6 research outputs found

    Determining impact of digitalization on the potential-forming space of regions in the context of sustainable development

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    The economic essence of digitalization of economic systems is investigated in the article. The challenges of digitalization of the economy of the regions include: the need for consistency of the dynamics of digitalization with economic and legal principles and institutional transformations; digital infrastructure development; intellectualization and digital literacy of the population; access to information and communication innovations. Guidelines for digitalization of the economy of the regions allow to ensure the following results: acceleration of economic business processes and innovative development; increasing the openness and accessibility of knowledge, information, communications; reduction of time and cost in production processes, sales and product promotion; formation of information databases for managing large data sets and accelerating the exchange of information; transformation of economic relations and adaptability to the demands of society. The implementation of the described goals and projects of digitalization of the regions requires the activation of economic potential, as well as the transformation of the institutional environment of the region. Economic factors and tendencies of digital activity of the population of the region are described. Promising areas have been identified to further stimulate the implementation of programs and projects to digitize regions and increase their investment attractiveness to attract financial support

    Managing the sustainability of economic system as the basis of investment development in Ukraine

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    Nowadays, studying the categories of “economic sustainability”, “economic sustainability management” and the peculiarities of these concepts is especially relevant. Their use would provide an opportunity to ensure the sustainable and most effective functioning of the subject of economic relations in the current period of time, as well as to create a high potential for its development and ensuring the conditions for investing capital in the Ukrainian economy. All this determined the purpose of this study, which consists in the analysis of the theory and essence of the economic sustainability concept, the interpretation of the concept of “economic sustainability of the system” and the concept of “management of economic sustainability of the system”, distinguishing factors affecting the sustainability of the Ukrainian economic system, determining the relationship of economic sustainability with economic security, investing as well as forecasting the level of the Ukrainian economy sustainability based on the innovative modeling methods. The object of the research is to develop the theory of the “economic sustainability” concept and to determine the level of economic sustainability of the economy aimed at raising the investment climate in Ukraine. To ensure the development, security and investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy, an organizational structure of the management model for the sustainability of the Ukrainian economic system was developed using the developed economic and mathematical model


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    Мета дослідження полягає у вивченні концептуальних основ розвитку регіональної інфраструктури на основі встановлення закономірностей її територіальної організації. І хоча інфраструктурна тематика представлена значною кількістю публікацій і дисертаційних досліджень із явно вираженим кількісним зростанням в останнє десятиліття, у тематичній структурі переважають галузеві дослідження й відсутні фундаментальні наукові розробки по регіональній інфраструктурі.Цель исследования состоит в изучении концептуальных основ развития региональной инфраструктуры на основе установления закономерностей ее территориальной организации. И хотя инфраструктурная тематика представлена значительным количеством публикаций и диссертационных исследований с явно выраженным количественным ростом в последнее десятилетие, в тематической структуре преобладают отраслевые исследования и отсутствуют фундаментальные научные разработки по региональной инфраструктуре.The purpose is to explore the conceptual foundations of the development of regional infrastructure through the establishment of laws of its territorial organization. Although infrastructure themes represented by a significant number of publications and dissertations containing explicit quantitative growth in the last decade, industry research is dominated in a thematic structure, and there are no fundamental scientific research on regional infrastructure issues

    Economic Loss Estimation in the Context of Country’s Economy

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    The economic decline in the period of economic downturn affects social and economic development of the country’s regions. In this paper economic loss incurred is understand as amount of forgone income in the period of economic downturn. The presented methodology allows to objectively access economic losses and to identify which country or region suffered most from the economic crisis. The methodology presented in the paper is based on the dynamics of actual economic indicator - GDP change

    Lietuvos ir Ukrainos regioninės politikos transformacijos

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    After analyzing the transformations in Lithuanian and Ukrainian economy, the integrated regional policies effect to regional differences development evaluation methodology was prepared, which is designed to link regional developments with regional policies. The purpose of the article is to present a common Lithuanian – Ukrainian assessment methodology developed in the scientific study, which ensures the objectivity and applicability to solve regional development issues. Summarizing the variety of development level indicators in the scientific literature and experience of Lithuania and Ukraine, four main groups of indicators are identified in this paper that accurately describe the socio-economic situation: demographic, social and economic development and labor market, assessed region's transportation systems and social and tourism availability, compared public infrastructure and services development indicators. Analysis of scientific literature, Lithuanian and Ukrainian experience, statistical data analysis, and expert evaluations carried out in both countries created a joint region competitiveness evaluation system. Performed evaluation of expert opinion consensus enabled to select the indicators of region's development level evaluation and their combinations, which are necessary to carry out inter-regional comparisons. The article also contains structure graph, dedicated to indicate the consistency in the execution of the evaluation process and opportunities of use of research data analysis methods to implemented regional policies development impact to region development deficiencies calculation.The findings of the article show that the effects of implemented measures of regional policy can be evaluated only in a few years by adding investment in business, human resources, infrastructure development, but it must be done periodically to monitor regional social - economic development processes and the effectiveness of regional policy changes


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    In the modern globalized world, the issue of ensuring the economic security in countries and sectors as the primary task of protection the national interests from different kinds of threats is par-ticularly relevant. The aim of the research is to develop tools for ensuring the economic security of agrarian sector. The object is the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The period under review is 2012–2017 years. The basis of the study is the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. To evaluation the economic security indexes are used: gross domestic product; labor productivity in the agricultural sector. The ensuring the economic security of the agrarian sector requires the creation of such mech-anisms and instruments, which will assure an active investment and innovations activities, growth of production of competitive products, cost-effective operation of enterprises. The research offers a mechanism to ensure the economic security of the agricultural sector, which consists of the following units: information and analytical unit; regulatory influence unit; unit of counteraction to threats and control unit. Also, the relationship between these units in the structure of factors influencing the de-velopment of the agricultural sector has been established.Siekiant užtikrinti nacionalinių interesų apsaugą šiuolaikiniame globaliame pasaulyje, aktualu stiprinti ekonominį visos šalies ir atskirų sektorių.saugumą. Šio tyrimo tikslas – suponuoti ekonominio saugumo stiprinimo įrankius Ukrainos agrariniame sektoriuje. Tyrimas remiasi Nacionalinei Ukrainos statistikos valdybai 2012–2017 m. pateiktais duomenimis ir analizuojami bendrojo vidaus produkto ir darbo našumo agrariniame sektoriuje ekonominio saugumo indeksai. Pateikiamas agrarinio sektoriaus ekonominį saugumą palaikantis mechanizmas, susidedantis iš šių segmentų: informacinio analitinio, įtakos reguliavimo, grėsmių poveikio stabilizavimo ir kontrolės segmentų. Numatyta ir šių segmentų svarba bei sąveika su kitais Ukrainos agrarinio sektoriaus saugumą lemiančiais faktoriais