsi manajemen diterapkan dengan prinsip efektif dan efisien terhadap sumberdaya organisasi yang tersedia, agar tujuan organisasi dapat benar-benar terwujud dan berhasil secara nyata sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Konsep umum manajemen organisasi ini dilakukan dalam manajemen strategi dengan tahapan: formulasi startegi, implementasi strategi, dan evaluasi strategi


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    The aim of this article is to discuss the role of leadership and organizational culture in implementing business strategy. Leader attributes and behaviors is influenced by societal culture norms. Leader attributes dan behaviors can be influenced by organizational environment, size of organization, and technology. Leader attributes and behaviors can determine organizational form and organizational culture, and vice versa.Keyword: Leader attributes and behaviors, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Societal culture norm


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    "> Basically there are two paradigms of Islam in science and technology development. First, making aqeedah of Islam as the science paradigm. This paradigm should be owned for the Moslem, not the secular paradigm as it is now. The paradigm of Islam states that aqeedah of Islam is an obligation to be the thought base (qa’idah fikriyah) for all the science building. It does not mean that aqeedah of Islam as the source of any science, but as the standard for all the science. Second, making the syariah value (which is born from the aqeedah of Islam) as the standard for the science and technology utilization in daily lives. This standard or criteria should be used for the Moslem, not the utility standard (pragmatism/utilitarianism) as it is now. The syariah standard manages, that it may whether or not the using of the science and technology utilization, be based on the halal-haram requirement (laws of Islam syariah)


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    This study aims to determine the effect of workload and motivation on employee satisfaction and performance (a study in the employees of PT Gema Soerya Samodra). With good quality human resources, it is hoped that the company's performance will be better and optimal. But of course, to achieve optimal performance, we often encounter various obstacles so that sometimes the desired results are not achieved. The population in this study were employees of PT Gema Soerya Samodra, the sample in this study were 40 employees. Methods of data collection are carried out by distributing questionnaires or questionnaires to respondents who become the research sample. This study uses data analysis tools, namely the validity and reliability tests, so this study uses the partial least square (PLS) analysis method. The tools used in data processing use the PLS Smart program. The results show that 1)Workload positive and significant effect on satisfaction, 2) Motivation positive and significant effect on satisfaction, 3) Workload positive and significant effect on performance, 4) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance, 5) satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on performance. Keywords: Workload, Satisfaction, Motivation, Performance


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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership, compensation, communication, and work environment on employee performance through organizational commitment as a banking intervention variable. IBM AMOS 23 was used to analyze the pattern of causality between variables. This research uses survey research methods. The population in this study were all staff at the Bank Kaltimtara Syariah Samarinda Branch in East Kalimantan. The number of research samples is determined by 250 respondents. The result of the research is that there is a significant direct and positive influence of leadership on employee performance. There is no significant negative direct effect of compensation on employee performance. There is a significant direct and positive effect of communication on employee performance. There is a significant direct and positive effect of the work environment on employee performance. There is a significant direct and positive effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of leadership on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant direct and positive effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of leadership on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant direct and positive effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of leadership on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. Keywords: Leadership, compensation, communication, work environment, organizational commitment and employee performanc

    Antecedents of Motivation and Employee Performance in Samarinda's Class IIA Women's Correctional Institutions

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    This study aims to understand and analyze the impact of organizational learning, work environment, education and training, and work motivation on the performance of employees at The Women's Correctional Institutions Class IIA in Samarinda. The author's data analysis method is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Multivariate analysis using the Smart PLS program is used to test hypotheses. Data analysis using partial Least Squares (PLS) is carried out in two stages: To begin, evaluate the outer and measurement models. Second, evaluate the inner model, also known as the structural model. The findings revealed that organizational culture positively influences work motivation; however, organizational learning has no significant effect on work motivation. The work environment positively influences work motivation; additionally, the work environment significantly influences work motivation. Education and training positively affect work motivation; however, education and training have no significant effect on work motivation. Organizational culture positively influences employee performance; however, organizational learning does not significantly impact employee performance. The work environment positively influences employee performance; however, it can also be seen that the work environment has no significant effect on employee performance. Education and training have a negative impact on employee performance; however, education and training have no significant impact on employee performance. Work motivation has a positive influence on employee performance; additionally, work motivation significantly influences employee performance

    Pengaruh Etika Bisnis dan Lingkungan Bisnis Terhadap Kinerja Bisnis Pedagang Muslim Pasar Rahmat Kota Samarinda

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    Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui pengaruh etika bisnis terhadap kinerja bisnis pedagang muslim Pasar Rahmat Kota Samarinda dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan bisnis terhadap kinerja bisnis pedagang muslim Pasar Rahmat Kota Samarinda. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda dengan menggunakan alat bantu pengolah data SPSS 25. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dengan jumlah sample dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 48 responden yang merupakan pedagang muslim yang sesuai dengan kriteria. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel etika bisnis (X1) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja bisnis pedagang muslim Pasar Rahmat Kota Samarinda; Variabel lingkungan bisnis (X1) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja bisnis pedagang muslim Pasar Rahmat Kota Samarinda
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