293 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Containment Measures at Childcare and Schools in 19 European Countries:An Observational Study on Local, Federal and National Policies

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    Objectives: After childcare and schools have been closed in March 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID-19, they were open again in most European countries after the summer holidays till early autumn. Aim of this study is to give an overview and to compare COVID-19 childcare and school containment policies in 19 European countries. Methods: We collected data on containment measures among delegates of the European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP), through an online, closed questionnaire in the second half of October 2020. Results: Most policy has been formulated for secondary education. In all three settings policy was most often formulated for individual hygiene, cleaning of surfaces, exclusion of sick children, ventilation, distance between children and between children and teachers. In secondary schools, policy is formulated on face masks in and outside the class. School closure, cancellation of physical education and class size reduction are measures for which the fewest countries have formulated national policies. Conclusion: We recommend to accompany the opening of children’s facilities and schools by surveillance studies that further clarify questions about control measures implemented to halt COVID-19 pandemic

    Etude du comportement paramagnétique des actinides (IV) (Th, U, Np et Pu) en solution en présence de ligands

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    International audienceLa spectroscopie RMN est une technique capable de fournir des informations structurales sur des complexes métalliques en solution. Elle peut être appliquée à l’analyse de petites molécules en chimie organique, de protéines (macros molécules) en biologie mais aussi en chimie nucléaire avec la nucléarisation des spectromètres [1]. La présence d’un Actinide (An), avec des électrons 5f non appariés, génère une modification du spectre RMN (un élargissement et/ou une variation du déplacement chimique des pics) caractéristique du paramagnétisme du cation.Dans le cas des complexes paramagnétiques de LnIII^{III} (éléments 4ff), le déplacement chimique total ΔTOT\Delta _{TOT} est modélisé par l’équation de Bleaney (équations (a) et (b)) [2]. Il dépend du déplacement chimique paramagnétique induit δpara\delta _{para} qui peut être décomposé en deux contributions : un terme de contact δcont\delta _{cont} (délocalisation de l’électron ff sur l’atome donneur du ligand) et un terme dipolaire δdip\delta _{dip} (interaction entre le spin électronique et nucléaire à travers l’espace). A partir de ce dernier terme, on peut déduire des informations structurales en utilisant les constantes de Bleaney

    Automated Generation of High-Order Modes for Tests of Quasi-Optical Systems of Gyrotrons for W7-X Stellarator

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    A test system for the verification of the quasi-optical converter system is vital in the gyrotron development. For this reason, an automated measurement setup has been developed and is benchmarked with the TE28,8_{28,8} mode operating in the cavities of the gyrotrons of W7-X with a high purity of about 95 % and a counter-rotating amount of about 0.3 %. The time duration for the mode generator adjustment has been reduced to two days for this mode. After a successful mode excitation, the quasi-optical mode converter, consisting of a launcher and three mirrors, is measured having a vectorial Gaussian mode content of 97 %

    Experimental Testing of the European TH1509U 170-GHz 1-MW CW Industrial Gyrotron – Long Pulse Operation

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    The upgraded European 1-MW, 170-GHz continuous wave (CW) industrial prototype gyrotron (TH1509U) for electron cyclotron resonance heating and current drive in ITER was tested at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In this work, we report on the major achievements during the experimental campaigns that took place intermittently between October 2020 and July 2021. The upgraded gyrotron clearly surpassed the performance of the previous TH1509 tube. In particular, TH1509U delivered (i) 0.9 MW in 180 s pulses (maximum possible pulse length with the KIT test stand) and (ii) more than 1 MW at a pulse length limited to 40 s, due to an unforeseen problem with the test stand cooling circuit at that time. In addition, it was possible to also demonstrate gyrotron operation at (iii) 0.5 MW in 1600 s pulses. The experiments will be continued at the FALCON test stand at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

    Short-pulse frequency stabilization of a MW-class ECRH gyrotron at W7-X for CTS diagnostic

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    At the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, a 174 GHz Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) diagnostic will be implemented. One of the 140 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) gyrotrons will be operated at around 174 GHz in a higher cavity mode, using it as source for the CTS mm-wave probing beam. To prevent any damage to the CTS receiver, a notch filter cuts out the high-power gyrotron signal at the entrance of the receiver. The bandwidth of the gyrotron signal determines the notch filter bandwidth. First proof-of-principle experiments on frequency stabilization were conducted on W7-X ECRH gyrotrons employing Phase-Locked Loop techniques. The gyrotron output frequency was controlled with the accelerating voltage, which is applied between the anode and cathode of the gyrotron diode-type Magnetron Injection Gun. Frequency stabilization experiments with 10 ms pulses were conducted at the gyrotron nominal frequency of 140 GHz as well as at 174 GHz. It is concluded that the gyrotron frequency could be stabilized for at least 3 ms at 140 GHz and 8 ms at 174 GHz. In the frequency spectrum, a clear main peak of the gyrotron frequency at 140 GHz with a full -15 dB linewidth of below 500 Hz was achieved
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