333 research outputs found

    Classical biomass estimation methods and new approaches

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    Bu çalışmada, biyolojik enerji kaynaklarının temelini oluşturan ormanlardaki biyokütle miktarının belirlenmesinde kullanılan klasik yöntemler ile son yıllarda üzerinde birçok sayıda araştırma yapılan uzaktan algılama yöntemleri tanıtılmış ve bu yöntemlerin birbirlerine olan üstünlükleri tartışılmıştır. Özellikle orman alanlarındaki toplam biyokütle miktarının belirlenmesinde uzaktan algılama teknikleri ile yapılacak tahminlerin diğer yöntemlere göre daha pratik olduğu belirtilmiştir. Buna karşın tek ağaçlara ilişkin biyokütle tahmininde ise güvenirlik düzeyi diğer yöntemlerden daha düşüktür.In this study, classical methods used to estimate biomass of forest stands the base of biological energy resources, and remote sensing methods on which many study have been done recently were explained. Furthermore, these methods were compared. It was determined that remote sensing methods are more practical than the others. Although remote sensing methods are very useful to estimate total biomass of forest, the other methods are more useful and reliable to estimate individual tree biomass

    Evaluation of genotype x environment interactions in maize hybrids using GGE biplot analysis

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    Seventeen hybrid maize genotypes were evaluated at four different locations in 2005 and 2006 cropping seasonsunder irrigated conditions in Turkey. The analysis of variance showed that mean squares of environments (E), genotypes (G) andGE interactions (GEI) were highly significant and accounted for 74, 7 and 19 % of treatment combination sum squares, respectively.To determine the effects of GEI on grain yield, the data were subjected to the GGE biplot analysis. Maize hybrid G16 can be proposedas reliably growing in test locations for high grain yield. Also, only the Yenisehir location could be best representative of overalllocations for deciding about which experimental hybrids can be recommended for grain yield in this study. Consequently, using ofgrain yield per plant instead of grain yield per plot in hybrid maize breeding programs could be preferred by private companies dueto some advantages

    Land capability classification based on ecological properties of Tekirdag provinceTekirdağ ilinin ekolojik koşullarına göre arazi kabiliyet sınıflandırması

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    The lands on the earth are classified based on their capability to be used properly to ensure their planned and appropriate use and management. This assures an optimal use of lands. The studies conducted in Turkey so far have failed to provide a land capability classification that is appropriate to the conditions in Turkey and characterizes them adequately, which has resulted in land uses inappropriate to their capabilities and certain environmental problems. The studies carried out in recent years have make it clear that land capability classification made in line with ecological conditions is more reasonable and sustainable. This study aims to perform the land capability classification of Tekirdag province based on its ecological conditions. The study used Atalay’s method, which involves a land capability classification based on ecological conditions. In addition, thematic maps at various scales, different data, and socio-economic statistics were used. It was concluded that Tekirdag is located in a geographical area which embodies all land capability classes at various rates depending on its ecological conditions. It was found out that 80.7% of the land in Tekirdag province is appropriate to agriculture, but 19.3% is not appropriate to agriculture. The main reason for this is that the city is rich in natural environment components and convenient for a wide range of socio-economic activities. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetMekânın planlı ve elverişli bir biçimde kullanılması ve yönetilmesi için, yeryüzündeki araziler en müsait değerlendirilme imkânlarına göre kabiliyet sınıflarına ayrılmıştır. Böylece araziden optimum şekilde istifade edilmektedir. Türkiye’de günümüze kadar yapılmış çalışmalarda, ülke koşullarına münasip ve bu koşulları yeterince karakterize eden bir arazi kabiliyet sınıflandırması yapılamamıştır. Bu durum arazilerin kabiliyetlerine uygun olmayan kullanımlarına ve beraberinde de bir takım çevre sorunlarına sebep olmuştur. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar neticesinde ekolojik koşullara uygun bir şekilde gerçekleştirilen arazi yetenek sınıflandırmasının daha makbul ve sürdürülebilir olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Tekirdağ ilinin ekolojik koşullarına göre arazi kabiliyet sınıflandırmasının yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada ekolojik koşullara göre arazi kabiliyet sınıflandırmasını esas alan Atalay yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Ayrıca çeşitli ölçeklerdeki farklı tematik haritalar, değişik veriler ve sosyo-ekonomik istatistikler de kullanılmıştır. Sonuçta Tekirdağ ilinin ekolojik koşulları bakımından değişik oranlarda bütün arazi kabiliyet sınıflarının görüldüğü kritik bir coğrafi konumda yer aldığı anlaşılmıştır. İl topraklarının % 80,7’sinin tarıma uygunluk gösterirken, % 19,3’ünün tarıma uygun olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. İl arazisinin hem doğal çevre özellikleri yönüyle sunduğu zenginlik hem de çeşitli türden sosyo-ekonomik faaliyetlerin gerçekleştirilmesine elverişli ve uygun bir karakterde olması, bu durumun başlıca nedenidir

    Impact of local soil conditions on earthquake sensitivity in Erzincan city

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    Son yıllarda hızlı nüfus artışına bağlı olarak kentlerin kontrolsüz büyümeleri, yerel zemin koşulları bakımından uygunsuz alanlara doğru yönelmelerine neden olmuştur. Aynı zamanda kent merkezlerinde depreme duyarlı alanları eskiye göre arttıran bu durum, yaşanan depremlerin de kent depremi özelliği kazanmasına yol açmıştır. Bu yüzden günümüz kentlerinde, yerel zemin koşullarına dayalı deprem duyarlılık çalışmalarının yapılması zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. CBS (Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri) tekniklerinin bir araç olarak kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, Erzincan kentinde yerel zemin koşullarının deprem duyarlılığına etkisinin frekans oranı yöntemiyle analiz edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kentin kurulduğu alanın yerel zemin koşulları, deprem etkisinin kuvvetli bir şekilde hissedilmesine yol açmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında kentsel alandaki yerel zemin koşullarına bağlı olarak deprem duyarlılığının dağılımı ve nüfusa yönelik olası etkileri irdelenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda 95.596 (2015) kişinin yaşadığı Erzincan kentinin yüksek deprem duyarlılığına sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Deprem duyarlılığının en yüksek olduğu mahalleler, Atatürk, İnönü, Karaağaç, Kızılay ve Yenimahalle’dir. Olası bir deprem anında yerel zemin koşullarından kaynaklanabilecek hasar, deprem duyarlılığının orta derecede olduğu kent çevresindeki alanlarda daha az olacaktır. Bu nedenle yörenin deprem potansiyeli ve yerel zemin koşulları göz önünde bulundurularak yeni inşa edilecek binaların yapımında mevcut riskler göz önünde bulundurulmalı veya yapım yeri olarak deprem duyarlılığı daha düşük sahalar seçilmelidir. Özellikle yapı ile ilgili yönetmeliklere yapım ve kontrol aşamasında hassasiyetle uyulmalı ve gerekli görülmesi halinde zemin iyileştirmesi yapılmalıdır.In recent years, uncontrolled growth of cities as a result of rapid population rise has caused people to go towards inappropriate areas in terms of local soil conditions. At the same time, this situation, which increased the depression-sensitive areas in urban centers compared to the old ones, also caused the earthquakes to acquire the features of urban earthquakes. Thus, earthquake sensitivity studies based on local ground conditions have become a necessity for contemporary cities. Employing GIS (Geographic Information Systems) techniques, the present study aims to analyze the effect of the local soil conditions in Erzincan city on earthquake sensitivity through the frequency ratio method. Local soil conditions in the area where the city was established lead to a strong sense of earthquake effect. The study explores the distribution of earthquake sensitivity based on the local soil conditions in the urban area as well as its possible effects on the population. The results of this study show that Erzincan city, where 95,596 (2015) people live, has high earthquake sensitivity. The most sensitive districts to earthquake are Atatürk, İnönü, Karaağaç, Kızılay, and Yenimahalle. The damage that may result from local soil conditions in a possible instant of earthquake will be less in the areas surrounding the city where earthquake sensitivity is moderate. For this reason, considering the earthquake potential and local soil conditions, the existing risks should be taken into consideration in the construction of new buildings, or sites with a lower earthquake sensitivity should be chosen for construction. Especially, the regulations related to the building should be followed carefully in the construction and control stage and the ground improvement should be done if necessar

    Temperature variation on root surface with three root-end cavity preparation techniques

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    Introduction. Thermal changes can occur on the external root surface when root-end cavity preparation is performed, which may damage periodontal ligament cells and alveolar bone. Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temperature changes during preparation of the root-end cavities at 1 and 3 mm to the sectioned apical root surfaces when either tungsten carbide round bur, diamond round bur or ultrasonic diamond tip was used. Methods. Root-end resection was performed at 90° to the long axis of the root, 3 mm from the apex. Specimens were randomly divided into three groups of 12 teeth each for three different root-end cavity preparation techniques to be used, i.e. tungsten carbide bur, diamond bur and ultrasonic diamond retro tip. Thermocouples were used to measure temperature changes at 1 mm (T1) and 3 mm (T2) to the cutting plane during the preparations. Results. For T1, the lowest and the highest mean temperature increases of 3.53°C and 4.34°C were recorded for the carbide and diamond burs, respectively. For T2, the lowest and the highest mean temperature increases of 2.62°C and 4.39°C where recorded for the carbide and diamond burs, respectively. The mean temperatures with the ultrasonic tip were 3.68 and 3.04 ºC at T1 and T2 region, respectively. For root-end preparation, the ultrasonic preparation technique took the shortest preparation time (10.25 sec) and the diamond bur took the longest time (28.17 sec). Conclusion. Ultrasonic retro tips and burs caused temperature to rise from 2.62° to 4.39°C, and these rises were within safety levels

    Computational Approaches in 21st Century Architectural Design: Defining Digital Representation Methods

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    The studies on design and design methods increased towards the end of the twentieth century in industrialized societies, however, the act of design started to be carried out with different auxiliary tools. The digital and algorithmic structure behind the computer has begun to provide the designer with different possibilities outside of the traditional drawing environment. After this period, the queries and discussions on the content of the design, its components, the intellectual process of the designer, and similar issues gradually increased. Within this scope, new theories and methods have emerged. In today's design, especially with digital technologies, transformations in theory and practice in the design process have brought new methods with them. Architects and designers have now become design tool developers rather than using use of the design tool. Based on this, the assistive tools that determine the current architectural design style is aimed to be explored in this paper. The study contributes to the field by (i) exploring these tools and their latent features, (ii) assessing the pros and cons of these tools, and (iii) last, implementing these design tools on the case studies

    Books Received

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    WOS: 000324163700028In this study, estimation of narrow sense heritability, genetic correlations and relative effects of direct versus indirect selection were aimed for peduncle length, spike length, number of spikelet per spike and number of kernels per spike as selection was applied for shorter plant height in common wheat population of (Golia x Atilla-12) cross. While the indirect effect of direct selection for plant height was observed negative on number of kernels per spike, positive effect was obtained on peduncle length. It was understood that selection of peduncle length can be done indirectly through the selection for short plant height in the (Golia x Atilla-12), but while it had no effect on other components. Therefore, it was concluded that direct selection for short plant height can be done successfully, and on various selection practices and studies are necessary for the spike length, number of spikelet per spike and number of kernels per spike. (C) 2013 Friends Science Publisher

    Predictors of Self-Esteem in Physical Education: Self-Determination Perspective

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    This study aimed to explore the relationship between basic psychological needs, motivational regulations, and self-esteem in Turkish high school physical education environment. Nine hundred and fifty seven high school students (505 girls, 452 boys) were applied the questionnaire pack in physical education lessons. Students' general self-esteem, basic psychological needs and motivational regulations toward physical education were assessed. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis results revealed that Turkish high school students' autonomy, competence, and relatedness need satisfaction in physical education positively predicted students' global self-esteem. Physical education teachers were recommended to consider creating need supportive lesson environment for adolescents to enhance their optimal psychological functioning and well-being

    An x-band 6-bit active phase shifter

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    This paper presents a 6-bit active phase shifter using a new vector-sum method for X-band (8-12 GHz) phased arrays in 0.13 mu m SiGe BiCMOS process. An RC filter is used to generate two orthogonal vectors which are then fed into four VGAs, two using the common-base and two using the common-emitter topology. This generates 4 vectors of 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 270 degrees which are scaled and added by varying the gains of the VGAs to generate any phase between 0-360 degrees. The gains of the VGAs are adjusted with analog voltage control using the current-steering method. The outputs of the VGAs are connected together with a common load in order to add the vectors in current-domain. The phase shifter achieves < 5.6 degrees RMS phase error over 8-12 GHz and < 3.1 degrees RMS phase error over 9-11 GHz. The phase shifter has a power consumption of 16.6 mW from a 2V supply. The chip size is 850 mu m x 532 mu m including the probing pads. These performance parameters are comparable with the state of the art of the technology in literature

    Co-existence of cecal volvulus with situs inversus totalis: A case report

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    AbstractDetorsion, cecopexy, cecostomy and tube cecostomy are the treatment options for acute cecal volvulus if there is no intestinal ischemia. Resection required if intestinal viability, necrosis, gangrene or perforation exists. After resection, primary anastomosis or ileostomy can be performed. First colonoscopic decompression testing may be appropriate in terms of saving time for elective surgery. The co-existance of situs inversus totalis with cecal volvulus may cause uncertainty of the definite diagnosis and delay of surgical procedure. This is a case report about cecal volvulus together with situs inversus totalis